
  • Whether you are exhausted, depressed, sick, burned out, or just want a break, in today's episode I'll be sharing my #1 tip that I've used for the last 10.5 years of motherhood to get me through the day when I need some space we still have the day to spend together.

    The solution has two parts: Go outside and do something creative.

    When my kids were little and we lived in an apartment, this looked like bringing things I could do with my hands to the playground: whittle spoons or animals out of sticks or scrap wood, crochet blankets, make shoes out of leather, or peel apples to make applesauce.

    As my kids got older and we now live in a home, this often looks like doing house projects. Recently we've done major updates in our garden, built a retaining wall, made a bed frame, cut out wood animals for the kids to carve with friends, and we are currently building a rock climbing wall in the garage.

    Always I've played instruments, often outside, for a low-energy creative option. A ukulele, guitar, or fiddle is a convenient option to grab and go to the great outdoors.

    No matter what season of motherhood I'm in, the result has been the same.

    Everyone was happier once we stepped outside. Fighting decreases. The kids get engaged in good play. I get some space and a break from having people touch me. And creativity brings some joy and satisfaction into my day, no matter how tired or crummy I feel.

    The thing I wasn't expecting was just how creative my kids would become from watching me over the years. There is never a dull moment at our house. Someone is always making something, or playing an instrument, and they are usually outside.

  • It is so easy to fall into the "all I do is.." trap.

    You fill in the blank - change diapers, drive kids to school and activities, feed people, nurse the baby, chase after the toddler. No matter the season of motherhood you are in, there are things that we do over and over again. And when we start to think that it is all we do, we can start to feel miserable and resentful of the people we love the most.

    The antidote is simple but incredibly powerful: do a monthly review.

    Even after 7 years of this 10-minute exercise, I am still surprised at how it changes my perspective and how I feel about my life.

    In this week's episode, I'm sharing my findings from my most recent review in April and show you how you can do it yourself too.

    5 Questions To Ask In a Monthly Review:

    What have I discovered or learned this month?

    What have I accomplished?

    Where have we gone?

    What significant things happened in our family?

    What books have I read or listened to (or podcasts or shows if that is the season you are in)?

    When you ask these questions you can see how rich your life actually is. And you can begin to build momentum and keep the progress going.

    When you see you read a book - you are a reader! What else can you read? When you see you've made progress on projects or goals you can feel motivated to take the next baby steps. When you discover or learn something you realize just how interesting this life is and wonder what else there is to learn. When you see all the places you've gone it is easier to get out of the house again.

    And when you record the significant things in your family you realize why your house is in the state it's in...or maybe more accurately, how great you are really doing as you invest in these people and relationships.

    And if you discover that you don't have much to write about, you will have a clearer picture of WHY which brings much more compassion, grace, and understanding as well as gives you clues on how to move forward.

    You can do this in the Thriving in Motherhood Planner on the monthly review page so you don't even have to remember that a month has gone by - you just do it when the page shows up - or in a notebook or journal you already use.

    If you want to do it with someone to celebrate your progress and plan what you are going to focus on for the next 30 days with some accountability, come join us in Soaring Mother's Society where we share our monthly reviews in small groups.

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  • With summer quickly approaching, I needed to refocus on what we are going to make our learning priorities for the next few months. We go year-round in our homeschooling so that we can have the ultimate flexibility to take breaks or just enjoy the nice days outside. And, hot weather here in the South has us indoors more than in the winter months.

    In this weekā€™s episode, Iā€™m sharing the question I asked to give me the clarity I needed to decide what we are going to focus on in our schooling and home so that we can have confidence in how we are using our time and energy.

    The question I asked myself is: ā€œWhat do each of my kids need to be prepared for next fall?ā€

    With this question, I was able to narrow down the few things that matter a lot and let go of the rest.

    For us, we are making a family project of working through Story of the World 4 this summer so we can enjoy modern history when we start Alveary in the fall.

    We are also focusing on some specific skills tailored to what each child needs, instead of keeping up with all of the subjects and curriculum. Everyone is continuing with math and a few of my kids are starting All About Spelling. We started a writing club by buying our own notebooks and writing on our own time, sharing what we write when we are ready.

    We are also working on organizing bedrooms and our school space in May to have our environments set up to make it easy to do what we want to do. Iā€™m prepping the Alveary curriculum in June while getting ready for our annual cross-country road trip.

    Resources We Are Using This Summer:

    Story of the World 4

    Alveary (use code JJACKSON for a $25 discount)

    All About Spelling

  • For the last 30 days, I've been using the Thriving in Motherhood Journal. Before this personal challenge, I would use it about once a week when things were hard and noticed a nice lift to my week. But as this year has continued to surprise us I started to flounder and wanted to see what impact the journal would have in my life.

    In this week's episode, I'll share some of the logistics and tips for using the journal, the impact it had on my life, and my invitation for you to give it a try for yourself.

    You may be wondering what it actually took for me to stick to my 30-day challenge. Here are some things that I found helpful:

    Have a pen ready

    Have multiple windows of when you will use the journal and put it in the next likely spot (next to your bed, office, kitchen, etc.)

    Be flexible with morning or night (or both).

    Pick it back up when you miss a day.

    Donā€™t pressure yourself to answer every question. Pick the relevant ones for that day and leave the rest.

    Donā€™t worry about keeping the daily and weekly pages perfectly ordered.

    When I started this challenge, I was floundering. Weā€™ve had a hard year on lots of levels - health, jobs, lots of things going on, kids struggling with different things (including surgery), and the unexpected keeps popping up. I have felt exhausted.

    Here are some of the positive impacts I noticed during my 30-day challenge:

    Using the journal has empowered me through this season. Iā€™ve been surprised at how much joy I have felt in the last 30 days.

    Iā€™ve been able to parent better, more consistently, and more confidently instead of pulling into myself and surviving through the hard days.

    Iā€™ve processed some hard emotions/situations so I could truly find peace and let go.

    I did a lot more service outside of my home in 30 days than I did all year. Small ways, like helping return a grocery cart and carry food out to the car, and bigger things too.

    I captured many magic moments during the last 30 days and now my days are full of them.

    My health wasnā€™t great during this window but when I did my monthly review I discovered a miraculous amount of things got accomplished. I attribute this to the power of having the vision in my Thriving in Motherhood Planner and asking the daily questions in the journal about the next three steps for my priorities that week.

    I got rid of mom guilt which normally rears its ugly head during hard survival times with the question, ā€œWhat would help me feel successful today?ā€ This question allowed me to pivot to what mattered most each day.

    I have struggled with anxiety about facing the next day in the past and fret at night about what is to come, especially when Iā€™m sleep-deprived. But this journaling process helped me live more in the moment each day and ending the day with magic moments, gratitude, big wins, and Godā€™s involvement in my life made a big difference.

    This process led me to naturally have a better routine before bed and get rid of tech when I was journaling.

    Iā€™d like to extend an invitation to you to pull out your Thriving in Motherhood Journal (or get yours today) and commit to 30 days of journaling. Watch and see the difference it makes in your life.

    If you've already been using the journal, I would really appreciate it if you left a review on Amazon to help other moms find it and see if it would be a good fit for them. And as a special bonus, if you leave a review on Amazon, youā€™ll be entered to win a 2024 coil-bound Thriving in Motherhood Planner!

    There are some amazing bonuses you can claim when you purchase the journal to help you get the most out of it so donā€™t wait to get yours!

  • I got a fantastic question from a mother who is using the 2024 Thriving in Motherhood Planner this year: "I get confused sometimes about the distinction between things like goals (quarterly vs. yearly) vs. projects vs. habits vs. Big 3 vs. focus vs. tracking. Should these things all be related or not necessarily?

    For example, on page 31, I'm not sure what goals vs projects are. Do I choose a big goal and then break that down into projects, or are goals and projects different? Should my daily, weekly, and quarterly goals all go back to my 10-12 goals for the year? I guess I'm just not clear on how these things are different or if they should all be connected!"

    In this week's episode are going to do a deep dive on the difference between Projects, Goals, and Habits and how you can practically organize your ideas to make things happen with the Thriving in Motherhood Planner.

    First, use this how it works best for you! There are no grades or right or wrong answers. But, if youā€™re curious, hereā€™s how I use my Thriving in Motherhood Planner in these different areas.

    Projects: Projects are things with multiple steps that need or want to happen. For example, on my list are creating a family meal binder, updating our family yearbooks, planting raspberries, planting a medicinal and culinary herb garden, and cleaning out garden pathways.

    Goals: Goals are a little more personal and stretchingā€”definitely outside of my comfort zone. This year, I put three goals down: write a book, do community service as a family, and do a cooking camp with the kids. These are also multistep goals, but they are also about shaping who we are as people and doing things that are intentionally hard.

    Habits: Habits are also about becomingā€”but on a daily level. For me, I wrote about prepping for the next day and knowing what's going to happen so we get a head start, tracking finances, daily exercise, and reading with a commonplace notebook.

    Could some of these be mixed in different places - absolutely.

    Another way to think about it is that Goals are things I want to HAVE, projects are things I want to DO, and Habits are things I want to BECOME.

    Also, I don't fill out page 33 (Goals, Habits, Projects page) for the whole year all at once. I do it quarter by quarter. Sometimes, it is in planning, and sometimes it is in review to just see an overview of what happened.

    Will goals or habits have projects involved? Very possibly! Do I use the goal planning pages for a project? Sometimes! Do I not use a goal planning page for a goal? Yes!

    I like to have my daily, weekly, and quarterly goals funnel down from my vision. Some years, my vision is clearly defined on page 33, and sometimes, it is NOT. But I am picking what I focus on each quarter based on my vision and my month based on the quarter. My big three for the week have at least one thing from my vision on it most weeks (and sometimes it's taken up with homeschooling, celebrating a birthday, or getting the car fixed).

    Focus is usually more about who I want to be, a scripture that I want to remember, a thriving thought that is helping me navigate day-to-day life or something that is challenging me and I want to navigate it better. It is nice to have it as a reminder on my weekly page spread.

    Tracking is for the daily habits I want to keep a record of accomplishing. In some seasons, it is really motivating to check them off, and other times, I think just doing the things is enough and could care less if there is a check in the checkbox.

    If you have any more questions about how I use the Thriving in Motherhood Planner or whether itā€™s right for you, email me at [email protected], and Iā€™ll get back to you!

  • Cleaning my home with my children has always been my number one priority. When they were babies this looked like using cleaning supplies that would be safe while they were in a baby carrier on me. As they were toddlers, it meant they could clean with me, and I wasn't worried about what they were touching. As they get older it means having materials I'm confident they can use safely by themselves.

    But knowing that this is what I wanted and executing it were two different things. In this week's episode, I'm sharing all the things I've tried and what worked, what didn't work, and what we are doing now that has been the right fit for us.

    I tried many things over the years. The first was to walk through the cleaning aisle at the store to find the products we needed. But due to overwhelm (the number of options, not knowing which products were actually safe, and calculating the expense of it all), I always walked out of there with nothing. This also meant that for years, the actual cleaning in our home was minimal because I was so worried about picking the wrong thing.

    My friend Hannah (we were neighbors in grad student housing - true friendship is formed in not ideal living conditions) created a course called Simple Green Cleaning (not available right now) that taught me how to clean the majority of my house with a few basic ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap. I thoroughly enjoyed feeling confident cleaning my house and mixing up what I needed when I needed it. But when I started teaching my kids how to do it, they were so inspired by the process that they created their own cleaning supplies by mixing soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and lotions, and it made a pretty big mess. This didn't quite work with my purpose of cleaning with my kids.

    A few years ago, we decided to try Force of Nature, which is completely safe for skin, disinfects, and can be used on all surfaces. It has been a game-changer. We have ONE cleaning product we use on EVERYTHING.

    It makes it simple to teach our children how to use it (plus they LOVE the process of making it and never complain when I ask them to clean) and I never have to worry about what they are breathing in or is touching their skin.

    While I haven't done a petri dish test to confirm how well it disinfects surfaces, but it cleans well enough to remove all smells and clean surfaces, so that is good for me! When it comes to my main priority of cleaning with my kids, this one checks all of the boxes.

    If you want to try Force of Nature yourself, you can get a discount with this link:

    Force of Nature

    Get 40% off bundles in April with code: PLANET40

    Get 60% off Cleaning and Laundry Duo Bundles with PLANET60

  • When I had three kids, four and under, I learned about Charlotte Mason and her principle of spreading a wide feast of ideas. Practically, this looks like 20 different subjects in a Charlotte Mason classroom that get covered during the week.

    Before we were in the formal school years, I got into the habit of discovering where all the different sections of books were at the library so I could just walk the shelves and grab some that covered a wide range of ideas without any preplanning. For years, we have had this system in place that has provided an educational cushion through all the ups and downs in our lives and given our kids a lot of learning in a very natural way.

    For years, we have had this system in place that has provided an educational cushion through all the ups and downs in our lives and given our kids a lot of learning in a very natural way. I also supplement by putting books on hold at the library that deep-dive into what my kids want to learn more about so that Iā€™m not hunting for specific books once we get there.

    In this weekā€™s episode, Iā€™m sharing practical tips for not losing the library books and keeping free books free, bringing some great books into your home, and some of our recent favorites.

    How we avoid fines and the library to keep our books free:

    We moved all our personal books upstairs to a home library and have a separate bookshelf downstairs for the library books to create separation.

    We have ONE library card, so we donā€™t lose track of the books we have checked out, whatā€™s on hold, and what we have to return.

    We try to get to the library on the same day every week so that we donā€™t have many different due dates to keep track of.

    I try and go to our library account after we get home from the library to renew any books that we might have missed returning.

    We have a library book bag that holds between 20-30 books, which creates some margin.

    Recent Library Book Favorites That Were So Good We Would By Them

    Professor Wooford McPawā€™s History of Astronomy

    Papa is A Poet A Story about Robert Frost

    The Planet Hunter: The Story Behind What Happened to Pluto

    Nothing Stopped Sophie: The Story of Unshakable Mathematician Sophie Germain

    Hawk Rising

    Send a Girl!: The True Story of How Women Joined the FDNY

    Find Me! Adventures in the Forest

    The Apartment: A Century of Russian History

    Under Your Feet... Soil, Sand and Everything Underground

    Charles Dickens (Little People, Big Dreams)

    A Walk in London

    Cooking Class Global Feast!: 44 Recipes That Celebrate the Worldā€™s Cultures

  • Synthia Simenson is a mother of five (almost six) children ages 10 and under. She went through the struggles that I think we can all relate to when we first become momsā€”overwhelm, unsure of where to focus her time and energy, and not even sure what she wanted life to look like. I hope you are as inspired by her journey as I am, from those survival years to making intentional changes that created space for her to dream.

    Things like minimum baselines for taking care of herself and her home, weekly out-of-the-house dates with her husband (a minimum of 3 hours!), and creating a schedule so she wasn't reinventing the wheel every single day (notice the 3 pillars of thriving there?!).

    She also began asking this life-changing question: "What is something you want more of?"

    As she and her husband discussed this on their weekly dates, their answer was travel. They both love being in new places, connecting with people, and spending time together as a family while having new experiences and discovering things. Leaning into that dream has turned into years of trips all around the world.

    Synthia's Hacks For Traveling Internationally With Kids

    Plan trips that you are excited about because it is overwhelming and stressful, and you need something to really motivate you to do it because there are so many benefits

    Each kid has a day bag and night bag (toothbrush, pajamas, night diaper, etc.)

    Pack a swim bag with everything needed for swimming or a beach day

    Church bag with everything for church - bows, snacks, activities, etc.

    Make a customized packing list on the computer, print it out, and modify it according to the trip. Then, hand the list to the older children and have them pack by a deadline. This keeps you organized and lets the kids step up.

    Bring everything into a dining room or guest bedroom so it is consolidated into one space

    If going on a two-week international trip, start packing two weeks before because there are going to be that many details and things that go into it.

    Have a babysitter come over to help with packing

    Everyone gets their own snack bag that lasts for the entire trip. They get to pack 10 healthy snacks and some candies. She never regrets packing lots of food options to help with hungry moments.

    Have a restaurant bag with diapers, wipes, and black t-shirts for little kids instead of bibs to cover their clothes, and use it all week to keep them clean

    Listen to podcasts or YouTube videos about the place you are going to (start 6 months before) to get lots of ideas about what you can do without sitting in front of the computer all the time (though there is plenty of that, too).

    When I plan trips with kids, I skip over any blog that talks about travel without kids. I only read from sources that include "...with kids."

    Have a toiletries bag that is 90% ready to go for travel with duplicates of everything

    Have bags with long handles that go over the headrest in the car to help keep the kids' things organized so things are up off of the ground

    Always have 10 empty grocery sacks with you - there is always a kid who throws up, or has an accident, or there is garbage - and it helps you feel really prepared

    Traveling with your family might not be your dream, but I hope that this week's episode inspires you to ask the question, "What is something I want more of?" and see where it leads.

  • Have you done those exercises where you write out your priorities or values? It is easy for me to put on paper what I care about, but where are my time and energy really going?

    In this season of survival mode for our family, we have really stripped away a lot of what we usually do, and it is easy for me to say that we aren't very consistent in things that I wish we were better at.

    But as I sat pondering this one morning during my scripture study, I realized that I actually AM consistent at some things, even in survival mode, and those things are my true priorities. I wrote three different lists to help me get a more realistic picture of what I care about with not just my words but my actions, and then I evaluated and made changes from there.

    In this week's episode, I walk you through the entire process, using my answers as an example to get you started. Once again, I just used a Think and Process page in my Thriving in Motherhood Planner for this exercise.

    3 Questions to Determine Your True Priorities:

    What am I consistent at?

    What am I almost consistent at but drop the ball quickly when things are hard?

    What is done occasionally that you wish was more consistent?

    Once you've written your lists, ask these follow-up questions to help you evaluate and make changes:

    Is there anything obvious you would like to change?

    Is there an easy swap from something that is more consistent that doesn't matter as much to something that is less consistent and matters more?

    What needs more accountability?

    What could you create a system around so that it doesn't require as much from you?

    I realized that a lot of the things that I drop in a hard season, I am pretty good at picking up again once I have available energy. But there are some things that are done more occasionally that I realized I need to create systems around to give my kids more responsibility to be consistent in certain areas.

    After going through this process, it clarified to me where I need to devote more time, energy, and resources to make the biggest impact on consistently living out our priorities.

  • When youā€™ve lost momentum in every area of your life, and it feels overwhelming because there is so much to do, what do you do? Often, the answer is to do a brain dumpā€”write everything you can possibly think of on a piece of paper to clear your head.

    The problem is, what do you do after that? How do you actually gain the clarity you need to move forward?

    This last week, I sat down and prayerfully asked that question, and a new process unfolded that made it very clear where to put my time and energy to start making progress on the things that really mattered most to me, even though we were still sliding between survival mode and re-entry.

    I thought about making it fancy, but in the end, I just used a Think and Process page in the Thriving in Motherhood planner to complete this entire process.

    Steps For Clarity When There is Too Much to Do:

    Brain Dump

    Cross anything off the list that isnā€™t actually really important right now

    What on your list has a next action step that is 5 minutes or less?

    What on your list is urgent?

    What progress have you made on each item (one box for started, two boxes for progress has been made, and three boxes for nearly done)?

    Transfer the 5-minute or less next action steps, urgent items, and nearly done items from your list onto your weekly plan.

    For me, there were two next action steps, two urgent items, and two things I was nearly done with. This allowed me to get some quick wins and start to build momentum and bring excitement and joy back into everyday life.

    Watch this week's episode of the podcast for an in-depth walkthrough of this process and what made my list.

  • Last week, we spent a week in Memphis, Tennessee, as a family while Andrew attended a conference. It was a great trip with lots of amazing moments and some really hard ones, too. In this weekā€™s episode, Iā€™m sharing the reflection process that I did after this trip so that we can take in all the data, evaluate the wins, what we loved, and what we would do to make things a little bit better next time.

    Some of the specific tips might be applicable to your family and travel situation, and some of them wonā€™t, but either way, I hope that you will use this process after you have an adventureā€”big or smallā€”with your family.

    It takes a lot of effort to pull off family adventures, and reflection is the essential step that allows us to do it again as we figure out what worked and what didnā€™t.

    Here are some things we reflected on that went well, didnā€™t go well, and what we would do differently next time:

    Mindset: This is a grand experiment, and Iā€™m just here to collect data about what is going well and whatā€™s not going well so we can make changes. If I go in with expectations other than these, my hopes will usually be dashed.

    Food: We stuck to our usual road trip staples on the way out (bagel sandwiches, fruits, veggies, something special - goldfish and veggie straws - and stopped for dinner at Chipotle). The rest of the trip was a little bit rocky. Hotel breakfast takes an hour, which means it is both an activity and a lot to manage, but that is just the new expectation. We packed lunches (sandwiches, fruits, and veggies) and grabbed dinner at a restaurant, but we were all just a little bit hungry. Next time we are going to be in a hotel for a long period of time, we think weā€™ll bring an Instapot so we can have more food that we are used to that is more filling.

    Quiet Time: I got some activities at the dollar store (coloring book, sticker book, playdough, standup) as an experiment to see if having a little novelty could get me a short nap in the middle of the day. It worked about 50% of the time, but the activities were a big hit and did get me about 20 minutes of rest. It also gave the kids something to do while we were waiting around in the morning for everyone to get ready with one bathroom. This was something that went well, and I would add more intentional effort into it next time because it was a budding success.

    Activities: I started by looking at the weather to get a general idea of what we were facing and saw some rainy days and clear days with generally cooler weather. My conclusion was we needed a mix of indoor and outdoor activities, leaning heavily on indoor options. We went to a few paid museums (National Civil Rights Museum, Cotton Museum, Flight Museum, and Children's Museum), and a few of those had groupons with huge discounts. We took advantage of local parks and found some awesome gems, and it also gave us outside time in spaces where the kids could just run and play and not be corrected by us. We also found things we would do things in our town anyway, like going to the public library.

    Took me off guard: I had zero moments without the kids. In the past, when the kids were little I would be awake an hour or two before them and work in the bathroom in the morning, but this trip, we went to bed together, woke up together, and spent every waking moment together (except for my 20 minutes of quiet time when they were one bed away). On the last night, Andrew took the kids after he finished working so I could go on a walk by myself (and then I found something fun and invited them to join me because it was too good not to share), but even that 15 minutes really rejuvenated me and is something we will be more strategic about next time we join Andrew on a work trip.

    Public Transportation was a huge hit: It saved a lot of hassle with parking. It was a fun activity that the kids enjoyed, and it helped them build some confidence in navigating a new place. We got a day pass for a few dollars each, so it was very economical.

    Include your kids in the entire process. Instead of adventures being all on mom's shoulders, use trips to build family unity and help the kids learn from and own the effort and the joy of adventures. My oldest created the packing list a few days before the trip. Everyone helped clean out the car, gather activities, shop and prepare food, and pack clothes. We might have gone a little slower, but it kept everyone doing the same thing, and there were fewer messes in other spaces around the house. When I started to get a little frazzled at the end of the trip packing things up to go home and everyone running around, I remembered I could ask the kids for help, and they did - with joy. Involving the children in the process of family adventures is something I want to get better at with future trips.

    Keep Similar Rhythms to What We Do At Home: Friday night was still pizza and movie night (with Papa Johns Pizza). At night, we had the same bedtime routine and morning routine. Every day, we came back to the hotel in the middle of the day for quiet time. We kept the basic anchors in our day and week so everyone knew what to expect and didn't start from scratch. We could have brought in a few more daily habits

  • When I shared 3 Thriving Thoughts for Hard Days a few weeks ago, we were not at the end of the unexpected and hard around here. The reality is that my capacity and desire for doing things and running the household are shrinking as my energy is being diverted toward the emotional and physical realities and reactions to our circumstances.

    Iā€™ve also realized that my physical energy and health vary greatly every month, and I have some ongoing health challenges. I want to have a more realistic handle on what Iā€™m committing to. When I created my vision at the beginning of the year, I had no clue what the first few months would throw at us, and I very excitedly jumped into lots of things, but now Iā€™m finding myself stressed by these self-imposed expectations.

    As I was pondering this situation earlier this week, I had the inspiration (in my usual place, the shower) to write a Yes List. What is a Yes List, you ask?

    A yes list is a list of everything youā€™ve said yes to. Because I really donā€™t like not finishing things and seeing them through to the end, it was very helpful for me to put things on paper and look at them objectively. Then, I could sift through everything and simplify those ā€œyesesā€ to the absolute essential. I used a Think and Process page in my Thriving in Motherhood Planner and carried it around with me during the day so I could add to it.

    Here are five areas from my Yes List that Iā€™m currently simplifying:

    Books: I revisited my reading list and wrote down all the books I wanted to come back to in the future. For now, Iā€™m focusing on reading this that builds my character and less on books that require me to take action.

    Gardening: Instead of an all-or-nothing approach, Iā€™m simplifying our gardening activities and making progress without making it too complicated.

    Rooms: We are continuing our journey to simplify our living spaces, focusing on reducing clutter without getting too overwhelmed with perfection.

    Programs/Commitments: I evaluated all the programs Iā€™m a part of and sorted through what is time-sensitive and what can wait. Iā€™ve also re-evaluated my commitments, saying no to some things I had previously said yes to.

    Homeschooling: We are embracing our current homeschool and focusing on relationships over perfection. This approach fosters a deeper and more meaningful learning experience.

    In a nutshell, Iā€™m on a quest to get really clear on what really matters RIGHT NOW and redirecting my energy and focus where it counts the most. Writing in my Thriving in Motherhood Journal every day is really helping me find the guidance Iā€™m seeking.

  • If youā€™ve been stuck on Exploring on the 5 Step Path from Surviving to Thriving, this weekā€™s episode is for you! Monica Packer shares how a Do Something List can be a powerful tool for exploring and discovering who you are and what you love. Itā€™s a practical push to find fulfillment in your everyday life. It is separate from a goals or resolutions list. Itā€™s more about exploration than competition.

    Monica is also no stranger to struggles and survival seasons and you will hear how she has learned to navigate those seasons a little more gracefully and find peace with things looking differently when life gets hard.

    For Monica, the biggest lesson from the Do Something List is that the transformation lies in the process, not the outcome. Itā€™s not completing the list that brings fulfillment. Itā€™s in the trying that you rediscover who you are, be more of yourself, and experience the trickle-down effect that comes from that.

    Monicaā€™s Tips for a Do Something List

    Pick a timeframe that this list applies to (for example, the whole year or a season).

    Start with a lot of reflection on different parts of yourself that you want to bring back and things you want to try or are curious about.

    Finalize the list based on the things that are right for the season - not paying prices that are too high for the season you are in.

    It is a push to find time, but not to break you.

    Start small and in doable ways so you can gently stretch this part of yourself.

    You can take things off or add things to the list.

    Start with the funnest thing on your list that also seems doable or something that fits into what you are already doing (like trying new recipes).

    You donā€™t need to complete your list! Monica never has in the last 8 years.

    You can get a step-by-step through and more ideas in this weekā€™s episode and dive deeper with Monica at:

  • Weā€™ve had an intense few months over at our house, and it has taken its toll. But the wonderful thing is that with breakdowns come breakthroughs. Today, Iā€™m sharing three new Thriving Thoughts (what I call the new way of thinking I like to hold onto) Iā€™ve had that are helping me in this season.

    Whether these thoughts resonate with you or not, I hope that when you are struggling, you will follow this pattern that allows you to find more empowering and helpful thoughts.

    Pattern for Creating Thriving Thoughts:

    Notice when you are feeling negative emotions and uncover the thoughts you are thinking. This takes practice and may take some pondering.

    Write down the unhelpful thought

    Pray for a paradigm shift - how can you look at this situation differently? What is another way to think about it? For me, prayer is essential because only God truly understands my brain and how it would be helpful for me to approach my own struggles

    Ponder better ways of thinking. Write down the new thriving thoughts.

    Here are three new Thriving Thoughts that have come from this season:

    Focus on who God is and what He can do instead of my circumstances.

    I was caught in a loop of repeating our challenging circumstances. I noticed when reading scriptures that there are two groups of people: those who focus on the circumstances and those who focus on who God is and what God can do. (Moses and the Israelites are a great example of this). Iā€™m now working on repeating who God is and what God can do - looking up instead of getting caught in the struggle.

    I donā€™t have to feel good tooā€¦

    One of the struggles I have about not feeling good physically or mentally is that itā€™s hard to be the mom I want to be. To be lighthearted, gentle, and patient is such a challenge when carrying stress, pain, and exhaustion (can you relate?) Then I feel guilty for not being those things and kind of mad that Iā€™m dealing with pain, stress, and exhaustion (brains are fun). No, Iā€™m even grumpier. But one day during this cycle, I had a wonderful Thriving Thought pop into my mind (inspiration, Iā€™m sure): ā€œI donā€™t have to feel good to smile.ā€ And then I realized that applied to pretty much anything. I donā€™t have to feel good to be patient, lighthearted, make dinner, play a game - add your own. This was incredibly empowering. It would be easier if I felt good, but I donā€™t have to feel good to make the choice to behave the way I want to behave.

    I can do one small thing that will make a difference today.

    I find it incredibly easy to get overwhelmed when we are in hard seasons. Energy and time allotment for regular tasks get taken up by different things. The house gets out of hand, and I donā€™t have loads of capacity to deal with it. Multiply this by a few days or weeks, and running away can seem like a good idea. But you know what? One small thing makes a HUGE difference. I sat down with my daughter and sorted through a pile of papers and cleared a shelf and we both felt on top of the world. And it gets some momentum going in the right direction. And then I can do it again tomorrow. A five-minute effort multiples over days, and you can absolutely see progress.

    What Thriving Thoughts carry you through hard seasons?

  • If decorating your home feels overwhelming and you donā€™t know where to start, this conversation with Myquillyn Smith will bring clarity and hope. We discuss house rules (and how to break them), how to fix things when they donā€™t look right, how to decorate on a budget, and how to figure out what your next step is when it comes to creating a home that you love being in and feels good.

    I have personally read and implemented what Myquillyn has taught in her books and community since 2018, and Iā€™m so grateful to be able to introduce you to some whom Iā€™ve learned a lot from when it comes to creating rooms in my home that I truly love.

    One of the decorating principles that has made the biggest difference in my home is Myquillynā€™s decorating trinity.

    The Homey Trinity: Rugs, Drapes, and Lighting

    As someone who doesnā€™t love a lot of trinkets to care of, understanding the impact of these three items has set me free and allowed me to to confidently create spaces I love to be in. If you are just getting started putting rooms together, an invaluable resource - and where I first learned about the power of rugs, drapes, and lighting is in Myquillynā€™s book Cozy Minimalist Home.

    A confident decorator is someone who, when the room doesnā€™t look right, knows what to do. No one is born knowing that. You learn from mentors, from trial and error, and by asking lots of questions. Decorating can be scary because other people see it. But your home should be your safe place to try things out.

    Decorating is low stakes and is a great place to take a risk and learn from your attempts. It is a great thing to teach your kids that some risks are high stakes, some are low stakes, and decorating falls into the low-stakes and fun category. A fabulous starting space for learning what doesnā€™t look right and why is Myquillyn Smithā€™s fourth book, House Rules.

  • Iā€™ve been meal planning for years in pretty much the same way. Iā€™ve put my process into seven steps for todayā€™s episode.

    As my 6-year-old said when she sat next to me while I edited this episode, ā€œMom, just because it works for you doesnā€™t mean it will work for anyone else.ā€ Sheā€™s 100% right.

    But I hope that seeing my exact process will give you some inspiration and a starting place to figure out a meal planning system that works for you.

    My 7-Step Weekly Meal Planning System:

    Determine what stores you shop for groceries at. What is the schedule for ads?

    Look at the weekly ads. What is on sale that you can use in your meal plan?

    If you have themed nights, pick that first (e.g., Pizza nights on Friday)

    Look at your calendar and figure out what meals need to be fast/simple. What needs to be prepped ahead in a crockpot or Instapot? What nights do you have to cook more (maybe a bulk recipe to have leftovers for lunch)?

    Fill in with your favorites. I pick maybe one or two new recipes each week, but no more than that. Have favorite sources where you go to look for new recipes. I use Faithful Platefulā€™s website and cookbooks the most frequently. I use Mealboard to collect recipes we like.

    Currently, Iā€™m creating a meal binder that has our favorites broken down into different categories: quick and easy breakfast, lunch, dinner, road trip food, and having people over for dinner. Then, topical rotations based on ingredients: lentil meals, quinoa meals, beans, tofu, etc. (Once I have this finished, Iā€™ll give access to it to members of my Simplify to Soar Club)

    Keep track of my meals in the Thriving in Motherhood Planner for the week. Sometimes, I treat it like a list of seven meals that we have ingredients for, and then I pick what sounds best each night. But at this point, Iā€™ve gotten pretty good at figuring out what type of day we are going to have and sticking to what I wrote.

  • Iā€™ve started this year by reading a lot from many different genres and areas of interest. Today, Iā€™m sharing six of the books I read in January and my takeaways from each.

    How To Grow Your Small Business

    Awaking Wonder

    Hidden Potential

    Habits of the Household

    The Psychology of Money

    The Penderwicks on Gram Street

  • Iā€™ve had three challenging pregnancies with other kids at home. I was very intentional with the time in between pregnancies to prepare for the next one, figuring it would also be a challenge.

    Today, Iā€™m covering what I did, what worked, what didnā€™t, and tips to help you figure out where to put your time and energy. These are the same tips Iā€™d give you even if you arenā€™t planning another pregnancy but in a season where things are going well. You can put your efforts to use in a challenging pregnancy or enjoy the increased capacity in other pursuits.

    1 - Establish Strong Anchors In Your Day

    Begin and end your day with consistency. Having set routines for mornings, quiet time, and bedtime creates a predictable routine for everyone.

    2 - Create Family Systems

    During non-pregnancy times, set up family systems. While they may not always run smoothly when youā€™re feeling sick during pregnancy, having these systems in place allows for a quicker return to order when youā€™re feeling better.

    In My Made to Soar: Next 90 Days program, I delve deeper into this process but basically you identify one small problem, set up the environment to make it easy to do the thing you want to do, walk through the process yourself, and then teach your family how to do it and give everyone a role.

    3 - Food

    At first I cooked freezer meals and snacks ahead of time, thinking we could rely on those during morning sickness, but I never got the timing right. It always took longer than I hoped to get pregnant and that food would not be great by the time we needed it. I started creating meal plans with lots of different recipes in it for variety knowing I would probably only eat them once and then not want them again. What I discovered was we really just ate basic, simple meals during that time. Stock up on paper products to reduce the amount of dishes you need to do.

    4 - Toys

    I put all the toys away and just leave one or two favorites. I wish this was to keep the house cleaner, but I found that my cleaning up ideals were quickly dashed when I was so sick. But it did create options to pull out something ā€œnewā€ to occupy my young kids with.

    5 - Activities

    For homeschool, Iā€™ve set up a daily rotation of activities for my younger kids and I think this could be an interesting option to carry through a pregnancy as well - as long as they are easy enough that youā€™re not too sick to manage it.

    6 - Reduce Screen Time to Almost Nothing

    This way everyone will be ready to enjoy it when you need it most. Come up with a curated collection of things that you are okay with everyone watching. Weā€™ve always relied heavily on Sound of Music to get us through this season.

    7 - Develop Audio Book Listening Skills

    Listen to the guide I share in this video

    8 - Physical Health

    Invest in your physical well-being, starting with a foundation of good nutrition and regular exercise. Iā€™ve always liked incorporating bar workouts for strength so I could build up muscle before the sickness begins.

    9 - Read When Mommies Get Sick With Your Kids

    This book helps show your kids how to make the most of it when their mother experiences illness or injury and can be helpful to prepare your kids for whatā€™s to come.

    10 - Create Comfortable Places for Sickness

    Prepare a designated space for yourself and your children to rest during times of illness. In our case, an Ikea couch that transforms into a queen-sized bed provided a convenient gathering spot.

    11 - Focus on Mental Preparation

    This made the biggest difference. I went to therapy in between pregnancy three and four specifically with the goal to prepare and train for another pregnancy because I didnā€™t handle the third one all that well. Learning about cognitive distortions, specifically ā€œshouldā€ statements, started to set my mind free from how things were ā€œsupposed to beā€ vs. what reality looked like.

    I also created the Thriving in Motherhood Journal with Megan Dilworth and Pheobe Cook with the intention of using it to keep my mind going down helpful paths after doing so much research to learn where I went wrong and focus on who I want to be instead of what I want to do.

    For more on this, you can watch the Soaring Motherā€™s Summit season: Thriving in a Difficult Preganancy with Jayne Anne Osborne. We have other pregnancy-related sessions in there as well.

  • Our family has been using audiobooks for years and they have become an integral part of our routines. Today, Iā€™m sharing why we love listening to audiobooks in our home, how we listen, how to develop the skill of listening to audiobooks, and our favorite audiobooks to listen to by age.

    Why Audiobooks?

    Audiobooks have been our trusty companions for years, adding a touch of magic to our quiet time and car rides. Hereā€™s why we love them:

    A daily break for me.

    Empowers the kids to explore incredible stories independently.

    Encourages my kids to work on projects longer because they can listen while they work (or clean!).

    Introduces challenging books in an accessible way, fostering an excitement to read the actual book.

    How We Listen:

    Our audiobook journey started with a CD player from Goodwill. We burned CDs with our favorite MP3s or borrowed them from the library. Over time, we upgraded to basic Kindles snagged on a Black Friday deal. With a passcode in place, the kids can only use it to enjoy audiobooks. We use the Libby and Hoopla apps for library access, making audiobooks an affordable choice.

    Developing the Skill:

    We started with audiobooks during my pregnancy with our third child. Sick on the couch with a three and a one year old, we used the CD player to listen to stories while the kids played with playdoh or did quiet activities near me. This started to train the skill with me in the room.

    Once the kids stopped napping, we rebranded the time to ā€œRest and Read Time.ā€ Since none of our kids were actually able to read yet, we started with audiobooks.

    Road trips and errands turned into shared listening sessions, which got the younger kids excited about audiobooks.

    Our Favorite Picks By Age:

    Ages 3-5 - Start with story telling adventures with music.

    Alexanderā€™s Amazing Adventures

    Focus on the Family: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

    Scripture Scouts

    Ages 4-6

    Mr. Poppers Penguin

    Little House in the Big Woods

    Little House on the Prairie

    Little House on the Banks of Plum Creek

    Winnie the Pooh

    Stuart Little

    Trumpet of the Swan

    Magic Tree House

    Boxcar Children

    Chronicals of Narnia

    All of a Kind Family

    A to Z Mysteries

    Calendar Mysteries

    Fairy Tales: Jim Weiss Collection

    7-10 - Classics start

    Little Women

    Little Men

    The Penderwicks

    The Secret Garden

    5 Little Peppers and How They Grew

    My Side of the Mountain

    The Far Side of the Mountain

    The Moffats Series

    Pinky Pie Series

    The Shakespseare Stealer

    The Birchbark House

    Story of the World

    Anne of Green Gables

    Harry Potter 1-3

  • This is my seventh year creating a vision for my year. It is always a new experience, and Iā€™m amazed at what comes out of this exercise. In todayā€™s episode, Iā€™m sharing what Iā€™ve learned in 2023 and what Iā€™m focusing on, changing, and working toward in 2024.

    Here are a few areas from my 2024 vision:

    Investing More Into Whatā€™s Working:

    Road trips

    Family adventures (beach, historical sites, new experience)

    Vegetable gardening

    Having friends over for dinner

    Hiking and time outdoors

    Relationships with our siblings and parents


    Rock climbing wall

    Write and publish a book

    Plant fruit trees and berries

    Start a medicinal and culinary herb garden

    Fix our fence

    Back to Basics

    Home management and our weekly rhythm

    Taking care of myself

    My relationship with God

    Every year what my vision works like is a surprise. It is unique and fits for the season I am in. I continue to share what my vision looks like as an inspiration for you to see that there is no wrong way to create one. I donā€™t try to stick to a specific formula. I try to include God in the process and just see where I am for my learning and growth.

    If self care and creating good habits are part of your vision for 2024, Mom Matters Too is the place for you. Learn more HERE.

    And if you need help creating your vision, check out my Create Your Vision Mini-Course.