
  • On today’s 195th & Final episode of Season Six of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews New York Times Bestselling Author TJ Newman about her latest book, Worst Case Scenario.

    They discuss the inspiration behind the book, the research process, and the challenges of writing a plot-heavy thriller.

    Ms. Newman shares her gratitude for the success of her previous books and the joy of connecting with readers. The conversation also touches on the importance of creating emotional connections with characters and the impact of storytelling on readers.

    TJ discusses the importance of keeping readers engaged and immersed in the story, comparing books to movies and highlighting the active participation of readers in books. She also talks about the challenges of getting attention in a world filled with distractions and the importance of writing the best story possible.

    TJ shares her experience of adapting her book into a screenplay and the art of compression in screenwriting. She emphasizes the need for authenticity and pursuing what interests you in writing and life.

    TJ also reflects on her journey as an author and the support she has received from her family and alma mater.

    To learn more visit: and Pre-Order Your Copy of Worst Case Scenario Today!

    (00:00) - Introduction and Welcome(04:06) - The Success of Falling and Drowning(05:37) - The Inspiration for Worst Case Scenario(07:31) - Researching the Vulnerabilities of Nuclear Facilities(09:54) - The Process of Writing and Outlining(14:47) - Creating Emotional Connections with Characters(16:44) - The Enormity of the Situation in Worst Case Scenario(18:41) - Ethical Dilemmas and Gray Areas in Thrillers(21:03) - Gratitude for Success and Connecting with Readers(26:00) - The Power of Thrillers to Evoke Emotions(30:37) - The Writing Process and Character Development(33:04) - The Importance of Reader Experience(37:48) - Creating an Enjoyable Reading Experience(39:07) - Books vs Movies: Active Participation vs Passive Watching(45:38) - Making the New York Times Best Seller List as a Debut Author(47:25) - Cutting Through the Noise: Grabbing Readers' Attention(52:03) - Adapting Books into Screenplays: Compression and Economy of Words(59:44) - Authenticity in Writing and Life(01:05:37) - The Importance of Support on the Writing Journey

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 194th episode and FINAL SHOW of SEASON SIX, we welcome Henry Wise, author of the debut thriller Holy City, as he joins David Temple on The Thriller Zone.

    David and Henry discuss Henry's Southern roots and how they influenced his writing, his experience at both Virginia Military Institute and Ole Miss. MORE importantly they discuss the process of getting his book published.

    Best of all, we explore the themes and characters in Holy City, highlighting the complexity of the South and the importance of writing about what is most important to you.

    The conversation ends with Henry sharing his best writing advice.

    It’s the perfect way to wrap Season 6 and gives The Thriller Zone a bit of a Summer Vacation break as we prepare to launch Season Seven very soon!

    Learn more about Henry at


    00:00 Introduction and Southern Roots

    02:20 From VMI to Ole Miss

    04:10 Choosing Holy City as the Debut Novel

    07:20 Exploring the Complexity of the South

    12:00 Writing About What Matters Most

    15:14 Capturing a Sense of Home and Atmosphere

    The importance of writing about what is most important to you

    The complexity of the South and the need to portray authentic characters

    The persistence and determination required in the publishing process

    The value of receiving validation and support from other writers

    The significance of capturing a sense of home and atmosphere in writing

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

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  • On today’s 193rd episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews author Bruce Borges about his latest book, Shades of Mercy.

    They discuss the process of writing and the fear of not being able to recreate the success of previous books. They also touch on topics such as imposter syndrome and the importance of giving oneself permission to acknowledge their own talent.

    The conversation then shifts to the experience of attending writer conferences and the value of connecting with other authors. Borges shares his secret sauce for creating genuine characters and discusses the challenges faced by the protagonist in his book, including a physical malady and the opioid epidemic.

    The conversation concludes with Borges offering advice to writers, emphasizing the importance of believing in oneself and developing a writing habit.

    As part of a new feature on The TZ, called Overtime, David shares his personal story about surviving prostate cancer, something that Bruce fears he may be facing. Temple goes on to share how he intends to release a non-fiction book about his cancer journey in the near future.

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    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 192nd episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews author Brian Freeman about his latest book, Break Every Rule.

    They discuss the importance of engaging readers' emotions, the balance between description and pacing, and the challenges of writing a second book in a series.

    Freeman shares his writing process and emphasizes the significance of pre-orders for authors. Temple praises Freeman's ability to create authentic characters and compelling settings.

    The episode concludes with a discussion about the secret sauce of Freeman's writing and his advice for aspiring writers.

    To learn more visit:

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    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's Bonus Episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews author Steve Stratton to discuss Steve's journey as an author, the success of his audiobook, and the release of his novella.

    They also touch on the challenges of the publishing industry and the importance of networking and community in the thriller genre.

    The conversation highlights the themes of perseverance, adaptation, and the power of short stories/novellas in the industry.

    To learn more and take advantage of Steve's book sale, go to:

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 190th episode of The Thriller Zone, David and Tammy Temple discuss their TOP 20 SUMMER READS!

    David shares his formula for selecting the books and highlights a variety of thrillers, including military, political, and southern thrillers. They also mention debut authors and books that are in development for TV series.

    The episode concludes with a discussion about upcoming changes to the podcast for Season 7, they briefly share about David's battle with cancer and upcoming non-fiction book on the topic, and as always enjoy a good many laughs together, as they share their passion for reading great thrillers from exceptional authors.

    Learn more on

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    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 189th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews authors Melinda Lee and Kendra Elliott about their collaborative novel, Echo Road.

    The two guest authors discuss how they came together to write the book, and their process of alternating chapters and maintaining consistent character voices.

    Elliot and Leigh also talk about their experiences with author Lee Goldberg and the importance of social media in the publishing industry. The episode ends with a brief elevator pitch for Echo Road.

    To learn more visit: and/or

    WATCH & SUBSCRIBE to our channel at UP & JOIN us on our website at FOLLOW us on, & LISTEN to us on ALL the popular Podcast Channels like: ApplePodcasts @ @

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 188th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews #1 New York Times bestselling author Jack Carr about his latest thriller, Red Sky Mourning.

    Jack and Dave discuss Carr's growth as a writer and his commitment to constantly improving his craft. They also touch on topics such as imposter syndrome, complacency, and the importance of emotional connection in storytelling.

    Carr shares his excitement for book tours and the opportunity to personally thank his readers, while briefly mentioning his upcoming nonfiction book about the Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut.

    The prevailing theme of Red Sky Mourning is loyalty, which Carr explores through geopolitical events and questions of loyalty in the military.

    The episode ends with Carr's writing advice: never quit and focus on making the story the best it can be.

    Learn more about Jack and his current Take Warning Tour at

    WATCH & SUBSCRIBE to our channel at UP & JOIN us on our website at FOLLOW us on, & LISTEN to us on ALL the popular Podcast Channels like: ApplePodcasts @ @

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 187th episode host David Temple celebrates THE THRILLER ZONE’S three-year anniversary with author May Cobb. They discuss May's journey from being David's first guest to having her book, The Hunting Wives, adapted into a TV series.

    May shares her experience working in Hollywood and the surreal feeling of seeing her book come to life on set. They also talk about May's writing process and her best advice for aspiring authors.

    The episode ends with MAY providing some real down-to-earth insights as to her Best Writing Advice, and David closes the show by expressing his gratitude to the listeners for the past three years
while teasing some upcoming surprises in future episodes.

    Learn more at

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    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's 186th BONUS Episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple is happy to welcome two-time Edgar Award-winning Author Lori Roy as she discusses her latest book, Lake County.

    The book is set in 1950s Florida and follows the story of Addie Ann, a young woman who tells a lie to pursue her dream of becoming a Hollywood actress. However, her lie puts her family in danger and leads to a collision with the Tampa mafia.

    Lori shares her background as a tax accountant turned writer and her journey to becoming a published author. She also emphasizes the importance of writing the book you want to read and developing all aspects of writing, including plot, characters, and setting.

    New York Times Bestselling Author Michael Connelly says, "I loved it. Lori's voice is so entrancing you can almost smell the orange blossoms and blood."

    Now, that will get your attention! To learn more visit:

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    00:00 Navigating Technical Difficulties
    00:00 The Journey to Becoming an Author
    15:55 Crafting Compelling Stories

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 185th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews New York Times bestselling author Meg Gardner. They discuss a wide variety of topics, including Meg's collaboration with Michael Mann on Heat 2, her writing process, and her latest book, Shadowheart.

    They also deep-dive Meg’s other books, as well as discussing Meg’s experiences with research, and the challenges of writing a sequel to a popular movie.

    A terrific insight comes when Meg discusses researching dark and disturbing subjects, which can be challenging, but Meg balances it by finding joy in other activities and maintaining a positive mindset.

    The conversation is filled with humor and insights into Meg's writing journey, and as is the case of her third appearance, Meg entertains in a truly engaging way.

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    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    02:37 Talking about Art and Getting Started

    03:19 Collaborating with Michael Mann on Heat 2

    05:13 Recovering from a House Fire

    06:12 Congratulating Meg on Her Collaboration with Michael Mann

    07:37 Geeking Out over Jeopardy

    08:40 Favorite Crime Headlines

    09:59 Talking about Meg's New Book, Shadowheart

    11:17 Upcoming Book Tour

    12:15 Praising Meg's Writing

    13:12 Discussing Meg's Writing Style

    Meg Gardner, interview, collaboration, Michael Mann, Heat 2, writing process, research, Shadowheart, The Thriller Zone, David Temple

    (00:00) - (01:23) - Introduction and Welcome(04:00) - Talking about Art and Getting Started(04:42) - Collaborating with Michael Mann on Heat 2(06:36) - Recovering from a House Fire(07:35) - Congratulating Meg on Her Collaboration with Michael Mann(09:00) - Geeking Out over Jeopardy(10:03) - Favorite Crime Headlines(11:22) - Talking about Meg's New Book, Shadowheart(12:40) - Upcoming Book Tour(13:38) - Praising Meg's Writing(14:35) - Discussing Meg's Writing Style

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's 184th episode of The Thriller Zone, a BONUS episode at that, we're pleased to welcome Washington Post Contributor and New York Times Bestselling Author David Ignatius.

    On this podcast, David talks with us about his latest thriller, Phantom Orbit, and shares the inspiration and research behind his latest thriller, as well as the real-world events that influenced the plot.

    Our hefty conversation delves into the complexities of satellite warfare, the role of technology in espionage, and the geopolitical landscape of Russia and Ukraine.

    Best of all perhaps is when David shares insights into his writing process and offers advice for aspiring authors. Learn more at

    WATCH & SUBSCRIBE to our channel at

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    #DavidIgnatius, #PhantomOrbit, #thriller, #espionage, #satellitewarfare, #technology, #Russia, #Ukraine, #CIA, #writingadvice, #authorinterview #podcast #thethrillerzone @davetemple @davidtempleauthor #DavidTemple

    00:00 Introduction and Author Introduction
    02:55 Crafting Realistic Thrillers
    05:08 The Geopolitical Landscape of Espionage and Satellite Warfare
    16:00 The Plot of Phantom Orbit and Real-World Influence
    25:11 Writing Advice and Conclusion

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 183rd episode of The Thriller Zone we’ve a special treat. If you’re a fan of Thriller & Crime Fiction, then you’ve no doubt heard of The Real Book Spy. Well, today we sit down with Ryan Steck to discuss his latest thriller OUT FOR BLOOD.

    This latest entry picks up where the last Matthew Redd thriller left off
with one exception. Redd’s danger is deeper. And the read is not only longer, but richer in scope. Yeah, it’s a good one!

    On today's show Ryan and I discuss a whole plethora of items like OUT FOR BLOOD, plus his first two thrillers, you'll also hear Ryan and I discuss a few things about New York Times Bestselling Author Jack Carr. We discuss in depth the process of writing substantial thrillers, learn about Ryan’s home life which involves no less than 11 mouths to feed, we cover a bit of Thrillerfest, and we hear about how Ryan got his start as The Real Book Spy. All is all, it’s a fully-packed hour of all things Thriller Fiction, with Real Book Spy Ryan Steck.

    Learn more about Ryan and his Real Book Spy World at

    Last thing before I sign off: A reminder that this is our Anniversary Month, and how we're excited to also welcome New York Times Bestselling Author MEG GARDINER on June 10th, where we'll cover her latest in the UNSUB Series, SHADOWHEART!

    Then, the following week, the 17th to be exact, I’ll let you in on a closely held secret. Recall my very first guest
the person who took a chance talking to a then-yet-mostly-unknown podcast host of a little-startup pod called The Thriller Zone? If not, it was May Cobb. Well, she’s promised to return to celebrate our THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, as we discuss her latest thriller THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT.

    So, do yourself a favor, and add Meg Gardiner’s book SHADOWHEART and May Cobb’s HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT to your Summer Reading lists, as you’ll want to devour both of them.

    Join us again soon for another exciting edition of 
 Your Front Row Seat to the Best Thriller Writers in the World.

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's 182nd episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews #1 International bestselling author John Katzenbach about his book Jack's Boys.

    They discuss the nature of storytelling in thrillers and the importance of creating complete and psychologically attuned characters. Katzenbach also shares how his experience as a criminal court reporter influenced his fiction writing. John also talks about growing up in the shadow of his father, former US Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, and how it shaped his perspective on government and history.

    The conversation touches on various topics, including the making of three of John's books that were made into the movies: THE MEAN SEASON, starring Kurt Russell and Mariel Hemingway, JUST CAUSE, starring Sean Connery, Laurence Fishburne and Ed Harris; and HART'S WAR, starring Bruce Willis and Colin Farrell.

    David and John discuss other topics such as the impact of climate change in Miami, some of their favorite movies and movie stars, plus the inspiration behind the story, Jack's Boys, the importance of accuracy in thrillers, and the differences in reader reactions across different cultures.

    Finally, the two men touch on the use of references to music and films in Katzenbach's writing, and their conversation ends with Katzenbach sharing his advice for writers.

    Learn more at, and be sure to subscribe to, as well as follow this podcast on X, Instagram and Facebook @thethrillerzone.

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's 181st episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews New York Times Bestselling author Eric Rickstad about his book "Lilith."

    Lilith explores the theme of school shootings and the emotional impact on the victims and their families. Mr. Rickstad discusses his background as a writer and the influences that shaped his storytelling style. He also shares his thoughts on writing series versus standalone novels and the challenges of addressing previous events in a series.

    The conversation delves into the inspiration behind Lilith and the societal issues it addresses, including gun violence and the politicization of tragedies.

    In this episode, Temple talks to Eric about the themes of gun violence, mental health, and the role of women in society. Rickstad explains how the character of Lilith, the first wife of Adam, serves as a metaphor for women's struggle for autonomy and the myth of violence in America.

    Rickstad wraps by sharing his writing advice, emphasizing the importance of consistency and trusting the creative process.

    To order your copy of Lilith, and to learn more about Rick, visit:

    As always, be sure to join The Thriller Zone Podcast via our website:, FOLLOW us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook @thethrillerzone. You can also listen to the podcast on ALL Podcast Channels, as well as watch the show on

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 180th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews film director and debut author James Cox about his breakout hit novel, Grand Theft AI.

    The conversation covers Cox's background in directing, his influences, and the process of writing the book. They discuss the cyberpunk landscape of the story, the immersive technology called Wetwire, and the future history of the world.

    Cox also shares his passion for detail and authenticity in science fiction and the blending of reality and fiction in his work, and shares how he explores the themes of artificial intelligence (AI), human-machine interaction, the impact of AI on labor, and the ownership and control of AI technology.

    David and James discuss the novel, which focuses on people trying to navigate a world that has been accelerated by AI, and emphasize how the fear of AI rising up and the idea of machines becoming self-aware and human-like are intriguing.

    The conversation concludes with the importance of relationships in thrillers, the role of music in storytelling, and the challenges of building an online presence as a writer.

    Thank you for following and for subscribing to our

    (00:03) - Introduction(07:39) - Meeting Shane Salerno(18:34) - Inspiration for Grand Theft AI(22:08) - The Process of Writing(25:44) - Evolution into a Novel(26:48) - Screenplay to Prose Transformation(28:18) - Painting Future History(29:43) - Reality and Accelerated Innovation(34:23) - Technology: Good and Harm Perspectives(35:21) - Impacts of AI on Employment(38:02) - Ownership and Control of AI(41:56) - Writing Advice and Process(43:16) - Future History and Genre Preferences(45:54) - Directing and Collaborating in the Industry(49:11) - Serialization and Story Structure(51:06) - Relationship Dynamics and Technology(56:40) - Influence of Music and Soundtracks(58:20) - Online Presence and Branding(01:00:07) - Book Pre-order Details and Release Date

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • In this 179th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews thriller writer Joe Reid, also known as Parker Adams, about his latest book, The Lock Box.

    The conversation covers various topics, including the inspiration behind the book, the use of pen names, and Reid's background as a marine biologist and patent lawyer. He discusses the process of writing fiction and how it relates to his work as a litigator.

    The discussion also delves into the character of Monna Locke, a female army vet turned safecracker, and the possibility of a sequel, plus Joe discusses his writing journey and the influences that have shaped his career.

    Joe (aka Parker) talks about the importance of accumulating experiences and listening to your instincts as a writer, and also emphasizes the need to finish what you start and not be afraid of criticism.

    Some highlights include the themes of complex characters, the influence of personal backgrounds on writing, and the importance of starting a story in the right place.

    The interview concludes with a discussion about the impact of COVID-19 on storytelling plus an upcoming speaking event at the Carlsbad library with Christopher Reich on May 17th at Noon.

    Learn more at, and as always, be sure to visit us at, follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook @TheThrillerZone and you can catch us on all the podcast channels, like @applepodcasts @Spotify @iHeartRadio and more.

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today’s 178th episode of The Thriller Zone, David Temple and Scott Carson, author of Lost Man's Lane, discusses his writing process and the importance of voice in storytelling. He shares his experience working with a private investigator and how it influenced his latest novel.

    Carson also talks about the power of face-to-face interviews and the impact of feedback on the writing process.

    Scott offers advice to aspiring writers, emphasizing the importance of reading widely and keeping goals close to the vest. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the magic of voice and the thrill of having respected authors read and praise your work.


    Using a pen name can help differentiate between different genres and target specific readerships.Supernatural stories can be challenging to write well and appeal to skeptics, but the satisfaction of success is greater.Readers often have preferences for certain genres and may be more open to different types of stories within those genres.As a writer, it's important to challenge yourself and try new things to continue growing and producing your best work.Building a connection with readers is crucial, and they will follow you across genres if they enjoy your writing style and storytelling. The importance of having fun and taking risks in life and artThe power of voice in writing and the uniqueness each writer bringsThe value of reading widely to improve writing skillsThe benefits of keeping writing goals private and avoiding early feedback

    Sound Bites

    "If people like your prose, be whatever flavor it is, they're going to follow you wherever you go.""The supernatural stories are by far the more difficult ones for me. But the satisfaction of sticking the landing is maybe a little bit greater.""I don't think you're ever going to get your best work by staying in the familiar. It's going out there and getting a little bit dangerous.""We only get one crack at this life. So why don't we just have fun with it?""The thing that makes your heart beat a little faster, whatever your emotional cues and triggers are, those are going to still be there no matter how different the story world might be.""Write the first draft with the door shut.”"Voice is the magic, the thing that makes it work.""Read widely because it's all grist for the mill.""Keep your goals close to the vest for as long as possible."


    00:00 Introduction and Face-to-Face Interviews
    05:15 The Impact of Face-to-Face Interviews
    09:33 Advice for Aspiring Writers
    14:45 The Magic of Having Respected Authors Read Your Work

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • Welcome to the latest episode of The Thriller Zone with special guest, Christopher "Chris" Reich. In this episode, we dive deep into the world of Chris Reich, a renowned author known for his thrilling novels. The host, David, engages in a captivating conversation with Chris, exploring his journey as a writer and the inspiration behind his successful series and standalone novels.

    Chris shares insights into his writing process, revealing how he transitioned from a corporate career to pursue his passion for writing. He discusses the challenges and triumphs he faced along the way, highlighting the importance of perseverance and never giving up on one's dreams.

    The conversation delves into the intricacies of Chris's latest book, "Matterhorn," which promises to be a blockbuster hit. The host and guest discuss the characters, setting, and themes of the book, offering a glimpse into the thrilling world of espionage, action, and emotional depth that readers can expect.

    Throughout the episode, the host and guest touch on various elements of storytelling, from crafting compelling characters to creating immersive settings. They also explore the evolving landscape of the publishing industry and the impact of technology on espionage and intelligence operations, drawing parallels between fiction and reality.

    As the conversation unfolds, the host and guest share personal anecdotes, including a fascinating story about Stan Getz's iconic song "Desafinado" and its influence on their lives. The episode is filled with engaging discussions, literary insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the creative process of a successful author.

    In the end, the episode leaves listeners intrigued and eager to explore Chris Reich's thrilling novels, offering a blend of action, suspense, and emotional depth that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Tune in to for a captivating journey into the world of storytelling with Chris Reich. And to learn more about our guest, visit:


    "I love what I do. So it beats working for a living." - 00:00:47"I got to write a book that is as exciting as The Bourne Identity. And that book became Rules of Deception." - 00:03:46"The days when the public unites around a central title, a central book that kind of captures the national interest, the zeitgeist. Very rare now, very rare." - 00:05:48"Social media is killing attention span, where people want that dopamine hit every 15 seconds, new page, new picture." - 00:06:38"I want to be part of this box theory where I keep a certain level, and then boom, you drop dead or something, you know, at age 85." - 00:10:23"Revenge is not a dish best served cold. Revenge is a dish best served hot and bloody right in your face." - 00:35:45"I don't know, revenge is not a dish best served cold. Revenge is a dish best served hot and bloody right in your face." - 00:35:45"Stan Getz is one of the greatest alto players ever. I mean, one of the greatest players of anything ever." - 00:42:18"I try to aim for a certain level of a skill level, let's say. So, you know, but thank you. I'm glad you like it." - 00:44:24


    "I put it [STAN GETZ} on the drive up from San Diego today so I could get in the mood, because whenever I feel if I'm too preoccupied or down, I put on Bossa Nova, or Stan Getz, and it just makes the world a better place." - 00:40:26

    (00:00) - to the Thriller Zone: 00:00:00(01:23) - Reich's Background and Writing Career: 00:05:30(01:23) - on Book Series and Standalones: 00:07:40(01:23) - Reich's Health and Longevity: 00:09:30(01:23) - on Matterhorn and Climbing: 00:23:51(01:23) - in Writing and Sense of Place: 00:28:19(01:23) - and Conclusion of the Book: 00:35:45(01:23) - of Music and Personal Anecdote: 00:40:26

    Yes, I write books and record audiobooks; learn more at If you’d like to sell more books, reach out to me today!

  • On today's 176th episode of The Thriller Zone, host David Temple interviews Brian Andrews and Jeff Wilson, the authors of the book 'Four Minutes.'
    The conversation starts with some lighthearted banter having to do with "silly hats,' but soon delves into the authors' busy writing schedule and their upcoming projects. A highlight comes when they share their collaboration with Tom Clancy's estate and the research they conducted with the US Navy for their Clancy novels.

    The authors also explain the concept behind their latest military thriller, Four Minutes, which involves a special operations team using advanced technology to predict future events.

    The show wraps with a brief discussion about the challenges and limitations of time travel in the book, how it could be possible through the use of modular fusion reactors, as well as the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence in writing and warfare.

    To learn more visit:

    00:00 Introduction and Show Updates
    08:06 Collaborating with Tom Clancy's Estate and the US Navy
    21:54 Creating Realistic Rules for Time Travel
    22:51 The Importance of Family Support and Military Dedication
    22:57 Exploring the Intersection of the Human Condition and Technology
    23:25 Time Travel through Modular Fusion Reactors
    24:24 Limitations and Consequences of Time Travel
    26:43 The Potential Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
    38:19 Gratitude for Opportunities in the Entertainment Industry

    Some take-aways:

    Brian Andrews and Jeff Wilson have a busy writing schedule, but they are grateful for the opportunities they have been given.The authors collaborated with Tom Clancy's estate and conducted extensive research with the US Navy for their Clancy novels.'Four Minutes' explores the concept of using advanced technology to predict future events and its implications for special operations teams.The authors wanted to create realistic rules and limitations for time travel in the book.The episode highlights the importance of family support and the dedication of military personnel. The hosts are interested in exploring the intersection of the human condition and technology.Time travel in their book is made possible through the use of modular fusion reactors.Time travel has limitations and unintended consequences.Artificial intelligence can be a valuable tool if humans are in control of it.The hosts are grateful for the opportunities they have in the entertainment industry.

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