
  • Grief can prompt many people to stop using substances when that use gets unmanageable. Though it is often an important and healthy decision, giving up alcohol or another substance brings its own set of new struggles and losses. Eleanor shares her personal experience with managing grief in and from sobriety.

    Eleanor's article:
    Grief and Sobriety: Discovering Loss Amid Positive Change

    Other articles that may be helpful on grief and substance use:

    Understanding Grief, Alcohol, and the Brain

    Using Alcohol to Feel Feelings

    Sober Curious news story

    Support getting sober:
    SAMHSA’s National Helpline

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It is open for new members now! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here and join.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • In this episode we dive into a topic that is estimated to impact as many as 1 in 4 families in the US: the grief of estrangement. Join us as we unpack the rollercoaster of emotions that come with feeling disconnected from loved ones, whether it's family or friends. Estrangements happen for countless reasons, but they can be especially prevalent after bereavement losses. We'll delve into the complexities of estrangement grief, and explore strategies for coping and finding healing along the way.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It is open for new members now! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here and join.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
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  • Back in 2014 - approaching 10 years ago - we recorded an episode on overdose grief (you can listen to it here if you missed it). We have lost people to addiction so this was (and is) a topic near and dear. But there are some significant ways the landscape of addiction and substance related death has changed in the last decade. Some of those changes impact when, why, and how people are grieving following overdose deaths. So it seemed about time we do an updated episode.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members on June 1! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here and join the waitlist to be notified when membership opens.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • Losing a pet (and grieving pet) is a profound and often overlooked form of disenfranchised grief. In this episode, we delve into the complexities of why pet loss holds such significance. Beyond the surface, there are layers of emotion and impact that don't always get talked about. We'll share our own experiences saying farewell to furry companions, and also insights from countless individuals we've supported through pet loss over the years.

    A few reminders --

    We have a free webinar on self-compassion on May 20th. You can sign up here:

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members on May 15th! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here and join the waitlist to be notified when membership opens.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • Self-compassion can be tough to come by in grief. We compare ourselves to who we were, who we want to be, to others grieving, to how we think grief "should be", and on and on. In this episode, we talk about the challenges of practicing self-compassion, what self-compassion is (and isn't) and some tools for navigating grief with self compassion.

    We have a free webinar on self-compassion on May 20th. You can sign up here:

    For more info on self-compasssion, Kristen Neff has a great website:

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members on May 15th! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here and join the waitlist to be notified when membership opens.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • In this episode, we dive deep into the practical challenges of handling grief triggers. Join us as we share both our professional advice and personal stories on navigating grief's everyday trigger —from anniversaries and special places to unexpected everyday moments. We'll discuss strategies for managing emotions at work, during social gatherings, and through significant life events.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • There are many complicated and unexpected grief experiences. One that comes up time and again is why sometimes we expect to cry and . . . don't. It's more common than you'd think and in this episode we're chatting about why.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • People are complicated. Human relationships are complicated. There are many people in our lives with whom we have love-hate relationships with. We don't just grieve when the people we have positive relationships die. We can also grieve people who harmed us, caused us pain, and were abusive. There are many reasons why grieving these people can bring up unique challenges. In this episode we talk about those difficulties and what you can do to cope.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • You hear all the time that grief isn't linear, but that doesn't change the surprises in the ways it ebbs and flows over time. In this episode we talk about the predictably unpredictably cycles of grief and the ways grief continues wax and wane as it intersects with so many other aspects of life. But we start with a good old chat about trying to get our sh*t together and just how hard that can be.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • In this episode, we talk about grieving a friend. Litsa has had four friends die in the last four years. As a grief therapist and someone who is not new to grief, it has left her reflecting on some of the unique and unexpected aspects of these losses. Though we're primarily focusing on when a friend dies in this episode, you can check out this article about grieving a friend following a falling out or estrangement.

    If you want to read more about the death of a friend you can check out these articles:

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • Continuing Bonds Theory is both one of our favorite grief theories and also a griever favorite. And yet it's been ages since we've done an episode about it. So long, in fact, that a new book and a fair bit of new research has come out that has further shaped how with think about continuing bonds. If you're grieving and you haven't heard of continuing bonds, we think you'll probably like it. And if you're familiar with continuing bonds, we hope it will remind you of some of your connections and also bring a few new insights.

    Books referenced in the episode:
    Continuing Bonds: New Understandings of Grief
    Continuing Bonds in Bereavement

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • If you've ever wondered why our grief support isn't broken down by type of loss, today you'll find your answer. In this episode we talk about the question "what's your grief?". Specifically, we break down why, for us, this question has always had less to do with who died and more to do with the unique nature of your relationship with that person and the specific experiences and challenges of your grief.

    If you like the podcast, you'll love WYG Grief Support Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support. You can learn more here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Pick up the What's Your Grief Book Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • In this episode, we address a question from a bereaved mom who didn't see her daughter after her daughter's death. She finds herself wondering if she should have fought harder to see her daughter. This brings up so many questions held by grievers no matter what decisions they made around a death -- often some variation of "should I have done something differently and would that have eased this pain?"


    The WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better) is open for new members from now through March 1st! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support!

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound
  • This week we respond to a question from one of our Hub members. Grief anxiety is very real and, unfortunately, the very connections that can ease anxiety in grief can also be the source of that anxiety. We're chatting about that complicated experience after loss when you find yourself fearful of creating new relationships for fear of losing people while also wanting connection and fearing being alone. The thoughts and feeling are so complicated.


    The WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better) is open for new members from now through March 1st! Support the podcast and get TONS more grief support!

    Sign up for our free February grief support webinar here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound Hudson Booksellers
  • In this episode, we dive into the world of grief in the digital era. Specifically we talk about what it really means to express sorrow online and the frustrating misconceptions that grief posts are just for attention. Some people turn to social media for support during tough times and genuine empathy means looking past the many assumptions about what's behind these posts.

    Sign up for our free February grief support webinar here.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 2024) and you can join the waitlist -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound Hudson Booksellers
  • In this episode, Litsa and Mary chat about what it means to 'befriend grief'. This includes plenty of thoughts about how modern western culture shapes our beliefs about death and grief, with a healthy dose of how we try to counteractive some of the pressures to pathologize grief.

    In this episode, Mary mentions the follow books that have had a big impact on her grief lens:
    The Wild Edge of Sorrow
    The Smell of Rain on Dust

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss.

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 2024) and you can join the waitlist -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound Hudson Booksellers
  • In this episode respond to a question about feeling relief after a death. But first, we talk about the recent Vox article The Race to Optimize Grief and the wild wild west of how AI is changing the way people mourn.

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss. You can read more about relief in grief here.

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 2024) and you can join the waitlist -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound Hudson Booksellers
  • In this episode we talk about a new article on the website that Litsa wrote about a concept she's termed "paradoxical grief". It's the often-confusing experience of grieving a loss that is both anticipated but also sudden and shocking. We talk about this experience that is both incredibly common and yet also rarely talked about in grief, in part because it can feel difficult to explain.

    You can check out the article here:

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss. You can read more about anticipatory grief here. You can read more about traumatic and unexpected loss here.

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 2024) and you can join the waitlist -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Available in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million IndieBound Hudson Booksellers Powell's
  • We kick off this episode with our review of the new Dan Levy Netflix film "Good Grief". If you haven't watched it and don't want any spoilers, jump into the episode closer to minute 27. In the rest of the episode we address a common question that comes up for grievers: with so much information out there about grief, why aren't people more grief-literate? Which of course begs the question, what is grief literacy? Should that be what we strive for? We're not so sure.

    The documentary Litsa mentioned about finding out secrets after a death is called Stories We Tell. You can find the trailer here:

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss. If you liked this episode, these are some articles you might appreciate:
    Learning a Secret After a Death
    64 Ways to Meet Grieving People Where They're At
    How to Help a Grieving Friend: Beyond the Basics
    WYG's Definition of Grief

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). It opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 2024) and you can join the waitlist -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Availaable in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million Indiebound Hudson Booksellers Powell's
  • Come to the free Grieving in the New Year Webinar with Litsa this Sunday - sign up here --

    This week we're talking about all the surprising challenges of facing the new year in grief. Everything from the passage of time to a Hub member question about what it means to 'live your best life' without fear of forgetting.

    The book Litsa mentioned in the episode is Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retrea in Difficult Times (though she hasn't read it, so don't think of this as an endorsement. It's just a book she wants to read!)

    Visit for hundreds of free articles we've written about all things grief and loss. If you liked this episode, this is a good place to start.

    Join the WYG Hub (it's our griever member community - think of it as our Patreon, but a zillion times better). Opens for new members four times per year (next on March 1, 202) but you can join the waitlist now -

    If you're a grief professional, we have a community for you too.

    You can also make a donation here at any time to help us keep the lights on.

    Get Lessons to Write On: A Guided Grief Journaling Intensive here.

    Also, if you like the podcast we're pretty sure you'll love our book! Availaable in print, ebook, or on audible. Barnes & Noble Amazon Books A Million Indiebound Hudson Booksellers Powell's