Mathew 6:24 states "No one can serve two masters, for either he/she will hate the one and love the other or will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (money-riches)." Ed discusses how to use mammon and not serve mammon and reviews 4 ways to know if mammon rather than God is being served.
Ed discusses the 4 keys to activating the Holy Spirit in your life. Also discussed are 4 reasons to be alert to the Spirit when in the workplace.
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Ed discusses five ways to develop the Reward Level of Customer Service, a level of service that will differentiate you from your competition.
Good fruit is nourishment to someone. Good fruit meets someone’s needs. You will learn what the 5 steps to bearing fruit is and how it can multiply 30-60-100 fold.
Ed discusses 4 steps on how to maximize your gifts and talents including how to recognize and overcome hindrances to success.
Ed discusses 5 ways to help you think in your work. Your mind becomes open in a way that creative ideas can be brought into the earthly realm.