
  • Chris Holm from Conspire A Theory returns to discuss the 60 Minutes segment that aired on CBS on Sunday, May 16th on what the Pentagon and the United States Military might disclose in a special report to Congress that’s due this June about the countless UFO sightings by pilots, other radar operators, and other military personnel.

    What would disclosure actually mean for society as a whole? Is this validation for countless people such as ourselves who have always believed there was something out there and wouldn’t accept the obvious lies about “weather balloons” or “swamp gas?” What about the lives ruined by the U.S Government when they retaliated against whistleblowers who shared their experiences with the public?

    Chris joins Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk to discuss all this and debate what will happen to people in the disclosure movement when there is nothing left to disclose?

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  • In this Paranormal Post edition of The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show, Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk begin by talking about an exorcism gone wrong in Sri Lanka, leading to a young girl's death.

    This news item begins the conversation about the actual meaning of the word 'Exorcism' and how almost every religion in the world has special rituals and sacraments to ward off spiritual infestations. How is a demon possession of a person different or the same as a ghost haunting a specific item or place?

    ... And somehow, we get into a debate if Charles Manson was a mere product of MKULTRA, just plain evil, or possessed by demonic forces.

    At the end of the show, Jason and Eric invite you, our listeners, to send your own stories of exorcisms and hauntings to read in a future episode.

    The Paranormal Post from The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show is brought to you by our listeners. Just like NPR... but we have better-looking Tote Bags.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk discuss The United States Navy claim to have patents on technology from the realm of Science Fiction. The topic then moves to legitimate scientific papers discussing the possibility of a warp drive with our current level of technology and the moral and political implications of traveling to other worlds with our current intelligence and morality level.

    And before the NSA cuts our communication line, Jay and Eric discuss the time passages and the joy of doing paranormal episodes while drinking Kraken Black Spiced Rum...

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  • In this Paranormal Post edition of The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show, Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk discuss an American Airlines passenger jet's Close Encounter of The Second Kind in the Stratosphere. The University Of Copenhagen's study proves our galaxy is teeming with Earth-Like Worlds thanks to the pebble accretion model for the formation of the terrestrial planets. Black Holes help astronomers here on Earth find Dark Matter.

    In the second half of the show, Jay and Eric discuss the Creative Evolution article, "A 5000-Year-Old Aboriginal Cave Painting of The "Wandjina." Known As 'The Sky Beings'," and ARCHAEOLOGY WORLD's "10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens And UFOs Found in India," and the possible connection between the two that might depict reoccurring global catastrophes.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk discuss the latest developments from Wuhan, China, during the first week of the World Health Organization's investigation into the origins of the Covid-19 virus. Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance has been the strongest opponent against The Lab Leak Hypothesis has suddenly made the statement that theory can't be discounted quite yet. Why the change of heart?

    Jay and Eric revisit the events that led to The Obama Administration's moratorium on "Gain Of Function Research" on pathogens. Was the lab accident with a highly infectious strain of Anthrax in June 2014 at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention a harbinger for things to come?

    And what about the reports The United States State Department intercepted about lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology becoming severely sick mere weeks before the first reports of the deadly outbreak in that specific city in China in the autumn of 2019?

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk discuss the controversy surrounding the alleged radio signal from Pramama Centauri. TWO Harvard professors have discussed how visitors from other worlds have visited Earth. And another CIA UFO data-dump.

    Jay and Eric also discuss the consequences for men and women in clandestine services and the psychological effects on their children after years or decades of keeping secrets.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk from The Fedora Chronicles discuss the passing of Larry King and what made him a good (and bad) interviewer. We compare his career with other great broadcasters and commentators like Harlan Ellison, Art Bell, and Jay Severin from Boston.

    Also, what could every podcaster learn from people like Larry King? How vital is preproduction or pre-show research? Why should you thoroughly vet your guests even before asking them to come on your show? And how to ask great follow-up questions.

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    Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk fulfill a promise made to listeners years ago; to do an episode about President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address on the 60th Anniversary of that occasion that finally arrived earlier this month.

    The conversation about President Eisenhower's final speech from The White House is in context with President Kennedy's Inauguration days afterward and the meaning of the phrase "Deep State," and how it's evolved in the past five a half decades. We also discuss how the shadow of The Deep State looms over everything in the realm of divisive politics, including the swearing-in of the new President, Joe Biden.

    Jay and Eric also debate whether or not The President of The United States is "Your President" or "My President," and the dangers of deifying candidates and elected officials.

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  • John Olson talks to Eric Fisk on a Paranormal Post episode of The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show to discuss life in Utah, growing up in a Haunted House, approaching people with supernatural experiences, and how to write about mystical experiences.

    From his website, "John has spent the last 25 years interviewing and documenting firsthand accounts of those who have witnessed all kinds of strange and unusual phenomena in the western United States. The Stranger Bridgerland series contains firsthand accounts of everything from ghosts, monsters and hauntings, to glitches in the matrix, Sasquatch, and UFOs."

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  • Paige Elmore from Reverie True Crime joins us: Jason Cousineau, Superfan Melissa From Missouri, and Eric Fisk, to discuss the possible motives of The Nashville Christmas Bomber, Anthony Quinn Warner.

    The Fedora Chronicles Dynamic Quartette discusses how conspiracies begin and evolve and the consequences of being a thoughtful -and not reactionary - conspiracy theorist in times like these.

    Also, keep in mind that since this episode was recorded on Monday, December 27th, the story had developed more, and there has more speculation on Mr. Warner's motives in the media since then.

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  • Jason Cousineau, Eric Fisk, and Superfan Melissa From Missouri discuss the latest SPACE news; More Mysterious Radio Signals from beyond, "Organic" is literally EVERYWHERE in the universe, and a mega-superstar simply disappears.

    But first, a weird question about Larry King's marital status and if he's still alive, and avoiding the commercialization of The Fedora Chronicles!

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk discuss the disclosure about a real "Galactic Federation," Rethinking "Two Plus Two" in the realm of abstract math and the social media controversy surrounding non-linear thinking, the passing of Chuck Yeager, and picking up the mantle after our childhood heroes pass on.

    We also preview the miniseries with Paige Elmore surrounding the revelations from Tom O'Neil's book, "Chaos..."

    And once again... how we screw with Telemarketers.

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  • News of the Week - December 6th, 2020

    In this episode, Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk talk about the 12-hour suspension of all The Fedora Chronicles Twitter accounts which included the main account, the personal one, The Paranormal Post, and the original Metaphysical Connection 'PhysicsLaxative.' All for calling out one political commentator's hypocrisy towards another. At some point, with all of this on-line censorship, getting a suspension is a badge of honor.

    The conversation then moves to Astronomy and Space Exploration news including the phycological effects of looking at pictures from The Hubble Telescope, the loss of the Arecibo Observatory, and searching for messages from God in variations in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, and a Chinese Probe bringing back the first lunar samples in decades.

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  • Continuing the conversation that was recorded on November 25 but released on December 1st, 2020 - Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk talk about the unintended consequences of genetically manipulating monkey brains. Could science create a slave race or cause an ape holocaust when the more intelligent primates are released into the wild by accident or on purpose? What are the moral and ethical dilemmas associated with the research into making animals more human-like? What could happen if the research moves towards manipulating higher primates like gorillas or into other groups of animals such as dogs, cats, and other mammals?

    Do the names of "Island Of Doctor Moreau," "Jurassic Park," and "Planet Of The Apes" mean anything to these people?

    Jay and Eric then move on to using lasers to direct lightning strikes and the mysterious Stainless Steel Monolith that appeared in a desert in Utah. It's as if Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke are speaking to us from beyond the grave and are using The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show as their own personal Ouija board...

    This episode is dedicated to Paige Elmore of Reverie True Crime. Be sure to subscribe to her podcast, join her Facebook group, and follow her on Twiter.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk return to "Dark Waters" territory and discuss Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team appointee, Michael McCabe, an executive who worked for DuPont and tried to hide the dangers of the infamous pollutant known as "C8" from the public and attempted to dodge litigation.

    Jay and Eric revisit what happened during the DNC Primary, how the election process should have been better, and why a majority of Americans on both sides of the political divide won't ever believe there wasn't election fraud of some kind.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk catch up on "Space News" from the past month, including the launch of SpaceX Crew Dragon to the International Space Station, more water on The Moon than previously thought, and an Asteroid that's worth more than all the combined money on Earth. What should these news stories mean for the future of humanity? What are the moral and ethical dilemmas of human space exploration and space-based industry?

    But first, Jay and Eric discuss an image that was posted on "Paranormal Hauntings" and a life-changing experience with a local photographer.

    This episode is dedicated to our new listeners, Crystal Rios and Crain Harmony from the group "Paranormal Hauntings," and Misty Lockheart from Lockheart Photography.

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  • On this Paranormal / Metaphysical Connection Edition of The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show - Jason Cousineau and Eric Fisk start the show by reading a post we found on the paranormal group Paranormal Hauntings that echoes something we have been feeling for a while... There is something on the horizon that is coming our way soon that seems to have everyone on edge. And it has nothing to do with politics.

    We also revisit our encounters with an unexplained phenomenon such as shadow people and dark apparitions. We finish the show revisiting "The Mothman Prophecies," and discuss "The Bray Road Beast" documentary from "Small Town Monsters," and the book by Linda S. Godfrey.

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk respond to reports from the media that Joe Biden has won the 2020 Presidential Election as Donald Trump announces that he will contest the results in courts and demands recounts in the battleground states!

    Jason and Eric try to predict what could happen in the weeks before Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2020 Inauguration Day and then the next two years leading up to The Midterm Elections...

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk share their reactions to Election Night 2020 and their predictions for the next four years... and is there any way The United States can come together after TWO contentious Presidential Elections?

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  • Jason Cousineau and Eric Renderking Fisk start the show by talking about the success of Operation Autumn Hope and the recovery of 45 missing children in Southern Ohio and Southern West Virginia.

    The consequences of taking politicians too seriously, and sometimes not taking them seriously enough...

    Jay and Eric spend the rest of the show discussing the Senate Hearing and grilling of the CEOs from Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Do we really want The Government to have a say in what is and isn't allowed on social media? And an explanation of why alternative platforms such as Parler, MeWe, Minds, and Gab are the only answer to the dilemma of social media censorship.

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