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  • It’s time for your bimonthly episode of our podcast! This week we are joined by Katie from Grown Up Kids, and Swish and Flick! It’s MARCH… again! BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH! Historically, the month does not have a good track record. We run through some events that happened in March history. We are now entering ONE YEAR of COVID-19 lockdowns, and the United States death toll crosses 500,000. We will always remember where we were last March when the announcements were made. How will history remember this major event?WHAT IS TEXAS THINKING?! Governor Abbott announces all businesses can open at 100% capacity AND WITHOUT FACE MASKS! Only 13% of the population of 29 million people have received their FIRST DOSE of the vaccine. Why is this such a stupid decision and what burden does this place on employees that have to deal with customers face to face?Kidnapped? We can all agree that we will not be taking advice from the guy who faked his own kidnapping IN ORDER TO SKIP WORK! We are also baffled by the amount of work this guy put into executing his plan. Simply doesn’t make sense!Ready for this next one? A woman bites off the tongue of a guy, then a seagull swooped down and ate it! LOL! Talk about having a bad day. Dude lost his tongue and his dignity.Frosted Cocaine Corn Flakes are a part of a nutritious breakfast. They’re GRRRREEEAAT at getting you in trouble with Customs and Border Patrol. So get this -- homeboy gets off the plane in Bangor, Maine and thinks he is in San Francisco. Spoiler alert, he made it to San Francisco after 3 days of realizing he was in the wrong city. 3. DAYS. Introducing the best segment ever: Real $#!t or Bull$#!t! Some of these headlines you won’t believe are real! Whodathunkit, Tik Tok is a guilty pleasure of all of us. We share some of our favorite videos and how much time we actually waste on the platform. It’s A LOT.Pokemon and Animal Crossing are also a few guilty pleasures and we tell you all why we love the games so much! There’s one thing we can all agree on; Nintendo Switch is probably the best console for our generation!Recommendations this week:Terrance -- iPad ProMegan -- French Onion Soup by Half Baked HarvestKatie -- Nintendo SwitchKatie is the ultimate clutch podcaster! We had so much fun this week and you all can find her on Grown Up Kids and Swish and Flick!Thank you so much for your support and for sticking with us for the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us feedback @wwjhpodcast on Twitter or e-mail us at wwjhpodcast@gmail.comSubscribe here >>Apple Podcasts:


  • Welcome back to another episode! We’re glad you’re tuning in for the third installment of our podcast! Introducing the newest addition to our show, Megan! We host a mini-AMA sesh with Megan so you can get to know her. There are things we didn’t even know!
    Mufasa’s death completely scarred her! Get it, SCARRED? SCAR? Anyone? Lol, nope guess not.Texas was hit with it’s harshest winter weather in nearly 32 years! Texans were not only caught off guard with the sub-zero cold temperatures and snow, but grocery stores ran out of gas, roads were closed, nearly all gas stations were out of fuel, and the electric grid came under tremendous strain. Providers had to institute rolling blackouts -- causing people to not have heat to bear the storm!65% of fossil fuel plants failed to winterize which led to widespread failure! Oh yeah, many people also did not have water! Who is to blame? What systemic changes are necessary to move forward and ensure this does not happen again?Man with “Not drunk, avoiding potholes” bumper sticker arrested for -- yep you guessed it -- drunk driving (among other things). Was this a stroke of genius or stupid move? Woman makes headlines by using Gorilla Glue adhesive as hairspray -- and goes viral on Instagram and Tik Tok. How did something like this happen? Was there a disclaimer on the bottle and if not, what will a future disclaimer look like?Still can’t get over that headline… how does someone think this is a good idea?!
    The ultimate playa steals rings from one girlfriend to propose to another… and NEITHER of the women knew his real name! Ok so there’s all kinds of things screwed up with this story, but also the man is STILL at large! LMAO! We’ll fill ya in on the details.Barber impales himself with shears in a freak accident. Poor dude, had to have open heart surgery and everything! Scissors are SHARP!!!! In the spotlight this week discusses solitude and how it can be so addicting. What are our experiences with solitude and do have anything positive/negative to say? Scientifically speaking everyone needs solitude every now and then to mentally recharge. Times for being alone vary person to person. How does this affect our personal energy and how we project that energy?Those Were The Days COVID edition: Where do we miss eating at the most? The types of food we are craving are all over the spectrum. From Breakfast with Disney Characters to Giordano's Pizza to Rockfish in Los Angeles. Great, now I’m hungry after typing that out. *sips water*Terrance makes the mistake of looking up hashtags of food he is craving on Instagram. Don’t look up #Tacos if you’re hungry. Aaaand this is where the discussion went off the rails. Megan and Bailey thought it was NSFW at first! Wow, we were way off the page! Recommendations:Terrance: WandaVision on Disney+Bailey: The Flight Attendant on HBO MaxMegan: Super Mario World 3D for Nintendo DSThis week’s motivational story is all about being kind to others, even if it isn’t in your best interest.Thank you so much for your support and for sticking with us for the entire episode. Don’t forget to leave us feedback @wwjhpodcast on Twitter or e-mail us at wwjhpodcast@gmail.comSubscribe here >>Apple Podcasts:

  • Happy February everyone! We’re finally out of January let’s celebrate by working 6 days a week!Terrance has an embarrassing update about the whole monkey tail beard business. Spoiler alert: he kept it on for more than one day (yes even at work).An update on the frequency of episodes for this show: for the foreseeable future this podcast we will release bimonthly (that’s once every two weeks). We are still looking for another co-host or two to become an addition to the show. If you have an outgoing personality, a general curiosity for the unknown, and want to contribute to the podcast, email us!Holy sushi! A Japanese woman goes to the doctor complaining of a sore throat. Doctor removes a long black worm from her tonsil!German court rules that hangovers are considered an illness! Does this actually mean that people can call in drunk? What other things could be considered an illness according to the ruling? Lifehack: When on a Zoom call, people can’t tell if you’re sipping whiskey or coffee from a mug. Six people arrested for altering Hollywood sign to read “Hollyboob.” Is the sign so accessible that people can just walk up to it, or is there any security around the area? It must be easy to alter the sign since this ISN’T THE FIRST TIME IT’S HAPPENED! Only in Florida… An inmate was mistakenly released from jail on his birthday. Yeah you read that right. Guess what? THEY STILL HAVEN’T CAUGHT HIM YET! How does something like this happen?!Police in Oregon say a man who stole car with a child in it, CAME BACK TO LECTURE THE PARENT! Why was the child left in the car in the first place? Yes, the child was unharmed in the making of this story.SLEEP! It’s fabulous! Everyone should try to get some. What are some of our best practices for getting to sleep at a set time? Any rituals that we have to do? AND what do we do if we end up getting off our schedule? We are NOT Energizer batteries! Take sleeping drugs if your doctor has prescribed them. Just don’t take them during the day, or take them in the middle of the day. Do what you want. It’s your life.YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS?! CANCELLED TV SHOWS! I NEED CLOSURE! Is there an acceptable season number to cancel a TV show? We confirm, Grey’s Anatomy and The Simpsons have been on for at least a billion years. Why can’t people wear their masks over their mouth and over their noses? So their chins don’t get cold! That wasn’t a bad joke. That was the truth. Terrance goes on a rant about misconceptions about the word “Y’ALL!” A recent story from an experience sets our hair on fire! Recommendations:
    Terrance: “The Greatest Showman” “Promising Young Woman”
    We wrap up the episode with a story about an inspiring young woman who creatively worked through a seemingly no win situation. Thank you so much for tuning in and don’t forget to leave us feedback @wwjhpodcast on Twitter or e-mail us at wwjhpodcast@gmail.comSubscribe here >>Apple Podcasts:

  • “Wait, What Just Happened?!: Episode 1 — “Baking With Grandpa” is ready for your ears! If you need a break from the world, look no further. Crazy stories, crazy good fun!Our accomplishments for the week cover a wide range of little things. How do our accomplishments make us feel? Early in the week we learned that Chris Evans is in talks to return as Captain America in the MCU in some form or another. We talk about all the excitement buzzing around his return and how the integrity of the MCU could remain intact.Monkey tail beards are a thing and we are disturbed by them! In the meantime, check out the MTB that Terrance was rocking this past week over on our Twitter account. Family spends 9 years in a basement waiting for the end of the world. No we can’t make this up. What could have prompted them to go into hiding? What forced them out of hiding, and why didn’t they think anyone in the world was alive?High school girl hands out cookies, made with grandfather’s ashes, at school. Seriously folks, we can’t make this stuff up! Is this some weird form of cannibalism? Did anyone get sick from eating the cookies? Hoooooowwwwww did they know?! But more importantly, how did they taste?Porsche makes flying cars… actually they don’t. People just think they can fly. And if they can fly, they can crash -- into the second story of a home. Drive responsibly, kiddo’s!The most important law that the state of Texas has passed so far: Unsolicited dick pics are now illegal! Politicians, watch yo’ messages! Nude lewd’s are not cool and you will be cock blocked. The moral of the story? WAIT UNTIL ASKED! In the spotlight: What would we do if we could live for 200 years? Our responses may surprise and interest you!Those Were The Days COVID edition: Where is it that we want to travel to the most, but can’t due to restrictions? RecommendationsTerrance: “The 2020 Commission report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks on the United States” which can be found on Audible at: “Why Trump Deserves Trust, Respect & Admiration” which can be found on Amazon at: with Sydney Mook, a reporter from The Grand Forks Herald on the responsibility of big tech and the freedom of speech.Does the responsibility lie with the end user, or with the tech companies?Should they be held accountable by law enforcement in all companies for what they say or the actions as a direct result?Is the action these companies have taken in the past few weeks (banning hate speech and the users from these platforms) a violation of the first amendment, and why?Is it even reasonable to ask the federal government to fund and govern a world-class broadband network utility – for everyone and what would that mean for Social Media platforms?Thank you so much for tuning in and don’t forget to leave us feedback @wwjhpodcast on Twitter or e-mail us at wwjhpodcast@gmail.comSubscribe here >>Apple Podcasts: