Robert Peston and Steph McGovern follow the money to bring you insightful stories from the world of business and finance.
Who’s making money and who’s spending it? Who’s investing, and who’s innovating? How will AI affect the way we work and why are Saudi Arabia buying up sport? How can the UK economy recover its productivity and adapt for the future?
Steph and Robert tap their extensive business contacts to answer these questions and decode the jargon to help make sense of the financial world.
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Get exclusive trade ideas from Tony 'The BAT' Battista on this Tuesday / Thursday podcast.
Tech, mode, sport, musique... Certains business deviennent des empires. Nous suivons leur actu.
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In diesem Podcast geht es um Landwirtschaft, aber auch um alles ausserhalb des Traktor's.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Brené’s newest podcast is based on her book, Dare to Lead, which debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, and has become the ultimate courage-building playbook for leaders at every level. Brené writes, “The Dare to Lead podcast will be a mix of solo episodes and conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and as many troublemakers as possible. Innovating, creating, and building a better, more just world requires daring leadership in every part of our daily lives – from work to home to community. Together, we’ll have conversations that help us show up, step up, and dare to lead.”
Kvartalet är en rapportpodd från Fråga Lou AB för dig som gillar fastigheter och i synnerhet fastighetsaktier. Här ges vd:ar i börsnoterade svenska fastighetsbolag möjlighet att i intervjuform kommentera sina bolags aktuella kvartalsrapporter och diskutera sin syn på läget framgent. Intervjuerna genomförs av Sverrir Thór och rapporterna analyseras av Niclas Höglund (JLL), Emil Eklund och Viktor Hökenhammar (båda Pareto Securities). Kvartalet görs i samarbete med de aktuella bolagen.
Immer montags sprechen wir über das, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält: Geld, Macht, Gerechtigkeit. Warum kann ich mir kein Haus leisten? Wie wird eine Stadt klimaneutral? Kann ich Cannabis bald im Laden kaufen? Und muss die Wirtschaft wirklich ständig wachsen? Alle 14 Tage untersuchen Lisa Nienhaus, Lisa Hegemann und Jens Tönnesmann ein wirtschaftliches Phänomen und fragen sich: Ist das eine Blase? Oder bleibt das? Immer mit einem Gast – und einem Tier.
Falls Sie uns nicht nur hören, sondern auch lesen möchten, testen Sie jetzt 4 Wochen kostenlos Die ZEIT: www.zeit.de/podcast-abo -
Der Finanzpodcast für Anfänger von Lena Kronenbürger und Ingo Schröder.
Warum werden wir so emotional, wenn wir auf unseren Kontostand gucken? Weshalb sollte man sein Geld investieren, anstatt es auf dem Konto zu horten? Und sind Investmentbanker wirklich alle nur gewissenlose Arschlöcher? Das fragt sich zumindest Lena. Sie arbeitet als freie Journalistin und Moderatorin und hat mit Finanzen nicht viel am Hut. Aber das soll sich jetzt ändern! In jeder Podcastfolge spricht sie daher mit dem Honorarberater und Finanzexperten Ingo – und fragt regelmäßig weiteren geladenen Expertinnen und Experten rund um das Thema Geld und Finanzen Löcher in den Bauch. Werdet Teil der #HIMMM-Community und lernt auf lockere Weise die Basics und Hintergründe der (manchmal ganz schön persönlichen) Finanzwelt kennen. Warum? Um eigenständig und mit handfestem (Ge-)Wissen gute Finanz- und damit auch Lebensentscheidungen treffen zu können.
Disclaimer: Der Inhalt dieses Podcasts dient ausschließlich der allgemeinen Information. Die im Podcast gemachten Aussagen sind nicht als Aufforderung oder Empfehlung zu verstehen, einzelne Finanzprodukte zu erwerben oder zu verkaufen. Alle Informationen aus diesem Podcast können und sollen eine individuelle Beratung durch hierfür qualifizierte Personen nicht ersetzen. -
Relevant updates, everyday!
Our Senior Market Analyst, Ipek Ozkardeskaya, is tirelessly on the lookout for updates and outlines in this podcast exactly what you need to know to successfully untangle the thickets of the financial markets, day by day.
About the expert:
Ipek Ozkardeskaya started her career in 2010 at Banque Cantonal Vaudoise in the field of structured products. After that, her professional path led her to the world’s biggest financial hubs including Geneva, London and Shanghai. Since 2020, she works for Swissquote as Senior Analyst. Ipek is a specialist for FX, leading market indices, individual stocks, oil, commodities, bonds and interest rates.
Subscribe to the podcast to never miss an episode! -
The Let’s Connect! Podcast is where IoT ecosystem players, technology thought leaders and the innovators of the Digital Transformation Revolution get to tell their stories. Subscribe now to get an inside look at how technology strategy and development happens in the real world and under real field conditions. We will examine case studies at scale, the implications of new technological developments, and the growth of new and existing markets. Make sure you don’t miss an episode of the Let’s Connect! podcast, posted every week on the IFA Media Network.
Chaque vendredi à 16h35 dans BFM Bourse, retrouvez Charlie Perreau, Owen Simonin, Nicolas Chéron et Vincent Ganne au micro de Guillaume Sommerer pour décrypter l'actualité bitcoin et crypto du moment. Retrouvez l’émission tous les vendredi et réécoutez la en podcast.
Brobacke Podcast drivs av Nils Brobacke, en veckovis podcast om marknaden.
Nils hittar du på:
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Go behind the scenes of some of the most interesting topics at the intersection of finance, law, and public policy. Hosted by Lee Reiners.
Il podcast settimanale de “Il Rosso e il Nero”, la rubrica di strategia d’investimento a cura di Alessandro Fugnoli, Strategist di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito www.kairospartners.com -
The laws of macro investing are being re-written, and investors who fail to adapt to the rapidly changing monetary environment will struggle to keep pace. Felix Jauvin interviews the brightest minds in finance about which asset classes they think will thrive in the financial future that they envision.
Follow Felix: https://twitter.com/fejau_inc
Follow Forward Guidance: https://twitter.com/ForwardGuidance
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Follow Blockworks: https://twitter.com/Blockworks_
Forward Guidance Newsletter: https://blockworks.co/newsletter/forwardguidance
Forward Guidance Telegram: https://t.me/+nSVVTQITWSdiYTIx -
Il podcast rivolto a chi desidera restare aggiornato sulle ultime notizie dai mercati finanziari raccontate da Alberto Tocchio, Head of Global Equity and Thematics di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito www.kairospartners.com -
A podcast where we speak to founders and entrepreneurs from businesses you’ve always wanted to know more about. We delve into the formative years of their business lives and ask those with the inside track on start-up and scale-up life the questions I wish I knew the answers to when I started out so you should too!
So, when should you raise VC funding? Should founders give all employees equity? And what do the acronyms banded around in boardrooms like SEIS, EIS, TAM and VAT actually mean for you as a founder? We shed light on just how many founders are neurologically diverse and show you how to get through times when the things get tough, as they will...
Hosted by me Oliver Bruce a Dyslexic, Dyspraxic entrepreneur with ADHD my business journey so far really exciting. I have built multi-million-pound businesses, I have invested at Seed and Series A stage and I have launched this podcast now ranked in the top 5% of business podcast globally and guess what, I have loved every minute as I hope you do to!
Recent winners of Campaign Publishing (https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/campaign-publishing-awards-2021-podcast-year-%E2%80%93-business-media/1715626) business podcast of the year with judges saying "This podcast has identified a niche in the market and sets out to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs honestly and ethically"
To find out more visit http://successpodcast.co.uk -
Wëllkomm beim Podcast iwwer Nohaltegkeet, Technologie an d'Zukunft am Banken- a Finanzwiesen. De Bryan Ferrari schwätzt all leschte Freiden am Mount mat Invitéen iwwer d'Erausfuerderunge vun haut a muer.
Mussen sech Banken online nei erfannen? Wéi kann ee mat Geld eppes Positives bewierken? Wéi e Potenzial stécht an der Blockchain? Ronderëm dës an aner Themen dréint den Talk mat Experten aus ganz ënnerschiddleche Beräicher.
Evergreens by Spuerkeess ass eng Co-Produktioun mam Studio J vum Lëtzebuerger Journal. -
What is a BIL Talk?
It is a moment of sharing, between a "speaker" and an audience, a life story, an idea, a vision.
The content offered will vary around entrepreneurship, personal development and technology.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Zwei Ex-Investmentbanker, der eine Finanzprofessor, der andere Unternehmer, sprechen jede Woche über Finanzen, Börse, Wirtschaft und Karriere. Anekdotisch, humorvoll und lehrreich. Zum Podcast Discord Kanal: https://finanzfluss.de/discord Prof. Dr. Holger Graf auf Instagram: @prof.goldgraf Thomas Kehl: finanzfluss.de