
  • In Episode 11 of The Supercharged Podcast, Dani and Lexi sit down for a spirit-filled, energy-centred + enlightening conversation with Heather Orton.

    Heather’s accolades run wide - she is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Shaman, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, CranioSacral Practitioner, Reflexologist, Yoga Nidra Instructor, + most importantly, (to balance those energetic talents) a loving wife + Mother.

    Witnessing Heather’s work + care first hand, we know all too well that she has always had a very strong connection to the spirit world + believes the connection between the body, mind, + spirit is of utmost importance when it comes to maintaining our health and wellbeing. Knowing that it all comes down to helping other people connect to their spirit, their essence, she shares that her role is about providing tools for other people so that they can be responsible for connecting to, + developing their own energy.

    In a very tangible way, in this very supercharged Episode, we discuss the 4 Clairs (clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, clairaudient) + how each of us can tune in to our own psychic abilities (yes, we all have them!). We also talk about what it means to be a Shamanic Practitioner + most interestingly, how/what happens when they journey for an individual’s spirit animal, power animal and totem (sometimes more than one!), + why these can be a significant tool for healing. We also dig in to what it means, in Heather's words, to connect with spirit, learn how we can personally connect with spirit everyday, + how not doing so may be the missing link in optimal health today, + discuss the ever brilliant + magical way that children are so naturally connected to spirit.

    Pour yourself a mug of tea, cozy up under a blanket, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself + enjoy this beautiful, insightful, + educational talk with one of our favourite healers.

  • In Episode Ten of The Supercharged Podcast, we sit down with the ever magnetic, vibrant, + full-of-life Luka Symons to discuss our diet-driven society + take a closer look at what may be truly adding value + what may be potentially stripping our bodies from the important building blocks + nourishment that it needs for optimal health.

    Luka is a pillar within the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, a Holistic Nutrition Consultant, committed teacher, devoted Mother, wife, + is hands down one of the most passionate (+ whew, knowledgeable!) food leaders we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You will find Luka’s approach to healing through food simple + straightforward, all the while celebrating + honouring the biochemical uniqueness we each possess. Her toolkit for healing with food includes the acknowledgment of the time honoured traditions like eating your good fats (yes!), filling your plate with rainbows of colour (to support your best friend, your liver), mandates that we follow our food supply chain closely (do you know where your food comes from?), + perhaps most importantly, paying honour + respect to the meals that both our direct ancestors + those from the land we are living on, have made. In following such a simple recipe for holistic wellness, we begin to witness drastic changes (for the better) in the amounts of inflammation we find running rampant in our bodies, our disorderly mood swings, acne, constipation, migraines, sensitives (the list goes on).

    While our conversation feels all too short + the need for so many of us to heal is vast, we encourage you to explore Luka's site + her Vitality Series which touches on topics from your brain, heart, + thyroid, to even histamines. It was truly our pleasure to speak with Luka of her story, her inspiration, + on-going commitment to supporting all of us in welcoming a healthier body, mind, + spirit which we all have the capacity to achieve, if we so choose.

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  • In Episode 9 of The Supercharged Podcast, we speak to Malcolm Saunders, the co-founder + creative visionary behind The Light Cellar, a magical shop in Calgary dedicated to all things superfoods, herbs, intuitive eating + nutrient elevation. For anyone that has ever been in this beautiful space, you know first hand the inspiration that naturally envelops you upon walking in the doors. At The Light Cellar you will find row upon row of alchemy, melt in your mouth chocolates, elixirs, tonics, + ferments, along with a team of amazing humans with serious plant knowledge. You are sure to leave The Light Cellar ready to live your healthiest, most enlightened, + (in our view) your most supercharged life.

    In this Podcast we sit down with Malcolm, a natural community connector, + talk about his first love - (in this case we're not referring to his beautiful wife Laura, with whom he founded The Light Cellar with) but rather, the most affordable luxury in the world: chocolate.

    Here we learn the true beauty, art, + even the mystery behind this nutrient dense fruit, we learn more about where + how the cacao bean is grown, how it is wildly fermented, the art behind the drying process, + discuss some of the most damaging processes to chocolate production today. As Canada’s third chocolatier, Malcolm shares some of the misconceptions surrounding chocolate marketing, the growth in a growing craft chocolate marketplace, + perhaps most importantly, how to source + taste great chocolate (outside The Light Cellar, of course).

    This intimate deep dive into an ingredient so many of us consider a "guilty" pleasure, with our good friend Malcolm, was truly an honour.

    So please sit back, soak in the wonderful world of chocolate + prepare to love this delicious treat even more than you already do.

  • Here to empower the modern day woman to uncover the true beauty of wholesome, radiant health from the inside out, in Episode 9 of The Supercharged Podcast, we speak to Stacey Irvine, skin therapist, registered nurse specializing in functional medicine, teacher of yoga + meditation, mother of three beautiful girls, wife, + best of all - our dear friend.

    Stacey has long been fascinated with the marriage of ancient facial techniques, plant medicine + the science of skin health. As a self-proclaimed life long learner, Stacey loves to study + share openly about what our skin reveals in regards to our own health, nutritional status, detoxification pathways, + overall wellbeing.

    In this Podcast we get down to the nitty gritty about what our skin is all about, bust some of the common ideas we have around the nature of our skin, what types of skin care regimens may or may not be beneficial to our skin, the kinds of products we want to use (+ those we want to avoid (hint: parabens!)) - we talk about the skin micro biome, how the gut is connected to our skin (+ vice versa), how you can optimally nourish your skin with tools you may not have heard of before (like ancient gua sha!), + those you may have already in your home.

    Without question we all want clear, vibrant, dewy, dreamy skin - but how does one learn from that blemish, irritation, rash, or redness spot, to heal so much more? We hope you enjoy this highly informative discussion with Stacey + are as inspired as we are, to continue to utilize a natural approach to skin care that allows your body to heal, grow, or age naturally, the way nature intended it.

  • In Episode 7 of The Supercharged Podcast, we begin the second half of our first season with one of our dear friends, Functional Medicine Doctor (+ one of the most brilliant minds we have the honour of knowing), Dr. Michelle Van Der Westhuizen.

    Dr. Michelle shares as part of her story: “The psychology behind health is so interesting. What does it take for someone to decide it’s time to make a change? For many, including myself, it means getting to the lowest of lows before we have the courage to modify our lifestyle + make the tough decision to take control of our health.”

    But what if we didn’t have to get to the lowest of the lows before we take control of our own health? What if we were given the support, tools, + resources to make those powerful life altering changes now?

    Dr. Michelle says of Functional Medicine, the patients story is everything. How we are born, our heritage, parents’ health, early feeding, antibiotic use, + all the stressors, exposures, + traumas - a complete health history are required to treat a patient.

    In this podcast we talk about what Functional Medicine is + how it compares to allopathic medicine, why you may consider choosing a Functional Medicine Doctor, the role of the gut + why it is so crucial to your overall health, the vagus nerve, the impact stress + toxins have on our health + symptoms that may manifest as a result, + of course practical tools + supplements you can start with to take control of your health right now, + so much more.

    Join us for a refreshing deep dive in to your health with Dr. Michelle as she provides clarity on how our fascinating body works, + what will ultimately guide (or hinder) you towards optimal health.

  • In this episode of The Supercharged Podcast we sit down with the Founders + Owners of Junction 9 Yoga and Pilates - brilliant teachers, community makers, + most importantly, our dear friends Jilaine + Kailey Beddoe.

    It’s not just anywhere you can walk in + feel totally yourself, completely welcome + like you belong.

    Within the walls of Junction 9, Jilaine + Kailey have created a space that you can not only find the best yoga + pilates classes taught by beautiful heart-led instructors, but a place where many call a second home - you actually do feel that warm + loved the moment you walk in the door.

    Pull up a chair, pour a mug of your favourite elixir, + join us as we immerse ourselves in a heartfelt conversation with friends - about how and what it means to create a space based on community + compassion, we learn about where their inspiration comes from + the routines they create to support a happier life. We talk about running a business while also being a mother (not to mention the other roles each may play), the importance of vulnerability and the positive impact that asking for help may have, as well as building community + why that means so much especially in our world today.

    We hope this podcast leaves you feeling inspired to find a space that allows you to feel part of a community, seen, loved, + heard. Fuelled to take on all your dreams (one day at a time!), and reflect on where you can + want to grow in your life with the love that surrounds you.

  • For Lisa, the highly medicalized birth of her first child helped lead her to get more curious about her body, birth, + postpartum. Her experience ultimately helped shape how she would view + prepare for her following births + also guide her toward her passions + studies today.

    As she prepared for her second and third births years later - she leaned in to the deep seated knowing that she had to let all of her learnings become her, knowing that birth is fierce, but a women’s intuition + innate wisdom is far more so.

    As a holistic nutritionist for women, babies, + children as well as a dedicated health advocate + leader, Lisa shares her incredible journey of becoming a Mother while leaving the listener (both the seasoned mother + Mothers-to-be alike) feeling empowered, resilient, + strong .

    In this episode we speak to the positive, natural birth narrative, midwifery, birth preparation, the modern medical model, the power of our bodies, the long lasting (+ under-acknowledged) impact of birth trauma, highly medicalized experiences, advocacy for skin to skin, as well as advocacy for your own desired birth experience, resources to deeply understand birth, the first forty days (fourth trimester), the convoluted stigma surrounding the "bounce back effect", + postpartum depletion/depression which may be experienced even years later.

    Our hope for new + veteran Mothers is that this conversation leaves you bubbling with the knowing of your own voice + power, + an unwavering trust in your intuition. And for their birth partners, + supporting community, a new desire to care deeply for those preparing for birth, in their fourth trimester, or even those that have been a Mother for years.

  • Amanda Spicer, Founder of Pranic Forest Apothecary and visionary, artist + creator behind Solara Occulto Tarot believes we are at a crossroads right now where people are being highly activated, and are truly beginning to step in to our power as a collective consciousness.

    We couldn’t agree more.

    In this episode of The Supercharged Podcast we interview our dear friend Amanda Spicer - a frequency explorer of many cosmic talents. She is an energy + sound healer, Master Herbalist, facial reflexologist, aromatherapist, natural beauty expert, + cosmetologist (to name a few). In our discussions we shed light on tarot, a practice often misunderstood, and discuss what exactly it is, why it is feared by so many, and how it can be used as a tool for manifestation.

    We also speak to our innate power to visualize, and create an extraordinary life that is in alignment with our true selves. Amanda shares “when you are manifesting and you are really rooted in your power - that is when you are the most powerful.” We also discuss the areas of our lives that are leaking and stealing our power, whether is be through technology, beauty trends, or consumerism, and how we can ultimately take the power back which is rightfully ours.

    While listening to this podcast we invite you to tune in to your own power, your own manifesting capabilities, so you can lead the life of your dreams.

  • Painful periods, infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, polyps, prolapse, incontinence, menopause, laparoscopic surgery, LEAP procedures. Any of these sound way too familiar? Women’s health is truly in an epidemic with the amount of dis-eases and imbalances experienced daily both on an acute and chronic level. Could it all just be a symptom of the disconnected way our society lives?

    A powerful discussion with Carly Beaudry, as a women’s health advocate, leader, and practitioner, she has over 15 years of body work experience within Structural Integration, Holistic Pelvic Care™, +  Arvigo Therapy™. Carly is also a Full-Spectrum Doula, and a radical humanitarian - our world could use more people like this woman.

    With the deep seeded belief that the outcome of women’s health as a whole resides in the health and resiliency of the pelvic bowl, Carly’s work has transformed into a deeper calling to empower and educate people, especially women, about their bodies. 

    In this podcast we discuss the importance of balance and alignment of a women’s sexual organs, the history of women’s health advocacy before and as a result of colonization, the affects of generational trauma along with ancestral healing, commercial products polluting our bodies, ways to connect back to the land, the birthing process, the fourth trimester, and most importantly, share crucial tools so that we may begin to reconnect to our female bodies, in this fast paced, often comparison led society. 

    Speaking with and learning from Carly for this hour was an honour and privilege. It is our hope that you find this podcast thought provoking, empowering, and exactly what our society needs to hear right now - just as we do.

  • Have a cellphone, smart TV, smart meter, live in the city, love your Wifi, or look out your window and see a cell phone tower? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this podcast is for you. 

    What is an EMF? Where do we find EMFs in our home and around us? What effect are EMFs having on us and our family short and long term? 

    In this eye opening interview with Mitch Marchand, founder of EMF Aware, certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, (with a background in Electrical Engineering too), Mitch answers all of these questions and much more as we break down the science in a simplified way so we can better understand this crucial and at times controversial topic that demands our immediate attention in this age of technology. 

    Whether you’ve heard about EMFs before or this is all new to you, have begun asking important questions about your health, been on a healing journey for some time, or want to prevent illness in yourself and your family; this podcast will bring to light what you may have not yet considered, but could very possibly be the answer you’re looking for. 

    You will leave this interview with the sound knowledge to empower you and your loved ones along with simple and effective tools to help protect you that can be implemented today for free!

  • Have you heard of meditation, but think that it’s just “not your thing” or you’d love to but you’re just too (hashtag) busy?
    Do you consider running, swimming, cooking etc. your meditation?
    Have you ever considered maybe you’re not doing it properly + it’s WAY more simple than you’ve been led to believe?

    As an Ayurvedic practitioner, a Yoga instructor + now the only Vedic Meditation teacher in Canada, Caryn Kilback of Instill Meditation illuminates meditation with her soulful, poetic flare + the science to back it, in a way that the majority of us have not heard before.
    Whether you’re new to meditation, think it’s not for you, or meditate daily: we invite you to cozy up with a mug of something good + prepare to have your meditation illusions busted wide open, your heart moved, + get ready to be inspired to give meditation a truly honest go.

    We take a deep dive in to meditation vs mindfulness, the science of meditation, where creativity is born from, how you get a fat corpus collosum (and why you want one!), thoughts about online meditation tools + more.

    As Caryn says: you don’t meditate to get good at meditation, you meditate to get good at life.

    And who doesn’t want to be good at life?

  • Welcome to The Supercharged Podcast

    You can expect to hear from some of The Gut Lab's most treasured health advocates, practitioners and doctors, go-to skin gurus, women’s health educators, meditation experts, community builders across the wellness space, + those business leaders creating some of your favourite natural, organic products too.