KaaraTV Podcast on pitkän linjan autotoimittajan, televisio-ohjelmien ja videoiden tuottajan ja kirjoittajan Antti Liinpään autoaiheinen Podcast.
Antti Liinpää tuotti tai toimitti autoiluohjelmaa Neloselle vuosina 2004-2014 ja Kutoselle vuosina 2014-2016. Jaksoja kertyi tuona aikana noin 500 ja koeajoja tuhansia. Vuoden 2024 alussa Antti ja KaaraTV tekivät paluun televisioon. Kanavana toimii Eveo (kanavapaikka 17). Eveo esittää KaaraTV:n uuden jakson keskiviikkoisin klo 19.30 sekä useamman uusinnan viikon ajan ennen seuraavaa uutta ohjelmaa.
Eveon KaaraTV tarjoaa vain osan Antin uusista autoiluohjelmista ja videoista, sillä hän tuottaa ja toimittaa autoiluohjelmaa, koeajovideoita ja muuta autosisältöä KaaraTV:n sisäpiiriin jäsenalueelle. Liity heti, näe ja koe enemmän ja viihdy KaaraTV:n kyydissä 👉 https://www.anttiliinpaa.fi/kaaratv
KaaraTV Podcastissa Antti pohtii autoalaa, haastattelee autoalan vaikuttajia ja kertoo kokemuksiaan uusista sekä käytetyistä autoista.
#viihdyttäviä #kokemuksia #autoista -
Motorcycle racing podcast covering all aspects of the sport with co-host Dom Herbertson and rolling co-hosts Josh Corner, Joe Akroyd and Christian Iddon. We talk all things motorbikes, covering Road Racing, BSB, WSBK, MotoGP and much more.
Follow us on socials:
Instagram: @chasintheracinpod
Facebook: Chasin' the Racin' Podcast
X: @motorbikepod -
The Collecting Cars Podcast is hosted by founder and motoring enthusiast Edward Lovett and Motoring’s Chris Harris, in conversation with a stellar cast of car loving guests. An often funny, always frank show, full of insightful discussion about all things automotive.Mixed & Produced by Jonny Bunyan @ Pardon Our French Productions
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The classic Volkswagen podcast committed to the history of the hobby. The people that made it what it is today. Uncovering history from the early days of the aftermarket Volkswagen hobby
Inkie Chat is a podcast by Adele & Aaron Toomey about creativity, geek/nerd culture, productivity and organisation. After years of making creative content on the internet we've finally taken the plunge and jumped into the airwaves.
DO IT FOR A LIVING is a podcast where YOU, the performance racing industry enthusiast and shop owner can hear from the best minds in the performance racing industry talking about business and tech. We discuss new products and services and the best resources used by the big dogs. You can listen on your way to work or in the shop. With new episodes coming out every Monday, you'll find interesting topics and valuable information you can use to build your performance business. Now take this information and use it to build the next record-breaking car or innovative product.
A conversational podcast about the life and careers of people in and around the video games industry. Hosted by Gameplay & AI Lead from Ubisoft Aleissia Laidacker and Senior Level Designer from Eidos Tyler Windecker.
The Rag Company Podcastis all about car care, car culture and the auto detailing industry!With theMAIN SHOW,(Every Tuesday)you'll get weekly updates from Dane, Levi, Anthony & Morgan of the TRC Media Team about things going on in the auto detailing sphere. New products, sales, events and just laughing about whatever hobbies or antics they get up to in their personal lives. TRC PodcastMAIN SHOWepisodes are also always available to view onThe Rag Company Podcast YouTube Channel(Older episodes are available on the main Rag Company YouTube Channel)WithQ&A THURSDAY,(Most Thursdays)Dane, Levi, Anthony & Morgan answer viewer's detailing questions as they come in LIVE on the TRC YouTube channel! Some are simple while others are strange, but wherever the answers lead you'll probably learn something!Q&A THURSDAYlivestreams are always available to view onThe Rag Company YouTube ChannelWithDETALKSCAST, you'll enjoy long form interviews & topic discussions with automotive detailing industry leaders, product developers, influencers and detailers themselves. Past guests have included Matt Moreman of Obsessed Garage, Yvan Lacroix & Dann Williams of OPT, Jon Delieu of the Forensic Detailing Channel, Dylan von Kleist & Jason Rose of RUPES, Pan The Organizer, Jason Killmer & Andy Ward of KXK Dynamics, Justin Pate of The Wrap Institute and many more. TRC PodcastDETALKSCASTepisodes are also always available to view onThe Rag Company Podcast YouTube Channel(Older episodes are available on the main Rag Company YouTube Channel)WithDETALKS CLASSICS, you'll get to listen to audio adaptations of classic episodes of The Rag Company's Detailing Talk Show: DETALKS. For the original video versions, simply visit the DETALKS Playlist onThe Rag Company YouTube ChannelNo matter what you're into,The Rag Company Podcastprobably has something for you! if it does, pleaseRate & ReviewtheTRC Podcast on iTunesandshare itwith a friend!
Featuring Etsy seller stories and businesses serving the Etsy seller community.
An interview show for creative entrepreneurs.
Get a beer can and some birch branches! It's time to recap the latest game news and meet the people behind the Finnish game development scene. Join host Gregory Pellechi in the sauna at Games Factory in Helsinki, Finland for chats with developers, artists, writers and more about all things video games.
Podcast about rc racing
From the shadows of Mt Rainier, Bill Magnusson and Don Swier help you get the most value from your 2nd biggest asset. Fuel agnostic, whether ICE or electric; join us as we cover the industry, car culture and tips on how to buy and maintain.
Meet the women who make a living around fast cars! Women Take The Wheel with host, Nikki Clark, takes you behind the scenes and introduces you to women in the racing world. Every week, Nikki has the latest news in racing in Indiana and around the country, and introduces you to women drivers, crew members, fans and more!
Dan Stoner and Mike Musto have been in this business for quite some time. Stoner comes from the world of big advertising and publishing before coming to Hemmings, while Musto made a name for himself as an automotive journalist and show creator. What do they have in common? Well, everything and nothing. They’ve got different tastes in cars and are both jealous of each other’s grooming habits, YET, they both love everything automotive culture has to offer. Thus, an idea was hatched, and The Hemmings Hot Rod BBQ was born!
Lähitaksin Pirssipodi on Suomen ensimmäinen taksialan podcast. Sarjassa Lähitaksin viestintäpäällikkö Sakari Laurialan vieraina käy mielenkiintoisia vaikuttajia ylikomisarioista Invalidiliittoon.
The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes takes an in-depth look into the mental, emotional and social aspects of motorcycling with licensed clinical psychologist Mark Barnes. Mark takes your questions in every episode. Support your mental motorcycling with The Ride Inside!
Arto "Leiska" Leinonen on yli kahdenkymmenen yrittäjävuoden ajan yrittänyt kerätä leipänsä tien päältä erilaisista kuljettaja- ja puhehommista. Leiskalla on vahva kiinnostus moottoriurheiluun ja autoihin. Sekä se, että mielipide, nimittäin se ainoa oikea, löytyy asiaan kuin asiaan. Leiska ei myöskään pelkää kertoa sitä, vaikka siitä mielipiteestä joku saattaisi mielensä pahoittaa.
Everything you need to know about electric vehicles, presented by CarEdge Electric.