
  • It is easy for challenging moments in our lives to capture our attention and energy; it is perhaps much more difficult to pay attention to what's beautiful, true, and brings us joy. In this episode, Buffy encourages more presence and attention to what we enjoy - not to bypass the pain, but to build our reserves in order to face what's challenging in our lives with more fortitude, ease, and contentment.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • What is mine now? What is mine for later? What is not mine at all? Buffy offers definitions for these piles that offer clarity, save time, and protect emotional energy.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

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  • As a treat for listeners this week, Buffy brings on her husband Matt to deliver a speech he recently gave to a group of thousands about fear, bravery, perfection, and the ways they are all braided together. Matt tells stories of his first time performing music, a missed shot, and the phone call that started it all. What would your reality look like if you released yourself from the illusion of perfection, and trusted in your inherent value, exactly as you are now?

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • You are probably managing an impossible soup of lightning-quick news cycles, a daily-changing world, a complex inner life, all while remembering the tasks that make your life run.

    Are you feeling disconnected or overwhelmed in it? In this episode, Buffy talks to listeners about how slowing down can support the endeavor to regulate our nervous systems, bolster hope, and prioritize connection.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • This episode begins with a goat named Clover and woodland fairy role-play. You know the phrase, "it takes a village?" Buffy helps listeners deepen their understanding and opportunity around this idea; that we might look for and cultivate the "field agents" in our life that support our families, our goals, and our personal unfolding.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • In this special episode, Alex gives Buffy an astrological natal chart reading. They have wanted to do this for so long, and recently, finally acquired Buffy's birth information! They talk about the intricacies and complexities of Buffy's life and being, and about her hard-won identity as a communicator, writer, and orator. Buffy shares stories from her childhood and adult life as they untangle her unique astrological footprint.

    If you'd like to book a birth chart reading with Alex, click here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Buffy celebrates her brother Benjamin, who died twenty years ago this week. Benjamin was the catalyst and inspiration for this podcast, which is named after the small book of notes Buffy and her mom found on his bedside table. In this episode Buffy honors the lessons of not only his death but his life.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Your energy and your time are some of the most valuable resources you have, and in this episode Buffy speaks to the ways energy currency relates to introversion vs. extroversion. How we can be more awake to the ways we nurture our reserves of energy currency? If each day were a love letter to yourself, how would you construct that day to feel the best and the healthiest in terms of energy currency?

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Buffy reflects on four years of Things That Will Help and names the power of standing still, looking back, and marking moments in time as a way to measure our transformation. She shares stories of witnessing and being witnessed as ways to invite in wonder, peace, and trust. Marking time, and naming it, is an incredible way to feel the impact of this moment in your life and how you got here, before you move on to what's next.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Buffy starts the episode with discussing the Bystander Effect, which says that the greater number of bystanders that are witness to an emergency situation or bully, the less likely it is for any one of them to provide help for the person in distress.

    She uses this as a jumping off point as a call for us to take radical responsibility for our lives, even when it is inconvenient; even when it is difficult; even when it is easier to shirk it. Wanting it is not always enough - so what can we do to bridge the gap between wanting it and having it? Tune in to find out.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Buffy and Alex are back to talk about April 8's total solar eclipse - this is a powerful time for healing, transformation, and reflection on the ways we want to show up in the world. They discuss practical ways to work with the volatile energy of this current astrological weather, including potentially pausing major decisions, processes that can help us feel renewed, and ways to feel clearer than ever in our personal offerings in the world.

    You can book as astrological reading with Alex here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Happy Eclipse Season! Buffy welcomes TTWH editor and producer Alex Ammons - who also moonlights as a professional astrologer. Alex and Buffy talks about the two-week period of the eclipse season - which, on this episode air date, we are in the thick of. Eclipses are major moments in the collective and individually, and knowing how to best prepare for them can help us navigate the potential tumult with grace and compassion (both for ourselves and others).

    You can book as astrological reading with Alex here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • This episode is dedicated to the power you contain and the practices that help cultivate your ability to stand more vertical, with less. What if the answers you seek don't lie in trendy workout equipment and the never-ending cycle of "self-help"? We go in to find out.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Today's episode explores how we can cultivate joy, health, and happiness without turning our faces away from the pain of the world, which sometimes asks for our attention and other times demands it. Buffy recorded this at a time where a non-binary student was murdered in a bathroom, and where war ravages across the Middle East and beyond. These are times that, as Buffy teacher says, are "relentless and exhausting," as she calls us to take better care of ourselves now, more than ever. When we strengthen a cell in the body, we strengthen the body.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • How do you make decisions? Swiftly and suddenly? Do you let ideas marinate before you move forward? Buffy's story about Tricia's buggy (southern for "shopping cart") illustrates the wisdom of our desires, and how sometimes pausing can give us the space to hear them truly and clearly.

    Can we begin to normalize the practice of checking in with ourselves before we make decisions; pausing, breathing, and seeing what changes? Buffy talks about this, and more, in this week's episode.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Today's episode is a continuation of Episode 126, Ganesh Will Help. Buffy completes the birth story and shares more about the lessons we can learn from this buoyant deity. Ganesh's rich lessons include how to gracefully be in the middle of something, authenticity and intimacy, and how we can ask deeper and better questions about and of ourselves.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • How can we help ourselves feel safe instead of bracing for impact?

    We get curious.

    Just like we might be if we found ourselves in a new town. Entering a new place - physically, mentally, or emotionally - with a spirit of wonder and curiosity can create a completely different experience than defaulting to old patterns of fear, pain, and anxiety. Buffy talks about her ankle replacement recovery to elaborate on this gorgeous metaphor and walks listeners through practical ways to build new patterns, pathways, and discoveries for ourselves.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Buffy tells stories of the Hindu deity Ganesha, or Ganapati. Mythology can be used as a tool to help us see ourselves more clearly, no matter our religion, prayer, or conversation we are having with the divine. This is a human conversation and an invitation into a deeper experience of yourself through the keeper of the threshold, Ganesh, and the wisdom he offers us.

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Calling all worriers! What if you could see how you spend your time in a visual form, like a pie chart? How big of a pie slice would be spent worrying, ruminating, or projecting into the future? Buffy opens this episode with this pie chart image and takes listeners immediately stories that illuminate how getting to the root - the truth - of a story can reduce our time spent fretting. She ties up the episode with practical tips on how to either a) get to the root and b) move energy if the root feels inaccessible for the moment.

    Alex's websites are For The Love Media (website design) and The Door Beyond (for end of life hands-on care and support).

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Learn more about how to work with/hire Buffy.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.

  • Autumn is a treasured time of year at TTWH, and in this episode Buffy gives some practical tips that will help you breathe life and intention the autumnal transition. Tune in for inspiration around food, practices, and even ways to adorn yourself that help the transition into colder months feel full of purpose.

    You can visit for a dosha quiz, Ayurvedic recipes, and more.

    Betsy Cochran is our Patron of the Month and can be reached at [email protected]. Thank you, Betsy!

    🌱 Find the accompanying playlist to this week's episode here.

    🌱 Visit to learn more about and sign up for the Understory.

    🌱 Leave a tip in Venmo: @BuffyTTWH

    🌱 Become a supporter of the podcast on Patreon! Patreon members support the production of the podcast and in return receive embodiment episodes, bonus content, and more here.

    🌱 If you have a question for a future AMA or would like to hear Buffy work your question(s) into an episode, submit them here!

    🌱To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected].

    🌱 Follow Buffy on Instagram at @buffymiranda or @thingsthatwillhelppod.

    Contributors: Buffy Barfoot (Host and Producer). Alex Ammons (Producer and Editor). Matthew Cooper (Original music). Cover art by Ritual Made.