
  • Dr. Sylvia Earle is a National Geographic Society Resident Explorer, Oceanographer, Author, Lecturer, and “Oceandiver”. She was awarded “Her Deepness” by the New York Times magazine for her amazing underwater expeditions. In September 1979, Dr. Earle set the world record for untethered diving. In 1990-1992, she became the first woman to serve as the Chief Scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). And in 1998 she became the first female resident explorer at the National Geographic Society. Dr. Earle’s achievements are truly beyond counting, however one of her most notable contributions was helping others become aware of the importance of the ocean to earth and everything in it, including us.

    This week, Dr. Earle shares her interesting action-packed journey in the deepest, darkest, and coldests part of the world- the ocean. She also shares how we, humans, have assisted in changing the nature of nature, how this society is encouraging disruptive behaviours, and what obligations we have towards planetary health. Dr. Earle has founded Mission Blue with the aim to help the world move from decline to recovery. The goal is to protect 30% of the ocean waters by 2030, and expand this campaign until the ocean and everything in it is secure. Tune in and find out how this is being done through HOPE Spot projects and what you can do to actively support earth’s rehabilitation and transformation.

    The earth is not a supermarket. We used to get our needs from our environment for free, but not anymore. We are paying dearly for the years of exploitation done through the devastating effects of climate change. Discover what superpower is in your disposal right here and now to impact nature and make this world a better place!


    04:32 Meet the Queen of Ocean Divers 11:29 Ocean Health Update16:05 Nature is Not a Supermarket 22:31 The Ocean’s Worst Enemy30:28 Mission Blue 40:09 Grab the Chance to Make a Difference47:54 Work with the Natural Systems 54:28 Protect the Earth58:29 Take Care of the Planetary Chemistry



    National Geographic Ocean: A Global Odyssey by Dr. Sylvia Earle

    Today's guest is the Queen of Oceanriders. Her name is Dr. Sylvia Earle. And if you've been to National Geographic documentaries, you're bound to have seen her exploring the deep seas in neoprene or some kind of futuristic submarine. In fact, for me, Sylvia is practically a member of my family. My kids used to watch her Nat Geo documentaries, so her soft voice has always been a soothing soundtrack to my early years of parenthood. You may recognize her voice from the documentary Seaspiracy where she played a major role in explaining why we need to protect our ocean creatures. Dr. Sylvia Earle has studied the deep sea and its creatures from the day she dipped her toes into the ocean as a child. She's been the first woman to break world records in the deep with either special diving suits she designed, submarines she built, or by living in underwater vessels for weeks. For making submarines to charging the ocean floors of Google Earth, Sylvia has been involved in every possible way. But Sylvia's life didn't start exploring oceans, she's actually held positions of US administrations, and she regularly meets with world leaders. So all I can say is, it's a true honor to have Sylvia visit me on The Oceanriders Podcast.

    “Protect what remains of the natural world and do everything you can to give back to restore what's been damaged and lost. Do it as if your life depends on it, because it does!” -Dr. Sylvia Earle

    Sylvia still spends most of her time in or under the oceans, writing books, or running her nonprofits, Mission Blue, which is helping achieve the goal of protecting 30% of the world's oceans by 2030. Sylvia joins me today in this episode to talk about her latest book, National Geographic Ocean, a sea Odyssey that came out this week. But I must admit, we do get a bit sidetracked and explore some fascinating details of Sylvia's life. So if you love the ocean, you'll adore Sylvia.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Dr. Sylvia:

    WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagram LinkedInPinterest


    10:50 “Humans have had such a profound impact on the nature of nature.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle 12:41 “We do have superpowers, but the greatest superpower is knowing. It's only right about now that we are beginning to understand the consequences of our actions and are motivated to do something about it.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle16:05 “We do know what to do, it's just having the will to take this seriously… The reality is, we cannot do it in 24 hours but we certainly can not wait any longer..” -Dr. Sylvia Earle 19:30 “Nature is a library. It should not be regarded as a supermarket.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle 23:13 “With a billion dollars, we cannot make even one tuna. We need to think differently about the value of the ocean to our existence and the value of life in the ocean.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle 29:10 “Viruses don't care anything about our art, or music, or our desire to live. We're just a habitat.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle30:49 “We can be right now, that powerful generation. What we do or fail to do will determine the future of life on Earth, ours very much included. We can be that agent of change.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle39:22 “Nature keeps us alive. How much of your heart do you want to protect?” -Dr. Sylvia Earle40:56 “Look at the everyday decisions that you make. You've got a chance to make a difference!” -Dr. Sylvia Earle41:21 “We're paying dearly for our lack of understanding, but there's no excuse anymore. Now we know.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle45:42 “Ocean is where the action is.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle47:19 “Get out there and start protecting what we love the most- the oceans and life itself.” -Imi Barnaeud49:21 “We are connected to not just life on earth as it currently exists, but life on earth as it has existed through all previous history. We're the beneficiaries of this long history that has shaped Earth into a habitable spacecraft.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle51:32 “The words respect and dignity are closely aligned. And they are absolutely vital to finding our way going forward.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle52:26 “A wave doesn't happen with a single drop of water. It takes a lot of troughs of water to make a wave. And here we are!” -Dr. Sylvia Earle54:31 “Protect what remains of the natural world and do everything you can to give back to restore what's been damaged and lost. Do it as if your life depends on it because it does!” -Dr. Sylvia Earle55:43 “Act as if you are able to make a difference because you're the only one who has control over you.” -Dr. Sylvia Earle


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in several ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: If you enjoy my content, you can buy me a coffee. Your contribution can help me support my podcast production.

  • What would you do if your best friend's parents gave you their son's remains and invested you with a quest? Would you take a leap into the unknown and go on a 10 month road trip through Latin America in search of the perfect wave? This is what my guest, Cory Belyea, did to honour his friend Mike.

    In the process, Cory had some incredible adventures in his hand-me-down Nissan Pathfinder, with Mike's benevolent spirit shining on him at all times. In this episode, Cory tells us all about his adventure, the kind of person Mike was and the outcome : dozens of priceless friendships, setting up a language school in Panama, and a wonderful surf story that he published after his travels: The Pathfinder Diaries, Tales Sculpted by the Sea

    This is an episode about friendship, taking risks and embracing the unknown. I'm sure you will be fascinated by Cory's story and inspired to pick up a copy of his book, The Pathfinders Diaries: Tales Sculpted by The Sea.

    There's a great deal of humanity in this episode, and at this time, the world needs more adventurous surf stories like his.


    Connect with Cory Belyea on Instagram

    Website : Escuela Sin Fronteras

    Get a copy of The Pathfinder Diaries : Tales Sculpted by the Sea on Lulu

    Get a copy of The Pathfinder Diaries : Tales Sculpted by the Sea on Amazon

    About The Oceanriders Podcast

    The Oceanriders Podcast is a homemade venture, and I can do with all the support I can get. There are a few simple ways you can support the show and the content I craft every week :

    Number 1 : Subscribe & Review: Please make sure to review, share comments and subscribe to the Oceanriders Podcast on Apple Podcasts& Spotify). This helps tremendously

    Number 2 : Spread The Word: Help grow the Oceanriders Podcast's reach by sharing your enthusiasm for the podcast and/or your favorite episodes by posting about it on social media.

    Join me on social media : lets continue the conversation on instagram @theoceanriderspodcast, on facebook @theoceanriderspodcast, on our facebook group the oceanriders community or on twitter @imipodcast

    Visit my website and find out about my story on

    I do not do this alone, I would like to thank Leng Inque for editing this episode and putting together the content for my wesbite. Intro music created by me.

    See you next time, in the meantime, take care, have fun and enjoy the waves!


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  • If you love multi-genre music, surfing, and travel, you'll love Mitch King. Mitch goes back to his memories as a young boy going on road trips with his family with music playing in the background. Little did he know that this was the window of his future. He loved music but never saw himself walking down that road until he saw Australian singer Kim Churchill perform. With his passion awakened and his dreams starting to take shape, he started his first steps towards his goal. At 15, he started busking on the weekends and set on his path to writing and playing songs. Today, he's living life doing what he loves because at the end of the day, only the things that matter, matter when you're on your deathbed.

    This week, Mitch walks us into the life of a musician. Mitch relates how taking little steps towards your goal eventually lead you to where you want to be in life. If you see yourself walking the path of a musician, listen to Mitch’s advice on getting into creative mode, writing lyrics, adding a variety of musical instruments into your mix, and playing as a one-man-band. He also talks about how surfing can be a nice break and therapy after a busy schedule, energy-filled concert, or just dealing with the stresses of life. And for the highlights, Mitch shares with us his philosophy in life, that can resonate with everyone trying to figure out how to best live the only life we are given. Not everyone dares to paddle out and ride a wave because of whatever reasons. But those who do, know that joy comes from facing the very thing that many people fear. If you live life the way you surf waves, you’ll be in a much better place.


    00:55 When We Didn’t Know About COVID-19 04:00 A Surfer Born from the Inland10:56 Life Goal: Sustainable & Comfortable Life19:07 What Not to do When You're in Creation Mode22:10 If You Want to be a Musician… 26:26 Enhance Your Music with Musical Instruments 32:33 It's All About Surfing the Waves41:27 2 Ears

    Hi Oceanriders! I hope you're well. This episode today is a conversation with Mitch King. The story behind this episode goes back to when COVID-19 wasn't a thing, and when we could all travel safely and freely. And we even used to be able to make plans. Rewind 11 months back, and I was having the best surf trip ever in Byron Bay. One of the things I love most about Australia is there's definitely a culture for music. And in particular, in Byron Bay. This magical place seems to attract the musicians I absolutely love. For those who've never been there, every evening, you get spoiled with the most amazing live concerts speckled in on the streets. On one evening, we got attracted to inexplicable energy on-site. Mitch King was playing in his one-man-band stuff, and he had managed to attract such a dense crowd that people were pouring off the pavement onto the street. Mitch was performing his debut hit Coming Back, and the audience was on fire.

    "We sometimes take life seriously. And in the end, you realize, you don't need to stress about every sort of thing. Live a life that's relaxed and happy. That's a cool way of looking at what matters when you come to the end of life." -Mitch King

    From that moment on, I just did my research and found out that Mitch was a surfer too. So I made a commitment to invite him to the podcast. Fast-forward a few months, and I was talking to his manager and exchanging questions and calendars. And it's taken over nine months for this conversation to happen. So I'm very humbled that Mitch considered coming on the podcast, especially when you hear about his story and track record. So today's conversation was held on either side of the planet- me in my office here in France, and Mitch in his van in Broken Head, just outside Byron Bay. This conversation is about being a musician, chipping away,y, and doing what you love. And I'm sure that like me, you'll love Mitchell's philosophy and the person he is.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Mitch:



    04:08 "Surfing gives a sense of freedom. It's a place to unwind and let off a bit of steam." -Mitch King13:47 "If it's a good thing that happens, cool. And if nothing happens, cool." -Mitch King18:17 "Recording is like a trust relationship;: you need to feel really comfortable with the producer." -Mitch King20:12 "When you're in the creation mode, don't take things too seriously." -Mitch King22:17 "The trickiest thing is the lyrics. When you want to have that passion to finish the song, it genuinely is sort of based on you caring about the subject of the song. So if you're passionate about what you're singing about, then you finish it more quickly." -Mitch King23:24 "If you want to be a musician who can keep writing, train yourself to be a writer where you don't have to worry about the old stuff.” -Mitch King33:28 "We sometimes take life seriously. And in the end, you realize, you don't need to stress about every sort of thing. Live a life that's relaxed and happy. That's a cool way of looking at what matters when you come to the end of life." -Mitch King


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in several ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

    Use Discount Code: BETHECHANGE20 and get 20% discount on your Oceanriders merch

  • Michael Hamilton loves surfing so much that every decision he makes revolves around surfing and travel. He loved the ocean as a kid, and growing up, he saw the ocean as a part of who he is. Michael founded Live Swell with Maria Feurer, his business partner/life partner, who is also an ocean enthusiast like him. Michael used his experience in real estate combined with their passion for the coastal life to create the perfect getaway that feels like home.

    In this conversation, Michael shares how he was able to build a recognized status in the vacation rentals world. Being in real estate for many years, Michael gives expert advice in purchasing a property, appraising for value, solving the equity problem, and being financially literate. We also learn insider tips and wisdom in managing debt, having a model for your business, offering top quality services, welcoming guests, creating your listings, booking psychology, crafting unique experiences for your guests, and protecting against losses. More and more people are already embarking on their journey to experience what life has to offer. If you're tired of the traditional 9-5 route, tune in and hear how to live a balanced life- and that means living the rad ocean life! Don’t live just to exist. Live, and actually live.

    Episode Highlights:

    02:36 Get What You Want Out of Life08:33 Is Money the Problem? 17:27 The Live Swell Proven Process 25:00 The Secret Service31:34 Tips on Welcoming Guests and Doing Your Listings35:36 How to Use NLP to Get Bookings 41:13 Protect Against Losses 47:51 Choose Balance Living

    Hi Oceanriders, and welcome to Episode 56 of The Oceanriders Podcast! I hope you're doing well, and that you're staying healthy and getting a daily dose of seawater. A lot of us, oceanriders, have to travel to the coast to score their coastal waves, and in some cases, the coasts can be further away down the road. I don't know about you, but in booking hotels for my holiday destinations, I've almost always booked holiday rentals instead. Even when Airbnb didn't exist, I've used holiday rentals. I've even rented out my own house a few times on Airbnb, and that's why I found today's conversation so helpful and insightful.

    “Making the choice to not have to go to a 9-5 provided a lot of freedom. Choosing a path like this is, there's more freedom, but there's also more responsibility.” -Michael Hamilton

    Today, my guest is Michael Hamilton, who is the co-founder of Live Swell. He's a surfer and is based in the Outer Banks USA. Michael has created a self-maintaining super host holiday rental business. He's turned holiday rentals and property investment into an art and has been awarded Airbnb Super Host status for the past five years. His model is so successful that he even wrote a book about it. So quite naturally, I was interested in finding out his tips and tricks to make a holiday rental property a success and to create a business model that turns out passive income indefinitely. Wouldn't that be a dream for you too? In this conversation, Michael takes us through his journey and gives us expert tips on how to create a successful short rental property business.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Michael:


    Resource Links:


    Vacation Rental Confidential by Michael HamiltonTraction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino WickmanThe E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael GerberThe Customer Service Revolution: Overthrow Conventional Business, Inspire Employees, and Change by John R. Dijulius IIISecret Service: Hidden Systems That Deliver Unforgettable Customer Service by John R. Dijulius IIIThe 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss, et al.


    Get 20% Discount when you order at The Oceanriders Shop Use Discount Code: BETHECHANGE20


    08:54 “A lot of times, it's not necessarily money that is somebody's issue- it's somebody's education around money.” -Michael Hamilton

    10:00 “When we're purchasing the property, we're buying it with value in it.” -Michael Hamilton

    14:12 “Debt is like fire and water. Fire is great to heat your house and cook food, but it could also be a disaster scenario, as in California. Water is the same thing. It's important for life, but it can also take people's lives. So debt, if it's used wisely is an accelerator of wealth.” -Michael Hamilton

    17:36 “We want to develop a process for our business because it's easier to have a model to do something if you want to replicate it rather than try to reinvent the wheel every single time.” -Michael Hamilton

    19:21 “At the end of the day, the money supports the mission. So any business needs to be able to make money to survive and continue.” -Michael Hamilton

    21:30 “It's a lot more fun to work on a business than working in a business.” -Michael Hamilton

    23:12 “Money can be raised but time is the great equalizer.” -Michael Hamilton

    32:07 “Make your listing accurate and don't make the expectations too much outside of what the actual impression is going to be.” -Michael Hamilton

    32:26 “Accuracy is kindness.” -Michael Hamilton

    33:06 “The customers that have complaints are typically the ones that are giving you the stuff that people wouldn't tell you.” -Michael Hamilton

    34:01 “Your listing is like a newspaper or a billboard. The first thing is, it has to be as catchy... in the thumbnail image and also your title.” -Michael Hamilton

    37:34 “Match the right guest with the right property.” -Michael Hamilton

    48:12 “Making the choice to not have to go to a 9-5 provided a lot of freedom. Choosing a path like this is, there's more freedom, but there's also more responsibility.” -Michael Hamilton


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Meet Martin Dunn, a Professional Surf Coach and an International Surf Trainer. He’s been in the field for more than 3 decades now and will still be in the years to come. He has coached a variety of audiences, from moms and older ones to champions and winning teams. Martin believes that every person should be given an equal chance to experience the waves and be a better surfer. Today, he’s out to provide the wisdom, tools, and resources for surfers to find the joy and recognition they deserve.

    In this episode, we talked about Martin’s own journey- his sacrifices, risks, challenges, and rewards. Martin also shares with us valuable surfing techniques on: achieving balance, gaining speed especially on smaller waves, and combining manoeuvres. He also talks about the most important thing that a surfer must do before paddling out and the biomechanics of a perfect cutback. If you are a surf coach, you may also want to hear expert advice on how to provide instructions, communicate according to your learner’s perspective, and help them face the pressure and frustrations that come with being in the professional league. Don’t trust everything on the web! Tune in and find reliable sources to take your surfing on a higher level!

    Episode Highlights:

    05:00 The Life of a Professional Surf Coach10:49 Before You Paddle Out!17:41 The Biomechanics of a Perfect Cutback26:55 Catching Waves Techniques32:33 Be the Surfer of Your Dreams39:52 Reliable Resources to Become a Better Surfer46:42 The Surfer’s Real Journey53:11 When and How to Give Advice

    Now that housekeeping is out of the way, I'm really excited to introduce you to a worldwide legend. His name is Martin Dunn, and he is my guest today. Martin has been influencing worldwide professional surfing for the past 35 years. He's a Professional Surf Coach who has taken his students to the summit. He is the driving force behind the success of team Australia and Team Peru's surfing team and over 20 WCT pro surfers too, such as Julian Wilson, Carissa Moore, Sally Fitzgibbon, and his own son Ben Dunn, just to name a few. So if you grew up learning to surf in Australia, you are bound to have also come across one of his booklets on surfing drills. He started his career by writing a thesis about the perfect cutback. So in essence, Martin is the man.

    “You can make the big time if you have a certain level of talent but also the work ethic to work harder. You need to learn how to lose a lot before you start winning and get to the big time. Someone who hasn't got that package of skills hasn't got that skill.” -Martin Dunn

    So today, we get to know Martin a bit better and find out how he innovated way before the others and became a professional surf coach. Martin also lets us in on a few tips to improve our own surfing. We also get to discover Martin's latest surfer-related project whose ambition is to make us all better surfers. So without further ado, please enjoy my conversation with Martin Dunn.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Martin:


    Resource Links:


    Stoked by Bob McTavish


    Try Martin Dunn’s Surf Coaching 7-Day Trial


    11:25 “If you have a chance, get out while you can.” -Martin Dunn15:29 “What's perfectly correct one day can be perfectly incorrect the next.” -Martin Dunn22:19 “The act of being a coach is to bring instructions into a user-friendly model that people can understand.” -Martin Dunn33:55 “You can't create a change for better surfing overnight. There is a journey and people need to understand that.” -Martin Dunn34:07 “People are fit enough to surf.” -Martin Dunn47:30 “You can make the big time if you have a certain level of talent but also the work ethic to work harder. You need to learn how to lose a lot before you start winning and get to the big time. Someone who hasn't got that package of skills hasn't got that skill.” -Martin Dunn52:17 “One bad coaching session is like going to a restaurant and having one bad meal. Just one bad meal is all it takes to destroy a reputation.” -Martin Dunn


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Elizabeth “Mama Liz” Sans is the legend behind Dryft Water Sports. They began offering custom and prepackaged surf and yoga tours in 2017. They also design hand-shaped custom boards of quality craftsmanship. Mama Liz was a professional ski instructor before a knee injury forced her into the financial world. After rebooting into surfing at 51, she began her surf ventures. Today, she’s making a change one surfboard at a time driving her ‘74 antique “beetle”.

    This week, we get to hear Elizabeth’s incredible Nicaragua and Morocco adventures, her business model, and her cool surf and yoga retreats, which you definitely should include in your bucket list. She also lets us in on the concept of Reiki, surfboard-making, woman surf retreats, and her own unique way of advertising. Elizabeth has done all the things she wanted to do, and her secret to doing just that? Tune in and you’ll find out!

    Episode Highlights:

    03:04 The Best Thing in The World! 13:50 Great Waters, All-Day Surfing, and Adventures!24:15 It’s A Girl Thing31:26 How to Do What You Aim to Do 36:33 Creating the Perfect Surfboard 41:09 A Unique Way of Advertisement43:48 Reiki- A Healing Art47:55 Just Go For It!

    I’m really stoked to be back behind the mic and to be diving into a brand new season of the Oceanriders Podcast. I hope you like the new jingle and the new format. This year I’ve got an amazing set of guests lined up and I’m looking forward to delivering every other week an exciting and aspiring conversation with one of my guests. If you’re listening to the Oceanriders Podcast for the first time, the reason I came up with this podcast in the first place, is my fascination of how the ocean and surfing in particular really shapes your life. Most of my guests are building a lifestyle that is compatible with their passion and have either built businesses or projects to fit with their passion. My guests are crushing it and really busting the surfer stereotype.

    “If you want to do it, just do it. If you want something, just go for it. It’s okay to fail as long as you try. It’s not really failing. It may not work but the next thing will work.” -Elizabeth Sans

    Today’s episode is a conversation with Elisabeth Sans aka “Mama Liz”. I had a whale of a time recording this episode and talking to a woman who’s had a thousand lives. Liz has reached the summits in terms of sports and financial success. A few years ago, she rediscovered surfing and got absolutely hooked. As an Oceanrider listener, you probably know the feeling.

    Elisabeth has sculpted a new lifestyle and developed a handful of surf-related businesses in Nicaragua, Morocco, and the US with her company Dryft Watersports, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg! I'll let Liz tell you her story. I loved this conversation because Elisabeth is so inspiring in many aspects and in particular with her youthful spirit. So without further ado, please enjoy my exchange with Elizabeth Sans.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Elizabeth:



    26:15 “Women learn better if men aren't around.” -Elizabeth Sans32:04 “Seeing that you can do it on your own makes you want to do more on your own.” -Elizabeth Sans35:00 “End the wave before the wave ends you.” -Elizabeth Sans43:06 “Better to be talked about no matter what they say. They can say whatever they want as long as they say something.” -Elizabeth Sans48:08 “If you want to do it, just do it. If you want something, just go for it. It’s okay to fail as long as you try. It’s not really failing. It may not work but the next thing will work.” -Elizabeth Sans


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Peter Fabor started out in surfing as a sport which eventually turned into a lifestyle. He makes sure that his travels and entrepreneurial ventures include surfing. He founded Surf Office, a one-stop-shop for anyone organizing company retreats. Along with this, his side hustles also include Surfpreneurs Club, a platform for passionate surfers with a burning entrepreneurial spirit. Nomad Landing which provides information for traveling remote workers like himself with free information before they move into another city, and Epic Monday which caters to coworking through prebuilt cozy turnkey cabins.

    In this episode, we hear Peter’s amazing journey from his first surfing experience, to moving into the Canary Islands, to weaving his business and surfing together. Peter also talks about working remotely and the challenges it poses on brainstorming, teambuilding, and strategic planning. Peter’s services can be of great help as you adapt to the changes in your personal and business life. Listen in to today’s conversation and learn about ways you can leverage your surf business and cope with the challenges in a fun and exciting way!

    Episode Highlights:

    02:07 From Sports to Lifestyle07:17 The Digital Nomad’s Life10:12 Surf Office14:25 How to Organize Successful Team-Building Retreats19:04 The Future of Work24:05 The Surfpreneurs Club 31:33 Co-working Cabin36:20 A Very Memorable Surf Moment

    Today I'm really stoked to introduce you to my guest the Oceanrider Peter Fabor. Peter has built a life around surfing ever since he discovered the sport. In fact, this is one of the reasons he became a digital nomad and set up shop in the Canary Islands, where he started one of the first co-working spaces on the archipelago. I'll let you discover what Peter got up to over there and how he's now built a business that revolves around surfing.

    “The perfect combination for me is to combine the ocean and the mountains and if I have enough of these two, my life is in perfect balance.” -Peter Fabor

    Today Peter runs a successful incentive travel agency called, Surf Office and is creating tools and trips for teams that are either spaced out geographically or too busy to get to know each other and build an effective work relationship. In fact, Peter’s business is even more relevant today, where the number of remote workers is on an exponential rise. In this episode, Peter shares a few tips for genuine team-building and talks about his other side hustle, Surfpreneurs Club. It's an online community for surf-related businesses that he's developing. And we also get to talk about Peter’s second passion, which is building Tiny Homes.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Peter:


    Resources Links:


    Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers by Dave Gray


    More Beach Meeting by Peter Fabor


    Join the Surfpreneurs ClubSurf Office for Corporate RetreatsNomad Landing for Digital NomadsThe Coworking CabinEpic Monday


    03:50 “The perfect combination for me is to combine the ocean and the mountains and if I have enough of these two, my life is in perfect balance.” -Peter Fabor15:18 “Any agency can organize a retreat anywhere around the world. But you are not sure how the experience is going to be.” -Peter Fabor16:56 “If you are doing one thing again and again, then you master it.” -Peter Fabor39:07 “Why would you go somewhere where you cannot surf?” -Peter Fabor39:16 “Surfing is some way to meditate… Meditation is being in the water and waiting for waves.” -Peter Fabor


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Philipp Hartmann, an amazing big wave surfer and the founder of Dadicateddotcom, has an amazingly interesting anecdote on being a dad. It was a long and tough journey before he finally became one. And surprising how life granted his petition- he was blessed with five kids in a span of only 13 months! That’s a lot for a short period of time and Philipp has had his own share of joys and struggles in his new role. With this seemingly extra tough situation, Philipp came to the realization that there is little content for dads like him. More and more dads want to be genuinely involved in every stage of fatherhood. Thus, he’s more than ever geared to helping dads like him navigate through this critically significant part they play.

    This week, Philipp joins us for a heart-warming, and eye-opening interview. Philipp tells about the story of their life in Cape Town and how he became a father of five adorable kids within a little more than a year. Having these experiences, Philipp talks about pregnancy, birthing, and child care from a dad’s perspective. He also lets us in on some remarkable “Being Dad” episodes which we can learn valuable lessons from. Raising kids and keeping the family together is sure not an easy task, but it is doable. Philipp has some good advice on setting up a structured dinner, relationship check-ins, strengthening the family bond, and more. If you’re a dad or a dad-to-be who wants family success, press the play button now and join in to today’s episode!

    Episode Highlights:

    03:54 Oneness with the Ocean10:43 Being Dads13:41 Pregnancy and Birthing From A Father’s Perspective21:18 Creating Dad Contents24:02 What Leads To Family Success30:22 Relationship Check-Ins33:23 Advice For Dads 39:34 Teaching Children How To Navigate Life

    Philipp Hartmann is a big wave surfer. He's a friend of Richard Walton, who's my guest in episode 47. He's a Marketing Guru and a seasoned entrepreneur. He left his home country to live in South Africa and enjoys the sunny lifestyle and the energy of this wonderful country. In our conversation, we focus on Philipp's personal tale because he became a dad of five children in 13 months. You may be going, “what?!”, as you hear this. But yes, Philipp became a dad of twins and then triplets in the space of 13 months. Beyond the fact that his wife is a goddess, I'll let him tell you his story, which is pretty impressive. And it's about resilience, love, and dedication. In fact, we also get a few expert tips from Philipp's experience because he's launched a podcast called “Being Dad” where he interviews dads from all over the world about being a dad. We also managed to fit in a few minutes about surfing in South Africa too.

    “My own mission is to live a life worthy of my wife’s and children's love and respect.” -Philipp Hartmann

    Philipp and I only had a limited amount of time to exchange and I was kind of nervous because my internet connection was a bit sketchy, but don't worry, the sound is perfect because he recorded his track on his end. But I didn't make enough time to allow Philipp to talk about something more important going on at the moment. And it's his other brainchild called, "Together for Cape Town." Now Philipp is raising funds for the townships of Cape Town to distribute free meals to the children of the city who are directly impacted by the lockdown rules that have been ongoing since the 27th of March. Basically, in an environment of high unemployment rates, the few income sources of cutoff and basic health and supply can't be provided. So we're talking about starvation and the escalation of a generally critical situation. So I urge you to skip to "Together for Cape Town's" website and donate a few dollars, euros, or rands to support Philipp's initiatives, it's Anyway, so far they've been able to raise about $50,000, but they're hoping on much more to support these vulnerable communities. They are targeting the distribution of 3 million meals, and links to it are in the show notes. If you do have a bit of time, just take a look at that to support Philipp's initiative.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Philipp:


    Resources Links:


    Being Dad Podcast Episode 1: Warren Rustand- Strategies on Building Successful Families Being Dad Podcast Episode 2: Walter Lee’s Son, Zy Has Only One Arm; No LegsBeing Dad Podcast Episode 17: Richard Walton- Being Dad in the JungleBeing Dad Podcast Episode 19: Warren Farell- The Father of the Men’s Movement & Author of “The Boy Crisis” Being Dad Podcast Episode 29: Sander Raeijmaekers- A Dad’s View Of Postnatal Depression(PDD)

    Related Episodes:

    The Oceanriders Podcast Episode 047: Meet Richard Walton-Wandering Serial Entrepreneur and Adventurous Surfer


    13:10 “If we can facilitate a family success through having fathers being more involved, we have a direct impact on society.” -Philipp Hartmann23:50 “Fathers who are more involved is a very high indication for family success.” -Philipp Hartmann24:16 “My own mission is to live a life worthy of my wife’s and children's love and respect.” -Philipp Hartmann36:58 “It's important to accept and allow the fact that people also have families and not just work.” -Philipp Hartmann41:46 “It's more important that you empower children and make sure that they can navigate in a safe, empowered kind of manner because you don't know what's coming.” -Philipp Hartmann


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Clara Negrel fell in love with surfing at age 10. At a young age, she built her dreams around having her own shop where she can weave in all things surfing. But to make the dream come to life is an entirely different thing. As she found her way to pursue her passion, she stumbled into the world of graphic design. She is a very talented young woman who can create outstanding art in a variety of forms and themes. She also designed some of the shirts found at our very own Oceanriders Shop. As she walks the path to realizing her dreams, Clara makes sure that whatever she does, she does it with a love for nature.

    In this episode, Clara tells her story as a young child and her fascination with the ocean. She also shares her travels and the most memorable surfing spots she’s been to. As a graphic designer, she’s presented with challenges unique to her line of work but despite all that, Clara finds that her path is worth taking. Life is an art. It is beautiful and it will get more beautiful as you live it doing the things you love with the people that you love. Clara’s message is short but meaningful: If you want something, just do it.

    Episode Highlights:

    00:33 Unite For The Next Generation02:49 Surfing In The Heart Of A Child08:57 Weaving Things You Love Together13:10 Vivid Arts and Designs17:12 Challenges of a Graphic Designer23:47 Do What You Want

    Episode Shownotes:

    How are you? I hope you’re still well. I don’t know about you, but, I’ve been pondering for days now and beating around the bush about posting about it, but I’ve been through a massive bout of shock and hopelessness with regards to the current events that are blazing through the world. I actually posted about it yesterday and if you’d like to find out, head over to my instagram account or facebook page @theoceanriderspodcast. My heart bleeds at the moment and I sincerely hope we will all find a way to unite and set the pace for the generations to come.

    “Don’t lose any moment that you can live with the people that you love.” -Clara Negrel

    It’s a bit hard to transition to my guest, because the current affairs are so contrasting with my guest’s radiant personality. Clara Negrel is my guest today. I’ve known Clara since she was a child. Clara is a vibrant, radiant, and brilliant graphic designer and a surfer. In this episode we talk about what it takes to become a graphic designer and we also talk about our most recent collaboration to create a gorgeous t-shirt for The Oceanriders Podcast. For the next year, we’re offering a special offer to our oceanriders listeners, it’s a 20% off discount on the oceanriders shop. Skip over to and purchase Clara’s Ladyslider Tee, use the discount code BETHECHANGE20 and get 20% off your order.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Clara:



    22:29 “If you want something, just do it. You can be whoever you want so just do what you want.” -Clara Nègrel 23:56 “Don’t lose any moment that you can live with the people that you love.” -Clara Nègrel


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Julia Colangelo researches primarily about flow and mindfulness and how it can create a positive impact on different levels. For years, she has been teaching many on how to find flow in both in their personal and professional life. She serves as an inspirational speaker, educator, therapist, and consultant. Julia is also an award-winning Professor of Mindfulness at Columbia University. She hosts the Flow Surfers Podcast, which aims to provide practical strategies to live with more ease and intentionality in life. Her personal life includes being a mom, a writer, and a surfer. She believes that we can all make the world a better, cleaner, and kinder place to live.

    In this episode, Julia brings us deep into the concept of flow- what it is, when does it happen, how to achieve it, and how to integrate it into our life so we can release all the burnout and anxiety. She also inspires us to stretch our capacity as far as we can. There’s no time limit to the possibilities we can have and flow is the path to get us empowered. Outside the boundary of flow lurks its alternative: anxiety, depression, self-doubt, feelings of worthlessness, and all the negative feelings that make us unhappy and unfulfilled. Julia also shares how we can make an assessment of our values as opposed to just passively knowing. Getting into flow should be intentional if we are to see and feel its action. Find your flow and wake up every day lovin’ life! Don’t miss out on this week’s podcast!

    Episode Highlights:

    03:47 The Right Time To Stretch Your Capacity08:26 The Right Way To Learn 15:19 What Is The Flow State20:01 The Flow Consciousness25:04 How To Get Into Flow State 30:10 Surfing and Flow 35:49 Get Into A Unified Flow38:33 Flow In Intention

    Today, I got to sit down for a conversation with Julia Colangelo. Julia is a surfer from New York and she's also a Professor at Columbia University. She's a therapist and a consultant for people and organizations wishing to tap into flow states for better relationships and generally appreciating life more.

    “There's no wrong way to surf if you're having fun and you're smiling and connecting again with who you are in whatever that is.” -Julia Colangelo

    In this episode, we get to know Julia a bit better and find out what it is to be in the flow and how to get into that flow state on demand. As surfers, we can often actually get into flow state naturally when we're in the ocean and riding that perfect wave. But in fact, this is one of our privileges, but what if we could replicate this feeling out of the water? As part of her dissertation, Julia modelize these concepts and shares her tips to live a more mindful life and tap into the flow state more often and avoid burnout. In stressful times like now, Julia delivers just the sort of things we need to hear.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Julia:

    WebsiteEmailPodcastFacebookInstagramLinkedInTelephone: 212 377 8944Connect with Find Flow Today with Julia ColangeloWebsite

    Resources Links:


    Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiFinding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement With Everyday Life by Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiCreativity: Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


    05:55 “It's not too late. Let me stretch my capacity." -Julia Colangelo06:40 “There's never a right time; there's never a wrong time… if it's of interest or if it's something that is pulling at your heartstrings.” -Julia Colangelo09:33 “There's no wrong way to surf if you're having fun and you're smiling and connecting again with who you are in whatever that is.” -Julia Colangelo14:17 “Surfing is creating right a cleaner and a healthier nation and world doing those small micro-actions.” -Julia Colangelo21:25 “If we're intentional about how we recover… we'll be setting ourselves up to have a new opportunity presented to us.” -Julia Colangelo21:52 “Flow experiences are not all rainbows and butterflies. They are meant to stretch us.” -Julia Colangelo34:28 “The thing about flow is, there's never crossing something off a list. It's always stretching our capacity and that's on a small level or on a global scale.” -Julia Colangelo38:33 “It all will move in intentional time if we're connecting with ourselves with the value that we have and not trying to conform to someone else's timeframe.” -Julia Colangelo40:00 “If you're like me and you're a human that makes mistakes, just go with that and know that that's just as powerful and informative state of flow.” -Julia Colangelo


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Natalie Fox was born where freedom is abundant. Rather than taking that for granted, she spent it to experience life full of worthwhile educational adventures. That moment her eyes saw the beauty of this world she knew what she wanted in life: Nature, Yoga, and Surf. Hence, the foundation of YogaRama and Eco Yoga Surf. However, what comes with this, is the painful truth that this lovely paradise is facing a relentless threat. Therefore, adding to her goals is to find her voice as a professional in a scientific arena. Natalie is currently taking up a Masters Degree focused on sustainability. Today, she’s living her dream life pursuing her goals, traveling in her van between Portugal and Morzine.

    In this episode, we get to hear of Natalie’s amazing adventures, campaigns, and expeditions. She also tells their struggles to save whales amidst political prejudice and why this program and similar wildlife protection activities should continue to be enhanced. One of Natalie’s interdisciplinary research is about microplastics and how vast their range has come. We can contribute to defeating this wicked enemy through systems thinking and Natalie expounds on this further along with some deep thoughts on how we can utilize our resources wisely. As we learn from Natalie’s story, surfing is indeed a great teacher. Without words, it teaches the heart lessons that even intelligent humans, with all their advanced wisdom, fail to understand.

    Episode Highlights:

    02:04 Freedom Well Spent05:08 The Sea Shepherd10:47 A Day In The Life Of A Sea Shepherd14:37 Experiential Learning17:44 Microplastic Pollution- A Wicked Problem22:08 How To Reduce Plastic Pollution27:02 Surfing Into Flow State31:39 Online Home

    How are you? How is your lockdown going? Have you been allowed back in the ocean? Actually, at the moment this podcast drops it's the first day we'll be officially allowed out and I can't wait to see the sea and possibly dip my toes into it. I've missed it so much. I don't know about you.

    “Two things that are really important in life is to appreciate nature and to appreciate your community and your family.” -Natalie Fox

    Today, I'm very excited to introduce you to my guest. Her name is Natalie Fox and she's a fascinating surfer who's had an incredible journey. In this episode, she shares her story of joining Sea Shepherd, campaigning in Antarctica, embarking on a life-changing voyage from Plymouth to the Azores islands, collecting microplastics and analyzing data, and how her passion for surfing and nature and the oceans has led her to refocus her studies on sustainability from a scientific point of view. Natalie has created a lifestyle that will inspire many. She's a yoga teacher and a surf instructor and spends the summer months living in her very own reconditioned van. So I hope you enjoy her story.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Natalie:

    WebsiteEmailFacebookInstagram LinkedIn

    Resources Links:


    Think!Eat!Act!: A Sea Shepherd Chef’s Vegan Recipes (Vegan Cookbooks Book 151) by Raffaella Tolicetti


    Undercurrents TrailerLe Grand Bleu (The Big Blue)


    03:34 “Spending a lot of time in nature and having the freedom to do so was my biggest childhood memories.” -Natalie Fox13:15 “Two things that are really important in life is to appreciate nature and to appreciate your community and your family.” -Natalie Fox22:46 “There are lots of different approaches that need to be applied in different ways to different levels of the problem.” -Natalie Fox27:27 “Surfing is like this perfect opportunity to go into the flow state because we're not sure what's going to happen with the wave.” -Natalie Fox29:30 “Surfers are systems thinkers because we're thinking about things in a lot of many different levels. And things are changing all the time.” -Natalie Fox


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • For Maree Beare, her whys came in connection to health information discontinuity. The rate by how passive people are with regards to their own health information and how they settle with believing whatever it is that the doctor tells them is tremendously alarming. Hence, she created an app that addresses this very problem. Maree founded Wanngi, a secure compliant application used to monitor health status, keep track of appointments, and set reminders for medications. Her passion is to help individuals become their own health champions.

    During their conversation, Maree gets to relate her entrepreneurial journey- from the conception of her start-up to its actual implementation. She also shares the joys and struggles of an entrepreneur in conquering this male-dominated space. On top of that, she lets us in on some tips and advice on how to successfully create and launch an app and incorporate it into the business. Of course, as busy as she can be, surfing is not something that Maree can leave out in her schedule. She recounts her first encounter with a wave and how serene and simple everything becomes in the water. Don’t miss out on today’s episode and get stoked with another amazing surf story!

    Episode Highlights:

    03:24 The Tech Guru08:43 Health Information Discontinuity11:01 Wanngi- How It Works 16:34 Conquering A Male-Dominated Entrepreneurial Space18:34 How To Make Your Start-Up Financially Viable 22:30 Your First Sale23:36 How To Incorporate An App28:40 Surfing Helps Keep Things Together

    How are you doing? How are you managing? Have you been stuck in lockdown? Have the beaches near you been closed? I’ve been having a tough time juggling with our new life and the fact that I can see the sea but not go anywhere near it, and that has left me a bit speechless vis à vis most of my projects, including this podcast. I haven’t been that active on social media and I have been procrastinating a lot. That said, I guess I have learned to digest and process the information, get over the grief of the « nothing’s going to be the same again », express gratitude, and now it’s time to get on with it! So here I am today, launching episode 48 of the Oceanriders Podcast.

    “I love what I do in that I can see the future of it.” -Maree Beare

    In this episode, I got to sit down for a chat with Maree Beare who is based in Brisbane Australia. She is passionate about using innovative technology. My conversation with Maree was quite serendipitous but at the present moment is so relevant with the news that it’s uncanny. Maree is the founder and CEO of Wanngi, a startup that is solving the problem where people have little access to their health information. In these trying times, it could help to have all our health records centralized in an app that we could share with doctors and nurses: things like symptoms, injuries, medication, chronic illnesses, and much more. Maree and I discuss her HealthTech app and the challenges she faces building a startup, finding funding, and finding balance in a pretty full-on environment. Maree’s work has been recognized by Forbes in the top 50 women-led startups disrupting health tech so I was very honored she cared to drop in for a chat and that she shared her knowledge of building a startup, and health issues she solves with her app.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Maree:


    Resources Links:

    Download the Wanngi App

    30-Day TrialApp StoreGoogle Play


    08:48 “Everything's connected because we're familiar with that in every other aspect of our lives. But with health, most people are very passive. They just trust what the doctor says.” -Maree Beare 20:51 “I love what I do in that I can see the future of it.” -Maree Beare 24:18 “Do a proof of concept first to be able to visualize whether it's something that people also think is a problem.” -Maree Beare 29:19 “Surfing is the absolute best way to unstress.” -Maree Beare 29:59 “Surfing is a journey… It's unpredictable.” -Maree Beare


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    Number 4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders sShop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Richard Walton was heading to the deep pit of the fast-paced world of business. But as soon as he starts to slow down, everything fell into place, both in his career and personal life. Today, Richard serves as the Founder of AVirtual, the leading virtual assistant company in the UK and Chairman of the fastest-growing EO accelerator program globally. His social enterprise, GVI has received multiple awards and is creating a sustainable difference while combining travel and education. Richard believes in delivering quality service and creating a culture that is motivating and fun.

    In this episode, Richard tells about his many adventures, both in his business and in surfing. Listen in as he relates his experience while surfing with sharks! Also, Richard gives a bit of advice on how to slow things down and avoid all the deleterious consequences of always being on the hectic. Often, we get caught on our everyday activities and we keep going through them even if we are miserable doing them. In this situation, Richard lets us in on the secret of becoming successful. He teaches how to hire the best people, create a respected culture, win against the tough times, find a mentor and be a responsible a mentee, get help, and work remotely. Richard is big on time. He values his time, the time of his clients, and the time of his employees. And his message is: Find your purpose and dedicate every single fraction of your time to fulfill it- that’s what makes a man happily successful.

    Episode Highlights:

    02:33 The Wandering Entrepreneur/Surfer06:58 GVI- Education and Travel In One12:03 The Best Move15:58 How To Slow Things Down19:37 How To Hire The Best People27:43 What Makes A Succesful Entrepreneur36:29 Surfing With Sharks

    Today my guest is a successful entrepreneur and surfer from the UK. His name is Richard Walton. He’s originally from the UK but has worked all over the world, sometimes in the most remote areas. He’s now living the dream in the bonny climate of Cape Town South Africa. Richard’s story is super inspirational for many reasons. First, because he was living a miserable lifestyle in suburban Britain and decided to completely flip his lifestyle around for and because of surfing. You’ll find out how he managed to build and make his startup thrive from the middle of nowhere.

    “When everyone is falling around you… just keep going, but keep going with a positive attitude.” -Richard Walton

    Second, because he is a pioneer of remote working, corporate social responsibility, and virtual assistance way before Tim Ferriss came out with the 4-hour workweek, Richard was busy building an incredible business and helping entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level. Richard is the founder of GVI, an e-platform linking volunteer with nonprofits and NGOs around the world and is the current founder and CEO of AVirtual, a successful virtual assistant company based in South Africa. He shares his story about how and why he created these inspiring companies.

    In this episode, we dive into Richard’s exciting life story. He shares some expert advice about running and growing a business, finding talent, finding balance, and getting mentors to move your business to the next level. We also have a quick chat about the empty breaks of Cape Town and how he contemplates surfing with sharks on a permanent basis.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Richard:

    WebsiteEmailTwitterLinkedInYouTubeTelephone: 0800 086 8998

    Resources Links:


    Scaling Up: How A Few Companies Make It… And Why The Rest Don’t, Mastering The Rockefeller Habits 2.0 by Verne HarnishDelivering Happiness: A Path To Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh


    12:40 “I've always wanted to be a surfer. I love the ocean!” -Richard Walton14:18 “If you fall in love with surfing, you want to spend as much time in the water as possible. So things like strength, flexibility, and energy become more important to you than partying till two or three o'clock in the morning.” -Richard Walton21:47 “Culture always starts with the founder. How you behave sets the culture.” -Richard Walton28:16 “When everyone is falling around you… just keep going, but keep going with a positive attitude.” -Richard Walton29:36 “Entrepreneurs are the most helpful people. You just have to ask.” -Richard Walton


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    Number 4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders sShop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Taylor Morozova carried the California spirit as she searched for a place she can call home. As a seamstress, she used her passion for clothes to serve others with a purpose. Her heart was left in New Zealand when she met with the ocean. She instantly fell in love with its beauty and later on took the challenge to teach herself how to surf. Her endeavors were always tailored with a desire to ride New Zealand’s big waves again. Not until she met a new love, Michigan, where she also met her husband.

    In this episode, Taylor shares about the three things she loves the most: people, fixing things, and surfing. She also shares how the Great Lakes differ from other surfing spots and how unique the surfing community is there. Taylor also gives out some great tips on how to surf the Great Lakes and be a responsible and wise surfer. Taylor also owns a brand called the Wave Babe Hair and she lets us in on some hair care pointers. As a podcaster, she hopes to paint a picture of what surfing is like in different settings from unique individuals all around the world. Today, we get a glimpse of what lays in store for her podcast, the Weird Waves Podcast. Taylor’s story may not be a straight path where everything falls into place but it is an inspiration for everyone wishing to find that special place where they truly belong. Tune in and make your quarantine days a little less melancholic and stressful with a dose of your Oceanriders fix!

    Episode Highlights:

    01:41 Born With A California Spirit06:20 A Purposeful Service11:32 Attached To The Ocean15:29 Michigan- Hair We Go! 19:45 Hair Care 22:00 Great Lakes Season Surfing Tips 33:24 The Weird Wave Podcast

    Today's episode is a conversation with the multi-talented, Taylor Morozova. She's an amazing person and has an astonishing story. She taught herself to surf in New Zealand and then became part of the brave and awesome surfing community in the Great Lakes of the USA. She's full of surprises and she shares her story today.

    “I would surf every single day. I just loved it so much!” -Taylor Morozova

    In fact, Taylor and I have more than surfing in common as she and her husband have just launched the Weird Waves Podcast. Check out their podcast on online platforms.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Taylor:

    Weird Waves Podcast


    Wave Babe Hair


    Resources Links:

    Weird Waves Podcast Episode 28: Imi Barneaud


    13:49 “I would surf every single day. I just loved it so much!” -Taylor Morozova22:49 “If there's a wave, you're going surfing.” -Taylor Morozova24:38 “Because it’s basically an inland ocean or a freshwater ocean, people don't respect it… That is a huge issue.” -Taylor Morozova26:41 “Some people don't want more people. But I think every time I see someone out there with me, it's such a joy.” -Taylor Morozova42:07 “Only a deadly worldwide pandemic will prevent a surfer from getting his or her daily medicine.” -Imi Barneaud


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number 1: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    Number 4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders sShop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Today, Heidi shares her exciting water adventures and worthwhile endeavors. She tells the story of how she fell in love with the ocean and followed through even if it meant leaving her homeland. She also lets us peek into the life of a whale guide and she helps us get to know a little bit about these giants. Heidi believes that we are connected and innately programmed to seek the underwater. Free Diving is more than just going in and coming out of the water. Heidi walks us into the meditative aspect of diving and its load of psychological, physiological, and physical benefits. As an environmentally conscious entrepreneur, Heidi also invites us to join in proper waste management. How long we are going to be amazed by these wonderful creations depend on how willing and how vigorous we are at preserving these gifts.

    Episode Highlights:

    02:49 Free Diving Weekend Warrior09:59 The Perfect Job-Paid To Surf All Day12:20 An Unexpected Trip to Being a Whale Guide21:12 Feeding the Giants22:20 Male and Female Humpback Whale Mating Behaviors26:30 The Mammalian Dive Reflex35:49 Be Responsible Waste Managers38:00 New Endeavors

    I'm really excited to be behind the mic after a few weeks of feeling a bit off. To be honest, a couple of weeks ago, I totally lost my voice, and I couldn't even pronounce a word and so let alone record this intro. Now what makes this episode even more special is that it was recorded outside in real life with one of the most inspiring people I've had the chance to meet. Her name is Heidi Tapia. She's basically a multipotenitalite light. She studied psychology in Mexico, but you could say that surfing absolutely changed her life. Her true calling is adventure and the salty lifestyle.

    “If you're connected to what your body's telling you, it's easier to connect to things outside of you.” -Heidi Tapia

    Heidi has had the most exciting life from freediving with whales in Tonga, being a surf instructor, and living the dream in Byron Bay. And she's about to start various businesses. She's one fierce female making changes one wave at a time and with immense joy, wisdom, and a great philosophy of making the most in life. In this conversation, we talked about Heidi's relationship with surfing her adventurous lifestyle, and we get to learn a lot about whales and freediving too.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Heidi:

    Facebook InstagramTwitterPictosee


    11:50 “If you want to do what you really want to do. You might not make enough money… but that makes you more adaptable and resilient because you have to be the onto it” -Heidi Tapia29:21“If you're connected to what your body's telling you, it's easier to connect to things outside of you.” -Heidi Tapia34:14 “Handmade things have a very powerful meaning.” -Heidi Tapia35:57 “Part of our responsibility is to manage our waste. And that's something that is truly missing. And until we don't realize that,... not many things are going to change.” -Heidi Tapia40:20 “I wish we humans will be more willing to connect with ourselves and then, therefore, will be easier to connect with our surroundings and environment.” -Heidi Tapia


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    Number 4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Vincent Lartizien has learned this fact, not with his mind but with his heart. As he was introduced to windsurfing and surfing and through the travels he’s embarked into, he learned that humans are meant to connect with the environment they live in. For decades of professional surfing, he saw how his love was gradually changing into business without values. This became his mission today as an entrepreneur- to bring back the dwindling values in the industry. He created the Nunti Sunya brand along with this idea.

    They say this month is the month of love. So today, we get to hear Vincent’s story of how he fell in love and pursued that love, both for surfing and in business. He shares with us his journey with some of the lives he’s lived and how he came out victorious. Tune in and learn how to overcome challenges both in your entrepreneurial journey and in life. Vincent also enlightens us with so much wisdom on the spiritual side of surfing and how finding the energy can help us discover greater realities in our life. Vincent stresses the importance of values and sticking to them. Values are everything that a human is. Without it, how are we different?

    Episode Highlights:

    04:19 Living Lives08:44 The Roaf to Professional Wind Surfing14:30 Big Wave Surfing Adventures21:57 Guided The Spirit of the Sea25:33 Find First The Energy and Discover Larger Reality30:45 Gain Access to the Universal Rules34:33 Bringing Back the Value in Biz46:25 Entrepreneurial Challenges and Solutions

    This week, I had the privilege of having a chat with one of the pioneers of big wave surfing: he’s French and his name is Vincent Lartizien. Vincent started his career as a professional windsurfer. He traveled to Maui in the ’80s to follow his dream and ended up living there for the next 20 years. It turned out big wave surfing was something he loved doing, and during the time he spent in Hawaii, he learned and mastered the art of tow-in surfing just after it got invented by Laird Hamilton. He was, in fact, the first non-Hawaiian to be allowed to surf Jaws and spent the next 30 years pulling off incredible exploits in dangerous situations in Hawaii and the rest of the world.

    “Nature is a place of freedom where anything that will be taught to you will help you to work your life with deep values.” -Vincent Lartizien

    Our conversation covers these early years and beyond, but turns into a more spiritual conversation about the flow of energy in the ocean, and how Vincent's spiritual connection with the ocean has helped him see life differently. In fact, about 6 years ago, Vincent, against all odds decided to create a hemp t-shirt manufacturing business. Six years later he is a successful soulpreneur with vertically integrated hemp manufacturing facility near Hossegor. It’s from the shores of the Atlantic that practices what he learned from the ocean to succeed in business. Vincent’s path is atypical but is also fascinating.

    Next episode I’ll be chatting with a multipotentialite globetrotter living in Byron Bay.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Vincent:


    Resources Links:

    Vincent’s Products


    13:00 “We did the mistake that we could do and we learn.” -Vincent Lartizien22:29 “Every time I have some needed sign that comes in front of me, where I know I'm connected, there is a special connection and I feel good.” -Vincent Lartizien23:09 “Each wave is alive; each place has a spirit.” -Vincent Lartizien23:26 “It's a game we play with the wave and we want the spirit of the place of the wave to guide us, to show us… If you let yourself be guided by the spirit of the wave, you cannot make a mistake.” -Vincent Lartizien24:28 “That's what surfing is about- it's not a sport, it's more of spiritual activity.” -Vincent Lartizien26:59 “You can gain the knowledge without going to school. And that really freed me. I could learn whatever I wanted.” -Vincent Lartizien27:51 “Matter is created by energy and not the contrary. So all the material that we have, or the matter that we experience with our senses is only a creation of something larger, deeper.” -Vincent Lartizien31:48 “Nature is a place of freedom where anything that will be taught to you will help you to work your life with deep values.” -Vincent Lartizien39:26 “You have to be very balanced. You have to have one foot in the old world that is getting the rules… and one foot in the new world that nobody knows where it's going to be.” -Vincent Lartizien41:03 “If we let go of our values, we lose everything.” -Vincent Lartizien46:49 “I have to swallow my frustration and to understand that there is a timing for everything.” -Vincent Lartizien


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

    Number 4: I have created an online merch shop, called the Oceanriders Shop. It has a collection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, greeting cards and wall art for all types of budgets, so be sure to check them out on

  • Melanie Bernhard is a writer by trade and a journalist along with her husband. But she is also a passionate surfer. In her entire life course, surfing has always been there and she made sure it always will. As a surfer, Melanie is knowledgeable and has personally experienced mishaps in her surfing career. Hence, her idea of a unique and helpful book for surfers was born.

    In this conversation, Melanie shares the contents of her book. She also gives some advice for surfers and mentions some of the dangers one might meet in the ocean. This guide is simply what every surfer must read. As a writer, Melanie also shares valuable wisdom and tips on how to write a quality and marketable book in no time. She also gives a strong message to the women of the world regarding motherhood and career. Surfing is more than a hobby or a sport. It is a way of life. Circumstances may change but love is eternal. Melanie’s message is: “Never, ever give up your passion.”

    Episode Highlights:

    03:12 Daily Surf- Beauty and Dangers06:21 The Surf Trip Survival Guide12:56 A Surfer’s Greatest Risk18:34 How to Write With Quality in No Time23:25 How to Write A Sellable Book28:54 Catch The Green Wave32:15 Approaching Motherhood34:48 Career Advice For Mothers

    Today I'm really excited to introduce you to Melanie Bernhard. Melanie is from Germany and she's a journalist and a writer by trade. She joined me today to talk about her book, The Surf Trip Survival Guide that she wrote with her husband. It's a terrific compilation of tips for surfers to actually stay alive or out of harm during surf trip and it's riddled with fun and not so fun, real-life stories of how a surf trip could go potentially wrong, and how to fix things up.

    “I… couldn't imagine a life without surfing anymore.” -Melanie Bernhard

    Anyway, Melanie is originally a journalist from one of the biggest surfing magazines in Germany and is now established in Capbreton, where she's living the dream as a freelance journalist and writer. In this conversation, we go through what the book is all about, how she managed to get it off the ground, her lifestyle in France and her passion for surfing, writing, and bretzels. Anyway, when I got in touch with Melanie, it was on a feed on the women who serve Facebook group where people were exchanging about how to surf when you're pregnant. In fact, Melanie surfed until her seventh month and I was curious also to find out how she did it and why she stopped. In fact, you'll be surprised by her answer. Anyway, Melanie has got some great advice for young mothers who want to keep the Stoke alive after the baby is born.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Melanie:


    Resources Links:


    The Surf Trip Survival Guide: Better be Ready When Sh*t Goes Down by Melanie and Stephan Bernhard


    22:14 “I never thought about giving up because we always knew it's a good idea.” -Melanie Bernhard24:04 “You just have to stick to your dream. And when you're really convinced,... you will succeed.”-Melanie Bernhard30:03 “I… couldn't imagine a life without surfing anymore.” -Melanie Bernhard35:35 “...just go with your feeling.” -Melanie Bernhard36:18 “It's sometimes hard as a woman and a mother and a surfer to still follow your passion, but I think it's important to not lose that passion.” -Melanie Bernhard


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

  • Laura Day is among the insightful individuals who saw what a real surf lady looks like. Contrary to what advertisements have modeled for us, a real surf lady has a unique preference and taste that doesn’t necessarily reflect the industry. This reality opened Laura’s eyes to new possibilities which led to the foundation of iaera surf, a women’s surfwear brand that really caters to a surf lady’s needs. By creating a surfwear that resonates with the customers, iaera surf is successfully creating an environment where women can surf freely and happily.

    In this fun and edifying exchange, Laura shares her exciting surfing stories and entrepreneurial journey. In addition, she also relates some of the challenges one could possibly encounter in the early stages of their biz and how to successfully navigate through them. She also reveals some helpful advice on how to price your items based on quality and not on competition. Laura also gets to talk about her upcoming podcast, Confessions of a Surf Lady, which is a perfect platform for women to voice out their concerns and opinions anonymously. The ocean is no doubt, a surfer’s paradise. Therefore, the right to surf without the burden of misjudgments should be reserved by everyone.

    Episode Highlights:

    04:19 An Inland Girl Longs For the Inshore10:17 Surfwear for Real Surf Ladies17:10 Setting Up the Platform for Marketing20:31 How to Price Your Items22:33 Entrepreneurial Challenges25:42 What To Do When Funds Are Low29:15 Confessions of a Surf Lady35:22 What in the Surf Industry Makes You Feel Excluded?

    Today I got to sit down with Laura day, a bubbly and energetic surfer who is also an Interior Designer, Architect and the Founder of iaera surf, a women's surfwear brand based in San Diego, California. Laura has had an exciting life so far. She's been traveling and living between California and Australia. But today, our conversation explores her business ventures and the way in which she has apprehended the female surfing market with such talent and joy. iaera surf is a women's surfwear brand that she created from scratch, actually making designing and sewing the garments herself. The garments that range from rashes to bikinis are designed for women who don't necessarily feel they belong to the Billabong of Roxy stereotypes. And Laura has met former women actually on the lineup that are doctors, lawyers, and entrepreneurs and whose taste doesn't necessarily reflect what we see in shops. I think there are quite a lot of women out there in this category and Laura is definitely tapping into it.

    “No one's going to see you put your best foot forward if you never make a step.” -Laura Day

    We get to talk about Laura's story, her brand, and she gives us expert tips and advice on how to build a brand that sells. Beyond marketing and amazing design, Laura is also excelling in what works the best for the bottom line, and that is closing a sale. There's a lot to learn from her experience in this interview. And last but not least, Laura is also just about to launch a surfing podcast called, Confessions of a Surf Lady, and it will be dropping this week on all the podcast platforms.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Laura:

    WebsiteEmailFacebook Instagram

    Resources Links:


    Confessions of a Surf Lady by Laura Day (Coming Soon)


    Born A Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah


    19:29 “It's good to keep a balance (by) going through that idea… and then coming back and feeding that validation back to you.” -Laura Day20:35 “Making a sale is all about timing and that relationship with that customer.” -Laura Day22:08 “I value events or promotions that are around the brand, as opposed to really pushing hard for competing.” -Laura Day22:38 “The most challenging thing is to say, ‘No.’ to the things that maybe you're good at doing, however, don't exactly bring you the return that you need to survive as a business.” -Laura Day23:23 “No one's going to see you put your best foot forward if you never make a step.” -Laura Day


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

  • Natalie Small lived with the ocean most of her life. Being away from the waters feels like leaving home. For that reason, she knitted her profession and love for the ocean together through Groundswell Community Project, a nonprofit that provides a safe space for women battling with mental health problems. Surf therapy is the main focus of the healing process, which serves in many levels. Natalie believes that surfing is an art in which every participant can learn to create something beautiful out of their awful past. It offers not only a temporary fix, rather the skills learned from the course serves as a tool that participants can use throughout their entire lifetime.

    In this conversation, Natalie shares why our relationship with the ocean runs deeper than we thought. She also narrates the evolution of the surfing culture as it revolutionizes into something more balanced and sustainable. Surf therapy is the marriage of modern healing modalities and the mystery of nature recuperation. As a Surf Therapist, Natalie also explains how surfing can have a lasting effect on recovery and why we need a community to help us along the way. And if you’re contemplating to establish your own nonprofit, Natalie gives some tips and advice on how to “give birth”, “take care” and “sustain” it. The ocean can be our training field to face life’s adversities with all boldness and confidence. Like her, everyone can find a sense of “home” and calmness underneath the chaos of life.

    Episode Highlights:

    03:41 Finding a Sense of Home10:35 Bringing Back the Community in the Healing Process17:25 Calm Underneath the Chaos21:20 The Science of Ocean Healing28:23 Bringing in the Feminine Balance to the Ocean 32:04 Cultural Shift in Surfing 38:44 “Birthing” A Nonprofit

    The Oceanriders Podcast wouldn't be possible without the participation of incredible guests and today's is no exception. She's an amazing human. Her name is Natalie Small and she is the founder of an also groundbreaking nonprofit called, Groundswell Community Project. It started out in San Diego, California and is now taking the world by storm with sister initiatives popping up all over the US and around the world. In fact, you can find Groundswell Community Project in Peru, Cuba and even in Scotland. Groundswell Community Project’s purpose is to improve women's lives by helping them overcome PTSD, depression and other traumatic experiences. And they heal, thanks to surfing and the unconditional love of the ocean.

    “The ocean is so powerful. Underneath all this chaos of all the white water, there's always calm.” -Natalie Small

    Natalie is a Surf Therapist and that's what we get to discuss today. At such a young age, Natalie had an extraordinary life so far- from living on a sailboat for 11 years to bobbing across the world to help women and men overcome trauma. But today, she's living a fulfilling life doing what she loves. And in this conversation, we get to know the person behind Groundswell Community Project and get some expert advice about launching and developing your own nonprofit as well. There's some really good tips in this podcast.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Natalie:


    Resources Links:


    Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do by Wallace J. Nicholas

    Related Episodes:

    Episode 30: Meet Alexandra Lia-Founder of Soul Surfer and Creator of Seatizens


    05:59 “...the ocean helped me feel ‘home.’ ” -Natalie Small 11:27 “part of the problem is that... everything is so individualized, but we do need community.” -Natalie Small 13:00 “Surfing has been one of my most powerful transformative tools and healing tools in my own life.” -Natalie Small 13:16 “It's all about the process; it's not about the end product.” -Natalie Small 13:20 “There's just so much similarities between what we consider art and what we consider surfing.” -Natalie Small 18:54 “The ocean is so powerful. Underneath all this chaos of all the white water, there's always calm.” -Natalie Small 26:28 “every person has something to give the world.” -Natalie Small 27:00 “ recognizing that you have something to give and then giving it.” -Natalie Small 31:29 “Feminine energy needs the masculine energy and the masculine energy needs the feminine energy. To be able to balance the lineup is also inviting balance into our lives on land as well.” -Natalie Small 32:32 “The ocean sees us all as the same and so we must all be the same out there.” -Natalie Small 42:55 “It takes a village to raise a nonprofit. And so for those that are looking at starting a nonprofit… you don't have to do it alone.” -Natalie Small


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.

  • Trace Lane works around environmental awareness. She is the Director and Founder of Surf Sisters for Science, a platform that gives a voice to the untold stories of climate impact. Trace uses her research and writership to link science and the community. She’s also making authentic connections through the stories shared by many individuals from different parts of the world. For Trace, surfing is her way of reconnecting to the ocean. The waters are to her, more than a lovely sight; it is her home. For this reason, it is her burning desire to create awareness that climate change is real.

    Today, Trace gets to paint climate change in real pictures. Scientific researches and anecdotal evidences serve as reliable witnesses to the existence of climate change. Surf Sisters for Science offers an exciting and educational way to combat this enemy and Trace invites all sisters to join in this epic journey. The waters are changing. There is no better time to heed this warning than right now. Nature’s not going to wait until we’re ready. When calamity strikes, it strikes without mercy.

    Episode Highlights:

    04:14 Tracing the Flow of the Waters09:05 Surf Sisters on the Move14:42 Climate Change in Real Pictures19:09 Climate Change Harms Biodiversity24:55 The Ocean is Changing25:44 Contaminants in the Ocean Threatens Life on Land29:00 Join in the Adventures

    Today's guest is a brilliant woman on a mission. She's on a mission to raise awareness on climate change. Trace Lane is first and foremost, an academic who's been traveling the world for her research. That itself is already pretty cool. But Trace has created a platform called, Surf Sisters for Science, that is encouraging surfers from all over the world to witness the evolution of our planet's climate and waves from a surfer’s perspective. I'll let Trace do the explaining.

    “I couldn't talk about water realistically, unless I also talked about contamination and climate change.” -Trace Lane

    But what I found really interesting in Trace’s story is the impact surfing has had on her life from living in a landlocked city for years. She discovered surfing only a few years ago, and is now dedicating her whole life to the cause. It definitely resonates in the reason I started this podcast too.

    I hope you enjoy this episode.

    Take care, have fun, and enjoy the waves.



    Connect with Trace:


    Resources Links:

    The Oceanriders ShopSurf Sisters For Science Go Fund Me PageDonate to Surf Sisters for Science


    Vandana Shiva Books

    Related Episodes:

    Oceanriders Episode 34 with Tara Ruttenberg


    06:37 “I couldn't talk about water realistically, unless I also talked about contamination and climate change.” -Trace Lane 17:52 “Just because you're not feeling (climate change),... doesn't mean that many, many people around the world aren't feeling it, because they are. It's very real.” -Trace Lane21:59 “I would love to go everywhere, but everywhere doesn't need me to go to it.” -Trace Lane23:44 “The first wave that came my way… was like meeting an old friend. -Trace Lane23:56 “(Surfing) was something that was a part of my life but I just hadn't lived it yet. Since then, I knew that I had to make decisions based around surf. -Trace Lane24:08 “Surfing, is a way to be very, very present in the moment.” -Trace Lane24:45 “Surfing provided the missing link with my relationship with water. Getting thrown about by it is quite different than reading about it.”-Trace Lane25:28 “(Climate Change) impacts us on land. You don't have to be near or in the ocean to see these impacts.” -Trace Lane


    The Oceanriders Podcast is a passion project and, if you like it, you can support it in a number of ways:

    Number one: Share your love for this podcast on iTunes by giving it a few stars, or a review. Better still, subscribe. Anything in this direction increases my ranking and lets more people hear about my fascinating guests and how they are busting the surfing stereotype

    Number 2: Comment, and join the conversation on social media. You will find links to my social media accounts on

    Alternatively, you can connect with me on:

    Instagram: @theoceanriderspodcastFacebook: @theoceanriderspodcast Twitter: @ImiPodcast

    Number 3: Join me for an episode or sponsor my podcast! Just send an email to with a quick bio and I’ll take care of the rest.