Question Set:
1) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
2) How do you think the pandemic started?
3) Wear socks with sandals or crocs the rest of your life?
4) What is the most money you have ever won or lost gambling in your life?
5) What do you do to become a better human?
6) When you think of the word "success" who is the first person that comes to mind?
7) Tell me in 60 seconds or less what you do in a typical work day
8) Have a constant pain or itch?
9) When is the last time you did something truly spontaneous?
1) What’s your Starbucks order?
2) If you could be any cartoon character who would you be?
3) What is one "red flag" you watch for in a relationship?*
4) What is something you never get too old for?
5) Sober or vegetarian the rest of your life?
6) Swim 1/2 mile in Great White infested waters, or be trapped in a room with your weight in bees for 1 hour?
7) After two years, what’s your opinion on COVID?
8) What do you most want to do before you die?
Fehlende Folgen?
Question Set
Mix of FUN and DEEP:
1) What do you and your partner argue about the most?2) How has 2023 been better or worse then 2022?3) What is one false belief that you had, that you eventually changed your mind about?4) “If you could have a gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it — metaphorically speaking, getting a message out to millions or billions — what would it say and why? 5) What is the book (or books) you’ve given most as a gift, and why? Or what are one to three books that have greatly influenced your life?6) If you could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you choose?7) What’s your Starbucks order?8) What's the best thing to put between 2 slices of bread?9) Tell me one thing you habitually overspend on, but don’t regret?
How are you doing? But actually.
Have a mansion and no yard, or a tiny house and 100 acres of land?
What is your biggest insecurity?
What is your alcoholic drink of choice?
What is an “intrusive” thought or repetitive thought pattern you always seem to have?
What do you hate doing, that is unavoidable?
How do you think the world will end?
Write a book or compose an opera?
If you couldn’t fail, what would you do? -
What series do you rewatch?
What routines do you have?
Age gracefully or stay young forever?
What’s the best way to spend time in quarantine?
What are you running from in life right now?
What is your favorite form of cardio?
What is your first memory of covid? -
What's your best “sorry, i couldn’t because covid” excuse you have made?
“The world is ending in 15 minutes, you are allowed 2 phone calls to anyone on the planet, who do you call and who gets more time on the phone?”
What do you want from life?
How far is a light year?
What do you really want to get off your chest right now?
What do you do to become a better human?
What are you pretending not to know right now?
If you could only pick two of the five senses, what would you choose?
Who/what is God to you?
1) What are you most passionate about?
1) When you think of the word "success" who is the first person that comes to mind?
2) What has been your biggest waste of money or failed business venture?
3) What is something you have recently incorporated into your life that has improved your productivity?
4) If you had to write a book, what would it be about?
1) When did you first realize you were an adult?
2) If trees weren't green, what color would you want them to be instead?
3) If you had to give a TED talk, what would it be about?
4) If you could see any musician live past or present, who would you want to see?
1) What’s one thing you wish you knew before Covid?
2) What did you enjoy about COVID isolation?
3) Now that covid times are ending, what was the moment from covid times that you felt most motivated and alive?
1) Lose a thumb or a cousin?
2) Fight Mike Tyson for 10 rounds or talk just like him for life?
1) What is something you ex gave you that you can't get rid of?
2) What is the nicest thing a complete stranger ever did for you?
Fun: Wasps, mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, which would you eliminate from the planet completely?
WYR: Have a diamond ring or a gold necklace of equal value?
Deep: Have you ever thought about suicide?
Deep: If you had children what would you do the same as your parents, what would you do differently?
Fun: What is the best way to end the day?
Deep: What lesson did you have to learn the hard way?
WYR: Be forever 6 years old, or 66 years old?
Fun: If someone woke up in your body tomorrow, what is the one tip or instruction manual you should give them?
Deep: What do you want you last words on this planet to be?
Fun: What was your favorite cereal growing up?
Deep: What is the best gift you have ever received?
Deep: Where do you find peace?
Episode Question Set:
1) Whose been the biggest influence on your life and work and why?
2) What is your life motto?
3 What do people say/do that pisses you off?
1. After two years, what’s your opinion on COVID?
2. If COVID was a person, what would you say to it?
WOULD YOU RATHER: 1. Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person?
1. What is your greatest fear in life?
2. When did you last cry in front of someone?
1. If you could be any cartoon character who would you be?
2. Whose the worst character in TV history?
3. What do you wish was socially acceptable that is not?
4. If you could have anything named after you what would it be?
1. Go 30 years into the past or 30 years into the future?
2. Be a famous musician or athlete?
3. Go blind now or be blind from birth?
1. Where would you be now if the pandemic never happened?
2. What skill was most useful to survive the pandemic?
1. What do you think is a "good death"?
2. What is the biggest thing that held you back in your 20's and how did you overcome it?
3. What kind of life-changing item can you buy for less than $50?
1. If you could be any cartoon character who would you be?
2. Whose the worst character in TV history?
3. What do you wish was socially acceptable that is not?
4. If you could have anything named after you what would it be?
1. Go 30 years into the past or 30 years into the future?
2. Be a famous musician or athlete?
3. Go blind now or be blind from birth?
1. Where would you be now if the pandemic never happened?
2. What skill was most useful to survive the pandemic?
1. What do you think is a "good death"?
2. What is the biggest thing that held you back in your 20's and how did you overcome it?
3. What kind of life-changing item can you buy for less than $50?
Question Set (FUN/ABSURD):
1. What do people say/do that pisses you off?
2. What popular movie do you think was total garbage?
3. What food/drink do you try to avoid having in your house because you love it way to much?
4. If you could have anything for free, what would it be?
5. What non-religious group or thing gives off cult vibes, but technically isn't a cult?
Question Set (FUN/ABSURD):
1. What do people say/do that pisses you off?
2. What popular movie do you think was total garbage?
3. What food/drink do you try to avoid having in your house because you love it way to much?
4. If you could have anything for free, what would it be?
5. What non-religious group or thing gives off cult vibes, but technically isn't a cult?
Question Set: FUN/ABSURD
1) What is your most memorable dream?
2) What is a taste you acquired in adulthood that you didn't have as a child?
3) What is the most money you have ever won or lost gambling in your life?
4) If you could only talk about one subject for the rest of your life, what would it be?*
5) What is your favorite conspiracy theory?
Question Set: FUN/ABSURD
1) What is your most memorable dream?
2) What is a taste you acquired in adulthood that you didn't have as a child?3) What is the most money you have ever won or lost gambling in your life?
4) If you could only talk about one subject for the rest of your life, what would it be?*
5) What is your favorite conspiracy theory? -
Question Set (FUN/DEEP):
1) Tell me in 60 seconds or less what you do in a typical workday
2) Tell me one thing you habitually overspend on, but don’t regret?
3) What is the worst advice you have ever gotten?
4) If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with that time instead?
5) What harmful things are being taught to children?
6) What kind of life-changing item can you buy for less than $50?
Question Set (FUN/DEEP):
1) Tell me in 60 seconds or less what you do in a typical workday
2) Tell me one thing you habitually overspend on, but don’t regret?
3) What is the worst advice you have ever gotten?
4) If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with that time instead?
5) What harmful things are being taught to children?
6) What kind of life-changing item can you buy for less than $50?
Episode Set (FUN + DEEP):
1) What is your opinion on the color yellow?
2) What is the most physical pain you have ever been in?
3) What is the most useless piece of information you know off the top of your head?
4) What do you collect and why?*
5) What is your favorite form of transportation?
Mt Fuji is actually 12,388, but it is close enough to 12,365, so I am sticking with my useless piece of knowledge!
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