
  • As you may tell from the title, this episode is a more intimate conversation about my journey of getting out of flow, re-aligning back to my heart path, and making tough but necessary shifts on how I teach and operate within my business. If you find yourself in The Void, out of flow, or making big shifts in life and business – this episode is a must-listen!

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Starting with where I am now

    Getting opportunities while minimally on social media

    Why I’m focusing on growing a SUSTAINABLE business

    Re-defining what success looks and feels like

    What is The Void and how I navigated being there

    Lack of blank space, parenting differences, cancel culture that led me to going into The Void

    Why The Void is actually a sacred space for creation

    The shifts I’m making present day


    Work with me:

    HABITAT…the new home of Soul Flow Co.’s offerings. Grow a wildly sustainable business that feels like home. Join the waitlist now:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • The landscape of leadership is changing. The conventional ways of micro and macro leadership don’t acknowledge the deeper need: SOUL. In this episode, I speak with my client about how she’s leading a new paradigm of leadership that illuminates the shadow side of self, society, and systems of oppression to support changemakers in their mission to lead and liberate humanity.

    Listen in as we chat:

    Why there’s a deep need for a shift in how we lead, and how shadow work plays a vital role in creating systemic change

    Why she chose to join Rewilding over another program that she’s been eyeing for years, AND was half the price

    How the support she received in Rewilding in the first week alone confirmed that her investment was worth it

    How our work together supported her in deepening congruence, which allowed her launch a program that felt the easiest to sell in all of the offers she’s launched in the past 5 years. AND got her two high ticket clients in one week!

    How our work together helped her get out of the 5 years’ cycle of launching/re-building in her business, and instead she has the clarity and conviction to do the work her Soul is meant to do

    How being in Re-Wilding gave her the AUDACITY, COURAGE, and SAFETY to refine her Thought Leadership, claim the power of her work as she leads a new paradigm for visionaries, trailblazers, and changemakers toward individual wholeness and collective liberation.

    Lena Papadopoulos is a trauma-informed, award-winning educator, coach, facilitator, and consultant.

    Lena is the creator of (R)EVOLutionary Change™—a human-centered leadership methodology designed to illuminate and alchemize the trauma-based shadows in self, society, and systems of oppression for the purpose of personal and collective liberation.


    If you’re a visionary with a BIG mission and an even larger vision, and you want a safe supportive space with a high-level mentor to help you become that Thought Leader and go-to of your industry — come work with me!

    Re-Wilding: The Mastermind is now taking applications:

    Let’s get WILD!


    Other ways to work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Free Resources

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Visit my website:

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  • We’re in a new era of the coaching industry, and we’re being called to slow down and contemplate how we wanna continue to call each other IN and UP, and continue to elevate this sacred work in a human-centric way.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why 2020 is what I call the “Big Bang” of the online coaching industry

    The rise of the popularity of ‘coach’

    What shifted in the past year (why people are getting cancelled, why people are leaving, why demand has declined, image of the coaching industry at large)

    What actually is going on and where we now as an industry

    What we can do better/how we can be better

    Why I’m adamant on treating coaching as a vocation, not a cash cow

    Should everyone get certified in order to be a coach?

    Is the coaching industry an MLM/pyramid scheme?

    Should the industry be regulated?

    Should we divest from the coaching industry?

    What my vision is for the new paradigm of coaching


    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Hey Artists and Creatives! If you want to know what it's like to transition from an agency career working with big brands like Stephen Curry and Michelle Obama to owning your own thriving Creative Design Business while centering values like community, rest, play and pleasure — then you’re not gonna wanna miss this convo with my amazing client Isabel!

    Listen in as we talk about:

    The evolution of our work together from The Alchemy Room thru Re-Wilding: The Mastermind

    How she was able to fill her very first group program, as a new entrepreneur

    The invitations she’s received from leading in-person workshops to freelance opportunities

    The importance of Discipline vs Devotion, and why you can’t sustain a business off of excitement only

    How she models getting paid with EASE as she created recurring revenue while she vacationed in the Philippines for a month

    How expanding her self-concept and creating a strong body of work set her up to grow her business while integrating rest, play, and pleasure in her day-to-day!

    Isabel Bagsik (she/her) is a Creativity Wellness Guide and art director who works with creatives, visionaries, and changemakers ready to honor their inherent creative wisdom (and untangling from exhausting habits). Systemic oppressive systems encourage burnout, so to rest is to resist and have the sustainability to build a new just world.

    Isabel has a double Bachelor’s degree in Design & Digital Media from UC Davis, founded the Brown Papaya Magazine for Filipinx women and LGBTQIA+ folks, and designed for nonprofits, multi-billion corporations, and even your fave celebrities (such as: Target, Google, Michelle Obama, Naomi Campbell, Stephen Curry).

    Follow Isabel @unconventionalbliss and check out all of her offerings!


    If you’re ready to be expanded, challenged, and supported (without the spiritual bypassing), so you can pioneer your own legacy work, come join us!

    Re-Wilding: The Mastermind is now accepting applications for Summer 2024 start!

    Grab the details and apply here:

    Other ways to work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • What if I told you that your next level will require you to let go of the idea of being relateable? Because the most prolific leaders who have created the most impact, shifted paradigms, and therefore are sought-after, are well-paid, and have a lasting LEGACY are based on one thing: Visionary Thought Leadership. And at the core of creating, embodying, and speaking the visionary thought leadership that gets you paid to lead GLOBAL MOVEMENTS? AUDACITY to be UNRELATEABLE.

    Listen is as I talk about:

    The common denominator of renowned industry disruptors like Richard Branson, Kris Jenner, Stephen Curry, and RuPaul

    Why being unrelateable is a primal fear

    What is Visionary Thought Leadership and how it helps you get paid for novel solutions, bring in more clients at a faster rate, and create brand loyalty.

    Why Audacity to be Unrelateable is needed to be a visionary thought leader

    3 things you need to cultivate Audacity


    If you’re a Visionary Thought Leader who wants to embody and master the energy of Audacity so you can be a sought-after well-paid Thought Leader and Global Visionary – I have a masterclass for you!

    UNRELATEABLE: The Masterclass will be run live on Apr 26, 2024, and will be available to purchase as a replay.

    What you’ll learn:

    01 Why it feels so DANGEROUS to be UNRELATEABLE (and NO, it's not just your mInDsEt!)

    02 3 specific examples of how my AUDACIOUS THOUGHT LEADERSHIP brought in $100k of revenue in my business, and how you can apply this to your biz

    03 My 3-minute secret weapon for combating the fear of being disliked

    04 We'll workshop the 2 non-negotiables to anchor you into the energy of AUDACITY so you can be unshakeable in your purpose that’s beyond “hoping and trusting”

    05 A somatic practice to cultivate SAFETY in being unrelateable and audacious

    Join live or watch the replay here:

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Selling doesn’t have to feel hard, manipulative, and sleazy, and you most definitely don’t have to convince people to buy from you!

    This was an Instagram Live that I just had to share as a podcast episode because it was SO good! In this episode, I share my 3-part framework called 'My Favorite' SOULFUL SELLING method that’s helped me and my clients sell free masterclasses, thousand dollar programs, and $$$$$ masterminds in a way that feels exciting, fun, and actually works!

    Don’t sleep on this episode!

    I’m giving you info worth $$$ for free that you can implement today!

    Listen is as I talk about:

    Why most spiritual and soulful entrepreneur struggling with selling

    What people think Selling is vs what it actually is

    Proof that anyone can be a great at selling

    How to re-frame Selling so that it actually feels good

    The 3 core things you need to sell at any price point without the manipulating, convincing or forcing


    If this is the kind of tangible strategy you want in order to launch + grow a PROFITABLE + PURPOSEFUL Soul Business, come join us inside The Alchemy Room!

    The Alchemy Room is my 6 month biz coaching program for newer entrepreneurs where you’ll learn the energetics, embodiment, and business foundations to set you up for consistent clients — even with a small audience and minimal budget.

    Stop throwing “spaghetti at the wall” hoping something sticks and wondering where the money is.

    I give you everything you need to get that spiritual business off the ground, articulate the power of your work, consistently call in your most soul-aligned clients, package and price your work to set you up for recurring income, and finally graduate from hobbyist to BAD ASS FEMALE FOUNDER!

    Now enrolling! Sign up here:

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    Kickstart your business. What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Play Bigger. Watch my Free Masterclass: How I Created my $70k Launch:

    Scale Your Business with Ease. Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Within you lies limitless (and sometimes unrealized) MAGIC! And that magic is exactly what this world needs, and what your soul clients LOVE to pay for!

    In this episode, I’m joined by Lena – a Spiritual Life + Empowerment Coach, Shaman, Antojai Quantum Reiki Instructor, Mama of 2 — and who I like to call — The Scarlet Witch!

    Tune in as we chat:

    Why she’s dubbed the Scarlet Witch

    Deep de-conditioning around embracing her wild, witchy side

    How our work together helped her embrace her powers, leading to refining her offers, raising her prices, and shifting who she’s here to serve

    Why being in The Alchemy Room community is unlike any other on the internet

    How she learned how to bridge the 5D with the 3D to help articulate the power of her work and call in soul aligned clients

    Learning the business foundations that actually move the needle in the business

    And of course her personal thoughts on why you, too, should be an Alchemist inside the Alchemy Room! 😭🎉🙌🏽

    Go follow Lena on Instagram at @alignyourway

    The Alchemy Room is now enrolling!

    This is a 6 month business program for newer entrepreneurs who want to launch + grow their Healing or Coaching business with purpose and profit.

    Learn the biz foundations without needing to overthinking or spin out, while being in supportive loving community!

    Work with me:

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • What does it look like to create a healing business from radical self-acceptance, compassion, and community support?

    Listen in as I chat with a beloved client, Leanny, as she talks about being inside The Alchemy Room helped her break generational chains and gave her the courage to share her spiritual gifts!

    Listen is as we talk about:

    How we were divinely connected

    Her journey of breaking generational chains

    What helped her feel safe to be seen and own her spiritual gifts

    Breaking down resistance around receiving support, and how it’s shifted her business AND personal relationships

    The power of being in supportive community of other healers and leaders

    The power of being seen in your gifts so deeply that you can articulate them

    Follow Leanny on Instagram at @pourintomydiary

    And if you want this kind of potent, loving, activating support to launch + grow your healing or coaching business, come join us in The Alchemy Room! 🎉

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • What if I told you "Scarcity Mindset" isn't real? That all those times you blamed your scarcity as the reason why you haven't called in the money you want or why you keep finding yourself in the same money patterns -- you were blaming yourself unnecessarily?

    In this episode, I talk about what I believe is the actual true ROOT of "scarcity mindset" that's not about lack at all.

    Want to dissolve "scarcity mindset" and create SAFETY in your body?

    Join THE PORTAL: my 8-week trauma-informed somatic wealth activation program for impact-driven humans to help you heal your relationship with money thru the BODY so you can break chains of limitation and flow in more money with EASE!

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Money has traditionally been talked about from the view point of Mindset and Strategy. But after coaching dozens of entrepreneurs all around the world, I’ve realized there is a missing piece – SOMATICS aka The Body.

    I’m on a mission to revolutionize how Healers, Coaches, and Creatives call in more money in a way that feels fun, light, and easeful.

    This is the first step in doing that.

    Listen is as I talk about:

    How my somatic practice helped me call in a $70k launch

    How somatics helps you tap into your creative genius

    How somatics helps expand your nervous system capacity and why that translates to holding more money

    How somatics helps dissolve stored trauma to make you a clear channel for inspired and aligned action

    Remember, RICH isn’t a dollar amount. It’s a feeling.

    Come experience what being RICH feels like in the body so you can embody that elevated wealth frequency and call in more cash money, honey!

    Join THE PORTAL: my 8-week trauma-informed somatic wealth activation program for impact-driven humans to help you heal your relationship with money thru the BODY so you can break chains of limitation and flow in more money with EASE!

    *This was originally recorded as an Instagram Live, but it was received so well, that I’m amplifying it here as a podcast episode!

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • With a combined worth of $122B for the healing and coaching industries — this is a call for you to claim 2024 as your most profitable year in business!

    As the landscape of online business shifting, consumers are getting more discernful (as they should!) with how they purchase services and who they choose to work with. This means doubling down on getting your clients results, as well as knowing how to stand out from the crowd.

    Whether you’re launching your practice, are a new entrepreneur, or a seasoned CEO, listen in as I give you the 6 key things to help you make 2024 your most profitable year in business.

    This was originally recorded as an Instagram Live, but it was received so well, that I’m amplifying it here as a podcast episode!

    Grab your pen, take notes, and most importantly — implement!

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why 2020 was the boom for online healing and coaching businesses

    What has shifted since 2020

    Tangible things to do in order to stand out from the crowd and biz strategies to keep cash flow coming

    How to work with me in 2024

    Work with me:

    THE PORTAL: an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and call in more BIG HEALED MONEY!

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • In this episode, Drea discusses the importance of attracting the right clients to your business. She shares her insights on how the energy of your clients can impact the success of your business, and offers tips on calling in your most desired soul-aligned clients who absolutely LOVE to pay to work with you!

    Listen in as she talks about:

    Your soul clients evolve as you and your business evolves

    Feather Clients vs Rock Clients

    Why a client chose to work with me over a program that’s half the price

    How to call in your own Feather Clients

    Work with me:

    THE PORTAL: an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and call in more BIG HEALED MONEY!

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Newer Healers And Coaches who wants to launch and grow their business in a soul-aligned way.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to scale their business by liberating their wild feminine and being the go-to thought leader of their industry.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:


    entrepreneurship, business, conscious business, mindful business, niche, marketing

  • In this episode, you’ll learn the single most important energetic shift that helped speed up my money and create my major money milestones: a $60k launch, a $15.5k cash day, and a $23k cash month – all within a span of a month!

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why it’s so hard for spiritual entrepreneurs to speed up their money

    How one energetic shift revolutionized how I moved with money

    What speed with money really looks like

    How to embody this energetic shift and speed up your money

    Work with me:

    THE PORTAL: an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and call in more BIG HEALED MONEY!

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • In this episode, I'm giving you the 8 things that helped me quantum leap into my biggest financial milestones to date:

    $60k launch

    $15.5k cash day

    $23k cash month

    Learn everything from the strategy, energetics, mindset, AS WELL AS my wobbles, rejections, and setbacks.

    Find out:

    - How I signed my clients without doing any sales calls

    - What I did to stay lifted when the nerves kicked in

    - How I got paid $15k while nursing a sick toddler

    I genuinely want you to be able to create this, too. So I'm giving you the FULL TEA – it's HOT, baby – and I ain't holding back!

    Bring your notes, willingness to learn, and audacity to implement cuz this episode is gonna be LIT!

    Work with me:

    THE PORTAL: an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and call in more BIG HEALED MONEY!

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Shopping as a wealth activation tool?! Yup, you read that right. In this episode, learn how you can use the simple practice of ‘shopping’ as a way to refine three very important wealth building skills.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    3 wealth consciousness skills rich people have

    How to leverage the practice of shopping to refine these skills

    The powerful role of following DESIRE

    Why buying cheaper is not better

    Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should

    And if you want to deepens your relationship with money, and call in BIG HEALED MONEY, then come join us in The P⭕️RTAL!

    The Portal is an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and walk thru the portal of big healed money.

    Program dates: January 17 thru March 6, 2024

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • For most of us, the topic of money is usually taboo, conflicting, confusing, and elusive. It leaves us feeling powerless and in a toxic loop. In this episode, Drea breaks down what it actually looks like to HEAL our relationship with money.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why Money shouldn’t be separate from us

    Money as your best friend

    Un-shaming Money

    What a sustainable relationship with Money looks like

    Healed Money feels safe

    Where to start with your money healing journey

    And if you want to deepens your relationship with money, and call in BIG HEALED MONEY, then come join us in The P⭕️RTAL!

    The Portal is an 8 week holistic WEALTH ACTIVATION program for all humans to help you heal your relationship with money, reclaim your natural state of abundance, and walk thru the portal of big healed money.

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • One of the keys to building a thriving, sustainable business is FOCUS. And yet so many entrepreneurs lean into distractions that they end up using precious life force energy on things that slow them down, instead of devoting it to things that actually move the needle for the business.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why spiritual entrepreneurs are resistant to concepts like focus, commitment, and consistency

    The three most common distractions for spiritual entrepreneurs

    Three skills to cultivate to help you stay focused

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • In this episode, I explore the question of accessibility in the coaching and healing industries, specifically – the tension between charging prices that reflect the value of your work so you can get paid well, and keeping them low to make them accessible to more people.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    What is ‘Accessibility’, specifically in the healing and coaching industries

    How Accessibility that’s been modeled to you isn’t necessarily right for you

    Why Accessibility evolves as your business evolves

    How to ensure your work is accessible without under-charging

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

  • Rebels, Weirdos, Christians and Witches — THIS IS FOR YOU!! Your business is more than just IG squares and a balance sheet. It’s a vehicle sacred soul work that CHOSE you to channel through. And sometimes that vehicle will look, sound, and feel different that all the other vehicles out on the road.

    In this episode, I’m joined by my Re-Wilding: The Mastermind client Keyla of I am Sacred Rebel to talk about her experience inside the mastermind, and how it revolutionized the way she approaches business to be more regenerative and restorative.

    Listen in as we talked about:

    Her shift from being a perfectionist school teacher to a full blown rebel entrepreneur

    How she integrated her Christian faith with her spiritual witch

    Breaking the immigrant story that Assimilation = Safety

    How the call to ancestral medicine tugged on her to join the mastermind

    How she’s using energy, somatics, ritual, and ceremony to help entrepreneurs tap into their BIGness

    Why doing business your way is the ultimate act of rebellion

    How the mastermind helped heal her money wounds, as well as deepen her relationships

    Why it’s not enough to stay surface level, and how Re-Wilding is like shaking off the soul and trimming the dead roots so that we can thrive in a bigger pot

    The miracles we experienced during our trip to Tulum

    Why she went all-in with a pay in full investment 💥

    How we co-created a business model that allows her to work with soul clients but honors her desire to be a traveling yogi

    Work with me:

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-level immersive mastermind experience for healers, leaders, and trailblazers who are ready for the next level of business EXPANSION. The premier space where Wild Feminine Liberation meets Thought Leadership to birth Money, Miracles and Magic!

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches -- Giving You The Energetics, Embodiment, And No-Fluff Strategy To Help You Launch And Grow A Sustainable Healing Or Coaching Business That Feels Oh, Soul Good!

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website:

    Connect with Keyla

    Instagram: @iam_sacredrebel

  • Victim consciousness is the belief that external circumstances are responsible for our results and reality. When we identify as victims, we relinquish control and power over our own lives and business. By transcending victim consciousness, you’re able to tap into a whole new realm of possibility and freedom because you’re no longer tethered to the people/beliefs/circumstances as the reasons for your results and reality.

    This means you reclaim your native wisdom, move with true power, and powerfully create your life and business by DESIGN, instead of by default.

    Listen in as I talk about:

    Why transcending victim consciousness is the first step towards manifestation

    Unsubscribing from being a victim is a radical act of sovereignty

    How I transcended being a cancer victim

    The sneaky ways you still think of yourself as a victim in your business

    How being a victim wastes so much life force energy

    Reflection prompts to see if you’re still playing into victim consciousness

    How to stop outsourcing your joy, your freedom, your safety to external circumstances

    Alchemizing victimhood in order to break chains

    How I feel victim to my Human Design

    Getting off the emotional roller coaster because you move with speed and intention, instead of overthinking, procrastinating, stalling

    How to stop attracting clients who are co-dependent and want to be saved

    YOU are the solution

    Work with me:

    THE ALCHEMY ROOM: A 6 Month Holistic Business Coaching Program And Lifetime Community For Healers And Coaches. For the newer entrepreneur who wants to master all the biz foundations, and structure your biz to set you up for long-term recurring income.

    RE-WILDING: THE MASTERMIND: A 6-month high-touch immersive mastermind for the experienced entrepreneur who wants to let go of the 'good girl' persona so you can expand your biz and call in more money as a trailblazer, chain breaker, and thought leader.

    Other ways to work with me:

    Connect with me

    Instagram @soulflowco

    What’s your Soul Biz Magic? Take my quiz and find out!:

    Watch my Free Masterclass: How to Structure Your Healing or Coaching Business for Sustainable $10k Months:

    Visit my website: