
  • Home inspections are useful, even though they can’t predict the future.

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    Today I’m sharing a few things about home inspections. Home inspections help prevent issues and ensure you buy a home that’s up to standard. 
    However, remember; inspectors don’t have crystal balls—they can’t predict what might go wrong in the future. For example, if you take your car in to get checked, and the mechanic says your brakes look great, but you do a ton of driving, and three months later they’d worn out—they couldn’t have predicted how fast they’d wear down. It’s the same thing for home inspections. Recently, we had a buyer purchase a house, and everything was in good condition, but three weeks later the furnace went out—the inspector had no way of knowing that would happen. The inspectors can only give a snapshot of what things look like at the time of inspection.
    "Home inspections help prevent issues and ensure you buy a home that’s up to standard."
    While that may be the case, an inspector should provide maintenance tips that can help prolong the life of your mechanicals like the water heater, furnace, AC system, and more. That’s an indicator of a quality home inspection company.
    If you have more questions about home inspections or real estate in general, feel free to reach out via phone or email. We would love to help you.

  • In our low-inventory market, here’s how buyers and sellers stack up.

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    What’s the latest news from our York County market?
    To answer that, we want to tell you the story of how one of our sellers sold their home for $35,000 over asking price. They listed the home for $280,000, which means the offer was for $315,000, and it included great terms that allowed them to settle whenever they wanted. They were looking at buying a new construction home next, but the agent for that home informed them she couldn’t accept an offer that was contingent on their current home selling first. She then told them to list their home as soon as they could and get an offer on it. Only then would she be able to accept an offer.
    Our clients loved this new construction home, so the next day they put a ‘for sale’ sign in their yard. They were able to keep their house very clean and were so efficient at letting people in for showings, and their effort was what led to their incredible offer. That’s the main takeaway from this story: Effort is what counts in this hot marketplace if you want to have the opportunity to accept an amazing offer and go after your next dream home. Once you put your home on the market, keep it clean and ready for as many showings as possible. With how low inventory is, it’s not hard to get an exceptional offer on your home.
    On the flipside, with how quickly homes are coming off the market, we know this can sound overwhelming if you’re a buyer. That’s why you must put in the same effort in buying a home as our sellers did in selling one. This means putting your best foot forward for your initial offer. Just like their buyer, you need to be willing to settle whenever the seller wants to settle. Being open and submitting your best offer up front will make it so much better than the other offers.
    "It’s critical that you work with an agent who’ll put their whole effort into accomplishing your goals."
    A key to writing a good offer is getting a pre-approval letter before you start looking at homes and making offers. In this market, we’re sometimes writing offers for our clients right after attending showings, and having a pre-approval letter handy is vital to getting your offer accepted. This letter shows sellers you’re serious about buying.
    Whether you’re buying or selling in today’s market, it’s critical that you also work with an agent who’ll put their whole effort into accomplishing your goals. If you're a buyer, especially, there are plenty of bumps and bruises along the way a good agent can help you deal with.
    If you'd like our help in buying or selling a home or have questions about our York County market, call or email us anytime. We’d love to help you.

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  • Today I’m sharing some helpful home financing tips for buyers out there.

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    If you’re a homebuyer, it’s essential that you at least have a pre-approval before you go out looking at homes. It’s one of the most important steps of the process.
    After you’ve saved up for your down payment and made sure your credit is straight, there are still a bunch of other factors that determine how much you’re approved for.
    "A pre-approval is one of the
    most important steps of the process."

    The last thing you want to do is spend your valuable time out there looking at homes that aren’t in your price range. You may be looking at homes at or above your price range if you’re not pre-approved. This process will let you know what those monthly payments and taxes will look like so you can get a better idea of what you can afford versus what you’re comfortable with paying.
    You also need to work with a lender who knows the area. Those taxes can vary greatly depending on whether you’re looking in Maryland or Pennsylvania.

    If you have any questions about buying or selling a home, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • If you’re selling, here are some financially efficient renovation tips.

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    Unfortunately, home renovations don’t always bring a great return on investment; in most cases, you’ll actually lose money. For instance, if you do a major kitchen remodel, you can expect to get back around 70% of your money. A master suite edition will only get you back about 60% of your money. Decks are only slightly better; a wood deck will bring around a 70% return on your investment, and if you use a composite material like Trex, then you’ll only get back 60% to 65% of your money.
    When you sell your home, your goal is to make as much money as possible. The ways to do that are pretty simple, and you don’t even need to hire professional contractors to accomplish them:
    Painting. Paint your home in neutral colors like beige; this will better allow buyers to envision themselves living there.Depersonalization. Taking down and storing family photos will also help buyers imagine themselves in your home.Professional cleaning. If your home is nice and clean from top to bottom, that could easily add a few thousand dollars to your value, especially after COVID’s appearance on the scene.
    "If you plan to sell in the short term,
    stick to simpler, cheaper projects."

    Replacing your siding. Alternatively, you could give your existing siding a good power wash to give the exterior of your home a whole new look. Be sure to check for holes in your siding too, so as not to let in any bugs or moisture.Updating your property’s landscaping. This may not be as important during the winter, but come the spring market, people want to see a prim and proper lawn.Decorating with a consistent theme. Be sure to keep your decorations fairly neutral and consistent throughout the home; that could include accenting your walls with curtains of a certain color, throw pillows, etc. This is an extension of the staging process, which helps you get the biggest bang for your buck.
    If you don’t plan to move out of your home for five or more years, then go ahead and make those larger renovations like in your kitchen and bathroom. You’ll gain equity over time that will make up for the costs. If you plan to sell in the short term, however, stick to the simpler fixes I’ve mentioned today.
    For any further questions you have about preparing your home for the market, don’t hesitate to reach out to Tru Advantage Realty. We’d love to help you.

  • At the moment, it’s better to sell your current home before buying.

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    The real estate market is still very competitive during the holidays, and one thing that’s been helping our buyers get their next home under contract is selling their current house first.
    "It’s better to put your current home
    under contract before buying another."

    Put yourself in the seller’s shoes and imagine that you’ve received two similar offers on your property: One has no contingencies, the other has the contingency to sell their home before buying yours. Everything else is the same except for the contingency difference. You don’t know when that buyer’s house will sell. The market is hot, but we sometimes still see properties sit for a couple of months. Then, you could also run into issues with the buyer’s financing.
    This demonstrates why it’s better to put your current home under contract before buying another; it helps you make a stronger offer to the seller. They’ll be more willing to choose your offer if it doesn’t have extra “what ifs” attached.
    We’d love to walk alongside you during the process of selling and buying your next house. If you need anything or have questions, call or text us. We’d be glad to help you.

  • This is why the winter months are a smart time to sell a home.

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    As the fall season begins to wind down and the holiday season ramps up, the number of available homes on the market can begin to dwindle. This comes from the common misconception that your home is worth more money in the spring and summer because of the increased curb appeal brought on by a well-groomed lawn and beautiful flowers.
    There are still plenty of active buyers out there searching for a home during the holiday season. This can be a great opportunity for savvy sellers to take advantage of their equity and capitalize on the lower inventory. With interest rates so low this year, buyers can stretch their dollars a bit further.
    Waiting until spring just means more competition, which could potentially drive down your asking price. That’s just the basic economic principle of supply and demand at work.
    "Buyers can stretch their money
    a bit further this year."

    Unfortunately, nobody has a crystal ball or knows what tomorrow will bring, especially after a year like this. The only thing we can tell you is that right now, home values are higher than they’ve been in a long time. We can almost guarantee there is someone out there looking for a home just like yours right at this very moment.
    If you’re interested in learning more about how much equity you’ve gained this past year and what kind of doors it can open for you, give us a call or send us an email today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Data shows that you can afford a more expensive property in 2020 than in 2019.

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    With housing prices so high and interest rates so low, will you still get a better deal on a home this year than you would have last year?
    According to the financial data experts from CoreLogic, home prices have increased by 6.6% on average, or $9,800, even more in some states. At the same time, interest rates have hit record lows for well-qualified buyers. The data from financial company NerdWallet says that in 2019 interest rates averaged 3.9%. As of November 9, 2020, interest rates are at 2.8% on a 30-year mortgage, which is 1.1% lower than in 2019. (Rates are as low as 2.5% for a 15-year mortgage.)
    "Though home prices have risen, the extremely low
    interest rates still give you more leverage."

    That 1.1% difference equates to 14% more buying power. For example, if you could only afford to finance a $270,000 house last year, making payments of $1,274 per month over 30 years, this year, you could afford to finance a $310,000 home for that same $1,274 payment. That’s an additional $40,000 in leverage compared to 2019. So even though home prices have risen, the extremely low interest rates still give you more leverage than last year.
    So, can you get a better deal in 2020 than in 2019? The answer in most cases is yes. We don’t know how long these great low interest rates will last, so if you’re considering a move, don’t wait too long.
    If you have more questions on this topic or any other real estate matter, text or call me. I’d love to be your real estate guide.

  • Here’s our pricing advice for today’s home sellers.

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    A few days ago, one of our clients was able to sell their home in just a few days for $10,000 more than the asking price because we had the right pricing strategy. When we initially discussed the price, we didn’t start at the very top. We started at a place where we knew it would grab a lot of buyers’ attention. We had four showing requests and four offers on the first day we listed it and, in this situation, we got more money by pricing here than we would have by pricing at the top of the market.
    This strategy doesn’t work for every seller, but we’re equipped to help you out no matter your situation. If you have questions for us, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Here’s what you need to keep in mind if you’re buying a home within the next three years.

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    If you’re looking to buy a home within the next three years, there are three very important tips to remember:
    1. Understand your finances. You need to know what’s coming in, what’s coming out, and what you can afford. It’s important not to live beyond your means. Understanding your finances is also key to saving up for your down payment and anything else you’ll need once you close on your new home.
    2. Be mindful of your credit. A great way to stay on top of this is to check your FICO score, which is typically free if you use online banking.
    3. Get in touch with a local mortgage lender. You need to know what you can afford before you start shopping for homes because you might be able to afford more than you think. Reaching out to a local lender is the best way to calculate your buying power.
    We’d love to connect with you to guide you through the preliminaries of buying a home. We also know plenty of great local lenders who can help you as well. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to speaking with you.

  • Buyers and sellers need these tips for home maintenance during showings.

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    Today I have a few home maintenance tips to share for both buyers and sellers during showings.
    If you’re selling your home, make sure your lawn is manicured and landscaped. The first impression is the best impression buyers will get. If you’re living in the house while you sell it, here’s a tip: If you keep items on top of your nightstand, put them in a bin under the bed before showings. Also, throw any dishes lying around into the dishwasher.
    Small things can make a difference. Try not to give buyers anything they need to overlook to see the property’s potential.
    "If you keep items on top of your nightstand,
    put them in a bin under the bed before showings."

    Buyers: I know I just told sellers to manicure their lawn, but if you pull up to the house and see that the lawn isn’t manicured, don’t worry about it. You can mow the lawn when the property is yours. You can also landscape however you like, so try to see past that when you’re looking at homes. If you walk into a house and see that the sellers didn’t have time to tidy up, don’t get caught up in those details. You need to focus on whether the home has enough space for your family and the rooms you need; when it’s yours, you can personalize it.
    If you have any questions about what to do to get your house sold or are considering buying a property, call or email me! I have the answers you need.

  • If you’re in the market to buy (or even sell) a home,
    here’s why you’ll want to get a home warranty.

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    If you’re a homeowner or are planning to be, you’ll want to educate yourself about home warranties. Not homeowners insurance—that’s completely different. Today I’ll share a few key points you need to know about what home warranties are and how they’ll protect your investment once you buy a home.

    How do they work? Well, if something that your warranty covers breaks down, you simply contact your home warranty provider to have them send someone out to fix it.

    Most of my first-time home buying clients get a home warranty because they’re so used to having to call a maintenance technician to take care of their repairs. Home warranties cover the costs of repairs for things like appliances, electrical, plumbing, and in some cases, the roof. Some home warranties will allow you to pick your own contractor to come and do your repairs.

    Sellers can purchase warranties for their homes
    to cover the property for the time that the home is listed.

    Bear in mind that warranties are optional. You pay a set amount each year that can be paid monthly or annually, and you do have a deductible for each time you call them and for each item you have repaired.

    Home warranties aren’t just for buyers—sellers can purchase warranties for their homes to cover the property for the time that the home is listed.

    If you’d like to learn more about home warranties, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

  • I’m answering the question of whether you should get a
    home inspection done before you list your home.

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    Should you get a home inspection before you list? Many clients have asked me this in the past. The truth is, there’s no right or wrong answer to that question. However, there are definite benefits to having a home inspection done before you put your house on the market.

    If you get a home inspection done first, it alerts you to some of the things you may not have known needed to be fixed. Then you have an opportunity to mend those issues before the buyer comes along with their own inspection. (Yes, they should do a home inspection even if they know you’ve already had one done.) Then, when you’ve repaired things from your home inspection, the buyer’s inspection will be pretty good. However, another home inspector could find something the first one didn’t.

    If you’d like to discuss home inspections further or have any other questions, call, text, or email me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • Is it better to sell right now or wait until spring?

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    If you’re thinking of selling, but aren’t sure whether you should wait for the spring or summer to do so, this message is for you. Though more homes, statistically, sell during this time of year, that doesn’t necessarily make these seasons the best time to do so. People are always looking for homes to buy, and the winter market offers several advantages.

    For one thing, competition is low, which means the demand for your home is high. Many serious buyers enter the market at this time of year, and this gives winter sellers the chance to capture a great deal. Why wait to sell when everyone else is doing so, too? If you’re ready to sell now, then it’s time to get off the fence and put your home on the market.

    If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • These seven improvements will have the biggest impact on your home sale.

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    What are some simple and fairly inexpensive ways you can increase your home’s appeal so that it performs well online and woos buyers when they come to visit in person? Here are seven things that buyers respond to well:

    1. Neutral paint. It will give your home a fresh, crisp look at a low cost.

    2. Updated appliances. If yours are mismatched or getting up there in age, it’s a great idea to choose either a new matching black or stainless steel set for your kitchen.

    3. Fresh landscaping. Adding fresh flowers and mulch, removing dead plants, and neatly trimming bushes will give your home tremendous curb appeal.

    4. Updated kitchen and bathrooms. This, too, can easily be achieved with fresh paint and new knobs or handles.

    5. Power washed exterior. Get all of the cobwebs off and clear away any mystery grime on the siding.

    6. Replaced front door. Now, depending on the condition of the door, you may be able to grab buyers’ attention by simply painting it. If you don’t replace the door itself, then replace the other hardware and consider hanging a seasonal wreath for a nice touch.

    7. Stain and paint your deck or patio. After you power wash it, put some sealant on it for a polished look.
    I hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any questions about these quick and easy projects, or real estate in general, please feel free to reach out via phone or email. We’re happy to hear from you and be of assistance.

  • Don’t let a completely resolvable issue sink your home sale or purchase.

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    The No. 1 reason why deals fall through: Not having the right agent and contacts. Here’s one of the most important things you should ask any agent you’re interviewing: “If we have a problem with our home during the inspection or appraisal process, do you have reliable contacts on standby?”

    For example, I have a client who’s buying here in York, Pennsylvania, and selling her home three hours away in a whole different county. It was discovered she had a problem with her home’s septic system, but the agent did not have a contact for her. Instead, the agent told her to reach out to anybody she can think of to help fix her septic system. Three weeks later, the problem still hasn’t been fixed, and no guidance has been given to the client (I wasn’t even made aware of the situation until recently). We were set to close two days from the recording of this video, but now that won’t happen—all because an agent did not have a contact.

    If you don't have go-to options for your home maintenance needs, you have to make sure you ask your agent if they do.

    Unfortunately, situations like this are why hard-working and knowledgeable agents get a bad reputation. You have to build a relationship with contractors and maintain a list of people you can call on to address issues in your home. If you don't have go-to options for your home maintenance needs, you have to make sure you ask your agent if they do. 

    If you have further questions on this topic or are gearing up to sell your home soon, reach out to me directly via phone or email.

  • If you find a home on the market you love, jump on it as soon as possible.

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    Suppose you found a house that you loved and could see yourself living in. However, before you made an offer, you told your agent that you wanted to think about it. What if you woke up the next morning and found that someone else already submitted an offer? Would you be mad?

    If you love a house, make an offer on it quickly. I understand that you might want to sleep on certain big decisions before you make them, but doing so in real estate could mean missing your chance.

    If you love a house, make an
    offer on it quickly.

    Our market is hot right now, so be sure to put in your highest and best offer on a home you love as soon as possible. Once you do, your real estate agent can help you negotiate the rest on your behalf.

    If you’d like to learn more about making an offer on your dream home, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

  • I’m sharing the three basic things buyers need to do to be successful.

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    At TruAdvantage Realty, we know what it’s like to be a buyer in a competitive marketplace. We’ve helped plenty of buyer clients get into the home of their dreams. Unfortunately, we also see plenty of buyers who fail to prepare and end up leaving the market (or lingering around on it for longer than they’d like) with a sour taste in their mouths. Here are three tips for buyers that we’ve observed to be indispensable:

    1. Be available for showings. Right now, the market is red hot and homes are selling lightning quick. You need an agent who can get inside a home the same day—or, at the very latest, the day after—you stumble upon it.

    2. Get an agent who wins multiple-offer situations. Even if yours is one of the lower offers on a home, an agent with a proven track record of success will still be able to provide you with enough leverage to win out against the other buyers. We’re happy to have a conversation with you detailing all of the methods we employ to make our buyers’ offers as attractive as possible. We’ll even show you successful past examples of our strategy.

    3. Be able to communicate with your agent in a timely manner. Whether it’s an evening, weekend, or early morning, you need to be able to get a hold of your agent. Working with an accessible and timely agent is absolutely essential.

    As always, if you have questions about this or any other real estate-related topic, reach out to us by phone or email. We’re here to help and look forward to hearing from you!

  • Here’s how to compete as a buyer in our pandemic-affected market.

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    For all you potential homebuyers out there, I know what some of you may be experiencing; you’re seeing all these new listings pop up, only to be sold in a matter of days. You're thinking, “How can this be possible in the middle of a pandemic? My agent told me we can’t go look at properties right now!”

    Understand that these properties are being sold to buyers who are absolutely committed to buying by going under contract and leveraging contingencies. There are protocols in place to protect buyers so that you can still have a physical walk-through once our restrictions are lifted

  • I’m explaining the differences between a home inspection and an appraisal.

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    This is a question I hear a lot: Is a home inspection the same as an appraisal? The quick answer is no, you’ll need both of these appointments.

    A home inspection is a complete inspection of the house. They’ll check the electrical, plumbing, roof, crawl spaces, appliances, and more. That home inspector works for you. You pay the inspector to do a thorough analysis, you’re there, you’ll learn a bit about your new property, and they’ll write a list of things that could improve your home.

    The appraiser works for the bank,
    even though you pay them.

    You also have to get an appraisal. The appraiser works for the bank, even though you pay them. The appraisal is to determine value, not the condition of the house. The inspection and appraisal are two completely separate things.

    If you have further questions about this or real estate in general, give me a call or send an email. I would love to hear from you.

  • Here’s why potential buyers should think twice before counting themselves out.

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    The two most common home buying myths are that you need to have 20% down and a credit score of 750 or higher. The truth is, you don’t even need a credit score of 700, and there are a ton of financing options available to you, some requiring as little as 3% down (others require nothing down, so long as you meet certain criteria).

    I have plenty of clients who have less-than-perfect credit; we work with you and do what it takes to help you achieve homeownership. I would love to connect you with all of the resources you need to truly understand your capabilities as a homebuyer. 

    If you have questions about down payments, credit scores, or whatever else is involved in the home buying process, feel free to reach out to me at any time.