
  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, May 10, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced stories:

    Story 1 - Family refuses to pay fine levied on them for refusing to allow their mother to a horrifying long-term care facility.

    Story 2 - Teachers in Saskatchewn overwhelmingly tell the government to take it's latest offer to hell.

    Story 3 - National Post columnist mad that the Conservative nomination races are not transparent and probably fair.

    Story 4 - Quebec's National Assembly plans to sue Quebecor for not having paid their rent since August.

    Story 5 - Four emergency incidents involving Boeing planes this past week (though Global News missed the one that happened in Canada).

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, May 9, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced stories:

    Story 1 - Ghislain Picard reminds François Legault that Indigenous people are not an afterthought in Quebec history.

    Story 2 - CIJA broke lobbying rules in January but faced no sactions as a result.

    Story 3 - Ontario woman loses citizenship because her mother was incorrectly told he was a citizen when she was born, 32 years ago.

    Story 4 - Cholera emerges in regions in Kenya hit hardest by floods.

    Story 5 - Ukraine passes bill to allow current prisoners to serve in their army, something that Russia allowed at the start of their invasion.

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Convicted cop rapist Carl Snelgrove isn't working with the RNC any longer but the force refuses to say whether he quit or was fired.

    Story 2 - Doug Ford say that he's tired of encampments for Gaza and they need to leave

    Story 3 - Canada to expand power of CSIS to stop what they call foreign interference in elections.

    Story 4 - Cease fire deal brokered by Qatar and Egypt accepted by Hamas, seemingly rejected by Israel.

    Story 5 - At least 75 dead as climate change supersized El Nino causes devastating flooding in Brazil.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Monday, May 6, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Westjet to lock out its mechanics because they don't want them to strike for higher wages.

    Story 2 - Canada Post announces $748 million loss, just in time for bargaining with its workers.

    Story 3 - India says that Canada's investigation of Sikh activist's arrest is a "political compulsion"

    Story 4 - The sinking ship that is the British Conservative party.

    Story 5 - Israel bans Al Jazeera from broadcasting from Israel and the West Bank.

    Story 6 - At least 12 people have been killed after bomb blast near a market in DRC set by M23.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, May 3, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Three men, two of whom are related, have fathered 600 kids in Quebec, from ages 15 to infant in "artisenal sperm" operation.

    Story 2 - $2.4 billion carbon capture and storage project has been cancelled by Capital Power Inc. for being too expensive.

    Story 3 - Loblaw leaders ask Canadians to not steal from them as they count their profits after having stolen from Canadians.

    Story 4 - A second whistleblower at Boing has died.

    Story 5 - Russians have landed at an airbase in Niger where US troops are stationed.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, May 2, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - McGill's attempt to clear out pro-Palestine encampment is blocked by judge for being too broad

    Story 2 - Landfull search in Saskatoon begins to find remains of woman missing since 2020.

    Story 3 - ER at Williams Lake hospital closed over night this week due to a lack of nursing staff.

    Story 4 - The Treasury Board has announced that civil servants will be expected to be in the office three days per week as of the fall. PSAC and PIPSC both vow to fight the plan.

    Story 5 - The Scottish National Party wins confidence vote after Greens pull support for Humza Yousaf as leader, triggering his resignation.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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  • At this very moment, a student-led grassroots movement is spreading throughout the country, with over 100 encampments going up at different college and university campuses around the country and around the world in protest of Israel’s US-funded genocidal war on Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. In what is being called the “student intifada,” students, faculty, grad students, and other campus community members are exercising civil disobedience, occupying space on campuses, defying brutal repression from administrators and police, combatting skewed and wildly lopsided narratives in corporate media, and pressuring their universities to “disclose and divest” their investments in companies and financial institutions connected to Israel.

    In this urgent podcast, we take you to the frontlines of struggle and speak directly with student and grad student organizers of the Gaza encampment at the University of Michigan’s flagship campus in Ann Arbor. As the Michigan Daily, the student newspaper, reports, “The encampment was organized by the TAHRIR Coalition, a student-led coalition of more than 80 organizations including the U-M chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace and Students Allied for Freedom and Equality. The encampment follows six months of student protests for the University’s divestment, which began with a sit-in at the President’s house in October. Since then, students have continuously organized protests across campus demanding the University divest from Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.” TRNN’s Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez (who is an alumnus of the University of Michigan), speaks with Salma Hamamy, an undergraduate at UM and president of Students Allied For Freedom and Equality (SAFE), and Ember McCoy, a graduate student worker and department organizer in the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO).

    Studio Production: Maximillian Alvarez
    Post-Production: David Hebden

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  • Seven months of brutal Israeli genocide in Gaza have obliterated the local healthcare system, as the IDF has repeatedly targeted and destroyed hospitals and clinics in its military operations. When healthcare infrastructure was still standing, Gaza's healthcare workers faced the challenge of treating grave injuries requiring specialist care. To get around this issue, surgeons around the world have remotely coached their colleagues in Gaza, using messaging services like Whatsapp to lend their expertise in the treatment of particularly severe injuries. Surgeons Osaid Alser and Simon Fitzgerald join The Marc Steiner Show to discuss their experience offering this remote support to their colleagues at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis—where shortly after this recording, mass graves containing hundreds of bodies of Palestinians executed by the IDF were found.

    Studio Production: Cameron Granadino
    Post-Production: Alina Nehlich

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Gate Gourmet workers' strike is over.

    Story 2 - A judge rejects the call for a publication ban by Peel Police to hide the identity of cops who were present when a cop shot and killed Ejaz Choudry.

    Story 3 - TTC workers vote for a strike, the first time since the Liberals made it illegal for TTC workers to go on strike (that law was found to be unconstitutional).

    Story 4 - Israeli media reports that the ICC is considering charging top officials for genocide.

    Story 5 - At least 120 people dead after dam bursts in Kenya.

    Story 6 - the UN warns that another genocide may be brewing in the Darfur, calls on groups to stop arming the RSF and the Sudanese army.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Monday, April 29, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Friday, April 26, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Supervisor criminally charged, owner pleads guilty in death of young worker.

    Story 2 - Carbon monoxide poisoning sends 7 to hospital in Calgary. Workers were using a pressure washer inside of a parkade.

    Story 3 - Benzene rates are sky-high at Aamjiwnaang First Natåion due to a petrochemical plant's shutdown. The community has declared a state of emergency,

    Story 4 - Transitional council to take over now that Ariel Henry has residency as PM of Haiti.

    Story 5- More than 220 people massacred in a single day by the military in Burkina Faso.

  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Thursday, April 25, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Woman has to clean her dead husband's body because of staffing shortage in Montreal hospital.

    Story 2 - Former VP with SNC-Lavalin (now AtkinsRéalis) sentenced to prison for corruption.

    Story 3 - Every SQ shooting range is closed in Quebec due to cops being poisoned by toxic gas that accumulates in the spaces.

    Story 4 - Wildfire season off to brutal start in Alberta; officials declare sweeping open fire ban due to tinderbox conditions.

    Story 5 - US quietly supplies long-range missiles to Ukraine, they've been used twice.

  • For decades, prisoners' rights advocates have called on the State of Maryland to address its flagrant discrimination against prisoners housed in the state's sole women's prison. As The Real News has previously reported, conditions in the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women are akin to "torture," and the lack of resources and services dedicated to incarcerated women amounts to state-sanctioned, gender-based discrimination. Christina Merryman and Ameena Deramous, both former inmates in the MCIW—or the "Women's Cut"—join Rattling the Bars, explaining the conditions faced by incarcerated women in Maryland, and what advocates inside and outside the prison walls are doing to fight for justice, in the first half of this two-part panel.

    Studio Production: David Hebden
    Post-Production: Cameron Granadino

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  • "Vina Colley was Erin Brockovich before Erin Brockovich," Kevin Williams wrote in a 2020 Belt Magazine article titled, "The Poisonous Legacy of Portsmouth’s Gaseous Diffusion Plant." Williams continues, "Colley has become an unlikely citizen-scientist, spending a lifetime researching and documenting PORTS and its sins... Colley was hired as an electrician at the facility in 1980 and worked there for three years. 'I was exposed to everything. We were cleaning off radioactive equipment that we did not know was radioactive. They never told us,' Colley told me. Then, she said, her hair started falling out, she developed rashes, and 'I got really sick and went to the hospital, not knowing that it was my job causing me all these problems. I had big tumors.' In the four decades since, she’s faced a range of health problems, including chronic bronchitis, tumors, and pulmonary edema." In this episode, we sit down with Colley herself to talk about growing up in Ohio during America's Cold War atomic age, her experience working as an electrician at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and her decades-long fight to hold the plant and the government accountable for what they've done to her, her coworkers, and her community, and to get them the compensation they deserve.

    Additional links/info below…
    Vina's Facebook pageDOL Energy Advisory Board Information: Comments for the Record, "My name is Vina Colley and I am a sick worker from the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion plant in Piketon, Ohio..."Kevin Williams, Belt Magazine, "The Poisonous Legacy of Portsmouth’s Gaseous Diffusion Plant"Erin Gottsacker, The Ohio Newsroom, "Piketon stopped enriching uranium twenty years ago. Now the nuclear industry is coming back"Scioto Valley Guardian, "Residents in Pike County closer to justice and compensation for radioactive contaminants"Sen. Sherrod Brown, Press Release: "Brown secures commitment to work to add Pike, Scioto county residents to radiation exposure compensation program"Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network, "East Palestine residents demand fully-funded healthcare"Permanent links below...
    Working People Patreon pageLeave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter pageIn These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter pageThe Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter pageFeatured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme SongStudio Production: Maximillian Alvarez
    Post-Production: Jules Taylor

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - Family of Wet'suwet'en man who was murdered by RCMP vows to keep fighting for justice after BC's prosecution service drops charges against the cops.

    Story 2 - Date has been set for policing in Surrey to be transfered from the RCMP to the Surrey Police.

    Story 3 - BC Ombudsman slams the province for having done nothing to stop putting youth into solitary confinement despite damning report 2 years ago.

    Story 4 - More than 30 people missing or dead after boat capsizes off the coast of Djibouti.

    Story 5 - 5 people die trying to cross the English channel just after the UK passes law to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.

  • In 1912, the United States invaded Nicaragua and began what would become the longest US occupation in Latin American history. The occupation would birth both a dictatorship and one of Latin America’s most important revolutionary heroes: Augusto Sandino.

    Sandino would wage a six-year-long guerrilla insurgency to rid Nicaragua of the US Marines. And he would win. The United States finally pulled out in 1933, the year before Sandino was assassinated by the forces of the man who would take power and rule for decades.

    In this episode, host Michael Fox takes us on the trail of Augusto Sandino. We visit his hometown and then speak with University of Pittsburgh historian Michel Gobat about Sandino’s life, the US occupation, and how it set the scene for everything that would come decades later, including the 1979 Sandinista Revolution.

    Under the Shadow is an investigative narrative podcast series that walks back in time, telling the story of the past by visiting momentous places in the present.

    In each episode, host Michael Fox takes us to a location where something historic happened — a landmark of revolutionary struggle or foreign intervention. Today, it might look like a random street corner, a church, a mall, a monument, or a museum. But every place he takes us was once the site of history-making events that shook countries, impacted lives, and left deep marks on the world.

    Hosted by Latin America-based journalist Michael Fox.

    This podcast is produced in partnership between The Real News Network and NACLA.Guests:
    Michel Gobat

    Edited by Heather Gies.
    Sound design by Gustavo Türck.
    Theme music by Monte Perdido and Michael Fox
    Other music from Blue Dot Sessions.

    Follow and support journalist Michael Fox or Under the Shadow at

    For background, see Michel Gobat’s book Confronting the American Dream: Nicaragua under U.S. Imperial Rule (2005, Duke University Press)

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  • Canadian journalist Nora Loreto reads the latest headlines for Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

    TRNN has partnered with Loreto to syndicate and share her daily news digest with our audience. Tune in every morning to the TRNN podcast feed to hear the latest important news stories from Canada and around the world.

    Find more headlines from Nora at Sandy & Nora Talk Politics podcast feed.

    Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and becoming a monthly sustainer.

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    Referenced articles:

    Story 1 - The CSN files to represent workers at Amazon in Laval.

    Story 2 - Young worker poisoned on the job from carbon monoxide, but his employer, Co-op, isn't even being sanctioned.

    Story 3 - First Nations patients are more like to leave the ER without being seen and the reason? Racism.

    Story 4 - No evidence at all that UNRWA staff had any link to terrorism.

    Story 5 - Ecuadorians agree to stricter security measures in referendum vote.

  • Gene Bruskin was born to a Jewish working-class family in South Philadelphia and has been a life-long social justice activist, union organizer, poet, and playwright. Since retiring from the labor movement, Gene wrote his first play in 2016, a musical comedy for and about work and workers called Pray For the Dead: A Musical Tale of Morgues, Moguls and Mutiny. In this mini-cast we talk to Bruskin about his life in the the labor movement, the role of art and imagination in revolutionary politics, and about Bruskin's new musical, The Return of John Brown, which is premiering this month in Baltimore, Washington, DC, and the John Brown Raid Headquarters in Maryland. "In a staged reading of this new musical, John Brown, who in 1859 became the first person in the nation executed for treason, climbs out of his grave where he was hanged, into the present, only to be rearrested and threatened with another hanging."

    Additional links/info below…
    The Return of John Brown (musical,) websiteCosmopod, "Gene Bruskin: A Life in the Labor Movement"Christina L. Perez, Labor Notes, "Labor Musical Brings Morgue Workers' Struggle to Life"Permanent links below...
    Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter pageIn These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter pageThe Real News Network website, YouTubechannel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter pageFeatured Music...
    Jules Taylor, "Working People" Theme Song

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