
  • We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem.

    As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own and other people's struggles, flaws, weaknesses, and even sins.

    In our Catholic life, there will be a lot of questions that will come our way and in this episode, we'll try to answer a few of them.

    Here is another one of our Hot Takes episodes that talks about some essential topics that most of us can relate to. In this episode we'll be going through the following topics:

    1️⃣ The Experience of Saul: Aging and Transition
    2️⃣ Our Love for Home Through the Quirky and the Positive and How It Relates to God
    3️⃣ The Confusion About What Is Sin or Not

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Have you ever felt rejected by God or the church, as you try to get into religious life?

    This can be an utterly heartbreaking experience.

    When faced with "No" as a response to the desire to get into religious life, one might feel that they are being rejected by God or the church, that they're undesirable, or too broken for religious life. But in reality, that is not the case.

    This decision is actually a culmination of careful assessment of one's discernment, capacity, and the call they felt into religious life. This episode speaks more about that in hopes of explaining the reasons behind those decisions and encountering the hurt and vulnerable in these situations.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • We have to understand that we are going through different journeys. God is doing something completely different in each of our lives and we have to be attentive to that. Let us not be so quick to judge—everything is not as simple as it may seem.

    As we continue our journeys through life, we will constantly encounter our own and other people's struggles, flaws, weaknesses, and even sins.

    In our Catholic life, there will be a lot of questions that will come our way and in this episode, we'll try to answer a few of them.

    Here is another one of our Hot Takes episodes that talks about some essential topics that most of us can relate to. In this episode we'll be going through the following topics:

    1️⃣ The burden of learning new rules and prohibitions
    2️⃣ A healthy consumption of media
    3️⃣ The experience of priesthood

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 11)

    As a shepherd, what are you willing to lay down for your sheep?

    For shepherds nowadays, and even in the times of the Apostle, the sheep are for the shepherd's sake, they serve him. It's not like vice versa, sheep are the product and we get them to pasture so they can grow, so we can slaughter them.

    But this wasn't the case for Jesus, He said that "I am the good shepherd "and I lay down my life for my sheep."

    Jesus loves us this way. He wants to be so close and hold us so intimately and he doesn't want us to be lost. He doesn't want us to be far away, but he wants to feed, protect, clothe, and hold us.

    In this episode, as we bring our series on the book The Father to a close, we will be reflecting upon Jesus as the Good Shepherd and what this reveals to us of the heart of God as we talk about a story of a Father who freely lays down his life to save his son, and in doing so, loses his own life.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 10)

    Can you imagine how it feels for a parent when their child dies?

    A father and a mother don't want to lose any of their children and this is an icon of understanding how God doesn't want any of his children to be lost—how passionate God is about our salvation.

    God desires none to be lost.

    Today we'll talk about how we can walk towards life and away from death as a fruit of sin. We'll dive deeper into how we can keep the life of grace and the heart of God fully alive in our souls.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 9)

    Do you trust God's mercy?

    We are invited to bring to light those things that we are keeping in the dark, things that are tough, and trust that God in his mercy will love and care for us there.

    When we bring something to the Lord, it's forgiven and it's gone, He no longer sees us with that. He doesn't define us as a son or daughter who did this bad thing. To the Father's eyes, we are not defined by our sin and our weakness but by His love and our capacity to live like His son or daughter. But at the same time, sin still can seriously hurt us and the Father is also zealous to crush it and the things that lead us to them.

    Today we're looking at God and His Mercy and try to understand that a little bit. We'll take a look at both the merciful God and the God who is indifferent to sin.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 8)

    What's your initial response to difficulty?

    Difficulty and suffering is something that's part of the world we live in and to move forward with the Lord we have to live in this reality, even though it's hard.

    God is with us in it!

    One of the things a father also has to do is to teach their children and equip their children to do hard things. God the Father equips us and prepares us for what we need to have fulfillment and happiness in salvation, which includes learning how to carry and share in the suffering on the cross.

    In this episode, we'll talk about how to persevere in doing hard things for an extended period of time and how to stay steady with the Lord amidst the difficulty.

    Here's the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 7)

    What's the role that rules and laws play?

    Rules create boundaries and usually define the best way to do things. However, following rules can also NOT lead to freedom, this is why we need to learn to find the right balance in following the rules.

    In this episode, we will talk about the spirituality of laws and rules and how we can find balance to be safe, secure, and free in following them.

    We are also invited to look at some of these rules that we have established, these etiquettes or cultures that we've put on ourselves, our neighbors, or our pastors.

    Let's do some discernment of whether or not these are from God or not. And to also, go deeper and see what's at the heart of why we do that and ultimately, bring that to the Lord.

    Here's the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 6)

    What does it mean to be safe?

    Safety is not the absence of suffering, it's not like we're not going to struggle with anything but it's the recognition that when we are vulnerable, we don't have to escape it, because someone wants to be with us and provide for us and that is our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the safety that we are proposing.

    In this episode, we're focusing on the necessity of having sufficient resources and true expectations as we unpack what it really means to be truly safe.

    Here's the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 5)

    What does it mean to be loved and celebrated?

    We are favored sons and daughters worthy of celebration—of being served. We are worthy and loved by God and this episode talks about a step in the right direction on what it means to be loved and celebrated.

    This is a gentle call to conversion and repentance, an invitation to allow ourselves to be loved sacrificially and give God and others permission to love and celebrate us.

    Here's the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 4)

    What does it mean to be made for freedom?

    We are all called to live in freedom as sons and daughters of God. The reality is we are seen, loved, and chosen by God the Father and there's freedom when we experience that.

    In this episode, we're going through the mechanics of freedom and learn more about how the experience of home and trust can help us understand that a little bit deeper.

    Here's the link to the graph that we referenced in the video:

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 3)

    Can you imagine how you would gaze upon your newborn baby for the first time?

    This is the way the Father loves everyone. He's constantly looking at us and is constantly delighting in us.

    The Father always looks at us with the same delight, love, and rejoicing as a father looks at his newborn for the first time. This is how our Heavenly Father looks at us, delights in us, rejoices in us and contemplates us right now.

    When we feel things that we feel far away, or we think we feel that there's such darkness or separation or walls, it's an illusion, it's not true. We are always gazed upon with love and intimacy.

    In this episode, we're discussing the intimacy the Father wants to invite us into.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 2)

    Do you know how much your heavenly Father delights in you?

    The part of the heart of the Father is to care for his children in whatever shape or form that would take. It might feel a lot or even tiresome but because of the uncalculated love of the father, the time when he gets to take care of and be with his children in this special way can be the best part of the father's day.

    In his children's poverty, in this exchange, and despite the challenges, there are still many things about them that allow the father's heart to well up with delight. The inabilities and imperfections that we have, delight the Father because they are occasions of intimacy and closeness to Him.

    This is the purity of the delight we're talking about in today's episode. This is a reminder that God delights in all of us even more than an earthly father delights in his earthly children. The heavenly Father is not burdened by you, but He profoundly delights.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on "The Father" by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR (Part 1)

    How are you affected by the wounds you had from your earthly father?

    The life of St. Francis is a good example of how the wounds we have from our earthly father can be an access point to the heart of God. His wounds led him to embrace the heart of the Father through Jesus Christ.

    It is a good reminder for all of us that Jesus is the way to the fatherhood of God, He is the interesession between the Father and our wounds and He wants us to know the presence of the Father, save us, and heal us from those wounds.

    This episode is an invitation to hope that we can all experience the goodness of the fatherhood of God.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 7)

    This holy week, how do you intend to receive Jesus' total gift for you?

    The fast during Lent is not to show Jesus how tough we are, it's to show him how poor we are. It's to be in the space of utter poverty and to trust that receptivity, that He will come.

    And what we are celebrating in this holy Triduum, this Holy Week, is Christ, giving himself to us as the bridegroom and espousing himself to us, His bride. We are celebrating Jesus' love and total gift of self that is given to each of us in his passion.

    This episode is all about receptivity. As we go through this last week of Lent, we continue to dive into how Jesus is the bridegroom to us and talk about being open to receiving Jesus' love and His total gift.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

    You can get your copy of The Father (by Fr Mark-Mary Ames, CFR) at

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 5)

    Does it have to end in just being able to receive God's unconditional love?

    Like Lazarus, the guy beat up on the side of the road. We who have been loved in such messiness are also invited to go into the mess, and love. This is a sign that God is alive in us.

    We now have the dignity of His beloved sons and daughters, of not just being the recipients of His unconditional love, but now being able to love, not only from our own strength but in response to God being alive in us.

    In this episode, we'll talk about the story of the rich man and Lazarus, and its relation to the other parables discussed in the previous episodes.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    You can get a copy of The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups from the link below:

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 6)

    Our expectations and what God is doing can be totally different, so how should we respond to that?

    In the raising of Lazarus, the response of the Pharisees was to have Jesus killed. This was the tragic response of the heart when they were not open and unable to receive the mysterious and unconditional love of God.

    We can sometimes share the same humanity as the Pharisees too. We sometimes prefer to have Jesus out of our lives completely because of the changes, experiences, and difficult things that are happening in our lives that weren't what we expected them to be.

    We want it to be a certain way but then it's not that way.

    But despite all that, we are invited to stay in relationship with Jesus through any difficulty, change, or experience. In this episode we're gonna do a recap on the raising of Lazarus and dive into its mysterious reality and our response to that.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    You can get a copy of The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups from the link below:

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 4)

    If you were the prodigal son would you receive the Father's unconditional love?

    The conversion that the Father wants us to have is to move on from a conditional, perfectionistic way of experiencing God to a place of just being unconditionally loved by Him.

    But we can sometimes hold onto shame for security, what is asked of us is to leave behind that shame—let the shame and self-contempt crumble.

    We don't need to "pay rent" to be loved by the heavenly Father. Our sonship/daughterhip is not to be paid but is freely given to us. The invitation for all of us is to remain in the forgiveness and mercy of the Father. Let the relationship we have with Him restore and heal us from the place of shame and insecurity that we put ourselves into.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    You can get a copy of The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups from the link below:

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 3)

    Are you familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan?

    When we're beat up, when we're in this place of difficulty and shame, He's there, at the side of the road looking at us, desiring to pick us up and saying, "Come with me.". That's Jesus for all of us.

    The invitation of this episode is to allow the Lord to get close into our deepest places of darkness and shame so he can help us and love us there. Jesus actually comes into our messiness and He loves us unconditionally.

    This Lent, let Jesus unconditionally love you, and let the healing begin.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    You can get a copy of The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups from the link below:

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!

  • Series on The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups (Part 2)

    How does a bridegroom love his bride?

    That is how Jesus loves each one of us. He meets us wherever we are in our life to be our beloved and for us to be His. The Lord meets us in the desert-our place of poverty where He betroths us to Him and He betroths Himself to us.

    In this way, Jesus as the bridegroom reveals to us a quality of love, the way that God loves.

    In this episode, our aim is for us to better understand what it means to have Jesus as the bridegroom and the desert as the place of betrothal.

    The Poco a Poco podcast happens because of many generous donors, including recurring monthly donations of any amount. Thinking about helping out? You can give at Thank you!

    You can get a copy of The Ascension Lenten Companion by Fr. Mark Toups from the link below:

    🛒 You can also grab your Poco a Poco Merchandise at!