
  • As we've grown and evolved as a company, I look back on some of my prior opinions and I need to come clean...

    Much like any industry, new information and new science comes out on an almost daily basis and we grow as a company and help more and more women, patterns and trends shift. New information provides new insights and there's a few things I've changed my mind on.

    In today's episode, we're going to dive into 3 specific things I've changed my mind on.

    1) “Relationship with food is most important”

    Relationship with food is UNDENIABLY important, but it’s not our whole health picture. I used to push the narrative that healing your relationship with food should be the first priority, but that’s something that I don’t necessarily agree with anymore. In many instances, yes, it should be. Especially for someone dealing with disordered eating behaviors. But for some people, there may be more pressing medical conditions that need to be addressed first. Especially if those conditions carry with them very strong symptoms.

    2) “You don’t need supplements”

    While I still believe that most people are misusing supplements, I do think that supplements used correctly are not only beneficial but vital for many people. People who are symptomatic for a long period of time typically have low antioxidant reserves (less nutrients available) and diet alone might not provide sufficient nutrients for healing.

    3) “Fasting is a terrible idea”

    Fasting can have a lot of benefits- reducing cytokines which lowers systemic inflammation, giving the gut a break and allowing for better cell turnover in the gut… when done with intentionality there can be a lot of mental healing that can happen. It can serve as a dopamine detox, an opportunity for prayer, a great way to turn inward and work on yourself.

    Listen in as I explain more on all 3!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:17) Client Retreat This Weekend

    (2:42) Thinking Back To My Early Content

    (4:56) #1: Your Relationship With Food

    (11:58) #2: “You Don’t Need Supplements”

    (20:13) #3: “Fasting Is A Terrible Idea”


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  • There are ways to induce fat loss without tracking calories or macros...

    I do still believe that tracking calories and/or macros is a great way to lose fat because it will teach you lifelong tools that help you maintain the fat loss…

    It's the best way to learn proper portion sizes, make sure you’re consistently eating in a calorie deficit to lose body fat, but also making sure you’re not undereating and slowing down your metabolism.

    However, it can be really difficult for people who are dieting on their own without a coach to stick with logging their food…

    And even for some with a coach teaching them the ins and outs, tracking may not be the best way! That is something we can learn about people through trial and error, to help them find what IS going to work best for them.

    So, if you haven’t yet tried tracking calories or macros, I have a Tracking Macros 101 guide that makes it super simply, if you want it, DM me “Macros 101” and I’ll share that with you.

    But if you have tried tracking and you find yourself getting frustrated, feeling like it doesn’t fit into your life or your personality, or feeling like you just can’t figure it out on your own… then it might be time to try a different approach!

    Today I’m going to share my 4 favorite alternative approaches that I find to be effective alternatives.

    We'll go in depth with each alternative approach and let us know if you plan on using one of these methods!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:21) Fat Loss Without Tracking

    (4:47) Macros is Self Awareness

    (6:50) A Different Approach

    (9:47) Omar’s Current Protocols

    (12:02) Daily Meal Structure

    (15:56) Non-Negotiables

    (19:10) Put It On A Plate Rule

    (21:02) Following A Meal Plan

    (23:14) Eat This Much Website

    (25:38) Count Your Servings


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • It's been a stressful month with a lot going on and it inspired today's episode topic around stress, inflammation, and puffiness...

    While these tips are absolutely not attacking the root cause of what may be causing inflammation, these tips have helped me over the years feel and look better for night's out or special occasions. It's been a rather stressful month or so as I had COVID recently along with some business travel and just getting back from Missouri celebrating the wedding of one of our amazing assistant coaches Kat.

    We all want to look our best for these occasions so in this episode, I want to share 9 specific tips and tricks around reducing puffiness and inflammation that include a drink like dandelion and peppermint tea, dry brushing and using a gua sha stone, sauna, cold plunge, and massage interventions, and more!

    Let me know if any of these resonate with you or if you have any to add to this list we can share with other women that would benefit!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:42) COVID and High Stress Month

    (5:15) Drink A Gallon with Electrolytes

    (7:00) Running To The Gate

    (8:48) Dandelion and Peppermint Tea

    (10:12) Dry Brushing

    (12:27) Gua Sha Stone

    (13:37) Sauna and Cold Plunge

    (14:52) Massage

    (13:47) 12 Hour Fasting Window

    (23:52) Managing Stress


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • A hypothyroid diagnosis can feel like a death sentence to your weight loss goals...

    We're going to get a little nerdy today and talk about some intermediate to advanced physiology and thyroid health topics but don't be intimated especially if you suspect you have a thyroid issue or can't seem to lose weight no matter how many calories you slash.

    First, your thyroid gland is your master metabolism regulator.

    What is hypothyroidism? An underactive thyroid. The thyroid gland doesnt produce enough thyroid hormone. Some common symptoms include: Chronic fatigue, Puffy face, Always feeling cold, Unexplained weight gain, Constipation, Muscle weakness or cramps, Hair loss/hair won’t grow, Dry skin, Depression, and poor concentration.

    The problem is that most doctors only check TSH and diagnose off of that, but it can be prevented by checking a full thyroid panel!

    A Full thyroid panel would be checking these specific markers: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, TPO/TgA antibodies, and sometimes will also check iron.

    We'll dive into why these markers are important to check and what to do after you're armed with this knowledge!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:32) Moving Into Fall

    (3:00) Hypothyroidism

    (9:07) Full Bloodwork Panel

    (12:58) When Doctors Look At TSH

    (23:19) T4 to T3

    (27:42) What To Work On With This Knowledge


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Vulnerability moment: I don’t like talking about this because I get in my head thinking that sharing about my mental health struggles discredits me as a coach, but I know that more people struggle with anxiety or depression and feel alone and in the dark about it than not, and I hope that these tips are helpful for those of you, and also gives an example of how you can have these tendencies but that doesn’t mean that it’s your identity, and you can still achieve everything you want to achieve despite it.

    I want to share what happened on a recent trip to Nashville for a business conference and what ensued from my perspective and some reflection on why I think it happened. I ended up having to go back to my hotel room and miss out on part of the conference from the anxiety and overwhelm I was feeling at the time.

    The FOMO and negative thoughts kept swirling around as I wondered how I was being perceived for doing this (even though in retrospect most wouldn't mind or care) but it's important for me to share that I still go through this too even after years of working with mindset coaches and having healthy habits in place.

    We'll then talk about what I do to manage these issues including sauna and cold plunge, going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, thought dumping, and more plus a reflection on why those things didn't happen prior to our trip.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:16) Getting Back and Going Back

    (3:32) One Action To Gain Momentum

    (6:27) Anything Above Zero Compounds

    (10:02) The Meal Prep Flow

    (11:40) What Will Halt Your Momentum?

    (15:27) If/Then Scenario

    (17:24) Explaining If/Then Scenarios

    (22:32) Avoid Overthinking


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • It's that time of year again and this year, it's time to make your health and fitness a priority...

    Summer can be a more lenient time when it comes to our health and nutrition habits (I find myself ordering out more and going out to restaurants more too) but as the kids go back to school and you're settling into a new routine, if you want to make your health a priority, it starts with momentum.

    I want you to take one single action in a positive direction to start gaining momentum whether this is going for a walk every single day or a certain amount of trips to the gym or drinking a gallon of water a day. It may seem small to start off, but we promise you this is where the magic begins with one action. Anything above zero compounds.

    We'll also discuss what to do when and if your momentum stalls or halts during this time with the "If/Then" scenarios because it's always good to be prepared!

    We know you've got this and the biggest thing is to not overthink it. Do one thing to gain momentum for yourself today and make yourself a priority!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:16) Getting Back and Going Back

    (3:32) One Action To Gain Momentum

    (6:27) Anything Above Zero Compounds

    (10:02) The Meal Prep Flow

    (11:40) What Will Halt Your Momentum?

    (15:27) If/Then Scenario

    (17:24) Explaining If/Then Scenarios

    (22:32) Avoid Overthinking


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • We finally have our amazing assistant coach Rae on the podcast!

    So many great things to say about Rae and we wanted you to hear her story from the woman herself! She has a relatable story growing up being in dance and scrutinizing every part of her body in the mirror back then.

    She initially went into nursing to help people but found her true calling in dietetics and now helping women around metabolism, gut health, and hormones.

    We discuss her prior struggles with SIBO, acne, and hormonal imbalances and how this led to her helping other women with similar issues, the side effects of ditching birth control with no plan, Rae's biggest pieces of advice, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:17) Assistant Coach Rae

    (3:07) Rae’s Health Journey

    (5:42) Initially Going Into Nursing

    (8:35) Prior Struggles and Helping Women Now

    (12:17) Exploring Functional Health

    (15:42) Ditching Birth Control and Side Effects

    (16:07) Rae’s Biggest Lessons and Advice

    (32:34) Where to Find Rae


    Follow Rae on Instagram


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Today's episode is a question we get a lot with a nuanced answer you deserve to hear...

    There's a large psychological mistake that isn't your fault that many women struggle with when it comes to getting to their goal weight.

    The number 1 mistake is you’re probably making is having unrealistic expectations⁣.


    Losing body fat takes longer than you want⁣ and you didn’t gain fat in a month so don’t expect it to fall off⁣ in a month (honesty is the best policy here).

    In order to sustainably lose weight, you need to be in a moderate calorie deficit⁣.


    If it takes burning 3,500 calories to lose a lb of fat (500 calorie deficit a day), it would take 1 week to lose a pound of fat.


    If your goal is 30 lbs of fat loss⁣, realistically it’ll take 6-8 months to lose 30 lbs⁣.

    It took me 8 months last year to lose about 20-25lbs (I look like I lost more because I had a lot of inflammation on my body)

    It’s also worth mentioning that when we refer to weight, everyone really occupies a weight range.

    This is also why it can be frustrating for women especially when trying to lose weight within a month, because you can gain weight over your cycle.

    Compare month over month at the same points in your cycle, not week over week!

    Also with knowing that it takes 3500 calorie deficit to lose a lb of fat per week, this is also worth mentioning that that requires consistency and accuracy.

    In this episode, we'll talk through all of this in more depth and why a slower approach is better in most cases.

    Time Stamps:

    (2:32) Digging Deeper With Clients

    (4:24) Reaching Your Goal Weight

    (7:12) How To Be In A Calorie Deficit

    (10:42) The Psychological Side

    (16:17) Why Slower Is Better In Most Cases

    (24:47) Getting The “Losing Weight Too Quickly” Comment


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • If you've ever been curious what the body equivalent of an oil change is and want to give your body that extra boost, today's episode is for you!

    The health and fitness market is littered with detox teas and different ways that supposedly will detox your body.

    I used to believe that our liver alone was "good enough" at detoxing our body and then I learned more and more about hormones, metabolism, and our physiology.

    Symptoms for clients were coming up like having brain fog or chronic fatigue, experience headaches and migraines, feeling puffy and inflamed, having trouble losing weight, sensitive to fumes, fragrance, and strong odors, and more. I thought these would be unrelated but they weren't.

    When we saw the power of the FLUSH protocol, we knew we had to learn more to help our clients. While we've discussed the FLUSH with Vince Pitstick in a prior episode, we wanted to dive deeper into what the FLUSH is, how it's beneficial, and explain why even Omar is going through a protocol right now!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:12) Omar’s New Protocols

    (2:46) What Is A FLUSH?

    (7:40) Detoxification Process

    (9:07) Teas and Juices

    (16:18) High Intensity and Healing Process

    (20:35) Coming Off of Birth Control

    (28:02) First Time I Did A FLUSH

    (33:27) Reach Out To Us With Questions!


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Eating in a calorie deficit will allow you to lose weight but there's a caveat...

    If the body were as simple as most make it out to be on social media, eating little calories would result in weight loss every time right? The body is smarter than this and its primary job is keeping us alive.

    This is where our hormones come into play and why weight loss is more complicated than most people think especially SUSTAINED weight loss.

    What is the primary hormone that plays a huge role in our ability to burn fat?


    Cortisol directly impacts fat storage and fat burn.


    Cortisol is a catabolic hormone. Catabolic = opposite of anabolic (think anabolic steroids) and you’re breaking down muscle tissue. Why does it break down muscle? It’s using the stored glucose and amino acids in muscle to burn as fuel, especially if you are undereating

    No matter how much you train, you won’t tone up, you’ll actually look softer over the course of time, and eventually start to notice nagging pains, aches, and even injuries from training

    Less muscle = slower metabolism, this makes it easier to store fat.

    In today's episode, we're going to go in depth of why cortisol plays such a key factor in this process, what to do about it, and how you can learn from us in our FREE Women's Hormone & Metabolism Masterclass.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:42) Energy Is Supreme Today

    (4:02) Recent Discovery Call

    (6:58) What’s Happening With Cortisol

    (14:30) Interrupting Sleep Patterns

    (18:51) Hunger Hormones

    (26:19) Our Live Masterclass


    Sign up for our FREE Women’s Hormone & Metabolism Masterclass here:


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Based on the title of this episode, you’re probably coming into this already either angry or curious…

    If you’re angry, I just ask that you stay open minded and hear me out….

    I’m not entirely against Orange Theory.

    I tried Orange Theory back in the day and I loved it!

    But, here’s the thing….

    If you aren’t a resilient bodied 18 year old, and you already live a high-stress lifestyle:

    -work a full time job

    -wake up at the crack of dawn to exercise

    -have numerous people you’re responsible for

    -go 100 miles an hour most days…..

    This way of training will most likely backfire.

    In today's episode, we're going to talk about the stress that these high intensity classes are doing to our bodies, why cardio is not the fat burning modality it's been rumored to be, why little to no recovery time with these workouts will keep you stuck, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:17) Are You Triggered Yet?

    (3:22) Vanessa Finding Orange Theory in High School

    (5:47) Over Stressing Your Body

    (5:55) Issues With Orange Theory

    (9:34) Excessive Stress

    (10:52) Little To No Recovery Time

    (24:07) Where To Go From Here

    (24:32) Free Hormone Masterclass & Details


    Sign up for our FREE Women’s Hormone & Metabolism Masterclass here:


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Your relationship with food and eating patterns are not pass/fail…

    When you overeat, this is just more information to help you see where you might not be free when it comes to your relationship with food.

    We can use that information to learn and navigate our relationship with food better!

    In this episode, we want to share 6 major reasons why you may be overeating and many of these are hard to be self-aware of especially in the moment.

    From psychological full permission to emotionally dealign with a rough situation to your physiology needing more nourishment, at the end of the day, you're human. This still happens to everyone occasionally and we want you to have progress in this area but not to expect perfection.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:17) Hope You Had a Great 4th Of July

    (2:08) Overeating Patterns

    (6:42) #1: You Don’t Eat These Foods Often

    (8:04) The Chocolate Experiment

    (11:17) #2: Full Permission

    (18:06) #3: You’re Coping With An Emotional Situation

    (22:47) #4: Waiting Too Long To Eat

    (24:22) #5: Your Body Is Seeking Nourishment

    (27:47) #6: You Are Human

    (29:28) Our Advice To You


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • As humans, it's normal for our confidence to ebb and flow but are there things we can do or questions to ask ourselves when our confidence is low?

    We recently had our Vital Spark team retreat and it was so amazing to see everyone in person, laugh, play, and share our vision for the future. We also ate a lot of great food and enjoyed some adult beverages as well.

    I knew going into that weekend that I would be consuming foods I don't typically eat and drinking more than normal and that Sunday, I wasn't feeling my best and thus my confidence felt lower. The inner critic voice showed up and it still does to this day even though I've worked on it a lot over the years.

    I went back and went through the questions we're going to share with you today and these questions will definitely help you get back on track with your confidence and also your habits.

    From remembering our past success to what we are saying to ourselves to other's opinions, this is a phenomenal list to use consistently to be your best self.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Wanting Confidence

    (3:52) Helpful Questions If You’re Lacking Confidence

    (5:27) #1: What Hard To Notice Progress Am I Making?

    (10:05) #2: What Can I Learn From My Past Success?

    (13:08) #3: How Is My Preparation?

    (16:21) #4: Who’s Opinion Am I Giving Too Much Power To?

    (19:34) #5: What Am I Saying To Myself?

    (23:22) #6: What Is My Purpose?

    (25:47) #7: Am I Focused On The Result or Process?

    (29:02) Please Share This Episode


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • As I've shared on my stories about my own health journey, a common question has come up enough that we wanted to talk about it on the podcast!

    That topic is the DUTCH test and you've probably heard me talk about it before as it's something we offer our clients but what really is it? How does it work? How is it different than bloodwork?

    DUTCH is an at-home urine test that is easy to collect, and favorable for those who don’t like having blood drawn and is a complete look at sex hormones, adrenal hormones, cortisol patterning, neurotransmitter metabolites, oxidative stress markers, nutritional organic acids, and more!

    The DUTCH checks hormones AND their metabolites and how they are being detoxed. In other words, it shows the full journey of hormones through the body, rather than just what is free and available in the blood at the time you get your blood drawn. This is why your hormones can come back as normal in your bloodwork, but then issues might show up on the DUTCH, because we’re seeing more behind the scenes of your hormonal systems.

    Listen in as we'll get even more detailed in the episode!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:20) DUTCH Test

    (2:52) What DUTCH Stands For

    (4:47) DUTCH Test vs Bloodwork

    (11:02) What To Do With The Information

    (15:10) Cortisol and DUTCH Test

    (20:30) Free Cortisol Graph

    (27:30) The Real Magic Is In The Interpretation


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • If you've been feeling alone in your postpartum journey or you want to hear a few different perspectives to put your mind more at ease, this episode is for you...

    So often it can feel like we are living on an island when it comes to new chapters in our lives and nothing prepares you for the life change that is parenthood.

    In this episode, I wanted to bring on two of our amazing Vital Spark coaches who are both recent new mom's going through their postpartum journey too to give you the raw and honest truth about what this phase of life looks like.

    We'll discuss health and mindset changes, adding back habits and routines, finding your minimum effective dose, why it's more than okay to ask for help, and so much more!

    Time Stamps:

    (2:22) Where Coach Kat and Coach Liv Are With Their Postpartum Journey

    (4:32) Health Changes Since Giving Birth

    (8:32) Mindset Changes

    (18:50) Adding Back In Habits and Routines

    (23:22) Minimum Effective Dose

    (26:37) Behind The Scenes As New Moms and Fitness Coaches

    (40:16) It’s Okay To Ask For Help

    (44:17) Parting Words of Advice

    (49:32) Where To Find Kat and Liv


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    Follow @LiftingwithLivFit on Instagram


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  • We havent ever talked about elimination diets beyond my vague reference to the LEAP protocol that you might follow after doing an MRT food sensitivity test in the last episode…

    Well here’s an elimination diet that EVERYONE should follow immediately.

    This will help you get better, faster results no matter WHAT your goals are.

    This is an identity elimination diet.

    You might not be really sure of who you want to be, but you probably have a pretty good idea of who you DON’T want to be.

    Maybe you’re not really sure what the END goal for working out and dialing in your nutrition is, but you do know that you don’t want to go to your closet and stress about whether or not your favorite jeans are going to fit.

    So rather than focusing on ADDING things- adding workouts, adding tracking your food, adding a step goal, adding a bedtime routine, adding a morning routine… how about you focus on ELIMINATING what isn’t working? Eliminate the things that the part of you that you aren’t really proud of is doing.

    In this episode, we'll share a powerful Matthew McConaughey quote to frame our conversation, why elimination is essential, and how to start eliminating things from your life that no longer serve the person you want to become or the person you don't.

    Time Stamps:

    (2:07) Elimination Diet Everyone Should Start

    (4:00) Matthew McConaughey Speech

    (6:18) Omar’s Perspective

    (8:15) Stealing vs Gathering

    (9:50) Cutting The Things We Don’t Want

    (14:59) What Are Things You Can Start To Eliminate?


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • I recently had a new client ask about food sensitivity testing and we thought this would make a great podcast episode!

    What is the difference between food sensitivities, food intolerances, and food allergies?

    Should everyone get a food sensitivity test? Are there more reputable ones than others?

    In today's episode, we're going to answer all of these questions and more! For quick reference, below we will explain the differences:

    Food Intolerances – Completely isolated to the digestive tract. The body doesn’t have the necessary enzymes needed to break down a food. I.e. lactose intolerance (inadequate lactase enzyme).

    Food Allergy: A food allergy is an IgE immune reaction to food. In other words, your body’s immune system identifies a specific food as an invader and reacts accordingly by producing antibodies to protect you. These are quick onset reactions (think seconds to hours). They are isolated to the skin, airways, and GI tract- hives, throat closing, difficulty breathing, swollen tongue, etc. There are 8 common allergens: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soy.

    Food Sensitivities: Food sensitivities are more of a chronic, low-grade sign of inflammation. They are caused by immune-mediated reactions called mediators (histamines, cytokines, prostaglandins). They are also an immune based reaction, but unlike allergies, they can happen within 45 minutes to 3 days. Because of this, it can be pretty difficult to pinpoint. Examples of symptoms of a food sensitivity can include anything from migraines, bloating, digestive symptoms, brain fog, skin issues, digestive issues, sinus issues, etc.

    Definitely listen in as we explain some of the nuances of the differences and use easily understandable analogies around these topics. Also, feel free to message us with any questions you might have!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:32) Food Sensitivity Testing

    (3:02) Differences Between Intolerances, Allergies, and Sensitivities

    (6:25) Food Intolerance

    (7:44) Food Sensitivities

    (13:47) What Food Sensitivities Tests Do

    (18:47) When To Test For Food Sensitivities

    (20:50) The MRT Test

    (26:49) Are Food Sensitivities Forever?

    (30:40) Please Message For More Information


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • Last week’s episode, we talked about some of the things we’ve struggled with recently in our own journeys and this week, we wanted to make it more actionable by giving you all a checklist of do’s and don’ts to speed up fat loss!

    For this checklist audio style, we thought we would highlight the major do's and do not's when it comes to fat loss and we came up with a lot which could feel overwhelming.

    The point isn't to do or not do every single one of these tips and strategies. We want you to be fully equipped going into this summer but implemented the ones you're ready to and are excited for at the beginning and then add (or remove) more once you feel you have a firm grasp on the initial habits.

    If you enjoyed this style of episode, please let us know and we have a special announcement at the end of the episode you won't want to miss!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:12) Omar’s Birthday Week

    (1:27) Last Week’s Episode

    (3:07) Starting With Dont's

    (3:13) #1: Skipping Breakfast or Meals

    (4:32) #2: Guesstimating Your Food Intake

    (6:41) #3: Working Out Inconsistently

    (8:07) #4: Over Caffeinated and Under-Slept

    (9:31) #5: Staying Up Scrolling On Your Phone

    (11:25) #6: Eating Out Too Much

    (13:26) #7: Tracking Bodyweight Inconsistently

    (15:36) #8: Barely Drinking Any Water

    (16:58) #9: Fruits and Vegetables

    (17:22) #10: Taking Off Weekends

    (19:37) #11: Fasting During The Day and Eating Everything At Night

    (21:08) #12: Sneaking Bits of Food

    (21:49) #13: Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry

    (22:52) Let’s Talk About The Do’s

    (23:18) #1: Strategy For Your Life

    (24:30) #2: Habit Track

    (25:50) #3: Course Correct Quickly If Things Aren’t Working

    (26:32) #4: Daily Water Intake

    (26:47) #5: Fruit, Vegetables, and Protein Source

    (27:22) #6: 80/20 Rule

    (28:10) #7: 3 Meals a Day

    (29:26) #8: Eat Every 3-4 Hours

    (30:32) #9: Enjoying The 20%

    (31:12) #10: Plan For Your Workouts

    (32:30) #11: Taking Ownership

    (33:50) #12: Make Clear Goals With Yourself

    (34:29) #13: Accountability

    (35:14) #14: Our Final Do

    (37:59) Scholarship Opportunities

    (39:42) Quick Scholarship Tip


    Click Here to Apply for $15,000 Scholarship to The 90-Day Metabolic Reset!


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • Even coaches and individuals in the health and fitness industry struggle and we wanted to pull back the curtain today on our recent struggles...

    We think it's important you understand that even being in this industry and coaching thousands of women, we still struggle with our fitness and nutrition.

    I haven't been tracking nearly as much as I had been, I've been gaining a little weight, and honestly not feeling very motivated when it came to the gym.

    Omar has his own struggles that he will share as well along with some personal issues we've been navigating along with some travel.

    It's important to recognize when you get off track of what you said you wanted and really ask yourself if you are committed to your goals or are you just interested?

    No guilt or shame either way and we hope this episode provides you with some grace and I reminder that you are human.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Our Recent Health and Fitness Struggles

    (5:32) A lot Of Stress and Travel

    (7:42) All In or Interested?

    (11:07) What Does 80/20 Look Like?

    (14:02) Vanessa’s Experience

    (25:22) Reminder You Are Human

    (25:50) Please Share, Rate, and Review


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • Today's topic and question is one I've wanted to discuss for awhile more in depth and you'll be surprised at the answer.

    Can you lose weight without being in a caloric deficit?

    The answer is YES and NO.

    No because to do so would be going against the law of thermodynamics when it comes to strictly calories in vs calories out.

    Working with our Vital Spark client's and having them lose weight through our FLUSH method while eating at maintenance or slightly above maintenance is where the answer "yes" comes in and we know that weight loss is water weight and inflammation which is still very important.

    Listen in to today's episode as I explain these concepts in more detail and would love to hear any questions you have that we can cover in a future episode!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Love Getting Questions From You All

    (2:17) Can You Lose Weight Without A Calorie Deficit?

    (4:22) Our FLUSH Method and Losing Weight

    (5:35) Why You Might Not Be Seeing Results

    (8:49) Changing Weight Loss to Body Recomposition

    (10:22) Understanding Metabolic Adaptation


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!