
  • This episode is truly all about you– how you get feedback from the people you ultimately want to sell to, and how to move forward. Many of my takeaways are coming off the back of a really big launch in my business. I did an event in May that allowed me to connect with over 7,000 small business owners, serve them high value, and go through a launch process on the back end.
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    I’m going to talk about all the things I learned during this launch, not just what I did well or what I didn’t do well. In this episode, I want to help you identify what your next offer is going to be or potentially how to tweak an offer that already exists and make it sell even better.
    Episode Highlights

    What It Really Means To Make an Offer Irresistible [0:02:00] 

    How to Create a Deal Without Losing Money in the Process [0:06:44]

    Why I Chose To Create a Challenge (And Why You Maybe Shouldn’t) [0:09:43]

    What’s Really Happening When People Choose Not to Buy From You [0:14:51]

    One Way to Take Qualitative Data and Turn it Into Quantitative Data [0:21:26]

    How a Survey Question Took Me By Surprise (And What I Plan to Do About It) [0:32:48]

    Why It’s Simply Not Enough To Only Ask The Questions [0:38:58]

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  • Today’s podcast is the audio version of The Market Shift workshop, which I taught live yesterday! If you’d rather also see the visual slides, register to watch the full video replay instead, and it’s my gift to you– absolutely free. I want to see you be successful, which is why I shared the exact methods I used to build the foundations of my business in this value-packed episode.
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    Tune in to learn more about:

    THE ecosystem that represents online businesses today

    How to create more predictable income and sustainably scale—regardless of where you’re starting today

    The AI secrets top entrepreneurs use to stay ahead, boost productivity, and secure their future

    The exact equation that’s making wealthy people wealthier so you can to steal, copy & paste it before it widens the wealth gap any further

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  • Today I'm sharing my journey of TikTok growth. I am less than two weeks into a personal challenge I put on myself to hit 10,000 followers on TikTok in less than 30 days. I’m currently at 7,400 followers! There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll reach 10k.
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    You might be surprised to know that this account has nothing to do with business. Honestly, that’s the reason I was so resistant to doing TikTok in the first place. Sometimes, people go viral for all the wrong reasons, and that really sucks. I’ve experienced it myself. But there’s an opportunity here. I’ll talk about some of the mindset shifts I had to go through. Tune in to learn how this applies to you and your business!
    Episode Highlights

    TikTok Is a Way to Say Hello

    How to Really Start Getting Traction on TikTok

    One Thing That Really Works on TikTok (If You’re Ethically Okay With It)

    How To Kill Your Ego and Reach The People Who Need You Most

    Preparing Yourself For The Opinions Of Others And Moving Away From a Teacher’s Mindset

    An Unexpected Strategy For Growth

    Walking the Walk Instead Of Talking the Talk

    The Ultimate Principle Behind Finding What Works For You

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  • Priya Nalli is an Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Real Estate Team Owner. She is also a wife, mom to two kiddos, and lover of food and travel. She wears many hats, and she’s been through a lot. But she is a strong believer in creating a life that aligns with your core values. During this episode, she joins us to share her personal story of triumph and bravery.
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    For any listeners going through something hard, today’s message is going to touch and inspire you. But it also might open up some wounds that aren’t yet healed. So when you listen, make sure you are in a place where you feel safe and you can express whatever it is that comes up for you.
    Episode Highlights

    From First-Time Struggles to Finally Finding Success

    The Moment That Changed The Way Priya Operates Forever

    Finding Flow Through Systems and Support

    Short-Term Sacrifices For Long-Term Goals

    Future-Focus and Wisdom For The Journey

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  • Today, we’re talking about seven important lessons I learned from incredible bosses before I started my business. What inspired this episode is that tomorrow, I am meeting my old boss for lunch! This isn’t just any old boss, it’s my boss from my very first job right out of college. I interned with him and then ultimately became a full-time employee inside his agency which he still runs today. I’m so appreciative of the lessons I learned, not only from him, but all of the incredible bosses I had before I got here. 
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    I totally believe corporate was not ultimately right for me and the way I want to show up and see my career morph over time. But I also know that I had incredible opportunities to learn from amazing mentors who had gone before me and done amazing things. These people have made me the strong leader that I am today because I was able to witness them being thoughtful in their position and how they stood by me and helped me to grow. I don’t think that everybody has this positive experience. 
    Today, I want to focus on the lessons I learned while working for other people, and how that’s helping me to be a better leader now. When I say leader, I don’t just mean running a staff, I mean thought leader, someone who’s in charge of fostering community, and someone who is trying to put her ideas out into the world and have them be valuable to other people - tangible, actionable things that people can hold onto.
    Episode Highlights

    What it Means to Move Fast Towards Your MVP [0:07:08] 

    The Single Most Important Thing About How You Do Business [0:10:12]

    A Lesson I Didn’t Want to Learn And Why You Should Learn It Too [0:13:03]

    How To Give Your People The Freedom To Get Creative [0:16:43]

    Why You Should Only Present Options That You Want to Pursue [0:21:51]

    Relying On Those Who Know More Than You Do [0:23:41]

    What It Looks Like To Learn From The Experts [0:27:48]

    The Story of Boss Project And How You Can Be A Part Of It [0:31:13]

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  • Rachel Miller joins Abagail today to discuss how to grow your email list to millions! Rachel is a marketing strategist who supports small businesses in growing their audiences organically. We’re digging into some simple strategies Rachel has used that have hugely impacted the overall growth of her business. Tune into this episode to be inspired to take action and be willing to make mistakes! 
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    Episode Highlights

    What it Really Means to Give People a Reason to Follow You [0:04:42]

    How to Optimize the Time You Take to Build Lead Magnets and Market Them [0:20:00]

    Leveraging the Algorithm and the Role of AI in the Future of Online Business [0:28:27]

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  • Recently, I hosted a challenge where over 6,500 participants embarked on a journey to develop their digital products in just 24 hours, from conception to launch! If you missed out, don't worry, the challenge is still open for you to join at After the challenge, I reached out with a survey question about what you want to hear more of on the podcast. One concern that really stood out was about breaking into the digital product world when most of your income still comes from one-to-one services.
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    In response to this feedback, today’s episode is all about transitioning from one-to-one to one-to-many while still keeping that one-to-one income flowing. You’ll hear all about the ups and downs of my digital product journey, why it was worth it, and how I would make the transition if I were doing it again today. Join me as I get into all the key facets of this process, from building a community to creating effective marketing strategies for transitioning to one-to-many. 
    Episode Highlights

    Why You Need to Build an Audience [0:08:57] 

    How to Run Your Business on the Inside Vs. the Outside [0:11:37]

    How to Split Your Time When You Transition [0:14:30]

    Understanding the Value of Your Work [0:24:14]

    Start Now, Even If You Don’t Have It All Figured Out [0:30:30]

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  • Today we are joined by self-love coach, TEDx speaker, author, and entrepreneur, Khanyisa Mnyaka. Khanyisa is passionate about helping individuals own their lives through her impressive understanding of the human experience. With a multitude of degrees and certifications, she is skilled at helping people overcome their limiting beliefs and people-pleasing in order to live their most authentic lives. And today she is here to help you with just that!
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    Khanyisa and I connected when I was inspired by a TikTok video of her discussing why her life is not a community project. I know that our community needs to hear from her because I know that so many of you struggle with imposter syndrome and feel as if you need constant validation for the work that you’re doing. But that is only the tip of the iceberg! This conversation is going to impress you so much and help you work through some things that will ultimately have a massive impact on your life and your business.
    Episode Highlights

    Making Decisions Scared and Distinguishing Between Indecision and Lack of Ideas

    Choose Your Hard: Authenticity and Radical Love vs. the Comfort of Conforming

    Your Superpower in Life is Showing Up as Yourself

    Disrupt a Pattern by Changing How You Behave

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  • Welcome to the fourth and final installment of our series on diversifying your income! Today we are joined by author-turned-publishing coach, Lauren Kay to talk about how she grew her business rapidly and transitioned from one-to-one offers to one-to-many. A key thing that has helped Lauren grow her business so quickly is her exceptional marketing talent. However, it’s her ability to listen to the needs of her audience and provide them with the solution they’ve been searching for that has really set her apart. Tune in today to discover the benefits of transitioning from one-to-one to one-to-many, and how you can set this process in motion!
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    Episode Highlights

    From Author to Educator

    The Transition from One-to-One to One-to-Many

    What Lauren Has Learned About Social Media

    How You Can Make This Your Full-Time Career

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  • In today's episode, I’m sharing what you need to know about the strategy of kickstarting your business from scratch, even if you think you have no existing audience. I’ve found that we tend to underestimate our existing network. From family and friends to colleagues and acquaintances, you likely have a web of up to 1,000 connections waiting to be tapped into. You’re probably not actually starting from zero— it's just a matter of harnessing those connections to build the life and business you’re wanting.
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    In reality, the size of your audience doesn't actually dictate your revenue potential. I encourage you to put yourself out there and show up authentically, despite feeling vulnerable. Fear of judgment often holds us back, but stepping into the spotlight isn't just about gaining followers— it's about creating genuine connections and building a supportive community. Shifting my focus from numbers to nurturing meaningful relationships has not only been eye-opening but also empowering, and I'm eager to share this transformative journey with you on the podcast today!

    Tune in to learn how to:

    Convert Strangers to Buyers With a Digital Product 

    Build Your Perfect Audience

    Leverage Digital Products & Increase Your Audience

    Use DMs to Communicate Directly With Your Followers

    Balance Attracting New Followers With Nurturing Your Audience

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  • Welcome to part three of our four-part series on diversifying your income! If you haven’t checked out the past two episodes, go back and give them a listen. In part one, we dove into what you need to know before you add new income streams, and in part two, we learned how to leverage where you are to get to where you want to go. 
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    In today’s episode I’m sitting down with Melodee Fiske, a second-grade teacher turned food photographer, who went on to use her experience to educate others on how to build their own successful food photography company! Like other creators I‘ve interviewed, Melodee started by answering questions that were coming from the people around her. During that time, she balanced building her photography client base and sharing knowledge one-on-one before finally turning that knowledge into a course.
    Tune in to hear about Melodee’s journey managing this transition, and find out where the tipping point lies between maintaining that balance and going all in on teaching. This episode was sponsored by Teachable.
    Episode Highlights

    From Teaching Second Grade to Food Photography [0:03:51]

    How Sharing Her Knowledge Snowballed Melodee’s Career [0:10:29]

    Finding Her ‘Why’ by Changing Careers [0:16:47]

    What it’s Really Like to Balance Your Business with Teaching [0:20:11]

    The Most Challenging Part of Launching a Course [0:24:59]

    What Melodee Wishes She Had Known From the Start [0:32:17]

    Key Advice For Anyone Who Wants To Create a Course or Start Teaching [0:37:31]

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  • This episode forms part two of a series on obstacles that are preventing you from launching your first or next digital product. Listen to them in either order. It’s totally up to you. Part one was mostly about the fear, worry, and time involved in launching your product. This time, we’re mostly talking about marketing and tech. 
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    Episode Highlights

    Where to Begin When You Don’t Know How to Build What You Need [0:01:34] 

    What to Do When You Don’t Have an Existing Audience to Sell To [0:02:42]

    How to Make Your Digital Product Look Professional and Polished [0:07:35]

    One Way to Choose Which Idea to Actually Move Forward With [0:10:29]

    When You Shouldn’t Move Ahead With Your Digital Product (Yet) [0:14:10]

    So You’re Not a Tech Person, What Now? [0:18:20]

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  • Today we get into part two of our four-part series on diversifying your income! Joining us today is solo traveler turned travel expert, Shakeemah Smith. In 2015, she created her course, Travel Like a Bawse, and since then, she has taught over 2000 women in eleven countries how to master the art of solo travel. Even though her professional background wasn’t in the travel industry, she was able to pull from personal experiences to give people the knowledge they were craving. 
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    Each and every one of us has a huge opportunity to take the experiences we've had in our lives, be it personal or professional, and transform that knowledge into something teachable that people are eager to learn. Creating digital products may feel like starting over, but it’s important to remember that we all carry with us the wisdom and experiences that brought us to this point. I want you to take a step back and think about what got you to where you are today. What lessons have you learned? What would you do differently if starting anew? What would you skip? Chances are, you’ll find you have a lot more knowledge than you think.
    Join me today as I talk with Shakeemah about how she took her knowledge and built a thriving business from it. Discover how Shakeemah approached the shift in her career, not as a total overhaul, but as a starting point to build on all the knowledge and experience she already had!
    Episode Highlights

    From Investigator to Traveler, to Course Creator [0:03:55]

    Evolving Your Digital Products [0:07:02]

    What Happened When The Pandemic Hit [0:11:52]

    Unpredictability and The Challenges of Entrepreneurship [0:16:34]

    Why You Have What It Takes To Succeed [0:19:37]

    How to Leverage Where You Are At Instead of Starting Over [0:24:23]

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  • Right now, you have free opportunities to be seen by an organic audience and get free traffic to your offers from people all over the globe. What a time to be alive! What an incredible chance to grow your business! Today's episode of the Strategy Hour Podcast is part one of a two-part miniseries that covers the obstacles that might be preventing you from launching your next (or even your first) digital product. 

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    This miniseries was developed in conjunction with Digital Product Fast Track, a free challenge to take you from idea to launch in just one day! Sign up at and tune in today to learn about the fear and the worry that often creep in and the time it takes to get your product launched. 

    Episode Highlights

    How to Overcome the Overwhelm that Comes with Launching 

    Why Visibility is So Scary (and Why You Should Do it Anyway!) 

    One Way to Take All the Pressure Off Your Product

    What it Really Means to Serve a Past Version of You

    The Unexpected Way You Can Create the Time You Need

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  • Welcome to the first chapter in our four-part series on diversifying your income, sponsored by Teachable! In these episodes, I’ll be speaking with a range of creators, each of whom has successfully built their own businesses by sharing their expertise with the world.
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    For today’s conversation, I am joined by the wonderful Dara Denney, a performance creative expert who works with direct-to-consumer (DTC) eCommerce brands on their paid social advertising. More specifically, she creates video ads for some of your favorite brands! She is also a content creator and every week she launches an episode on her YouTube channel where she shares her insights on paid social advertising. She is currently the Director of Performance Creative at Thesis, a conversion rate optimization company. 
    Over the past year, Dara transitioned from agency work to consulting and launched her very first course. That initial launch earned over 50,000 dollars! Her journey is remarkable and inspiring, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t make her fair share of mistakes. Dara tells us about the many instances where she made the process more complicated than it needed to be, and what she would do differently the next time round. Tune in to learn how Dara created a business built on sharing her expertise and why she wishes she had started sooner! 
    To support your journey, I’ve built a one-day challenge to take you from idea concept to launch in just one day, so that you can confidently create your next (or first!) digital product. You can learn more and sign up for free at boss to grab that spot!

    Episode Highlights

    Why You Should Diversify Your Income [0:01:49]

    Why Dara Started Her Business [0:22:53] 

    How Dara Overcame Her Reservations About Selling Courses [0:30:31]

    Dara’s First Launch [0:36:41]

    You Don’t Need to Create Your Course on Hard Mode [0:46:29]

    How Teachable Can Support You [0:53:39]

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  • Today I’m sharing the strategy of how I got those people on the list, what’s working, what you should be paying attention to, and what it means for you and your business. An email list is incredibly important to your business because it will allow you to reach your audience more consistently and it’s something that you actually own, unlike your social media followers. Email lists are a long-term strategy that adds to the stability of your business. 
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    In the past, I have avoided talking about email lists because I worry that they can become too much of a distraction. Utilizing a list will get you sales but if you are so focused on marketing to bring people onto the list instead of focusing on actual, tangible sales. I’m pretty confident that the majority of these new email subscribers came from seven different kinds of activities that I was doing in my business to attract those leads. I’m having a significant increase this year – way more so than in 2023 because of my focus on visibility. So, let’s dig into how I managed to do it! 
    Episode Highlights

    Utilizing Old Training Programs to Attract Quality Leads [0:08:40] 

    Keeping Up with Trends (When You Feel Inspired to!) [0:10:02]

    The Number One Way I Want You to Start Building Your Email List [0:11:50]

    How Refreshing Old Content Can Bring You Leads Today [0:13:38]

    Working Backwards to Gain Better Insight into Your Clients [0:16:37]

    The One Thing that Surprised Me the Most When I Started My Program [0:18:34]

    The Power of a Generic Sign-Up [0:23:13]

    Using Activation to Add to Your Email List [0:24:35]

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  • If you get one thing out of the pep talk I’m about to give you, it’s this. The decisions that you make today are not ones that you are marrying forever. Regardless of what you launch, you have an opportunity. Whatever you put out into the world, whether it works or it doesn’t, is an opportunity to learn. The world is going to tell you something! And you get to listen. As business owners, we often don’t slow down and listen to this nearly as often as we should. 
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    Not everything I have done so far has worked, and I am okay with that! I often learn more from the moments that I would deem as a failure. Today, I don’t want you to focus on what could be the most shareable digital product or what would be the most trendy thing; instead, focus on how to solve a whole problem. A template, a script, a guide, or anything designed to make a real difference. The more concrete results you can get for a client, the more they will assign value to you and your business.
    Episode Highlights

    The Story of An Early Failure That You Can Learn From

    How I Came Back From One of the Biggest Flops Ever

    What You Can Learn From My First Ever Launch

    A One-Step-At-A-Time Approach To Doing All the Things Your Heart Desires 

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  • Today, I want to tell you about the process that helped me create an Instagram Reel that got me 364 free leads in under 24 hours. A Reel that has since gone on to generate more than 771 leads, and counting. Even I’m still struggling to grasp how this happened!
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    I'm not here to claim that I've cracked some universal marketing code or boast about one simple trick that will get you unbelievable results. Yes, what I did was incredibly simple and yielded exceptional results, but it wasn’t where I started and it’s not what made this work. It took several months of strategic planning, brainstorming, and taking action before things took off the way that they did. That’s why I’m using today’s episode to tell the full story of how I got here, and how you can take the next step in building your list of dream clients. Let’s get into it!
    Episode Highlights

    Helping Small Business Owners Become Financially Free [0:05:21]

    How I Discovered What My Clients Needed [0:08:21]

    Where The Majority of My Leads and Growth Came From [0:10:59]

    The Biggest Sticking Point For My Clients [0:13:23]

    How I Helped My Clients Get Over Their Biggest Hurdle [0:14:40]

    Staying Focused [0:18:23]

    Why My Post Generated So Much Engagement [0:19:51]

    One Day Launch: Digital Product Fast Track [0:27:01]

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  • What if, instead of worrying that you are running out of time in your business or that your plans are delayed, you accepted that you are right on time for your own destiny? Today I am joined by Amber McCue, a woman who went from being an 18-year-old single mom to owning three companies that allow her to work from anywhere in the world. 
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    Amber grew her first business to a multi-million-dollar company from just a side hustle! She knew her business was going to be a success when she encountered what she calls ‘right on time’ moments that nudged her in the right direction and she still looks out for them 14 years later! In this episode, she and I talk about the concept of being ‘right on time.’ This conversation is so life-changing, I can’t wait for you to hear it. 
    Episode Highlights

    You Cannot Be Late for Your Destiny

    Detaching from Outcomes in Your Business

    The ‘Try it on’ Visualization

    Gifting the Idea of ‘Right on Time’ to Other People

    How Being ‘Right on Time’ Ties into Resilience

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  • People often believe that in order to succeed at their work, they have to be absolutely excellent at everything that they do. But what if following that path would only lead you to burnout? Today’s episode was inspired by an article I read by Morgan Smith for CNBC. She interviewed Harvard-trained Neuroscientist and Adjunct Professor Juliet Han. Han suggests a totally different approach to growth. Rather than self-examining your strengths and weaknesses, what if you focused predominantly on your job responsibilities? 

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    Here’s the thing, though: you’re a business owner. So, as the CEO and head of your company, what is most important for you to do? What do you need to be excellent at? What tasks do you need to be good at? What tasks can be low-effort or delegated? There are a couple of things you need to focus on to make your business thrive: cash flow, sales, and messaging. In the digital product world, it’s all about driving continuous traffic to your product rather than constantly improving the offer. Every company is different! Let’s get into it.
    Episode Highlights

    What Changes When You Figure Out What Really Drives Your Company

    Why Asking For a Second Opinion Could Highlight What You Really Need to Change 

    How to Get Out of Autopilot and Put Yourself Back in the Driver’s Seat of Your Career

    Getting Hyper-specific About the Types of Skills You Need Most

    Thank you for listening! Please subscribe, rate, and review The Strategy Hour Podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated. For show notes, go to