Trapped at the Globe theatre in the midst of a murder, Philadelphia continues her investigation by getting up close to the body. Gage and Jessica – impressed with Philadelphia's fearless examination of the corpse – are glad they didn't have to stomach such an examination themselves!
Philadelphia is proud of both her vizard and her snobbish behaviour. Meanwhile, Gage and Jessica think the former is quite restrictive and the latter, well... has come to be expected. But they all agree that Shakespeare makes excellent use of "vizard" in Love's Labour's Lost.
Fehlende Folgen?
Welcome to Out Brief Candle! While bouncing through time, Philadelphia has found herself trapped in the midst of a murder at the Globe theatre. Gage and Jessica join in the sleuthing to help Philadelphia uncover the clues to unmask the killer. Full of drama, suspense, and the ‘occasional’ snide remark cast towards Philadelphia’s modern day ningles, Out Brief Candle is bloody fun.
Philadelphia disdains a candlewaster, but Jessica and Gage are more sympathetic, sometimes night-time is the right-time
Philadelphia laments the elengeness of love, while Jessica and Gage enjoy how it inspired the musical 'Six'.
Gage and Jessica reminisce about Dick Dastardly despite his name not living up to its 16th century meaning. Drat! Meanwhile, Philadelphia isn't particularly amused by Dick Dastardly but she finds her own jokes quite clever and entertaining. Double drat!!
Philadelphia, Jessica and Gage all love a 'brachet', but Jessica and Gage are shocked by Arthur's bad boy antics in Le Morte d'Arthur.
Philadelphia scares the devil out of hell and Jessica and Gage learn Elizabeth I healed subjects with her hands.
Philadelphia, Jessica & Gage consider that 'monger' is now primarily negative, 'warmonger', 'hate monger' but in the 16th century that was not so!
Philadelphia, Jessica & Gage are astonished that a woman with as much self-control as Elizabeth 1 can become bedazzled by the young and charming Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex.
Philadelphia, Jessica & Gage discuss the bathroom humor and sense of fun Martin Marprelate brought to his criticisms of the Church of England.
Philadelphia, Jessica & Gage listen to three versions of 'to be or not be' by Benedict Cumberbatch, Adrian Lester and Andrew Scott, and also their use of our word of the week in that most famous of speeches. Let us know which one you enjoy most!
Philadelphia decides she must do what she must do and 'sally forth' when her castle is attacked by Mary I's men. Jessica and Gage try to convince Philadelphia that her grandmother, Mary Boleyn, had a tryst with Henry VIII.
Philadelphia relishes meeting anyone who is a charming flibbertigibbet. Jessica and Gage discuss how this charming word fits into the tragedy, 'King Lear'.
Philadelphia's word this week 'madding' is not to be confused with maddening! Jessica and Gage talk about the use of this word in the 16th century pamphlet defending the rights of women by Jane Anger.
Philadelphia warns London visitors to keep an eye out for 'coney-catchers,' while Jessica and Gage talk about Robert Greene's views on corruption and why he should be remembered for more than his famous insult to Shakeaspeare.
Philadelphia dissaproves of 'jangling' courtiers, while Jessica and Gage consider why Elizabeth I decided to, or not to, use the word 'jangling' when she admonished parliament for considering her successor.
Philadelphia's word this week, 'avouch', is something that it is almost impossible to do in the 16th century. Jessica and Gage talk about Shakespeare's MacBeth.
Philadelphia's word this week, 'neat's tongue', names one of Philadelphia's favorite foods. Jessica and Gage talk about Shakespeare's skill with an insult.
Philadelphia's word this week, 'unheedy', leads her to realize how upsetting 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' truly is. Jessica and Gage are amazed at Philadelphia's interpretation of the play.
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