
  • Episode 103: Developing the Mindset for Greatness 1. Understand that you are a warrior You are endowed with seeds of greatness and unbelievable talents but only if you will try to find out what it is for you. When you find this out and really work towards it, you will be shocked at your outcomes. The good news is that it is never too late to discover your talents and start deploying them. 2. Recognise that there you have no limits If you are like me, I used to think that greatness and some level of success is reserved to a certain group of people from certain backgrounds. No, greatness is open for all. It is out there for the people who are willing to pay the dues and work for it. 3. Develop your talents Warriors, an undeveloped talent continues to be just potential which is useless. Just like the natural resources still buried underground. Study; do formal and informal education. Read books, listen to podcast, watch some fantastic YouTube videos and get mentorship 4. Develop the habits of greatness Only Quality People: Time Planning: Plan your days and weeks ahead. Do not plan for today, TODAY. Look after your body (exercise (30minutes at least per day s recommended and check-ups (like for cars) to find out what is lacking in your body and take health supplements to support and we manufacture some of the best with fantastic feedback. Nothing will save you from illness if you neglect your body and no matter how wealthy you become; if you are sick, it is nothing. Find opportunities to lead and mentor, serve also) 5. Toughen up for failures You will fail
 It’s now about how many times you are knocked down by failure, but how many times we rise up In the end you will not be judged by the obstacles that stopped you but by your achievements despite the obstacles. Train yourself to be rock solid in the face of failures and disappointments and view failure as what they are: Stepping Stones to greatness.

  • This week I would like to speak to you about the power of a mastermind. Masterminds is just like partying with the best people and we all know that Success and Prosperity from partying with the best... We don’t know it all as individuals but when like minds meet something magical happens; ideas are born, blockers are removed and unimaginable milestones are hit. Before launching this podcast, I had the pleasure of masterminding with Chris Thatcher of the Fit for Purpose Podcast and Tom Board from NeuroJitsu. I couldn’t have launched at all without the help of these great people: the name, the messaging and goals, they both helped me to fine tune these and I am forever grateful to them. Earlier this week I spend time with a group of #Linkybrainers in London in what was an amazing meetup. So many lessons learned and some of my personal philosophies were challenged which is quite interesting as these misconceptions can hold us back most times. Here are some of the lessons learned. Ability to speed chat: we had just one hour to sped chat with each of 10 individuals. Creativity as an emerging intellectual power as Artificial Intelligence takes over most process tasks. Social project investment models and platforms: some of us want to make a change in the world, this was a masterclass on how to do this. Positivity of failure perceived and positioned correctly Transformation: Doing it right from changing mindsets to understanding the organisations products and culture. Skills for Scaling Organisations Big thanks to Scott Bushell for arranging and to Chris, Walid, Emma and Henry who were really key to some of learnings on the day. Call to action: If you are serious about success; form a MASTERMIND; a group of likeminded people today around your area of interest: use Facebook,, LinkedIn and whatever else is out there.. And you will find that just the spending time with such groups can propel you to massive success! Let a mastermind turn you in to a masterpiece! Abundant blessings to you!

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  • 101: The Danger of Timing Your Success

    Warriors, it is with great pleasure that I come your way again this week with the message; the danger of timing your success !

    As some of you may know already, I run a business by the same name Unchained Warrior where we manufacture fitness trackers and health supplements as part of our mission to unchain 1 billion warriors to live to their full potential.

    So as every good business does, we have just come to the end of Quarter 1 of 2018 and it was time to assess how we have done against the targets we set at the start of the year. I must say that it was not an easy and fun exercise as we did not meet most of our targets for this time period.

    So as the leader of the organisation, I had to spend some time thinking about how we got here. In the end, I agreed with the team that although we have not met our set targets in terms of sales and the numbers, that we have done a lot of work on implementing our 2018 strategy which will form a bedrock for prosperity for the rest of the year.

    The most striking outcome of the thought session was the fact that my expectation is for the business to succeed to a certain level in a certain period of time which I thought is very shallow and that is the reason I am bringing you this message today because I know that most people will be in the same situation now.

    Success will not always happen in the time-span we have given it, it is called life, it is called business. You plan and succeed sometimes but other times you don't. The amazing fact is that contrary to our plan, sometimes we tend to achieve a lot more than expected in a very short period and this will compensate for the lost days..

    My call to action today on the danger of timing your success is;

    If you are feeling low about the stage you are at, this year in you life, relationship and business, please don't despair but ignore the pace of success and keep working on all areas of your dreams. One day very soon, you will find yourself going much faster than expected if you continue working hard.

    Just like every human who has set out to make this year groundbreaking, it is OK to be frustrated but decide to stay fired up and enthusiastic about this year and keep working until you succeed in all areas.

    It is possible that you will hit all your targets this year, and now that you know that we are all in this together, let's go back to work until we succeed. 2018 is still our year!!

    Don't forget to share with at least 6 friends, colleagues and family...

    Abundant Blessings to you!!

    For links to the previous episodes visit

    Call to action:

    So please do this today, start trying more, start experimenting more.. Have you abandoned a project prematurely lately? Go back to and keep experimenting until you find a way to succeed.

    This is how to achieve greatness with experimentation.

    Abundant blessing to you !!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 100: Our Actions Today and the History Books

    Warriors, it's amazing chatting again today and on this special episode 100 of the Unchained Warrior podcast. I am grateful for the support I have received through out these episodes and especially your help with spreading this message. Today we discuss our actions today and the history books.

    I used to think that I was powerless in changing the world and that I can do nothing to change the way things are for a very long time. However, I started this podcast exactly 2 years ago with a sense of urgency after I had an epiphany when I realised that: "I have a message that the world needs to hear but even if I reach just one person and change their life, then it's worth it! So I set out to use this podcast as tool to reach 1 billion people all over the world and empower them to live out their greatness.

    Today, I am as excited as I was at the start although I have had sometimes when I had to take a break to deal with other business issues, but I have since discovered that this is where I get my fulfillment from, working hard to help anybody who cares to live a bigger and bolder life.

    Our actions today and the history books demands standing up from all of us..

    Yes, standing up not sitting down..

    When we stand-up to something, we are either giving an ovation or condemning the event!

    The question for you today Warriors is: What worthy cause are you giving a standing ovation? What wrongs in the society are you standing up to? What blessings and talents have been endowed with are you standing up with? Which ones are we supposed to stand up to but your are sitting down?

    As we stand or sit, the history books are being written. In the next century what will it read about you? What will it read about me? We owe it to the world, all the gifts and talents we have been blessed with, our key responsibility should be to ensure that they are all delivered before we depart..

    Warriors, it is not enough to stand up or speak up... it is equally crucial that we develop new skills and talents that will enable us to have more impact on our community and the whole world! I know that most of you are very successful, but there is always more to do and contribute and the more we contribute the bigger our rewards both in wealth and legacy..

    This is core of the message our actions today and the history books..

    What new action will you take today? What other ways do you hope to change the world?

    Thank you for all the support through out these first hundred episodes as we look to the future with great hope and faith that we will try achieve the lofty goal of unchaining 1 billion warriors all over the world to live out their greatness..

    Don't forget to share with at least 6 friends, colleagues and family...

    Abundant Blessings to you!!

    For links to the previous episodes visit

    Call to action:

    So please do this today, start trying more, start experimenting more.. Have you abandoned a project prematurely lately? Go back to and keep experimenting until you find a way to succeed.

    This is how to achieve greatness with experimentation.

    Abundant blessing to you !!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 099: Resurrecting Your Gifts, Dreams and Talents

    Years ago, you dreamed and believed the sky is not even the limit. Then something happened, they lied to your that your are wrong and you believed them, Now is the time to resurrect all your Gifts, Dreams and Talents.

    Abundant blessings to you!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 098: Achieving Greatness with Experimentation

    Achieving Greatness comes with frustration from a series of failures so I want to suggest that you see the attempts as experiments. The more you do, the more you achieve.

    Abundant blessings to you!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 097 Refresh Your Source of Knowledge

    I hope you are progressing in 2018 but a quick reminder of the need to refresh your source of knowledge.

    We all deliver the results based on the knowledge we have currently. If this is the truth, then we must always look for ways to refresh our knowledge.

    In 2018, knowledge and what works have very short expiry date and if you will compete or stay relevant, you must refresh your source else progress, greatness and achieving goals and dreams will continue to be a dream and illusion.

    Call to action:

    So please do this today, pick up a book, enroll in a course, look for a teacher, if you are not doing it already.

    Greatness and success are as far from us as our knowledge and discipline!

    Refresh Your Source of Knowledge today and everyday!

    Abundant blessing to you !!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

  • 096: The Warriors Battle-shield for Greatness

    The Warriors Battle-shield for Greatness are crucial to achieving your greatness and include Imagination, Monitoring your thoughts, Strengthening your beliefs, Courage and Boldness and Building a team of warriors.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 095: Dreaming Beyond Hardship and Challenges

    Dreaming beyond hardship and challenges is one thig we must all do because we all face face it.

    This message is to encourage us to keep dreaming despite the current situation and believe that this season will pass and better days will come and we will all achieve our dreams.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations
    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn
    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 094: Warrior's Call To Leadership

    Warrior's Call To Leadership is a call to you and I to rise and lead in at least one area of life.

    Leadership is about service, sacrifice and taking responsibility and not titles and benefits!

    It is no longer good enough to wait for the presidents and prime ministers and CEOs to lead. You are a leader too so rise up and lead.

    And it does not matter the area you want to lead in, but find somewhere and lead! It is you duty, this is the reason for this episode on the Warrior's Call to leadership.

    I hope you like this episode, please share it with all you firends and family and subscribe to my podcast.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

  • 093: Holding on to Your Dreams

    This week we look at holding on to your dreams. Warriors, if you are like me, you are thinking; it's February already and I have not yet achieved anything significant this year. Your concerns are right and yes you should be concerned.

    The truth is that it takes time for most good things to happen! It is necessary that you understand that and never give up but keep holding on to your dreams. It is frustrating, yes I know but it is worth the wait. So this week, keep working on your dreams, keep researching, keep looking for help, keep on planning and re-planning and keep holding on to your dreams and before you know it, it will happen for you.

    This is my challenge to you and I this week. I hope you will take it and keep pushing until the day that your dreams are achieved.

    I hope you like this episode, please share it with all you firends and family and subscribe to my podcast.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • This week we look at tilting the balance of the world. Warriors in the world today, we have the rich and the poor, the privileged and the less privileged. What can you do to tilt this balance and move people from bad to good?

    The great thing is that we can all do something about this by simply helping one person out to come to the good side, from a bad place to a good place; this is tilting the balance of the world because suddenly, there will be one less person in trouble.

    This is my challenge to myself and you. I hope you will take it and help me achieve the big dream of unchaining one billion people to start living to their full potential.

    I hope you like this episode, please share it with all you firends and family and subscribe to my podcast.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 091: Guard Your Fire ????

    If you have been in flow and full of inspiration before, you will understand the importance of guarding your fire ????

    If you haven’t before then this might be the main reason.

    Whichever group you belong to, here is the fact: it is very hard to be inspired to do good work and even harder to stay inspired.

    There are loads to depressing and bad news in the world today and there loads of bad news as well. Unfortunately it’s more fun to spread the bad news so that’s what we hear mostly.

    So how can you guard your fire and stay inspired?

    First, it is important to realise that you have control of what goes into your ears, eyes, mouth and mind.

    If you have this control then, it is your responsibility to put “guards” in place to ensure that you are in full control of what goes in.

    First thing is to ensure that your friends and family know when you are switched on to hear any news and it must not be first thing in the morning.

    Next find inspiring books and videos to read and watch first thing in the morning to prime your mind for a great day! Only when you’ve done this are you ready to go out and meet the world and all the news.

    In your home, office and car create a mantra and make sure it is written and posted in strategic areas so you will always have positive and inspiring stuff going in to your mind!

    Finally, choose friends that bring you to life not blood suckers. We all have them, people who will never have anything positive to share, avoid them like a plague; in real life and on social media! These days many WhatsApp groups have become a channel for these type of individuals to share their terrible news just to dampen your spirit and quench your fire. Remove yourselves from those groups, unfriendly those people because nobody achieves their greatness in the midst of negative people and information.

    It’s in your hands Warriors, make it happen for yourself;

    Guard your Fire ????!!

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

  • Series: Making 2018 Your Best Year Ever 090: Focus, Work and Have Fun ! This is final one; Focus, Work and Have Fun ! Thank you for coming this far in the series. I have no doubt that you are on your way to a great 2018! I am rooting for you, Warriors!! Go to work! And stay focused. Avoid distractions from whatever sources and get executing! Stick to your plans unless there is a genuine reason to change course. Remember, there will be days of massive success and other days of massive failures but keep the faith! Keep believing that your goals are possible and they will be! There will be high days and low days and even flat days.. it’s all OK! When you are low and flat; remember never to stay there, never to give up and never to give in. Learn to fight for what belongs to you! Freedom is never given, you must fight for so are your goals! Don’t forget to have fun along the line and most importantly rest!!

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • Series: Making 2018 Your Best Year Ever 089: Planning - Bring the goals to life Today we are talking about planning - bring the goals to life. Remember the saying: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" To accomplish these goals in 2018, there are things you must do! What are they? What specific activities do you need to do to achieve these goals? In what sequence do you have to do those activities? How long will each activity take? What resources do you have to deliver them? What are the risks you need to keep an eye on and what steps will you take if those risks come true and become an issue? Check your team, who is in? Who is out? Entertain no bystanders? The great Zig Ziglar said that “people who have nothing to do, want to do it with you”! Get rid of those people however you can. However if you struggle with this and want a reason, then I invite you to think about your goals and those relationships, if there is a mismatch there, then you must prioritise your goals! Don’t forget to build in “checkpoints” into your plan.. Use these as opportunities for continuous improvement, refining your plan and adjusting your course. Please join me tomorrow for the next steps..

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • Series: Making 2018 Your Best Year Ever 088: Research Your Goals and Identify Options You must have a deep understanding of your goals: this will only be possible if you spend enough time seeking and studying the goals. Spend time to research your goals and identify options. This process will also help build up your belief in your dreams. This is very important as you will only be able to stay the course only if you believe it and that belief or faith comes by hearing according the Scriptures and the hearing in this case will occur through your research. Fortunately we live in the best times ever so we have too many options most of them FREE: People, YouTube, Podcasts, Seminars, Webinars, Books, Courses: most online courses are very cheap and in some cases FREE for example Udemy, Coursera and the list goes on. Aim to understand it enough to be able to come up with a few options and approaches to achieve them. Remember, the aim here is not to become a professor but to get enough information to enable you to deliver on the goals. To identify key steps you will need to take, the type of resources and people you need to execute and the risks each of these carry. Watch out and avoid “analysis paralysis”

    You will have a very high chance of succeeding if you will research your goals and identify options.

    Please join me tomorrow for the next steps..

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • Series: Making 2018 Your Best Year Ever 087: Prioritise Your Goals and Dreams

    It is necessary that you prioritise your goals and dreams.

    We all know that as big dreamer, there are many components to achieving our dreams. Some are key, some will help, some might help, and some are good to have. Based on your list, I invite you to spend some time, prioritising and putting numbers against each goal. This is one of the main reasons people succeed because effort is directed at the most important and impactful areas with maximum returns. Use this time to review your goals and confirm that each of these deserve to be in your list! Again, prioritise Your Goals and Dreams Please join me tomorrow for the next steps..

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • We are dreamers, we want to fly. Pilots are always making slight changes to the aeroplanes  to get to the right destination so should you We live in a time of massive distractions, in fact they follow you everywhere so it’s easy to loose track of what the game is really about Review you goals, have you missed anything? Do you need to add anything? Remember this is the foundation you are building. Get it right, you succeed else you will fail It’s all in your hands today... Come back tomorrow for the next steps..

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

    Connect with us
    Twitter: @unchain_warrior
    Instagram: unchainedwarrior
    Subscribe to the email list.
    Host email address - [email protected]

  • 085: The Grand Plan for the New Year

    Warriors, create the grand plan for the new year. Assess this year, meditate and plan a bold new year and then go to work and resolve never to give up.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Abundant blessing to you !

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected] and on Twitter @Unchain_Warrior

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows

  • 084_Planning for the Future - 2018

    Warriors, 2018 is round the corner. Planning for the future reminds us of the need to plan for the new year before it arrives.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Abundant blessing to you

    Be sure to share this with your friends and let me know what your think about this episode. My email is [email protected].

    Resource Recommendations

    The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – Amazing book that takes you steps by step through the journey of achieving beyond your wildest dreams.

    Think and Grow Rich – Think and Grow Rich! is the most widely acclaimed, influential book on success ever published. For a quarter-century, Napoleon Hill interviewed hundreds of successful men and women under the guidance of the richest man of his time, Andrew Carnegie. In this timeless classic, he reveals the secret to their great achievements—a powerful, proven formula that can empower you to achieve your own most cherished goals, too.

    Your Turn

    Thank you for listening to today's show. What do you think? Would you like to add anything or ask a question?

    Please leave your comments below, I would really like to hear from you and answer any questions you have.

    See you at the next show and don't forget that you are a warrior, keep living it.

    Abundant blessings to you!!

    Ps: Don't forget to subscribe for updates on the next shows and some freebies I shall be giving away.