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    Do you sometimes find yourself feeling lonely or know someone who regularly experiences that deep, isolating feeling? Loneliness is a complex and challenging emotion that touches many of us at different points in life.
    Welcome back to The Relationship Maze, where we're here to untangle the intricate emotions in your relationships and guide you towards connection and understanding. In today's episode, we're diving deep into the profound impact of loneliness. We'll explore why some people feel this disconnection more intensely than others and discuss the intricate dance of human connection that begins from infancy.
    Together, we'll uncover the underlying factors contributing to loneliness and share practical strategies to overcome it, including the importance of therapy and building meaningful relationships. If you're looking to improve your connection with yourself and others, this episode is for you.
    Don’t forget to visit for more resources and hit subscribe to stay updated!

    00:00 Feeling lonely despite being with groups.
    06:02 Close mother-baby bond crucial for child development.
    07:47 Building secure bond between child and parents.
    11:31 Beliefs about being unlovable affect relationships deeply.
    14:02 Beliefs impact connection and behavior in relationships.
    19:42 Relearning connections, building self-acceptance, seeking new experiences.
    21:57 Connecting with people, coping with loneliness, therapy.
    23:55 Encouragement to listen, subscribe, and visit website.

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    Welcome to another engaging episode of "The Relationship Maze" podcast. In today’s discussion, Angela and Tom dive into the intriguing world of Transactional Analysis, particularly focusing on the Parent-Adult-Child model introduced by Eric Berne.
    This model helps us understand the dynamics of our communications and interactions in relationships—be they personal, professional, or casual. By examining how we often revert to childlike or parental behaviours during conversations, our hosts explore how these roles impact our relationships and how becoming more aware of these dynamics can lead to healthier and more satisfying interactions.
    Get ready to uncover which ego state you might be operating from and learn strategies to foster more adult-to-adult dialogues. Join us as we navigate the complexities of communication in relationships, aiming for more fulfilling connections.
    00:00 Improving communication with transactional analysis and resources.
    06:27 Rebelling against being told what to do.
    07:47 Adult ego state reacts logically to situations.
    12:24 Partner reactions triggered by past experiences quickly.
    15:33 Partners need to communicate like adults.
    18:29 Reflect on reactions and behaviors in conflicts.
    22:00 Balancing playful and responsible parenting dynamics.
    23:02 Temporary usefulness of rebellious child state.

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    Welcome to The Relationship Maze podcast. In this episode, we delve into the complexities of experiential avoidance, a common psychological phenomenon where individuals steer clear of situations that evoke negative emotions.
    Hosts Tom and Angela explore the underlying fears that drive this behaviour, such as the worry that addressing certain topics might negatively impact their relationships. They discuss how these fears are often rooted in past experiences and societal conditioning which teach us to suppress so-called negative emotions.
    Join us as we uncover the significance of facing these uncomfortable situations to foster deeper intimacy and stronger connections in relationships. We'll also provide practical guidance on how to recognize and manage the physical sensations and thoughts associated with these challenging emotions, ultimately helping you lead a more fulfilling life. Stay tuned to learn how to navigate the emotional landscapes of your relationships more effectively.
    00:00 Overcome avoidance for better, fulfilling relationships.
    04:39 Avoiding conflict in relationships due to fear.
    07:16 Shortsighted way of interacting, withholding truth from partner.
    12:18 Clients' childhood emotional experiences impact current behavior.
    16:11 Avoidance driven by unknown uncomfortable feelings, disconnection.
    17:10 Identify feelings, tune into the body.
    21:13 Open communication fosters intimacy and connection.
    24:30 Encouraging openness and curiosity in a relationship.

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    In today's episode of The Relationship Maze, we explore the concept of projection and its impact on relationships. Join Tom and Angela as they delve into the fascinating topic of projection, shedding light on how our past experiences shape our perceptions of others.
    They discuss how projection can influence our attraction to certain people and how it impacts our behavior in relationships. Through insightful examples and discussions, they highlight the importance of self-awareness and how understanding our projections can lead to healthier, more fulfilling connections.
    Stay tuned as they offer practical tips and tools for navigating the intricate web of projection in relationships. Don't forget to visit the for additional resources and information. This thought-provoking episode will deepen your understanding of projection and its role in relationships.

    00:00 Early experiences shape our understanding of the world
    05:32 Raising voice can signal fear or danger.
    10:06 Exploring the shadow side and projection onto others.
    13:23 Understanding personal emotions and projections in relationships.
    15:50 Couples therapy theories: Familiarity in partner attraction.
    17:50 Understanding projection gives control over subconscious behaviors.
    22:07 Reflect on experiences, emotions through daily journaling.

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    Welcome to a new episode of "The Relationship Maze" where we dive into the complexities of your critical, inner voice and the impact it has on our relationships. In this episode, Tom and Angela explore the role of the inner critic, discussing why it might have developed, its effects on your life and ways to manage it for a more positive experience in your relationships. They delve into the impact of early experiences, schooling, and social media on developing and reinforcing the inner critic, offering insights and practical techniques to challenge and detach from negative self-talk. Join us as we navigate through the maze of our inner thoughts and learn to cultivate a more compassionate relationship with ourselves.

    00:00 Negative emotions can impact performance and relationships.
    04:57 Developing soothing inner voice is important.
    07:17 Insecure childhood attachments affect self-worth and relationships.
    11:48 Agreement leads to public scrutiny and feedback.
    15:46 Create character names to represent inner critic.
    18:33 Negative self-talk hinders performance and meaning.
    19:54 Adapting to criticism requires time and practice.
    23:21 Writing down self-talk helps identify patterns.

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    In this episode of "The Relationship Maze," Tom and Angela dive into the different developmental stages of relationships, exploring the model developed by Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson from the Couples Institute.

    Drawing parallels with early childhood development, they discuss the stages of adult relationships: symbiosis, differentiation, practicing, rapprochement, and mutual interdependence. Each of these stages serves a specific function in the development of the relationship and each of these stages requires particular developmental tasks of each individual as well as the couple as a team.

    Tom and Angela unpack the challenges and dynamics couples face at each stage, from the initial euphoria of the honeymoon phase to the struggles of couples who don't move beyond this initial stage. These often present in couples therapy and face the challenges of enmeshment or hostile dependency. Tom and Angela also touch on the complexities of partners being at different stages in relationships and provide insights into navigating these relationship stages towards a healthier and fulfilling connection.

    If you're looking to understand and improve your relationships, join Tom and Angela as they guide you through this enlightening exploration.

    00:00 Couples Institute's relationship model based on developmental stages.
    05:52 Stages of couple relationships: symbiosis and differentiation.
    06:59 Seeing people in a different light is natural.
    11:49 Practicing stage focuses on individual autonomy and self-esteem.
    15:26 Stage of relationship development towards mutual interdependence.
    18:16 Mutual interdependence creates a secure, mature relationship.
    19:59 Rare to have partners at different stages.
    25:12 Couple therapy: partners' different developmental phases challenge.
    26:57 Visit for improving your relationships.

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    Welcome to another insightful episode of The Relationship Maze. In today's episode Tom and Angela dive into the challenges of online dating, particularly the phenomenon of ghosting.
    They discuss the impact of being ghosted, potential reasons for ghosting, and offer valuable insights into maintaining a positive attitude and healthy mindset when navigating the complexities of modern dating. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how to approach early stages of dating and learn strategies for building fulfilling relationships in the digital age.

    00:00 Challenges of online dating addressed in podcast.
    03:54 Traditional dating relied on personal connections, trust.
    09:42 Overwhelmed with choice due to restaurant abundance.
    11:10 Early dating involves projecting rather than knowing.
    13:36 Early red flags signal potential relationship issues.
    18:45 Building connections takes time for genuine attraction.
    22:17 Online dating takes time and patience.
    24:27 Take time, attraction can develop, respect yourself.

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    In today's episode of The Relationship Maze, Tom and Angela delve into the world of warning signs in relationships, focusing on both early and later indicators of potential problems.
    They discuss the yellow flags that may indicate areas of concern in a relationship, such as inconsistent attention, dismissive behaviour, lack of communication, issues with ex-partners, differing life stages, mental health challenges, and deceptive dating profiles. Join them as they navigate through the complexities of relationship warning signs and offer valuable insights on how to identify and address potential red flags.
    Tune in to gain valuable insights that may help you navigate the maze of relationships with confidence and clarity.

    00:00 Recognizing red and yellow relationship warning signs.
    03:17 Yellow flag: partner's ambiguity about relationship.
    08:52 Cultural influences on emotional expression in men.
    11:44 Watch for warning signs of negative behavior.
    15:14 Friend disapproval could be a red flag.
    18:41 Past experiences can affect relationships, self-esteem.
    21:05 Excessive reassurance can become coercive control.
    24:55 Deception and mistrust in relationships over concealment.
    27:26 Age prejudice complicates the need for honesty.

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    Welcome to today's episode of "The Relationship Maze." In this episode hosts Tom and Angela delve into the early warning indicators of potentially problematic relationships. They discuss warning signs such as physical and emotional abuse, gaslighting, love bombing, excessive jealousy, boundary violations, and substance abuse.
    With insights into each warning sign, they provide valuable advice on what to look out for in relationships and how to navigate these challenges. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of these warning signs and learn how to address them effectively.
    So, join us on this enlightening exploration of the intricate dynamics of relationships.

    00:00 Early warning signs in a new relationship.
    05:28 Abusive relationships and coercive control explained briefly.
    07:25 Gaslighting overlaps with abusive relationships, affecting mental health.
    10:11 Expressions of strong emotions in relationships are critical.
    15:15 Podcast discusses narcissism and love bombing tactics.
    17:40 Evaluating partner behavior, signs of unhealthy relationship.
    21:17 Supportive help needed for partner with addiction.
    23:51 Recognize and address relationship boundary violations.

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    In this episode of "The Relationship Maze," hosts Tom and Angela dive into the complex question of how to know if you truly love someone.
    They explore the different stages and dynamics of love in relationships, including the early passionate phase, the role of attraction, the challenges of unconditional love, and the importance of differentiation in couple relationships . They emphasize the need for continuous reflection and communication in relationships to prevent crises and maintain a healthy, loving connection.
    With practical insights and thought-provoking discussions, this episode provides a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted nature of love in relationships.
    Join Tom and Angela as they unravel the intricacies of love and offer valuable guidance for nurturing and sustaining meaningful connections.
    00:00 Distinguishing between falling in love and loving.
    03:23 Instant chemistry in relationships is often problematic.
    08:28 Unconditional love requires meeting agreed needs.
    11:53 Transition from idealization to realistic perception in relationships.
    16:40 Evaluate relationship, prioritize well-being over love.
    19:19 Review love, clarify desires in relationship, understand.
    24:08 Prioritize communication and understanding in relationships.

    Contact us for information about individual counselling/psychotherapy, couples therapy, clinical supervision or CPD training.

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    In this episode of "The Relationship Maze" podcast, Tom and Angela delve into the complex topic of arguments and conflict in relationships. They discuss the inevitability of disagreements between partners and emphasize the importance of understanding and effectively managing arguments. The hosts provide valuable insights into the different types of arguments and the underlying issues that may lead to conflicts in relationships. They address the significance of recognizing one's conflict style and offer practical tips for handling arguments in a constructive manner. Additionally, they highlight the potential for deeper connection and personal growth that can arise from navigating conflicts with openness and understanding. Tune in to gain valuable insights into how to navigate arguments and conflicts in relationships and discover strategies for fostering healthier and more fulfilling connections with your partner.

    00:00 Conflicts in relationships are inevitable due to differences.
    05:11 Peeling away layers to reveal deeper issues.
    08:09 Relationship issues stem from childhood learned behaviors.
    11:31 Recognizing stonewalling to improve relationship patterns.
    15:31 Identify patterns and intentions in partner behavior.
    18:34 Consider tone to avoid sounding blaming. Create understanding.
    20:53 Conflict can deepen connection in relationships.
    23:39 Openness in discussing change is crucial.

    Contact us for information about individual counselling/psychotherapy, couples therapy, clinical supervision or CPD training.

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    Welcome to The Relationship Maze podcast! Today, we're diving into the 10 most annoying habits that partners have, and exploring what it means for your relationship. Tom and Angela discuss common grievances that can become major frustrations and provide insights on how to address these annoyances and create a more harmonious relationship.

    Stay tuned to learn how to navigate through these common relationship pitfalls and improve your connection with your partner.

    00:00 Dealing with annoying partner habits for better relationship.

    03:36 Engage in active listening for effective communication.

    08:22 Overcoming challenges in perception, noise, and therapy.

    12:15 Celebrate small tasks to associate good feelings.

    13:46 Household task imbalance causes relationship dynamic shift.

    16:50 Limit phone use in important situations.

    22:23 Controversial BBC show teaches dog training for husbands.

    24:30 Visit for relationship improvement tips.

    Contact us for information about individual counselling/psychotherapy, couples therapy, clinical supervision or CPD training.

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    Welcome to The Relationship Maze podcast where we delve into the complexities of human relationships. In today's episode hosts Tom and Angela explore the intriguing characters and family dynamics in the popular series "Succession." They delve into the complexities of the relationships depicted in the show and draw parallels to real-life experiences. From the desperate need for parental love to the impact of childhood attachment styles on adult behavior, the hosts dissect how the characters' personalities and struggles reflect relatable human experiences.

    Join us as we unravel the intricacies of the characters and their relationships, offering valuable insights into our own relational behaviors. And if you're interested in understanding and improving your own relationships, head over to our website for free resources and our online conflict style quiz.

    Tune in as we navigate the intriguing world of "Succession" and discover how it relates to our own lives.

    00:00 Estranged family dynamics in media mogul's empire.
    05:23 Logan Roy gives breadcrumbs of love.
    08:08 Eldest of three siblings with addiction problems.
    10:47 Many UK founders quickly form intense relationships.
    13:18 Clients struggle with abusive relationships due to self-image.
    17:31 Shiv is manipulative and toxic in marriage.
    21:31 Covering unhappiness with fantasy, it's engaging.
    24:24 Explore family dynamics through constellation shifting therapy.

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    In this episode of The Relationship Maze, Tom and Angela delve into the topic of healing from emotional wounds.

    They draw parallels between the physiological process of healing a wound and the emotional healing process. They emphasize the importance of awareness and understanding the cause of emotional wounds as the first step in the healing journey. They also discuss different therapeutic perspectives and methods for processing and healing emotional wounds.

    Throughout the conversation, they stress the significance of seeking help and acknowledge that healing takes time while highlighting the resilience and flexibility of the human mind and body.

    Tune in to discover valuable insights and practical tips for navigating the path to emotional healing.

    00:00 Unconscious childhood experiences impact emotions and healing.
    04:13 Our body has amazing capacity to heal.
    08:26 Final stage: wound healing, physical and emotional.
    10:00 Pain brings uniqueness, meaning, and strength over time.
    13:12 Physical trauma can lead to delayed awareness.
    17:09 Grieving for childhood losses is an important phase.
    21:11 Therapeutic techniques involve present perspective and dialogue.
    24:30 Seeking help is important for healing.
    25:51 "Improve relationships, mental health, take quiz, subscribe."

    Contact us for information about individual counselling/psychotherapy, couples therapy, clinical supervision or CPD training.

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    In this episode of "The Relationship Maze," hosts Tom and Angela delve into the topic of setbacks. They explore the different types of setbacks, how they affect us emotionally, and the importance of learning from them.
    By sharing personal experiences and examples, they discuss the impact of setbacks on various aspects of life, including relationships and career pursuits. They also offer valuable insights on handling setbacks, reframing them as opportunities for self-reflection and growth.
    The hosts emphasize the need to find realistic and achievable goals within our control while dealing with setbacks. Join Tom and Angela as they explore the dynamics of setbacks and provide practical tips for navigating through life's challenges.

    00:00 Strategies for overcoming setbacks in life discussed.
    05:37 Allow yourself time to process emotions fully.
    08:46 Stoicism can help, but analysis is crucial.
    10:07 Accepting challenges and taking personal responsibility.
    15:33 Questioning purpose but determined to complete studies.
    16:25 Recovering from setbacks and nurturing self-care.
    19:25 Perspective on failure: only feedback, empowering.
    22:47 Systemic thinking relevant in relationships and setbacks.
    25:38 Set outcome based on own actions for success.

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    In this episode of "The Relationship Maze," Tom and Angela delve into the complexities of Christmas celebrations and the strains it can place on our relationships.
    From managing family dynamics to handling the chaos of parenting during the festive season, they discuss the various stressors that can lead to arguments and disagreements. The hosts share insightful tips on how to navigate these challenges, including setting boundaries, communicating effectively, and finding time for self-care. Join them as they offer practical advice and share personal experiences to help you have a more enjoyable and fulfilling Christmas, free from unnecessary conflict.
    Stay tuned for an episode filled with valuable insights and strategies for a harmonious holiday season.
    00:00 How to avoid Christmas arguments and stress.
    05:24 Childhood magic of Christmas lingers in memories.
    07:26 Upbringing led to holiday stress and pressure.
    10:58 Set spending limits to prevent gift disappointments.
    14:19 Identify triggers, think about stress factors in advance.
    20:11 Approach teamwork in handling challenging family situations.
    20:47 Finding positive narratives can help shift perspective.
    24:26 Parenting stress during holidays with young children.

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    Welcome to The Relationship Maze, where we navigate the complexities of human connection. In today's episode, titled "Being honest in relationship," hosts Tom and Angela delve into the vital role of honesty and open communication in fostering healthy and authentic relationships.
    They discuss the implications of setting clear boundaries, the potential consequences of withholding information, and the importance of expressing true feelings and experiences to a partner. Tune in as they provide valuable insights on navigating the delicate balance of honesty in different stages of a relationship, and the impact it has on self-awareness and understanding.
    Join us as we explore the intricacies of being honest in relationships and gain valuable perspectives to navigate the relationship maze.
    00:00 Importance of honesty in relationships and resources.
    05:26 Interviewers seek to turn weaknesses into strengths.
    08:17 Reevaluate feelings, consider expressing, or change mindset.
    10:56 Negotiating expressions of feelings within a relationship.
    13:40 Anxious partners need to manage their insecurity.
    16:43 Promote honesty and openness in relationships.
    20:56 Early relationship dynamics can lead to deception.
    24:05 Share relevant things with your partner effectively.
    27:33 Clear boundaries are crucial for healthy relationships.

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    Welcome to The Relationship Maze, the podcast that helps you navigate the twists and turns of love and connection.

    In today's episode, "Expressing Emotions," hosts Tom and Angela delve into the intricacies of communicating feelings in relationships. Do you frequently express anger but struggle with letting your partner know that you love them? Or do you struggle to let your partner know that you are frustrated for fear of losing them?

    We discuss the challenges of managing emotions in the heat of the moment, the importance of understanding and reflecting on strong emotional reactions, and the need for safe expression.

    From the impact of childhood experiences to societal messages on relationship expectations, we explore the complexities of emotional expression in relationships. Join us as we unpack the nuances of love, anger, and the powerful impact of verbalizing emotions in adult relationships. Whether you're navigating the joy of love or the turbulence of negative emotions, this episode will provide insights and strategies for safe, effective emotional expression. So sit back, relax, and let's navigate the maze of expressing emotions in relationships.

    00:00 Exploring ways to express emotions in relationships.

    06:02 Adult relationships require verbal clarifications and reciprocity.

    08:08 Fear of expression and societal expectations discussed.

    09:51 Suppressing anger leads to emotional suppression in adulthood.

    14:36 Unaware replication of hurtful family behaviors continues.

    18:51 Learning to identify and understand nuanced feelings.

    21:42 Healthy love needs balance and understanding.

    25:35 Reflect on emotions, repair, and understand triggers.

    27:13 Expressing emotions can strengthen a relationship.

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    Welcome to today's episode of The Relationship Maze, where we delve into the intriguing concept of the shadow. Join Tom and Angela as they explore how our hidden, repressed aspects known as the shadow can impact our relationships. Drawing from the teachings of Carl Jung, they discuss how the persona we present to the world hides our shadow, which holds guilt, feelings of inferiority, and even dark desires.
    Discover how the shadow can manifest in your own relationship dynamics and learn techniques to uncover and integrate these hidden parts of yourself. Tune in and navigate the complexities of the shadow in today's episode.

    01:26 Persona hides shadow; both define us.

    03:51 Suppression of natural instincts can cause anger.

    08:52 Personal shadow, shame, repressed qualities, push down.

    11:14 Perception is projection, noticing our own projections.

    15:44 Unwanted qualities in partner reveal inner fears.

    18:39 "Shadow's connection to the concept of evil."

    20:45 Exploring shadow aspects, finding useful qualities. Compassion.

    23:23 Oversimplification of good and evil in media.

    Struggling with a lot of conflict and arguments in your relationship? Learn about communicating effectively and addressing common relationship problems in our Stop Arguing, Start Loving mini course:

    Learn everything you always wanted to know about building and maintaining loving relationships in our comprehensive course The Relationship Maze, starting with understanding yourself in relationships to understanding your partner and understanding what makes for a successful relationship. We look at common causes of relationship problems and offer solutions. Learn how to address relationship problems and questions without breaking up.

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    What is your argument style? Find out in our short quiz. You can find a link on our website:

    Welcome to another episode of The Relationship Maze!
    In today's episode Tom and Angela discuss the ever-popular world of dating apps and how attitudes towards them have evolved over the years. They delve into the reasons why dating apps can be both a blessing and a source of stress, as well as explore alternative ways to find fulfilling relationships.
    Whether you are a dating app enthusiast or feel overwhelmed by the online dating scene, this episode has insights and advice for everyone. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and join us in navigating the maze that is modern dating.
    Don't forget to visit the for free resources and check out their online course, The Relationship Maze.
    Enjoy the episode!

    Struggling with a lot of conflict and arguments in your relationship? Learn about communicating effectively and addressing common relationship problems in our Stop Arguing, Start Loving mini course:

    Learn everything you always wanted to know about building and maintaining loving relationships in our comprehensive course The Relationship Maze, starting with understanding yourself in relationships to understanding your partner and understanding what makes for a successful relationship. We look at common causes of relationship problems and offer solutions. Learn how to address relationship problems and questions without breaking up.