You may have heard the news: I have landed my dream job as the community manager for my favorite podcast. Today I share why doing a solo podcast was harder than I thought plus my hopes for the final seven episodes of TBTW and what’s next for this beloved community and My Internet Besties.
Find the full show archives at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
It’s the first Monday of the year, so NOW is the time we actually buckle down on our new year's resolutions. Today we discuss our dashed dreams of 2020, our word of the year for 2021, and the one thing that I’ve used for goal planning for the last three years.
Morgan Harper Nicols: word of the year game Nancy Anderson 12-week Ab Rehab- 20% off 25% off Cultivate What Matters 2021 PowerSheets Daphne Bamburg's Instagram for Goal Styling
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us. -
Fehlende Folgen?
Oh, Alex Trebek, what a gift you were to the world. Today I discuss my unrealized childhood dream of appearing on Jeopardy and the best thing you can use to prepare yourself for your own Jeopardy audition. I also discuss my stance on video games, where I’m buying a Nintendo Switch, and what new recipe I’m trying for Thanksgiving (Hint: it’s the main event). Also: #TeamHam.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Care/of, a wellness brand that makes it easy to maintain your health goals with a customized vitamin plan that helps you feel your best today and supports you long-term. Get 50% off your first order by using code TODAY50 at
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
It’s my birthday so today I talk about the legal battle it took to get the Happy Birthday song into public domain. My plan next year is to sign up for allllll the birthday freebies during the month of October, and this week’s challenge is to leave a glowing review for all the podcasters you love.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
Yesterday’s bonus episode was about how Jesus changed everything in my life so today’s bonus episode is what that looks like, practically speaking, for me as a busy mom and for us as a family with little kids.
This is a bonus episode, so if we don't share the same faith or if you carry church hurt, please feel free to skip this. I'll see you Friday.
Production this month was made possible by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
An open thread to discuss this episode will be in our FB community, My Internet Besties. Wanna talk one on one? I'm here. DM me on Instagram @IndianaAdams.
Up top: Please know that I realize that there are people in our community who practice a different faith than I do and there are others who do not ascribe to any faith traditions at all. I also know that in a community the size of ours, there are people carrying around the heartache of being hurt or abused by the church, so personal stories about Christianity can be triggering. I am deeply sorry if that is you. Please protect your heart and opt out. We’ll be back Friday with our regularly scheduled content.
I’m doing this episode because… well… because people keep asking me to. Because I’m a Christian and previously and currently work for companies that served the Christian segment of our population, a lot of our listeners happen to be Christians, as well. Every time I open up the podcast for questions or do an ask me anything on Instagram Live, I’m asked how I became a Christian. I’ve been reluctant to share because I think of TBTW as a lunch date with good friends instead of a stage for a sermon. All are welcome here. No matter who you are, I’ve saved you a seat.
I’ve shared this story in bits and pieces with my church and my closest friends know the details, but I’ve never shared it in a public space, despite living somewhat publicly online most of my adult life. I hope you can hear it not as my story, but rather as God’s redeeming story in my life so far.
Wanna talk? I'm here. DM me on Instagram @IndianaAdams.
It’s my birthday week! I thought I’d kick off this episode with how not great my 40th year has been… except when it comes to my skin! My adult skin hasn’t looked this good maybe ever and that’s because my skincare routine used to be: Step one: sometimes wipe my face off with a makeup remover wipe. Step two: There is no step two. Now I have lots of steps and I’m trying new makeup and honestly? It helps get me moving in the mornings.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
We’ve established that I was not a cool kid, right? Despite this, one day in 7th grade I decided to rap my student council speech. Today I discuss how I see a little bit of that in one of my kids and ponder if I might give her a heads up. Our #TBTWChallenge this week is to try something different with your makeup and our good time / good deal is super cheap bedding and J.Crew’s early access Black Friday 50% off sale.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
I was making fun of the way Chris draws a star (guys, he starts at the top! I thought everyone started on the lower left!) and we started chatting about all the mundane things that we that others do differently. Toilet paper: over or under? Stars? Start at the top or lower left? Toothbrush: toothpaste goes on a wet brush or a dry brush? Brushing your teeth? Before or after breakfast? Mac & cheese: follow the directions on the box or do whatever? Seatbelt: buckle before you start the car or after? Which goes on first: socks or pants? Toilet paper (part 2): set number of squares or a wad that you’ve never counted? Toilet paper (part 3): More or less than seven squares? PB&J: Peanut butter on one side or on both slices?
Click over to the Today By The Way Instagram to settle these debates and see where you stand among our TBTW community.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us. -
The is an entire episode in the format of our Good Time / Good Deal Section! Today and tomorrow Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and Amazon are having Black Friday-esque sales. All the deals mentioned are linked at TBTW.IN/86.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
Warning: I say the word sexy a lot. Like a lot a lot. If you don’t want to have to answer “Mommy, what’s ‘sexy’ mean?” pop those headphones on.
If last week was the heaviest episode this is the lightest. Today I discuss our family’s Halloween history and then tell the story of when I found out that Sexy Halloween wasn’t just something from the movies.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
CONTENT ADVISORY: This is the heaviest episode we’ve had to date as we discuss emotional exhaustion, cancer, death, depression, and infant loss and grief. As a parent, I thought I knew tiredness, but collective exhaustion is a whole new kind of tiredness. If you’re feeling hardened and delicate, just know, you’re not alone.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) - TTY: 800-799-4889 or Live Online Chat.
Chris joins me for an unscripted, unedited conversation about autumn, the best month of the year, the worst exercise ever created, and how to give every person the best gift ever.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
So American Girl just came out with a doll for their HISTORICAL line who is from 1986. Guess I’ll go lay down with the Crypt Keeper now. Just kidding. I plan to put myself on the Paul Rudd plan and just not age.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Better Help, the largest online counseling platform, worldwide. You can get 10% off your first month of counseling by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us. -
Do you remember, the 21st night of September? Maybe after tonight you will...
Today we talk about September 21st, how part of RBG's legacy was her friendship with her political opposite Justice Scalia, and I share three places to find good sweaters now that tomorrow is officially fall.
Also, Earth, Wind, & Fire, please don't sue me.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Better Help, the largest online counseling platform, worldwide. You can get 10% off your first month of counseling by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
I saw my first big crush holding a Simon and Garfunkel CD and it opened a whole new world for me. That crush went nowhere, but it did convince me that music could tell me a whole lot about a person and I was later endeared to Chris after he mailed me the perfect mix CD. I take my playlists very seriously and made this one just for you.
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
I used to hate ketchup but then one day I changed my mind and there’s a scientific explanation. Do you know what there’s no explanation for? The fact that I once broke a world record and forgot about it (don’t let anyone tell you that mom brain isn’t real).
Today’s episode is brought to us by The Upper Room. Enjoy a free 30 day trial of their email or app service by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us. -
Nineteen years ago my friend Kati told us that one day our children would ask us where we were on September 11, 2001, and she was right. We shared the full story with our kids at the dinner table tonight and now I share that with you (including how I empathize with Toby Keith? TELL NO ONE).
Also: you are the best people on the internet. My heart is so full with you in my life. Thank you for carrying my mat this week.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Better Help, the largest online counseling platform, worldwide. You can get 10% off your first month of counseling by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
It’s Labor Day! What’s the deal with not wearing white between now and Memorial Day? Let me tell you about the OG influencers who put this trend in action and (the mean reason) why. Also: For the first time in my life, I found an exercise that I love: rowing.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Better Help, the largest online counseling platform, worldwide. You can get 10% off your first month of counseling by visiting
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams. Our FB community is My Internet Besties. Join us.
[ Part One ]
How can I be expected to have a friend group when I don’t even have one good friend? I know that’s a lot to ask, but hopefully, I explain why this is necessary.
Our community challenge this week is to declutter your digital network. Keep, mute, and delete so that your feed gives you what you want more of.
Today’s episode is brought to you by Noonday Collection, a fair trade accessories and jewelry company that’s doing good work in the world. Shop my link at
Find the full show notes at and connect with me on Instagram at @indianaadams.
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