And in this episode, I talk about something that we all get to wonder about every now and then…. ‘What is the meaning of life?’ …. ‘What is my purpose?’… ‘what am I here for..?’…. And all those other questions that seem to never have a solid answer.
Welcome to season 3 Guuyys!!! Apologies for the long hiatus 🥹. Life has been happening.
And in this episode, I talk about how to create the life of your dreams by getting rid of your ego.
Connect with me on the gram/tiktok- @Passiveincomeanna
Fehlende Folgen?
In this episode, I talk about running away from your present reality is only going to harm you more. And also, I explain what to do instead ✨
In this episode, I talk about how you can delulu your way into financial abundance 💰✨🥂
And in this episode, I remind you about your worthiness as a human being 💗
And In this episode, I help you understand what life truly and ultimately means ✨
And in this episode, I talk about the things stopping you from having money and how to get over them
In this episode, I talk about how shifting your mindset to that of a ‘god’ can change your entire life ✨
And then this episode, I talk about the best way to transcribe feelings of jealousy that may arise when you see someone else who has what you desire.
And in this episode, I talk about what I have realized… people actually experience the fear of success sometimes and this is exactly how to overcome it.
And in this episode, I talk about how something really terrible that happened to me turned out to be a learning experience and how I was able to change the outcome with my mindset 💡
And In this episode, I talk about how firstly believing in yourself can help you achieve everything you never thought was possible for you 💰🚀💵
And this episode, I talk about how life can be up one moment and down the next moment. But altogether, the thing that keeps us alive is Hope.
In this episode, I chat about what can possibly happen when you decide to do something regardless of whatever fear you’re feeling in the present moment 💡🤎
And in Today’s episode, I talk about how to get to the place where you can start showing up as the person you desire to become so as to attract her/him to your reality 💸💓💡
In today’s episode, I talk about how I didn’t realize I could wake up and decide I am more than I see myself. And anybody can do that at any point in their lives 💓
In today’s episode, we talk about how your purpose is aligned with doing what feels EFFORTLESS for you. When you force things into being, you create a resistance within yourself and on the long run, that’s not entirely healthy now, is it?.
In today’s episode, I talk about the mindset of ‘finding your niche’ and how you can choose to allow it find you instead.