
  • Recorded on September 11, 2024 and July 12, 2024

    Episode 115 of the PetroNerds podcast is another jam-packed PetroNerds special you are going to listen to, relisten to, and share. This is the keynote address that Trisha Curtis gave to IPANM, the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico on July 12th, 2024.

    This podcast is front-loaded with an energy-dense PetroNerdy market update covering everything from the softness and deterioration in oil prices, the Fed and inflation, weakness in the Chinese economy, lack of attention on geopolitics, and updates on the war in Ukraine, elections in the US, and Chinese power generation stats and CO2 emissions and much more!

    In this keynote address and talk Trisha covers the current state of the Biden Administration, global elections, US oil production, the health of the US economy and the consumer, inflation and the non recession, the non-ESG friendly energy transition, whack-a-mole CO2 emissions, the real problems with China, Russia, Iran, the war in the Middle East, Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea, Chinese CO2 emissions and exports of cheap green tech, the resilience of US shale, and everything in between.

    Make sure to check out the article Trisha Curtis published with Real Clear Energy as the Economist for the American Energy Institute: "America's Energy Success has Nothing to do with the Biden Harris Administration" and the US shale paper Trisha Curtis did for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies that was published in their September 2024 Forum Journal. The paper is called "US Shale Oil - Relentlessly Resident"

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  • Recorded on August 16, 2024

    In episode 114 of the PetroNerds podcast, Trisha Curtis, CEO of PetroNerds, is joined by Chris Brown, VP of Policy and Research at the Common Sense Institute, to discuss the recent report Trisha co-authored on Colorado's declining energy competitiveness.

    Energy is not just a sector of the economy; it is the sector upon which all businesses rely. Colorado, along with the rest of the US, has witnessed a dramatic escalation in electricity and natural gas prices, despite natural gas prices being near all-time lows, below $/mcf, for multiple months this year.

    In this podcast, Trisha and Chris discuss the main themes of this report, including the rising electricity and natural gas prices in Colorado, which are making the state less competitive from an energy cost standpoint. They also discuss where electricity is coming from in Colorado and the direct correlation between rising electricity costs and the increase of wind power into the grid.

    Finally, they talk about Colorado's CO2 emissions, which account for less than 0.3 percent of global emissions, and how Colorado shutting down coal-fired power plants is actually enabling higher CO2 emission growth out of China, increasing the cost of electricity and power generation in Colorado, decreasing grid reliability, and reducing the affordability of energy in the state.

    The data is damning and alarming, and folks in Colorado need to be reaching out to the PUC, Xcel, and their local representatives, demanding a halt to more wind and solar power being added to the grid at the expense of the Colorado consumer, taxpayer, and household. The report, along with all the detailed charts and analysis, can be found here:

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  • Recorded on August 14, 2024

    Episode 113 of the PetroNerds podcast is a must listen to episode to get you caught up on everything happening in the economy, oil prices, geopolitics, and escalation globally in hot wars.

    Trying to figure out why oil prices seem to want to go down even when wars in the Middle East and Europe continue to escalate? Saw the sell-off a couple of weeks ago when oil prices dropped to $72? Trisha Curtis has you covered. Trisha walks listeners through current oil prices and recent volatility, what is happening with Iran, the US, and Israel, and Ukraine's penetration into Russia.

    She spends the first half of the podcast diving into the economy, the freshly dropped CPI/inflation print, jobs cuts at Cisco and Intel, the Federal Reserve, unemployment ratcheting up to 4.3 percent, and interest rates. She pivots into geopolitics by talking about oil and why oil prices or real oil prices less the geopolitical risk premium are probably lower.

    She covers the IEA and OPEC monthly reports released this week as well as housing and refinancing of mortgages in the US, and the biggest trends in the market right now including weakness in the US consumer and a slowing China. She also talks about the Chinese economy and breaks down some of the figures inside the US inflation read and much more. This is your one-stop shop folks! And lastly Trisha talks about recent podcasts, forthcoming podcasts, and upcoming public speaking engagements.

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  • Recorded on July 31, 2024 and June 21, 2024

    Episode 112 of the PetroNerds podcast is the keynote address Trisha Curtis gave to AAPL, the American Association of Professional Landmen (Trisha still calls it Petroleum). This is an absolutely jam-packed energy-dense podcast filled with intel to get you up to speed on oil prices, the economy, geopolitics, and war.

    Trisha dives into the push and pull on oil prices, what is driving prices up or holding prices up, what is pressuring prices down or keeping a lid on prices, geopolitics and hot wars, inflation and the consumer, the relationship between Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China and continued attacks in the Red Sea and their impact on the global economy and oil prices.

    She gets into the changing political landscape in Europe and across the world, China's lack of economic growth, China's production of green tech, the poor understanding of oil and gas, and lack of market coverage of oil and gas, a very anti-domestic oil and gas Administration in America, a slowdown in consumer spending and the economy and the Fed, black swans, the health of the US consumer, and high prices and inflation pressuring the consumer, not interest rates.

    She covers the Biden Admin on energy policies and SPR, Chinese EV exports, Chinese oil demand and stockpiling, weapons flows from Iran and North Korea to Russia, and non ESG friendly green tech from China. And last but not least she takes a dive into US shale and the resiliency of production with less rigs and longer laterals despite regulatory headwinds and consolidation.

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  • Recorded on July 16, 2024 and May 17, 2024

    Episode 111 of the PetroNerds podcast is a true PetroNerds special. This is a recorded webinar with the Liquid Energy Pipeline Association (LEPA) hosted by Andy Black, President of LEPA and Tad True, VP of Bridger Pipeline, part of True Companies.

    Andy Black and Tad True ask Trisha Curtis a series of market related questions ranging from the macro and oil prices to price differentials and the blowouts seen in the early days of the Bakken shale boom. Tad talks about when he met Trisha, around 2012, and what was happening in the market at the time and asks Trisha to reflect and weigh in.

    If you have been wanting to hear about markets and midstream, this is the podcast you have been waiting for. Andy Black starts the webinar off by asking Trisha about the state of the oil market and the drivers in oil prices and Tad True gets Trisha in the weeds on crude flows, the history and evolution of US shale, and the major price differentials and blowouts seen in the Bakken in North Dakota and West Texas Intermediate in Cushing, Oklahoma. Trisha and Tad look back at the massive price differentials between WTI and Brent at the time and the rapid growth in crude by rail.

    This is an awesome and incredible conversation you are not going to want to miss folks. Please like it, review it, and share it with your friends and colleagues.

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  • Recorded on June 19, 2024

    Episode 110 of the PetroNerds podcast is a heavy hitting intel dense podcast on everything you need to know about the health of the US economy, the health of the US consumer, inflation, the Federal reserve, interest rates, and how it is all impacting oil prices.

    Trisha Curtis walks listeners through the US economy and explains how the consumer is being tapped out by high prices and how inflation, not interest rates, are actually driving down inflation to a degree. She explains the impact of high prices on the consumer and what is happening with supposed interest rate cuts, the stock market, and unemployment and jobs. She gets into the type of jobs being added and why the economy and the consumer is not that healthy. She talks about the Consumer Sentiment Survey from Michigan and how it relates to the problems the Biden Administration is having on convincing the US populace that the economy is good and healthy.

    Trisha talks about employment and job gains and the types of jobs being added and the lack of high paying jobs being added in the economy. Trisha gets into the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and the impact on goods prices, fuel cost. containers, and shipping times. Trisha talks about the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and oil prices and why the Biden Administration will likely tap the SPR again and lower oil prices before the election.

    Trisha gets into the "non recession recession" and where the jobs gains are, where they are not, and the fact that a lot of job gains are being filled with immigration. She discusses the impact of immigration on GDP and inflation and housing. She closes this jam-packed PetroNerds podcast by talking about oil prices, risk, the macro, and what is driving oil prices up and down. She covers geopolitics and gets into Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China, Iran and the Houthis, and the push and pull on oil prices. She squeezes in some commentary on US oil production, less rigs, and longer laterals, and Russian and Saudi production and spare capacity.

    This is an absolutely intelligence packed podcast that you are going to listen to and re-listen to, like, and share with your colleagues and friends.

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  • Recorded on May 16, 2024

    Episode 109 of the PetroNerds podcast is a discussion on energy and energy policy with former Texas representative Jason Isaac. He joins Trisha Curtis in discussing the state of energy and energy policy in the US and the world. They talk about US electricity prices and natural gas prices, the US economy and inflation, energy transition, US oil and gas production, and China.

    They also discuss the new think tank led by Mark Mills, the National Center for Energy Analytics (NCEA), where Trisha Curtis is now a Senior Fellow. Jason is the founder of the American Energy Institute and a Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. This is the first of many energy policy discussions Trisha will be having in the coming months.

    Trisha Curtis and Jason Isaac also wrote an op-ed together on Biden's SPR moves and energy policy, which can be viewed here:

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  • Recorded on April 30, 2024

    Episode 108 of the PetroNerds podcast is another PetroNerds special. Trisha Curtis, CEO of PetroNerds, is joined by guest Sam Shiverick, CEO of Buckhorn Production. Buckhorn is a production company that purchased unconventional horizontal wells from an operator in New Mexico in the Permian Basin in 2020. This is an incredible conversation that highlights the longevity and future of US shale. Buckhorn is literally breathing new life into older unconventional assets and increasing output and showing just how profitable it can be.

    Sam explains the history behind Buckhorn and his background in oil and gas and then Trisha and Sam get into the market dynamics and how Buckhorn is differentiated with a lower cost structure and much lower risk profile as it is not drilling and completing wells. They discuss the business model, older wells, methane, ESG, refracs, and a lot more.

    This is Sam Shiverick's first podcast. He is an incredible guest and PetroNerds cannot wait to have him back on the podcast.

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  • Recorded on May 1, 2024

    Episode 107 of the PetroNerds podcast is a complete rip and review of the US economy, inflation, a weakening consumer, the Federal Reserve and interest rates, the Chinese economy, and oil prices and oil demand. Trisha Curtis, host of the PetroNerds podcast and CEO of PetroNerds, walks listeners through Chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell's speech on May 1st and the reality of inflation not being appreciated by the dovish Fed.

    She goes through the poor earnings of stocks from Starbucks to McDonald's, all based on declining sales on the back of inflation and a tapped out consumer. The impacts this has to oil demand and oil prices are very real, but ongoing hot wars, the Houthis continued attacks to ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, Chinese tensions in the South China Sea, and Russia's continued barrage against Ukraine are all keeping prices elevated.

    Trisha closes the podcast with a number of newsworthy items including US production coming back above 13 mbd in February 2024, US CO2 emissions declining on the back of US natural gas, and much more. This is a jam packed podcast you are going to want to listen to twice and share with everyone you know!

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  • Recorded on April 18, 2024

    Episode 106 of the PetroNerds podcast is your complete market update and round the world tour on what is happening in the oil market, energy, the global economy, and geopolitics. Trisha Curtis, CEO of PetroNerds and host of the PetroNerds podcast, takes listeners from natural gas prices in the US to the Middle East and back again. This podcast dives into the drivers for oil prices, the war in the Middle East and the Iranian strikes on Israel, Russia's energy infrastructure targeting in Ukraine, OPEC spare capacity, US production of oil and natural gas, rising US electricity prices, stubborn US inflation, and the the lack of interest rates cuts by the US Federal Reserve.

    This is a podcast you are going to want to relisten to and share with your friends and colleagues. In 53 minutes Trisha covers what is driving oil prices, natural gas production in the US and natural gas prices, geopolitics and war and Iran's attack on Israel on April 13th, the SPR, global spare capacity, OPEC and Russian production vs. OPEC Plus targets, US production and lower US rig count and US activity, the complexity of high oil prices and low natural gas prices in the US, the Biden Administration's stance on Iran and their unwillingness to enforce sanctions on Iran crude exports to China, electricity inflation in the US and power demand, and the impact of politics and policies on oil and gas prices in the US. Trisha gets into power generation and natural gas explaining that half of US power generation is coming from natural gas.

    She talks about power generation and manufacturing, EVs and Hertz and the slowdown in sales and adoption of EVs, inflation and electricity prices and the $1.74 natural gas prices NOT being passed along to consumers, and Russian attacks on Ukraine and Ukraine's energy infrastructure and power generation. She discusses the Fed, interest rates, no interest rate cuts, inflation, housing prices and mortgage rates, new home sales being down and housing prices being up, the demand for electricity and power generation by chip companies and bets on AI, the geopolitical angst within the market, and Russia, Iran, and China ties.

    She closes the podcast by talking about the need for market intelligence and leadership in oil and gas, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it is also the right thing to do for your shareholders. Trisha talks about politics and policies and raising energy IQ. She talks about the differences between Biden and Trump on oil and gas prices and infrastructure, regulations, and business.

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  • Recorded on April 5, 2024

    Episode 105 of the PetroNerds podcast is a must listen to show stopper that you are going to want to share and listen to again. This PetroNerds podcast is a fresh market recap and dive on everything driving oil prices higher, including geopolitical tensions, the war in the Middle East, the Fed and rate volatility, inflation and concerns over sticky inflation, and China, Iran, and the less than ESG friendly energy transition.

    Trisha Curtis, CEO of PetroNerds and host of the PetroNerds podcast, walks listeners through the rise in oil prices, the rise in gold prices, and the rise in the 10 year yield curve and the relationship between the three. She gets into the current state of geopolitics and the risk premium finally coming into oil prices with regards to Israel and Iran. And she talks about the plethora of Fed commentary this week covering everything from rate hikes to rate cuts to rising immigration.

    She also talks about the US jobs report. The bulk of the podcast is the talk and presentation Trisha gave in Dallas, Texas to a group of investors at the CFA Investor Summit in November 2023. She chose to release this podcast now because of the geopolitical explanation in the talk with regard to the war in the Middle East, Fed comments, the atrocities committed in Gaza, and her discussion of China's role in the energy transition. This is fast talking, lippy, and a complete round the world conversation to investors.

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  • Recorded on March 15, 2024

    Episode 104 of the PetroNerds podcast is a PetroNerds special focussing on the proposed bill and ban on oil and gas permits in Colorado by 2030, an effective ban on all new oil and gas drilling. Trisha Curtis is joined by guest Chris Brown, VP of Policy and Research at the Common Sense Institute (CSI). Trisha just joined CSI as an Energy Fellow and helped contribute to a very recent and timely report authored by Chris on Senate Bill 24-159 in Colorado.

    Trisha and Chris talk about the bill, the impact to jobs in Colorado, the severe impact to tax revenue in Colorado, the detrimental impact to the economy, the knock on impacts that cannot easily be captured through modeling, the fact that it will increase not decrease CO2 emissions, and broader policies and costs being paid for by Coloradans and Americans from poor energy policies. While this podcast is focussed on this proposed bill to ban oil and gas drilling and completion permits in Colorado in the name of reducing CO2 emissions, the discussion goes beyond Colorado and is a lesson for all states.

    Oil production in California declines steadily, thousands of barrels per day each and every month, due to onerous regulations and anti oil and gas policies in California, directly contributing to rising energy costs, brown outs, higher costs of living, higher gasoline and diesel prices, higher electricity prices, and severe energy insecurity. This is the same route and path Colorado is on. Colorado citizens, businesses, business leaders, and those in and outside of the oil and gas industry need to appreciate that the war on oil and gas is a war on energy security and energy reliability and it is not reducing Colorado or global CO2 emissions. Xcel is proposing another rate hike on natural gas despite natural gas prices being well below $2/mcf.

    Consumers are not reaping the benefits of low domestic US energy prices in their electricity bills because utility companies are passing along the expensive cost of unreliable so called renewables to their consumers. Electricity bills have risen dramatically in the past few years, directly contributing to rising and sticky inflation and higher costs for consumers. Xcel is directly asking for the rate hike to pay for more expensive renewables.

    Folks need to push back and demand fairer prices and greater consumption of natural gas and reliable energy in the utility pool.

    Denver Gazette Article:


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  • Recorded on March 6, 2024

    Episode 103 of the PetroNerds podcast is another heavy hitting PetroNerds special. This is Trisha Curtis’ talk and presentation on US shale production and activity at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies’ Oil Day in Oxford, England on December 1st, 2023.

    Trisha front loads this episode with everything timely in the oil and gas market and global economy including Colorado’s potential ban on oil and gas drilling by 2030, Xcel’s proposed rate increase on natural gas to fund renewables, China’s economy and political party meetings, OPEC/Saudi’s extended voluntary oil production cut, Red Sea and Houthi ship attacks, and much more.

    Trisha’s Oil Day presentation walks listeners through US record production of 13.3 mbd and 128 Bcf/day of natural gas explaining the fundamentals of longer laterals, less rigs, less wells, rising output, oil prices, volatility, consolidation and M&A, and much more.

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    Episode 102 of the PetroNerds podcast is a jam packed deep dive on the geopolitical landscape, China, and US shale. Trisha Curtis takes listeners on a tour around the world, covering the Biden Xi meetings, the escalating war in the Middle East, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. She puts this in context of oil and gas, and broader energy market.

    This talk and presentation was the keynote speech Trisha gave to the Rocky Mountain GPA conference in Denver, Colorado on November 16. 2023. The title of this talk is Navigating Risk in a Game of Geopolitical Chess. Buckle up folks! This is a good one!

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  • Recorded on February 2, 2024

    Episode 101 of the PetroNerds podcast is your complete market recap of everything that has taken place in oil and the global economy in the past two weeks. Trisha Curtis dives into the Biden Administration's pause on LNG export permit approvals and what that means for global natural gas markets, oil price volatility, and Jerome Powell's speech and the Fed rate decision.

    Trisha walks listeners through the rise and fall in oil prices and why the market is not appropriately pricing in geopolitical risk. She talks about the Fed's rate policy, Jerome Powell's speech, and how Fed rates and pricing are impacting oil prices and oil price volatility. Trisha dives into the Biden Administration's LNG export permit approval pause and talks about how political and completely ignorant and unintelligent this move really was.

    She discusses the Baker Hughes conference that took place this week, the rest of the world betting on natural gas, as well as the Saudi move to lower output capacity investment, BP activist investors wanting more oil not less, and Exxon's pushback to activist investors. This is an absolute show-stopper folks and not the podcast you want to miss!

    Please reach PetroNerds at and share the PetroNerds podcast with friends and colleagues.

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  • Recorded on January 17, 2024 and November 9, 2023

    Episode 100 of the PetroNerds podcast is your heavy hitting one stop shop for everything you need to know in energy and the economy in 2024. Trisha Curtis, CEO of PetroNerds, front loads this episode with a complete recap of oil prices, China's economy, and the state of geopolitics in 2024.

    This podcast is the panel discussion Trisha Curtis did with Daniel Seaver, VP of Midstream at Fundare Resources, Chris Atherton, CEO of EnergyNet, and Andrew Haney, President of Nickel Road Operating. This was done at the Denver Earth Resources Library Rockies Expo. This conversation is a deep dive covering everything from oil prices and the macro environment to the state of acquisitions, consolidations, and M&A in oil and gas.

    These experts cover operating in the Rockies, the outlook for geopolitics, the state of the regulatory environment, deals and valuations, acreage tiers, ESG, recession risk, the Fed, and much more. This is a must listen to and must share episode folks!

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  • Recorded on October 16, 2023

    Episode 99 of the PetroNerds podcast is your second Rocky Mountain special with upstream operator Anschutz Exploration. Trisha Curtis is joined by guest Joe DeDominic, President of Anschutz Exploration in Denver, Colorado. Anschutz is private E&P primarily focused on the Powder River Basin in Wyoming with experience in Colorado, Utah, and North Dakota. Trisha and Joe cover the market and a range of topics including the evolution of the Powder River, the current state of play, and the Anschutz position and view.

    Anschutz is a unique private player in that they are fully funded and without debt. This gives them greater operational flexibility and the advantage of time. As a former employee, Manager of Strategy and Analytics/completions tech, Trisha is intimately familiar with Anschutz and the Powder River Basin and worked directly for Joe DeDominic. This is another not to miss episode and a great candid conversation with the President of one of the largest private players in the Rockies.

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  • Recorded on October 6, 2023

    Episode 98 of the PetroNerds podcast is a true PetroNerds special. Trisha Curtis is joined by Tad True of True Companies. He is a Casper, Wyoming local and the COO of Bridger Pipeline. Trisha and Tad discuss everything from the oil market and oil prices to covid and negative oil prices. They dive into the Bakken and the Powder River Basin.

    Tad gives exceptional color and perspective on what it was like to be a private company and midstream player in the Rockies during the extreme pricing dynamics of covid. Tad talks about the Powder River Basin and the Williston Basin from the vantage point of a Wyoming midstream company moving the barrels of upstream producers. This outlook is both unique and candid and sheds light onto the complexities of the Powder River Basin and the driving forces in the Bakken and Williston Basin.

    This is an absolute must listen to and must share PetroNerds podcast episode folks!

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  • Recorded on Nov 8, 2023 and Oct 12, 2023

    Episode 97 of the PetroNerds podcast is your must listen to economic and energy podcast and round the world geopolitical tour. This is Trisha Curtis' talk and presentation to the Denver Association of Petroleum Landmen on October 12th, 2023.

    Trisha walks listeners through the war in Gaza and the geopolitical dynamics in the Middle East, Europe, Russia, and China. She talks about China's role in the energy transition and how China competes. She talks about oil prices in the context of this volatility and what is happening in the US and global economy. She concludes by talking about US shale, production, the merger and acquisition environment, and how bullish she is on the potential of the rock.

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  • Recorded on October 5, 2023

    Episode 96 of the PetroNerds podcast is another heavy hitting podcast from PetroNerds with NYU Stern adjunct professor Paul Tice. He has 40 years of Wall Street experience and he talks with Trisha Curtis about the policies and complexities of "ESG" (environmental, social, and governance).

    This is an incredible discussion and Paul and Trisha Curtis do not hold back. Trisha asks Paul a myriad of questions related to ESG, the energy transition, public companies, and access to capital. At the time of recording on October 5th, 2023, WTI was $82.36, falling from nearly $94/barrel on September 27th, 2023.

    Trisha asks Paul to walk listeners through ESG compliance by companies, those required and not required, and what it is actually achieving. He talks about the UN promulgated club and ESG requirements which is driving significant moves in the publicly invested space for strict ESG compliance.

    The UNPRI has strict membership compliance and is organized by the UN and is moving the needle on strict ESG compliance including requirements to implement UN sustainability goals and the Paris Climate Accords. Trisha asks about BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard and the board room debacles in May of 2021 with Exxon, Chevron, and Shell. She also asks and touches on the UN backing of China's so-called "Green Belt and Road" and human rights violations.

    Paul gets into the fiduciary responsibility problems by applying ESG to funds and portfolios after they have been built and then trying to push these companies to change their behavior. Trisha asks Paul to offer some clarity on the pull back in green investing and the ESG push in the past year that many have heard about….is it real?

    They get into the subsidies behind wind, solar, and EVs, the auto strikes, and the massive transfer of wealth taking place in the sphere of very poor forms of energy being forced into economies by the government. Paul talks about the problem of ESG investments losing money in the short term and the real problems behind their promise that these ESG compliant companies and investments will make money in the future.

    Paul talks about how the energy transition and ESG is not driven by economics and reality but by politics. Trisha talks about why it is so important for oil and gas companies to really understand what is taking place in the ESG and investment space and the world and geopolitics so they can push back and properly invest in oil and gas. Trisha asks about the legalities and fiduciary responsibility and ESG and the lack of capital access that ESG push is creating.

    Paul talks about how important the credit markets are to focus on for ESG and the access to capital. He predicts governments in Europe and entities like the UN will declare a global climate emergency which will then be used to limit capital access to traditional fuel companies including oil and natural gas. Trisha asks how we educate and push back on all of this and stay positive despite the massive forces mounting against all of energy as well as the oil and gas industry.

    He explains that the industry, and all energy CEOs more broadly, need to speak out more and have more courage to defend the industry and their company and move away from the acceptance of the energy transition. Paul explains that the goal of the ESG movement and the energy transition is to shut down the oil, gas and coal industry in the US and the world.

    Trisha pushes everyone in the oil and gas industry, from CEOs to pumpers, to be vocal about what they do for a living and care about it and talk about it. Paul Tice says "defend yourself" and start talking frankly about climate.

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