A podcast for humanitarians who want to work in closer alignment to core values like compassion, accountability, solidarity and equity. Born in 2020 in collaboration with CHS Alliance and Mary Ann Clements, the podcast is now entering its next evolution and is hosted by Melissa Pitotti.
Welcome to industry explained, it’s Federica, your host. Coming from Milan dreaming of working in fashion, fast forward a few years I’m here interviewing guests and friends, who have had a similar journey in the industry talking about their story, ups and downs and how to make it to where they are. I wanted to create a space for you to get some insights on what the industry really is and to get real about the guests experience, to hopefully help you achieve what they have.
Follow us on Instagram: @industryexplained @federica.labanca
Industry Explained is produced by Digital Icon Agency -
Et see fotokirg ei kustuks ning et seda tuleks ikka juurde!
Привет, я Катарина Михрин.
Коммерческий фотограф, автор стоков мечты и учитель-наставник. Изучаю фотографию в университете Дортмунда, Германия.
Начала снимать в 39. За пять лет выросла из мамы-фотографа-своих-детей в фотографа-бестселлера немецкого стокового агентства Westend61 и обладателя стипендии для одарённых студентов.
В этом подкасте я и мои гости будем говорить о фотографии, фотобизнесе, стоках и мотивации. Как найти свой путь в творческой и коммерческой Вселенной фотобизнеса? Что такое современный сток и как увеличить свои продажи? Почему не получается и что нужно делать, чтобы долететь до звёзд?
A podcast about getting better as a designer. We aim to elevate the skills of our industry, one designer at a time, by providing the best-in-class design curriculum to creatives, designer, and entrepreneurs.
shaping.design -
You started your business because you love photography… but when it comes to the marketing, strategy, and admin side of things? It’s slowly killing the joy you once found in your craft.
You worry that too much structure will throttle your ability to think creatively…but as it turns out, strategy isn’t suffocating- it’s freeing!
And “profit” isn’t a dirty, four-letter word- it’s an essential ingredient in making sure your business runs well and serves the needs of everyone in your sphere of influence- your clients, your loved one, and you.
Join brand photographer Abby Grace to learn how to cultivate both sides of creative entrepreneurship- being an artist AND a CEO. -
International design leaders Jaan Orvet and Justin Dauer talk openly and frankly with designers from around the world who have made design leadership a success for practitioners and clients alike. It's all about practical design leadership.
I'm Sarah Fox and this is Do Good and Do Well, a podcast for purpose driven leaders and founders exploring how you can make a positive contribution without burning out. Join me as I talk to people about ways we can do good in our work and businesses, about how we can lean into our values and what matters and take care of ourselves in the process.
A new resource for all things installation art is here! Join host Anastasia Parmson – an artist herself — as she uncovers stories, challenges, and lessons from behind the scenes.
The show brings you in-depth conversations with internationally renowned artists and arts professionals who have exhibited installation art on the global stage. In each episode, you will hear about the creative process and the personal journeys of these exceptional artists.
We will gain insights into the unique joys and challenges; as well as the logistical and financial aspects of working with installation art.
Join us every fortnight as we shine a light on this underserved field, helping artists feel less alone in their studios and providing a platform for community building and knowledge sharing.
Subscribe to The Installation Art Podcast on your favourite podcast app and follow us on Instagram @installationartpodcast to stay updated and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
Website: https://installationartpodcast.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/installationartpodcast
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/installationartsociety/ -
В 35 лет мои доходы от инвестиций превысили расходы. И я вышел на пенсию. В этом подкасте я расскажу как мне это удалось.
Коли нам добре або погано ми звертаємось до одного з ідеальних винаходів людства — книжки. Чи є місце для читання під час війни? На які книги варто звернути увагу зараз, а про які краще забути назавжди? Як змінюється сучасна українська література під впливом війни? Ці та інші питання Олена Гусейнова обговорює з відомими письменниками, видавцями, критиками, літературознавцями та іншими гостями подкасту «Книгосховище».
Geenius.ee podcast investeerimisest ja rikkuse kasvatamisest.
Saatejuht: Joonas Piir -
LHV on Eesti pank ja pensionifondide haldur. Meie visiooniks on Eesti, kus inimesed ja ettevõtted julgevad suurelt mõelda, ette võtta ja tulevikku investeerida. LHV Podcastiga juhime tähelepanu teemadele nagu majandus, investeerimine, ettevõtlus, pangandus ja innovatsioon. Kõigele, mis LHV-ga kokku käib. Põnevad jutuajamised ja inimesed. Ootame ka sinu tagasisidet. Head kuulamist!
Arutame praktikutega, kuidas välisturgudele sisenemine on päriselt käinud ning mis õppetunde on sealt teistele kaasa võtta. Ei ole vahet, kas oled juba kogenud eksportija või alles kaalud, kuhu, kuidas ja kellele müüa - kindlasti leiad, mida kõrvataha panna.
Kuuldemängud ja järjejutud.
Eesti- ja välismaisetelt parimatelt põnevus-, õudus- ja ulmekirjanikelt. -
Growth Hacking Explained - Answers to your big questions. Get a quick and easy look into the most important aspects of Growth Hacking
Get answers to your most pressing questions when ti comes to Growth Hacking. From the basics to the most complex questions.
This is Growth Hacking Explained based on bestselling book "Ready Set Growth Hack: A beginners guide to growth hacking success" authored by Nader Sabry. The book is available on amazon.com and several other places as well.
Also do check out Level 1 certified growth Ninja training a started step-by-step course helping those starting out in growth hacking. There are several other training courses to help those new to growth hacking or those looking to fine tune their capabilities. -
Join hosts Derek from Ireland & Edgi from the Netherlands on the Dividend Talk podcast, your number one source for all things Dividend Growth with a European perspective. With a shared passion for Dividend Growth investing, they provide personal insights, strategies, & experiences, while featuring guests from around the world to inspire and educate investors. Join their discussions designed to empower you with knowledge, keep you informed on market news, and equip you with valuable tools to maximize your investments. Tune in to learn and grow with us.
KV.EE kinnisvarapodcast'is käsitleme kinnisvara müügi, vahendamise ja turuga seonduvaid teemasid. Räägime maakleritest ja maakleritele. Saadet juhib kinnisvarakonsultant ja -koolitaja Tõnu Toompark.
Telli podcast endale sobivas podcast'i äppis või https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kv-ee
Tule pane laik ning jälgi kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Facebook'i lehte https://www.facebook.com/kinnisvaraportaalKVEE
Podcast on videona üleval ka Kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Youtube'i kanalil https://www.youtube.com/user/KVEEvideo
Värske podcasti leiad alati KV.EE maaklerikeskkonnast RBO http://www.kv.ee/rbo -
Mähime videotest, filmidest, videoideedest, sarjadest ja ka ühiskonna probleemidest, kui tuleb mõni hea idee teeme ka sellest hea video!
Vaata shitposte ja slaidi DM'idesse: www.instagram.com/ajumahispodcast/
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