Friends, dads, & guests escaping family and talking ‘bout everything and nothing all at once. Lots of laughs, a little shit talk, tales from our childhood, and stories about raising kids today.
Welcome! We are Kalimba Bennett Tuck and Karen Valby, best friends for over a quarter century trying to survive this fucked-up world with our joy intact. We are mothers, writers, whiners, and strivers holding space for a weekly sleepover-style, deep, absurd and big-humored conversation with each other, and anyone else who can bear us. So if your own mother isn't available or can't offer unconditional ears...COME TO MAMA. If your friends have lost patience with your mess....COME TO MAMA. If you need reassurance that we too are struggling with some of the same crazy thoughts in your head... COME TO MAMA.
Want the mama’s thoughts on your drama?
Email us: [email protected]
Instagram: @cometomamapod
Twitter: @cometomamapod -
A Moms Guide to winging your eyeliner, life & motherhood. We talk hard stuff, kid stuff, mom stuff & you stuff! Don't forget, you were SOMEONE before you became a mom & she MATTERS. We're all in this together- united, we mom.
新浪微博:主播大茂 微信公众号:大茂天天见
新的专辑《黑言黑语》已经建好了,在这:《黑言黑语》|深度思考,观点犀利_全集免费在线阅读收听下载 - 喜马拉雅 (ximalaya.com)。新的节目会在新专辑里更新,求订阅,求订阅,求订阅
我一直坚信! 是金子一定会发光的,是银子一定会花光的,是裙子一定会走光的,是节操一定会掉光的!
小夏同学和大家一起调侃,吐槽,关注“小人物”的生活 给我一个槽点,我能翘起整个地球~!!哈哈哈 本节目每周二和周五下午六点更新
本系列故事由甜甜圈伐木累团队搜集素材策划撰写。 甜甜圈伐木累,专注于发现生活,开拓父母视野,回归养育本真。人生不容易,走到低谷的时候,前路迷茫不清,这些故事就是给你指明方向的前头的希望之灯。非凡人物非常人生,听有趣有爱的名人励志故事,给家庭教育不一样的启示。
As parents, we know raising kids is the opposite of neat and tidy. Each day brings wins, losses and valuable lessons. Pardon the Mess is a place where we discuss parenting and faith in a biblical, approachable and relatable way. We may cry and laugh while we learn and grow together in our beautiful mess. Pardon the Mess is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org