
  • What money myths are you running your business by? Your views and beliefs about money can really help propel your business forward or hold it back. I hear it all the time with clients, certain money myths that are said over and over again. But it’s often coupled with a desire to grow the business and reach bigger financial goals. However, if you don’t pick up on those money myths you’re telling yourself, you will not reach the goals you set. So how can you change that?

    It starts with picking up on those myths you’re telling yourself and busting them! So, in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to be covering the most common ones, including:

    Money myth #1: I don’t need to plan as I have enough money [0:52]Here’s how to make budgets seem less boring [1:29]Money myth #2: Someone else manages my finances, so I don’t have to [2:23]The one thing you’re responsible for [3:14]Money myth #3: I’m rubbish with money (or with maths)  [4:23]My recommended resource for money mindset [4:35]Money myth #4: I can’t afford it [5:42]What if other people can’t afford you? [7:05]Money myth #5: I can’t charge that [7:21]A simple pricing increase strategy [7:51]Resources:

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  • Do you want to hit 2023 with a bang? Do you know where you’re headed in the next 12 months? Planning is so important for your business, because without a plan you will not hit those goals, won’t know what content to create and will not understand where your business is going.

    And with no way of being able to plan or make decisions to grow your business, you’ll just end up sort of bumbling along with no actual way of making the money you want or getting your business where you want it to go.

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to turn that around! Planning is so beneficial to your business and I’m going to explain why it is and what you need to be looking at to create a great plan. So we’re going to be covering:

    Why it’s so important to plan [0:54]If you’re currently bumbling along, here’s why that’s happening [1:27]Why planning and pricing go together so well  [1:45]Questions to ask if you want to grow your business in 2023 [2:46]How 90 day sprints fit into your business planning [3:38]Things that are often forgotten when planning for the year ahead [4:13]What to do if you’re not a natural planner [4:40]What to look at with costs and revenue [5:22]Looking at your goals for the year ahead [6:03]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing -

    Get details on my planning masterclass on 29th November at 10am -

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  • How do you price during a recession? It’s going to be a difficult time for many people, especially as prices are going up and inflation is at a record high. So how can you effectively grow your business when things are so tough right now?

    You have to remember that, although it’s a difficult time for some people, it’s not awful for everybody. And some business owners won’t be heavily affected by the recession. And a recession doesn't mean that businesses aren’t investing in your services - people are still spending. 

    But I know what it’s like. You want to continue helping people during a recession, but you don’t want it to adversely affect your business. So, in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering lots of things that will help, including:

    The most important pricing thing to remember during a recession [1:00]How to help people during a recession [2:07]How to know what to cut (and what not to cut!)  [2:31]The one thing you absolutely must pay [3:15]The starting point for all your pricing structures [3:29]What to do when you’re really struggling [4:13]Why lowering your prices shouldn’t me your first action and what to do instead [4:19]How to reduce offers, not just prices [4:53]The importance of boundaries [5:17]Package prices and reduced offers [5:36]How to offer a reduced price without adversely affecting your business [6:00]My top recommendation for pricing during a recession [6:47]Resources:

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  • There are so many online business myths and success stories doing the rounds. As an online business owner, you cannot fail to see them or be attracted to them. It can be incredibly difficult to know what is and isn’t real, especially when you’re only being given half the story. 

    That’s why I loved chatting with Teresa Heath-Wareing for this week’s podcast. Teresa helps business owners from all around the world create a business and life they dream of, not what the rest of the world tells them they should have. Because success isn’t always about six figure launches and working from a beach - it’s about creating something that fits in with you, your family and your life.

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What having a business and life should look like to you [2:41]The reality is having that lifestyle will always include a payoff [3:05]What it means to have a personal brand - and the work involved [3:55]Why you can't compare yourself to the bigger 'person next door' type of business [6:59]Knowing what you can and shouldn't outsource in your business [8.19]Why outsourcing your social media is never a great idea [8:46]Why exclusivity isn't always authentic [10:55]Do yourself the biggest favour by asking yourself this one question! [12:30]The reality of building an online business [14:05]How attractive the numbers can be and why it's not always that straightforward [15:17]The myths and reality of earning money while you sleep and that beach lifestyle [16:35]The reality of having a membership and the work involved [18:55]Growing an organic list and using testimonials authentically [21:24]Why big results can include not falling apart! [24:32]The 3 key things to understand if you want your business to be amazing [26:02]The reality behind the online space [27:12]Why you need to keep it authentic [27:39]Looking at the long game rather than the sexy sells [30:27]Why affiliating with others isn't always the best lead generating activity [31:18]Why small is often better for lead generation [32:07]The myths and realities of paid and free speaking events [33:31]Why social media celebrities shouldn't be put on a pedestal [34:39]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing -

    Learn more about Teresa Heath-Wareing, over on her website -

    Listen to Teresa’s 5 star rated podcast ‘Your Dream Business’ -

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  • Do you take your customer on a pricing journey? It’s a question you need to ask yourself, both when thinking about product creation and also with your marketing. The pricing journey is something that can make the difference between turning a browser into a customer, a new customer into a repeat one, or risking losing the sale altogether.

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, I’m going to help you demystify the pricing journey. Here’s we’re going to be covering:

    What a customer pricing journey is [0:46]How knowing your client's journey helps with your pricing [1:12]If you offer coaching, here's how you can still implement a pricing journey [1:53]The importance of being clear about how clients can work more with you [2:57]How memberships and masterminds fit into that journey [3:22]Why pricing needs to fit the relative value being offered [4:22]One of the key things I always say to remember with pricing [5:42]It's all about getting scalable and here's why that's important [6:29]Resources:

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    If you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed by your pricing, why not book in to have a chat with me about this? You can do so at

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  • Ready to outsource or take on an employee in your business? It’s a question many entrepreneurs have but are terrified of exploring, especially when they’re ready to grow. And at first glance, it may seem that an outsourcer is your best option - but is it the right option for you and your business?It’s a subject I chatted with Victoria Johnson of Green Jay Group about for this week’s podcast. Victoria helps STEM startups get their people and culture how they want it to be. She also offers one-to-one leadership coaching, helping founders of businesses decide on the best ways to outsource, because it isn’t always easy deciding between hiring an employee or outsourcing to a freelancer.So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering: What you should think about before outsourcing or taking on an employee [2:13]What questions to ask yourself before looking for a solution [3:03]Why flexibility is an important consideration [3:49]Understanding why control and demand play a part in the role you fill [4:41]Contracts and financial sustainability [6:04]The most crucial financial element that gets overlooked [8:42]What financial aspects to budget for [10:22]Comparing a contractor to an employee [10:46]Pseudo employees and what to watch for in terms of IR35 -[11:10]Why ignorance is not a defence [13:43]The four things to consider when deciding between a freelancer or an employee [14:00]Skills gaps and contractors [17:20]Packages and the part they play in the role you fill [18:01]



    Help with working out your pricing, check out my pricing calculator -

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  • Batching is so useful for you and your business. At first glance, you might say it has nothing to do with pricing, but actually, it makes a huge difference to you, your business and the prices you charge. Because we all like to think we can multitask, but if you want to create your ideal business, you need to drop the multitasking and start embracing batching instead.

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    Why multitasking doesn’t work [0:46]Why you should bother with batching [1:20]How buffers of time help you create space [2:20]Managing your availability [2:36]Adding flexibility into your schedule [3:35]The importance of being disciplined with your service [4:16]Creating your ideal week [5:10]How batching can help you get clear on your availability [6:02]Batching and mindfully managing your time and energy [7:04]Resources:

    Sign up for my Packaging Masterclass, to learn how to get away from trading your time for money -

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  • Have you ever wondered how to set pricing for charities and non-profits? Maybe you want to give back more but don’t know where to start and how to price accordingly. It can be difficult finding that balance between earning enough to cover your business expenses and own salary, and also helping a wider range of people. But it is possible to give away your time for free, in a more structured way in your business.

    It’s a subject I had the recent pleasure of speaking about with Rosie Gilderthorp. Rosie is a clinical psychologist and splits her time between her social enterprise business, a perinatal mental health practice, and her Psychology Business School, where she teaches psychologists and therapists about setting up and ethically and effectively marketing yourself in the business world. 

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What it means to have a social enterprise business  [2:40]How you get paid, if you have a social enterprise [4:07]How to ethically decide who you can and can’t help [4:59]Working free sessions in your business [7:42]The pitfalls of offering free sessions and how to avoid them [9:09]The importance of paying yourself first [11:02]How to pick the right prices for your business [13:07]How to settle the fears around being affordable to everyone [15:55]Why charging more helps you to help more [17:02]The importance of considering the overall investment [17:45]Why niching helps your visibility and your marketing [19:26]How personality is crucial in business and when running a non-profit [ 23:59]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    If you're a psychologist or therapist, getting set up in private practice, or feel like you want to grow and expand and get ready to scale up your practice, head to Rosie’s website -

    You can also get yourself a copy of the free checklist to help you get your therapy business up and running, which you can find at -

    If you’re struggling in pregnancy or you've had a difficult birth, then you can find out more about Rosie’s therapy work here -

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  • Business growth is something we all want for our businesses. But often, there are three key problems you’ll face, when it comes to trying to grow - pricing, scaleable offers, and outsourcing. These tend to be the big issues in your business and will often hold you back and help you play small in your business.

    So if you’re currently frustrated with your lack of growth, are struggling with pricing and stressing over outsourcing, you’re not alone - and this podcast is going to give you what you need, to solve those problems and get your business back on track for the growth you want to achieve.

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    3 key problems in your business when it comes to trying to grow [1:16]The quickest way to make more money in your business [1:33]Scalable offers and the different hybrid options [3:30]One-to-many models [4:12]The model that should always be your most expensive option [4:45]Done-with-you options [5:11]The easiest way to get started outsourcing [6:16]What you need to know before you outsource [6:34]How it all fits together for the benefit of your business [7:15]Outsourcing for your own support [7:42]Getting started with a Virtual Assistant [8:13]What to outsource [8:28]How to push through those VAT threshold pricing and mindset issues [9:56]Resources:

    If you’d like more help around growing and increasing your pricing, particularly around the VAT threshold, then join me at my ‘Sailing Over The VAT Threshold’ masterclass on Tuesday 20th September. This one-hour class will cover the key things you need to know before getting VAT registered and is perfect if you’re reaching the VAT threshold or have recently gone over it. You can find more details at:

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  • Are you guilty of people pleasing, perfectionism or overthinking? And how does that come across in your business and your pricing? You may not immediately think the two are connected, but the emotional baggage that causes your people-pleasing or perfectionist habits impacts on what you’re willing to settle for in business, especially with boundaries and pricing. 

    It’s an important topic and one I chat to Natalie Lue about for this podcast episode. Natalie is a recovering people pleaser herself, and in this episode she’s going to help you discover the emotional baggage behind those habits and give you some tips to put that baggage down, and set better prices, boundaries and standards in your business.

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    Why people pleasers struggle with their pricing [2:47]The problems behind pricing too low [4:21]How to let go of the guilt that causes you to overdeliver [7:47]The importance of valuing your work - and pricing accordingly [9:35]Trial and error pricing and finding that sweet spot [12:06]Paying attention to the data in your business [14:52]Finding your secret sauce and how that helps clarify why people come to you [17:11]The problem with undervaluing what you do [19:54]Pricing may not be your main problem [20:51]Trusting your instincts when pricing [24:14]How to deal with client who have limited budgets [27:00]What to include in your onboarding process to minimise payment issues [28:00]How to overcome ‘fantasy money’ issues and non-payments [33:08]Resources:

    Sign up for the ‘Sailing Over The VAT Threshold’ masterclass on Tuesday 20th September -

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    Natalie’s website - 

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  • So many people I know are really terrified of going over the VAT threshold in the UK. But it isn’t something to be scared of - it’s actually a good thing for your business!

    On today's show, I want to talk to you about sailing over the VAT threshold without the fear, worry and self-sabotage that can go with it, so you can enjoy the growth of your business instead of worrying about whether you're going to go over the VAT threshold or not.

    Because that VAT threshold isn't something to be scared of, and yet, it stops people from growing and reaching their potential. So today’s podcast is a bit of a technical episode, but it’s short so you can get it in bite-sized chunks!

    So in this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What is the VAT threshold in the UK? [1:25]My advice for minimising the fear around reaching the VAT threshold [1:42]How to prepare if you’re working business to business (B2B) [2.14]How to prepare if you’re working with small businesses or consumers [2:27]Why your supplies matter too [3:01]Things to ask your accountant [3:13]What the real issues are when it comes to getting near the VAT threshold [3:39]When to consider becoming a Limited Company [4:09]What you need your bookkeeper or accountant to understand about your business [4:26]When to start thinking about the implications of VAT [4:59]Resources:

    If you’re earning more than £70k a year, are nearing the £85k VAT threshold, or have already gone over it and haven't been able to put your prices up or are struggling, then join me at my ‘Sailing Over The VAT Threshold’ masterclass on Tuesday 20th September -

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  • ​​👑 5 REASONS TO SUBSCRIBE to The Pricing Queen podcast! 👑

    😟 You're holding back your business because you're worried about the VAT threshold.

    🤔 You want to know when it's the right time to take someone on to help.

    😭 You struggle with people pleasing and client boundaries.

    🤗 You want to give something back and find it hard to price for charities and non-profits.

    ⏳ You want to save time pricing your products or services.

    The PRICING Queen podcast 👑 is essential listening for any small business owner. It's packed full of practical advice and small tips to help you move your business forward, especially if you're feeling a bit stuck. Plus, I've got some great guests lined up for you.

    It's back on Wednesday 7 September! 🎧

    Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

  • Pricing is something many in the coaching industry struggle with, and it’s often a subject that leads to a lot of undue worry and stress for new and experienced coaches alike. Common pricing issues include not charging enough and knowing how to position yourself in your chosen niche.

    It’s such a big subject and one I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Ruth Ferreira about. Ruth is a Business Growth coach and founder of Success Club, and she’s passionate about empowering small business owners to take their business to the next level and accelerate their success.

    So if you currently have pricing issues in your business or are wondering how to get out there and charge more for your services, this podcast is really going to help! 

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    One of the biggest challenges coaches have with pricing [1:34]Why the right pricing is key to your business success [3:25]Why the Boston Consulting Matrix is an excellent way of looking at clients [5:11]How to bring in higher-paying clients from the outset [10:06]The one thing you can do to help find your pricing sweet spot [13:23]Why warning your clients of a price increase can be a tactical move [16:41]How to position yourself in the right market [17:18]How to position yourself as a premium business [21:50]How to proceed when you’re just starting out [24:49]How price point impacts the results your customers get [26:18]Don’t let pricing hold you back - do this instead [30:36]Resources:

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    Ruth’s website - 

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  • Do the words cash flow management bring you out in hives? Do you struggle to understand how cash flow and pricing are linked? Do you know how critical cash flow is to your business? Cash flow is an essential aspect of your business, and you need to understand it. But if it currently makes your head spin, you’re not alone! 

    In this week’s episode of The Pricing Queen, we’re going to be covering:

    What we mean when we talk about cash flow [1:21]What matters most when it comes to your cash [1:45]The four things that make up your cash flow [2:12]The terms you should have in place and when to bill clients [2:54]Suppliers and when (and how!) to pay them [3:57]The one thing you absolutely must do when it comes to your tax [4:52]How the flow and seasonality of business impacts cash flow [6:13]The first thing you need to consider when it comes to cash flow [6:38]Resources:

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  • As a business owner, there are many difficult conversations you’ll need to have. But when it comes to the most difficult, pricing has to be right up there. So many people find it difficult to be more confident with pricing, especially when it comes to putting yourself out there and talking about what you sell and how much it costs.

    But it’s essential to grow your confidence around pricing conversations, especially if you’re looking to grow. It’s a subject I had the pleasure of chatting with Louisa Clarke about. Louisa is a verbal communication specialist and restorative practitioner. She helps take clients from dreading those challenging conversations to feeling like they know what to say and feel okay saying it. 

    So if you’re looking to get more confident with pricing and sales conversations, this week’s podcast will help. We’re going to be covering:

    The biggest mistake people make with those uncomfortable conversations [2:26]What pricing conversations and boundary setting have in common [3.11]The two stages that will help you get better at these conversations [3:27]Why resentment can be a helpful gauge for you [8:15]How to have that conversation about parting ways with a client [10:32]How people-pleasing and pricing fears can link to your upbringing [13:33]What to watch for if you’re an introvert or extrovert [16:40]How to get over those fears around being greedy for wanting more [23:44]What the overall focus needs to be to move forward [24:59]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    Louisa’s website - 

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    Sign up for Louisa’s newsletter and receive her guide to being ‘Better at Boundaries in 2022’.

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  • When you start your own business, you want it to do well, so you’ll build it on the right foundations. And it’s no different for your financial system. It also needs to be built on the right foundations; otherwise, you’ll find yourself and your business floundering.

    So in this episode of The Pricing Queen, we’ll be covering the 4 Ps of financial planning and why they’re so important. This includes:

    Why pricing is so crucial to your business as a whole [2:03]What profit is, how to work it out and how to manage it [2:22]The performance indicators you need to be measuring in your business [2;22]The importance of planning and why it shouldn’t be left to your accountant [2:22]Resources:

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  • Running an online business isn’t as easy as you often think it will be. Marketing is one skill many small business owners struggle with, especially when it comes to audience growth and converting those followers to sales.

    So if you’ve ever wondered how you can make money from an online audience, you’re not alone! I had the pleasure of chatting with Helen Perry about it for this week’s podcast. Helen helps other small businesses with their content marketing on Instagram and via email, and she shares some good insights on the reality of making a business from an online audience.

    So in this episode of The Pricing Queen, we’ll be covering:

    Why the number of followers shouldn’t be your main focus [3:30]Why it’s harder for a service-based business to make sales online [6:37]The things you need in place to attract an online audience [7:04]The critical thing to remember about social media marketing [8:34]Why you can’t rely on social media alone and what you need to do as well [9:29]Why connection is essential to your growth efforts [11:45]The one thing that will alienate your audience [12:31]Why competitors and the wrong people for you don’t matter [15:01]How long it takes to get noticed and why you should start now [16:09]The truth about social media and the customer buying journey [17:10]The big mistake a lot of businesses make with their social media [18:50]How to grow your audience [19:23]The truth about sharing too much online [20:12]The reality behind how our audience reacts to our content [22:17]What to do if you need a break from posting on social media [23:06]Resources:

    Helen’s website - 

    Follow Helen on Instagram - 

    Listen to Helen’s latest #justbloodypostit podcast - 

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  • Do you know what your business will look like in 12 months' time? A lot of people will say forecasting isn’t worth bothering with. After all, why would you forecast and look back at the last couple of years and what happened in that time? 

    But I firmly believe that you should always be looking to know where you’re going. Because if you don’t know where your business is headed, you’re just going to keep drifting around and missing potential opportunities and growth.

    So in this episode of The Pricing Queen, we’ll be covering:

    Why it’s essential to have a clear sense of direction in business [1:28]Why 20% is an important figure when it comes to client worth [2:24]When to consider the VAT threshold and when to plan for it [3:02]What things you need to take stock of when creating your plan [3:53]The value of 90-day sprints [5:00]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    Book a chat to see how I can help you with planning your next 12 months -

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  • Have you ever wondered how to get investment in your business? For many business owners, it’s something they may never think about or want. But depending on your goals, it’s worth thinking about investment or borrowing, as they can help you quickly grow your business to the level you want.

    Funding and investment isn’t an area I’m an expert in, so it was great to chat with Chartered Accountant and founder of Raised Up Finance, Deborah Edwards, on this subject. It’s a conversation that will help many business owners navigate their way through finding the right funding and investing options for them.

    So in this episode of The Pricing Queen, we’ll be covering:

    Two things you need to consider before you look into funding options [2:03]Getting clear on what you’re gaining - and giving up [4:45]Why government incentives are good for you and an investor [6:13]The importance of having a knowledgeable accountant on your team [6:48]How to pick the right investor for you [8:39]Crowdfunding as a viable funding option [10:37]Small business grants [12:11]Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists [13:24]What to watch for if opting for friends and family funding [13:56]Why self-funding can become a bit of an expensive hobby scenario [15:52]The importance of a business plan [17:42]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    Deborah’s websites - and 

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  • Your tax bill is probably one of the most unexciting things to talk about. But it’s something that can often keep business owners up at night. There’s a real fear and lack of understanding around taxes and if that’s something that worries you, know you’re not alone!

    After all, you don't want to suddenly be surprised on January 25th by a £5,000 tax bill and have no idea where you will get the money to pay for it.

    So in this episode of The Pricing Queen, we’ll be covering:

    How much you need to put aside as a sole trader [1:08]Why so many sole traders get surprised by their tax bill [1:32]How much you need to set aside as a Limited Company [2:18]Who needs to pay VAT, and how this works [2:55]The steps you need to take to alleviate your tax fears and worries [3:44]A tip for those who are going to earn a lot more or a lot less this financial year [5:32]Resources:

    Get help with working out your pricing - 

    Free download: ‘Why all your small business income isn't yours to keep’ -

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