PORTAL VEDA lugar de conhecimento. Em nossos PODCASTS trazemos conteúdo e reflexões. PORTAL VEDA. Assine. :)
Peak Human is a curated audio series taking an unbiased look at health & nutrition. With so much conflicting information available, filmmaker and health coach Brian Sanders sifts through the dogma and provides a framework that unifies all nutrition and dietary habits that lead to optimum health.
World renowned doctors, researchers, and journalists are interviewed to find out what is the true human dietary framework that we should all be eating to live well and free of chronic disease. It is based around principles of nutrient density and uses a combination of ancestral health and modern science.
It is produced ad-free to support the documentary 'Food Lies' (FoodLies.org) -
Want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and make it work for you? Learn more about my patented program, Your ADHD Brain is A-OK Academy here : programs.tracyotsuka.com/signup
I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn’t truly brilliant at something! This podcast, with nearly 7 million downloads, is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your brilliance lies, this podcast is for you!
*ADHD for Smart Ass Women is globally ranked in the top one-tenth of one percent of all podcasts in the world on any subject. It’s streamed in more than 160 countries and is downloaded by more than 150,000 listeners every month. My book of the same name, published by HarperCollins/William Morrow, was recently honored by Amazon Editors as a Top 20 Best Nonfiction Book of 2024.
*I’m Tracy Otsuka, your host. I’m a lawyer, not a doctor, a lifelong learner, and a certified ADHD coach. I’m on a mission to change the conversation around ADHD because I believe it’s time to focus on the strengths that come with our unique brains. When I was diagnosed eight months after my son, my entire life finally made sense, yet all I read and heard about ADHD focused on what I should struggle with. What I discovered, though, was that my ADHD was responsible for some of my greatest strengths.
*Another thing we constantly hear is all the success stories about ADHD men, but no one talks about the women. This podcast is here to change that. ADHD women are my people, and I’m here to acknowledge, support, and cheer them on. My experience as an adult living with ADHD, along with my expertise, is regularly sought out by top-tier media, including Bloomberg, Forbes, CBS Mornings, ABC News Live, Inc., Prevention Magazine, Verywell Mind, ADDitude magazine, and The Goal Digger Podcast, etc.
The content in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and does not constitute medical or professional advice. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of anything you have seen or heard from Tracy Otsuka, her guests or this podcast. -
Entendendo o mundo através de histórias interessantes.
boanoiteinternet.com.br -
PQPCast - podcast semanal, feito por #MulheresPodcasters, dedicado a debater sobre a sociedade e ativismo com base em fatos, dados, pesquisas e vivências. Disponível todas as segundas-feiras! Produção: Thata Finotto, Natália Mattos, Malu Leite & Lybia Abaaoud // Tribo TDAH - único podcast em português do mundo sobre Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade e saúde mental, com conteúdo quinzenal sempre na primeira e terceira quintas-feiras do mês. Produção: Thata Finotto
No Podcast Feliz com Crohn você vai conhecer muito além da história da Lorena ou da Doença de Crohn, aqui, você vai aprender mais sobre cuidados com a saúde, bem estar e aceitação dos momentos difíceis que passamos, por isso todos irão se identificar e poder se inspirar a cada episódio novo
Sou Felipe Fonseca, um comunicador apaixonado por gente e por viagens. Aí pensei cá comigo: Por que não juntar os dois? Nesse podcast, vamos conhecer as histórias/ "viagens das ideias" e destinos de cada convidado pelo mundão afora e sem precisar pegar um avião. Me Conta Sua Viagem? Esse é o lema por aqui!
@FelipeFonsecaTV -
Nikki and John, two married 30-somethings, open up in real time about the decision to open up their marriage. You'll go on their journey as they explore non-monogamy, polyamory and what it means to be in an open marriage. Send questions, or just say hi, at [email protected]
The Liberation Project: A Movement for Manhood is an honest, in your face podcast that challenges the social and cultural norms that define today’s man. Through witty banter and provocative conversations we’re redefining masculinity. We’re finding a balance somewhere in between the classic caveman and the limp-wristed doormat of today’s generation. Tune in and learn what it is to be a confident, powerful, loving leader that people trust and admire. If you’re ready for the challenge of being a “real man,” you’re ready to join The Liberation Project.
Podcast A Vet is a podcast for Veterinarians, students, nurses, veterinary professionals and animal lovers with an emphasis on community. The podcast shares the stories, struggles, successes and insights of leaders across the veterinary industry.
As modern vets, we face numerous challenges on a daily basis, from dealing with patients and clients, to running profitable practices, to dealing with internal struggles like compassion fatigue. We believe that the best way through these struggles is by learning from a supportive and open community, and improving the vet industry as a whole, one vet professional at a time. -
You only cash it once. In this weekly podcast, comedian Erin Darling finds out how famous and funny guests lost their virginity.
Esse podcast tem como tarefa destrinchar uma das principais obras filosóficas do século 20, tendo como norte uma reflexão quanto a prática clínica. Discuto portanto sua contribuição à Psicologia, dando especial ênfase à Daseinsanalyse.
Comentado por Gabriel Góes (Psicólogo Clínico)
Para entrar em contato com o autor:
(11) 995681563 (whatsapp)
[email protected] -
Colombia Calling is your first stop for everything you ever wanted to know about Colombia. Colombia Calling is hosted by Anglo Canadian transplant to Colombia, Richard McColl and the Newscast is provided by journalist Emily Hart. Tune in for politics, news, reviews, travel and culture stories, all related to Colombia.
O seu guia para viver na Alemanha! Apoie nosso podcast: https://www.alemanhacast.com.br/apoie/
Uplifting talks and guided meditations from Steven S. Sadleir and Enlightenment Television on the Enlightenment of Mankind and the Great Awakening happening now. Covering science, Easter and Western (Biblical) philosophy and religion, spiritual practices and breaking news affecting the world. www.EnlightenmentTV.com
Welcome to 'On The Rebound', hosted by 5x NBA Champion, fashion icon, world peace maker and relationship expert Dennis Rodman. On this podcast you'll find Mr. Rodman talking to couples about anything from sex to emotional issues and more. Will Dennis save couples from losing it all or will he just have to go up for the rebound?
Já recebeu diagnóstico crônico?
Artrite, diabetes, hipotireoidismo, algum cisto?
Não consegue perder peso nem o mau humor?
Tem doença auto-imune ou problemas circulatórios e lhe disseram que não há cura?
Meu palpite é que, você até acreditou que é normal ter uma doença crônica que dura a vida toda e ser "obrigado" a tomar remédios contínuos. Ficar mais doente e dependente com o passar do tempo é triste mas normal, certo?
ERRADO! Você precisa saber que a Medicina evoluiu!
É possível SIM ter ENERGIA EXTRA para Prevenir o Envelhecimento, Eliminar Doenças Crônicas e transformar SUA Saúde!