في هذا البودكاست أشارككم خواطر صوت عربي يحلم بالامن والسلام لوطنه ولكل العرب
ODC TV est une web TV de réinformation et de décryptage des grands enjeux de notre époque.
Les émissions :
✅ une émission d'analyse et de décryptage des grands enjeux géopolitiques mondiaux.
✅ une émission de déconstrution du discours économique dominant.
✅ une émission de présentations de livres occultés ou dérangeants pour le politiquement correct, point de départ de questionnements philosophiques
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations. -
Mouja, le podcast de Surf Report Maroc vous propose de rencontrer ensemble les acteurs majeurs de l'écosystème Surf & Bodyboard au Maroc.
Chaque mois avec notre invité nous parlons de l'actualité, de leurs parcours et bien plus ...
Hola hola para todos, este es un podcast de noticias nacionales e internacionales donde hablaremos de distintos temas de sociedad, política, economía e inclusión. Anímate y disfruta de las noticias.
"Kafer Maghribi" alias Hicham Nostik is Morocco's most famous atheist with a reputation that goes beyond the borders of Morocco. Yet he has never revealed his face in the videos he hosts on YouTube. All we know about him is the timbre of his voice and what he tells about his own life in his videos and in the interviews he gives to the media. With “a vast Islamic culture” and a proven charisma, he has everything to be a talented animator.
2 3echran 3asrin 3la 2 TALIAN.
استمع للبرنامج الحواري سؤال مباشر عبر العربية بودكاست، حيث يستضيف خالد المدخلي أهم الشخصيات العربية والخليجية ليتناقشوا في أخر القضايا وردود الفعل عليها.
السلام و مرحبا بيكم في بودكاست سويعة,
سويعة هو بودكاست أسبوعي فين كانهضرو حنا ثلاثة الأصدقاء على الأخبار والأحداث اللي طراو في كل أسبوع و هادشي كامل في ساعة زمن. -
One Man. One mic. One Goal. The Thin Line Between Genius & Insanity Podcast is hosted by OG Hatch. A podcast that taps into the mental health of a young black man in america. An audio journal filled with FREE GAME! Topics range from mental health | pop culture | sports | politics | relationships and much much more! Friends of the show come on the show to talk about their grind to success. Tap in & Join The Conversation!
VGT TV - Giải Trí là kênh thông tin nhanh về Giải Trí chính thức của Việt Giải Trí - VietGiaiTri.com
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▶ Các vấn đề liên quan đến bản quyền, nội dung, khiếu nại và hợp tác xin hãy liên hệ:
Công ty TNHH Truyền thông Việt Hoàng
Địa chỉ: Số 31, Đường 11, Phường 5, Gò Vấp, TP.HCM
Email: [email protected]
Skype: vietgiaitridotcom
Website: https://vietgiaitri.com -
Know a lot about Data Science
قراءة يومية لأبرز عناوين الصحف الدولية ووقفة مع أهم المقالات المثيرة للجدل، وعرض لأهم رسوم الكاريكاتير. من الاثنين إلى الجمعة الساعة 08:20 بتوقيت باريس.
Do you ever hear music that is so good, it triggers an existential crisis? Or, are you a fellow musician riddled with ADHD seeking solace in another's endless stream of thoughts? Either way--this podcast is for you.
On "The Breakdown," I, your irreverent host, Frankie, take apart my favorite albums, simultaneously giving you a crash course in various aspects of the music (vocals, lyricism, aesthetics) and providing my own thoughts and opinions on what makes the piece so exceptional. From hard rock bands such as Måneskin, to electronic solo acts like Djo, I will be covering music of all levels of popularity and various genres.
So, without further ado--let's break down. -
نحن حالة حوار وتفاعل،
خطوة ..
ونقطة على السطر. -
F lmojtama3 lmeghribi maymknch nhedrou 3la chi mawadi3 7it “7chouma”, hadchi 3lach JAWJAB lance un podcast féministe “SOROKHITI” bach ylibérer la parole.
Koula chher épisode jdid ou mawdou3 jdid bach nsem3o sawt sisterhood 💪🏼.
Animé par Sara Sefiani avec des invitées ghadi icharkou m3ana lkhibra dialhom sans tabou ! -
مِنصةٌ نلتقي فيها بالعديد من الشخصيات لنقدم لكم تجربة ثرية، ينطلق من: Crescent inv
News, inchieste e blog su politica, cronaca, giustizia, economia a cura de ilfattoquotidiano.it
El País podcast. Aftersight is a media organization that serves individuals with barriers to print. This podcast is produced by AINC under the Chafee Amendment to the Copyright Act which states that authorized nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is to provide copyrighted works in specialized formats to individuals with barriers to print are exempt. By continuing to listen, you verify you have an eligible print-reading impairment. AINC es uno de los más importantes recursos que tienen las personas ciegas, con impedimentos visuales, o quienes no pueden leer materiales impresos. Esta grabación está destinada a ser utilizada únicamente por personas con impedimentos para leer medios impresos.