Recorded: 9 November 2018
Released: 21 November 2018
Duration: 56 minutes, 36 seconds
This is Part 2, continuing abruptly from Episode 100. The editing is a bit amateurish. Panel are Nick Nielsen, Ciro Villa, Mike Bohler, Sam Lichtenstein, and ladies and gentlemen: Mike Mongo!
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
All Unseen Podcast episodes are released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 9 November 2018
Released: 18 November 2018
Duration: 53 minutes, 43 seconds
For the final North American recording session for the Unseen Podcast, host Paul Carr welcomes Nick Nielsen, Ciro Villa, Mike Mongo, Sam Lichtenstein and Mike Bohler.
Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Fehlende Folgen?
Recorded: 26 October 2018
Released: 14 November 2018
Duration: 39 Minutes, 29 seconds
Paul Carr and Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy's Mike Bohler talk about the possible gaslighting of Simone Mendez and other real life craziness in part 2 of this special session.
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 26 October 2018
Released: 10 November 2018
Duration: 52 minutes, 45 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by Nick Nielsen and Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy's Mike Bohler to talk about conspiracies, accidents, and many other related things. This is Part 1 of two parts.
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
A not quite so short announcement from the producer of the Unseen Podcast and the Wow! Signal. This is for those who have not seen the video. If not currently subscribed to the Wow! signal,we encourage you to do so.
Our Episode Planning Sheet
Recorded: 28 September 2018
Released: 30 September 2018
Duration: 53 minutes, 31 seconds
We don't really talk about current events here at the Unseen Podcast, but sometimes a current event inspires a discussion. We are ignoring all the (arguably justified) fuss about Brett Kavanaugh, and instead are going off on any tangents we can find related to the recent announcement about Dear Moon. Only in our age can we talk about billionaire Japanese artists going on a trip around the moon. It's a great time to be alive.
For more information see
First Lunar BFR Mission
Which artists should SpaceX send to the Moon?
SpaceX Names Their First Private Tourist Headed to the Moon
Tough Jobs: Experimental Aircraft Test Pilot
Pilot Dies in 'Classified' Plane Crash at Nevada Training Range
List of people who died climbing Mount Everest
Credits:Host and producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-alike license.
Recorded: 14 September 2018
Released: 16 September 2016
Duration: 44 minutes 31 seconds
The first (and hopefully, last) solo episode, although this is our second meta episode, following a very unpopular one in 2015.
LinksEpisode #1
The Unseen Podcast
About the Podcast
The Back Catalog
The Episode Sheet
The Wow! Signal
Desert Oracle Radio
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 31 August 2018
Released: 9 September 2018
Duration: 44 minutes, 14 seconds
Host Paul Carr and panelists Buck Field and Nick Nielsen jam on the theme of what are our models of reality, and what do they mean?
Links:sieve of Eratosthenes
The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker, and Xiang ChenProofs that there are infinitely many primes
Why are there infinitely many prime numbers?
The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited by Curtis Franks
Cohl Furey
How Much Does It Cost To Find A Higgs Boson? by Alex KnappHost and Producer: Paul Carr
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 31 August 2018
Released: 2 September 2018
Duration:42 minutes 16 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Buck Field and Nick Nielsen to further extend the discussion about what mathematics really means.
Links:Episode 77 with Sam Lichtenstein and Nick Nielsen
Proofs that there are infinitely many primes
Why are there infinitely many prime numbers?
The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge: Hilbert's Program Revisited by Curtis Franks
Cohl Furey
How Much Does It Cost To Find A Higgs Boson? by Alex Knappsieve of Eratosthenes
The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker, and Xiang ChenHost and Producer: Paul Carr
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Music: Dj Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 17 August 2018
Released: 19 August 2018
Duration: 97 minutes, 20 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by David Grigg, Nick Nielsen, Mike Bohler, and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about a wide range of cutting edge issues in our Summer non-episode. We started with the recent article by Torres about we should not colonize space.
Please see our main site, for more information about this episode and the podcast. You can discuss the episode and its contents.
Links:The Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy
Why We Should Think Twice About Colonizing Space by Phil Torres
Space colonization and suffering risks: Reassessing the “maxipok rule” by Phil Torres
Solar storm of 1859
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
A Super Solar Flare
What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today? Repeat of 1859 Carrington Event would devastate modern world, experts say by Richard A. Lovett
Coronal mass ejection
Stuxnet virus
On the Beach by Nevile Shute (novel)
On the Beach by Nevile Shute (film) Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Released: 18 August 2018
A brief announcement about changes to the podcast format and new destinations for our audio content. Please see for more information.
Recorded: 27 July 2018
Released: 29 July 2018
Duration: 72 minutes, 2 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists David Grigg, Nick Nielsen, and Patrick Festa. The cosmic Lyft driver has pulled up to the curb. Where to next? Moon or Mars, and why? Why anything other than birth, copulation, and death? We get to decide.
Links: Liquid water spied deep below polar ice cap on Mars Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars NASA Office of Planetary Protection With planetary protection office up for grabs, scientists rail against limits to Mars exploration Found it! Ice on Mars Why Can't we Remake the Rocketdyne F1 Engine? Sputnik Crisis Sputnik and the Origins of the SpaceAge Into the Black Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Linkage: Nick Nielsen
Recorded: 25 May 2018
Released: 26 May 2018
Duration: 74 minutes, 17 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Sam Lichtenstein, Patrick Festa, and Nick Nielsen to talk about the evolution and extinction of human languages.
Links: List of Endangered Languages Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (linguistic relativity) Echoes from My Kodiak Alutiiq Ancestors The state of the Welsh language: Number of people speaking Welsh fluently falls by 7,000 over the last decade Revival of the Hebrew language Who We Are: Europe Future Strategist: Cochran History Of Europe Infographic: A World of Languages Recommendations: Sam: A History of the Byzantine State and Society Patrick: Kay Scarpetta Book Series Nick: The History and Achievements of the Islamic Golden Age Paul: Desert Oracle Radio Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is released under the Creative Common Attribution/Share-Alike license
Recorded: 20 April 2018
Released: 21 April 2018
Duration: 88 minutes, 9 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Nick Nielsen and Sam Lichtenstein to talk about - well, just listen (or browse the links).
Links The Insight Podcast by Insitome Homo Naledi The Hand of Homo naledi
Homo floresiensis
Indonesian divers have evolved bigger spleens to hunt underwater
Weapon of mass destruction
The Silurian Hypothesis: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record? (official journal link)
conservation lagerstätte Discoveries May Rewrite History of China's Terra-Cotta Warriors The Secret Tomb of China's 1st Emperor: Will We Ever See Inside? The "Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project"
New digital map reveals stunning hidden archaeology of Stonehenge The 10,000 Year Clock 10,000 Year Clock
Atomic Priesthoods, Thorn Landscapes, and Munchian Pictograms: How to communicate the dangers of nuclear waste to future civilizations
Permanent Markers Implementation Plan How the Baiju Sea Nomads Evolved for a Life of Diving Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 6 April 2018
Released: 7 April 2018
Duration: 91 minutes, 56 seconds
Host Paul Carr welomes panelists Gita Jaisinghani, Sam Lichtenstein, Nick Nielsen and Adam Smith to take about a selection of Existential Risks.
Topics include: nanotechnology, pandemics, AI, and Climate Change. As usual, we let the discussion wander where it will go.
Links Future of Humanity Institute (exrisk think tank)
Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom
Nanotechnology: Armed resistance Orthogonality Thesis
The Paperclipper
Gray Goo
Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research
Engineered Avian Flu Could Kill Half the World's Humans
Asilomoar AI Principles
NASA on Climate Change Early climate action has big effect on rising sea levels CreditsHost and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Links: Nick Nielsen
Recorded: 16 February 2018
Released: 17 February 2018
Duration: 85 minutes, 8 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes special guest Chad Davies of the Scientific Odyssey podcast, and panelists Sam Lichtenstein and Patrick Festa, to talk about the history and philosophy of science.
erratum: at the end, the host says it's the 16th of September. It was February.
Links:the Scientific Odyssey Podcast:
On Facebook
On Apple Podcasts
On Stitcher
The Doom of Spacetime
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
The Unseen Podcast
Recorded: 26 January 2018
Released: 27 January 2018
Duration: 104 minutes 39 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by special guest panelist and documentary filmmaker Paul Hildebrandt, director of The Fight for Space. Joining The two Pauls are Mike Mongo, Jon Eckberg, and Nick Nielsen. We talk about kids in space, and how it relates to Paul Hildebrandt's kickstarter for his film First to the Moon.
LinksFight for Space
First to the Moon Kickstarter
Eric S. Raymond on Google Plus
Linus Torvalds on Google Plus
Valentina Tereshkova
Who Was Sally Ride?
Christa McAluliffe
Apollo 8
Thomas Selfridge, first person to die in an airplane crash
Blanche Scott Stowaway to the Moon Schoolgirl sailor triumphs after battle with authorities Fight for Space Earthrise The Overview Effect Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 19 January 2018
Released: 20 January 2018
Duration:126 minutes, 28 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by new panelist Jon Eckberg, and regulars Nick Nielsen, Buck Field, Mike Bohler and Patrick Festa to talk about how the discovery of the interstellar asteroid 'Oumuamua affects the terms in the Drake Equation, if at all. As is typical for us, the discussion ranges wide, once again confirming the Drake Equation's role as an excellent mental lens.
Links:The Drake Equation
Through the Lens of the Drake Equation
Claudio Maccone - The Statistical Drake Equation
David Jewitt - Oddball Visitor from Outer Space
Early trace of life from 3.95 Ga sedimentary rocks in Labrador, Canada
Guns, Germs, and Steel
The Case for K Dwarf Stars
This Humpback Whale Saved a Woman's Life, But Probably Not on Purpose
Face to Face with a Leopard Seal
A Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracy
Oh, No Ross and Carrie
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Recorded: 5 January 2018
Released: 6 January 2018
Duration: 97 minutes, 44 seconds
Host Paul Carr is joined by panelists Adam Smith, Nick Nielsen, Patrick Festa, and Buck Field to talk about the human return to the moon. It seems to boil down to: yes,, but who's going to pay for it? Maybe the Chinese? Maybe American or Asian billionaires? Somehow this drifts into discussion of flat Earthers and joke cults.
See for detailed show notes
Erratum: the 2017 Federal Budget is 4.1 Trillion dollars.
LinksDeep Space Gateway
Space Launch System
Thiel: Google has $50B, doesn't innovate or the longer version: 2012 - Eric Schmidt and Peter Thiel - Debate
Robert Zubrin - Mars Direct: Humans to the Red Planet within a Decade"There is a tide in the affairs of men."
Lava tubes as hidden sites for future human habitats on the Moon and Mars
Lunar lava tube
5 Whys
Stalinist gigantism The World at WarRoss and Carrie Traverse Flat Earth
Ross and Carrie Go Raelian
Church of the Subgenius
CreditsHost and Producer: Paul Carr
Music: DJ Spooky
Hardware: Shure, ProArt, Focusrite, Apple, Audio Technica
Postproduction: Auphonic Desktop Application
Hosting: Libsyn
The Unseen Podcast is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license.
Recorded: 8 December 2017
Duration: 97 minutes, 32 seconds
Host Paul Carr welcomes panelists Nick Nielsen, Sam Lichtenstein, and Patrick Festa to talk about the possible consequences of Active SETI, or METI. Of course, the discussion veers off into religion and just how tasty man flesh is.
Links:Interview with president Douglas Vakoch
Pascal Boyer
John Romer: Testament
To Serve Man
Credits:Host and Producer: Paul Carr
Music; DJ Spooky
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