Nothing like a mid-season script hackjob to bring your hosts down as we review the difficult "Melora". A deeply irritating woman comes to DS9, Julian is attracted to her for no particular reason, we get clumsy disability allegory, but at least Odo gets to watch Quark suffer!
When a humble tailor can't keep his hands to himself, we are gifted the opportunity to review "Cardassians"! After Garak gets bit, the galaxy's most complex custody battle takes place. O'Brian gets to be extremely racist, Dukat gets to chew scenery, and Bashir might want to think about locking his door.
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Our man Death Row Sisko starts throwing ALL the hands as we enjoy "Invasive Procedures". When nebbish John Glover Trill shows up to claim the Dax symbiote, the most wild throwdown ever seen in Trek pops off. Did Tim Russ get hit so hard it made Tuvok bad at security? You decide!
The air is thick with plot resolutions as we wrap up the Bajoran Coup arc with "The Siege"! While Space Nixon tries to seal the deal, Sisko and company engage in annoying antics, Kira and Dax bond while nearly dying, and we stand in wonder of delightful creative arrogance of it all.
The Space Nixon action is only heating up as we review "The Circle". We are only two episodes in and it's like we are reading a book with this level of plot density. Bajoran coups! Single shot comedy scenes! Very sexy orbs! Jump in for a wild ride.
The Deep Space Nine Quality Train hits us hard right out of the gate, as we review the Season 2 premiere - "The Homecoming". When Space Nixon show us talking about to Make Azeroth Great Again, you can count on Kira to rescue a famous Bajoran leader with the help of a loveable Irish pimp. All this before Sisko has even finished his coffee!
We wrap up our look at the "Genesis Trilogy" as we review the classic "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"! Joseph defends this light comedy classic, while Peter insists that it's just bad, dated, nonsense slop. Who is right? Listen and find out!
The amazing, fantastic Wrath of Khan is followed up by...a kinda cheap, sloppy retcon? Sadly that is the case as we review "ST III: The Search for Spock" ! While the crew pulls off the prototype 'Starfleet has no security' heist, Doc Klingon Brown and his lads show up for some Cold War allegory.
Your podcast heroes treat themselves to the very finest vintage in the Trek cannon in one of our Patreon reviews - "The Wrath of Khan"! We absorb Trek asserting itself as a genuine dramatic world, the Horatio Hornblower in space vibe, and how this made everything else Trek even possible.
As demanded by principal, practice, and pattern, welcome to the Season One RIP for Deep Space Nine? Join our LIVE takedown of the season-that-was! What was the best episode? Was Move Along Home really the worst? Come find out!
We wrap up DS9's first season as we review the finale, "In The Hands of the Prophets"! Religious conflict, educational policy, and politics large and small all factor in as Deep Space Nine finally figures out what it is going to be about - just as the true big bad of the series shows up.
We set (most) of the comedy aside as we go deep on one of Trek's strongest dramatic entries as we review "Duet"! When Kira encounters a man who may be the Bajoran equivalent of Rudolph Hess, she is faced with the kind of complex moral questions that transcends Trek as a medium. Come on the journey with us!
What fresh brain jacking hell will be birthed from the highway of death this time as we watch "Dramatis Personae"? Well we lose our minds a bit as we consider the sheer madness of the Gamma Quad and lament another bad plot, but at least Peter gets to ruminate on the Naughty Kira possibilities.
The mother-in-law all of us fear but none of us deserve drops in to the local DOOM level in "The Forsaken". Between the half baked A and C plots, you know an episode is bad when the Lwaxana Troi is the best part. Is the Odo backstory worth the price of admission? Come find out!
I know what you are thinking. You see the title, and you look down on us. But you shouldn't, because we reviewed "If Wishes Were Horses"! Witness as just too many insane things happen to even bother trying to preview, from esoteric baseball continuity, to...emus?
We get a delightful A plot/B plot sandwich as we review "Progress"! When Bajor ends up doing some Horace Greedly level planetary strip mining, Kira has to face off against her most vicious for to date - an extremely charming old man. Meanwhile Jake shows Nog the art of the hustle and the value of property rights.
Nothing like heading down to Bajor and grabbing a few World Quests as we review "The Storyteller"! The Chief and Julian begin the Bromance of the Ages while tanking a raid boss and avoiding stabbing from space truckers. Also Jake and Nog like girls! Come give it a listen.
When the local Bajoran quest giver decides to make a quick stop at the local DOOM level, absolutely nothing bad will happen as we review "Battle Lines". Sisko decides to take Kai Opaka out for a joyride, but things take a grim turn when they crash on planet Breaking Bad. I'm sure none of this will have consequences at all!
Star Trek commits its worst possible sin - being boring - as we review "Vortex". While we are happy to see an old guest star friend, it won't be long before we are talking about what is in our junk drawers. One thing the Federation ever going to pass a law on menacing or are threats just a love language?
Another one of the part time hitters shows up into the DS9 roster as we review "The Nagus". When Wallace Shaw rolls in with his perfectly drippy makeup, Quark gets plaid for a stooge, Rom tries to murder someone and no one does anything, and Jake shows in Star Trek even teenage rebellion is wholesome.
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