Save $100 using code ZACKPOD on the Limitless Program here (risk free, 30 day $ back guarantee!) Overcome your pain, today!
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Zack's story:
"I wish I’d found Whealth before back surgery—I believe it could’ve saved me. After an unsuccessful microdiscectomy and 2 injections, Limitless finally healed me 100%, ending 3.5 years of sciatic & back pain.
In 2020, my MRI showed three 6mm herniated discs (L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1) as I felt severe pain shooting down my left leg.
For 6 months, I saw chiropractors, doctors, and PTs 5x/week and did everything they told me, but my pain worsened.
I became depressed & stopped lifting, surfing, & golfing. This was devastating as my athletic identity was stripped away.
For 2.5 years, I relied on 8 Advil/day to numb the pain.
Desperate for relief, I consulted top surgeons in LA, but they dismissed my pain saying I was too young for back surgery & it couldn’t be that bad.. So I was prescribed 6 more months of PT.
PT still didn’t work despite my adherence and pain persisted, so I finally underwent lumbar surgery (microdiscectomy) on L4/L5/S1 hoping for my life back.
Unfortunately, post-surgery, my pain GOT EVEN WORSE and daily life was a struggle- I became more depressed, fearing I’d never enjoy activities like surfing, golfing, and running again.
While searching online for rehab programs, I discovered Whealth- skeptical but desperate, I committed to the Limitless Program in April 2023.
The progress was slow & humbling, but it offered the first glimmer of hope I had in years.
Within 2-3 weeks, my pain reduced noticeably and I stopped taking advil.
6 months into the program, my back pain and strength had improved significantly and I was golfing again. I felt a renewed sense of life.
Within 9-12 months, my back and nerve pain was fully gone.
Today, I am lifting, golfing, surfing, traveling, & put back on 20 lbs.
Limitless transformed my life, giving me back my mental health, confidence, and happiness.
I’m forever grateful for their guidance and support. If you’re struggling with back pain, I highly recommend trying the Limitless Program before considering surgery or other medical interventions. It truly gave me my life back."
Use code PHILPOD to take 10% off our life-transforming programs by clicking here and overcome your pain, today! All programs come with a 30 day $-back guarantee!
Phil Norvold, Whealth Limitless member: "On May 23rd, I reached out to the Whealth team in a desperate attempt to avoid back surgery.
My neurosurgeon had just diagnosed me with a 5mm L5-S1 disc herniation that was crushing my sciatic nerve, and insisted that a microdiscectomy was my next option, as everything I tried for the previous 3 months didn’t help.
From March to May, I tried an emergency epidural, yoga, Thai massage, sauna, dry needling, ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, painkillers, cold plunging.. but the pain was relentless, worsening, shooting down my leg & making every day a struggle.
My work, travel, & responsibilities as a father/ husband were all suffering tremendously, so I needed to find a way out.
On May 23rd, I faced a crucial decision: undergo back surgery or try the Whealth Limitless Program, which I had seen online help others like me overcome their back pain.
I scheduled a consultation with co-founder @camborch who helped me believe in myself, and I decided to give the program my all before resorting to surgery.
I started Limitless that afternoon and created a schedule to follow each 30 min daily workout.
I awkwardly introduced myself in the private facebook community and began learning the basics, posting videos, and getting private coaching.
Within 8 weeks, I eliminated 90% of my pain.
By the end of week 1, I could sit comfortably with less pain, put my shoes on, and travel on a plane.
3-4 weeks in, my range of motion started returning, I got stronger, and the pain was at 50%
By week 5, my neurosurgeon told me in a follow up that he no longer recommended surgery, changing his mind, and that what I was doing WAS WORKING!
By week 6, I was back on a bike, and during week 8, I got back to jiu jitsu rolling and I cycled 120 miles.
This program not only gave me my life back but also taught me the importance of balance and intentionality. I’ve decided to run it one more time, as I’ve regained my pre-injury abilities but still have room for improvement.
I’ll be at 100% in no time. This program is priceless, and it works if you work it."
Fehlende Folgen?
Limitless member Maria’s story on reducing her 12 mm L5-S1 herniation to a 5mm herniation:
“At 39, I faced an unexpected battle: healing my 12 mm L5/S1 disc herniation and sciatica while navigating the shortcomings of the healthcare system. As a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, I knew these pitfalls, but enduring countless ineffective treatments revealed how broken the system truly is. This is my story of how the Limitless program helped me overcome my pain and reduce my herniation from 12 mm to 5 mm in a few months.
My pain began with tightness in my glute/ hamstring, intensifying from then on. Seeking relief, I turned to two chiropractors and massages, but my pain only worsened. The fear and frustration grew as I faced the reality of becoming a "back pain" patient.
Desperate for answers, I consulted a regenerative medicine MD. An MRI revealed the 12 mm herniation.
I was also referred to a “top” surgeon who said that I needed surgery. I was motivated to avoid surgery however as I have seen too many cases go wrong, and I knew that wouldn’t be my fix.
I began traditional PT and incorporated every modality I knew—acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and extensive supplementation. Despite these efforts, my condition worsened.
A patient mentioned the Limitless program in 2023, but I dismissed it, skeptical of its Instagram origins.
As months passed and my pain persisted, I sought an epidural PRP injection with no lasting effects.
Knowing I needed a robust movement program, I revisited Limitless and started on Feb 22, 2024.
Every day for eight weeks, I committed to the program. Fear once gripped me, even making me afraid to breathe, but Limitless gave me courage. By the 2nd week, I noticed improvements. By the 12th week, I had no more sharp nerve pain and was confident enough to return to softball, a dream I thought impossible.
6 months after my initial MRI, a follow-up showed my herniation had shrunk from 12 mm to 5 mm. The Limitless program taught me I could move without fear of harm, a stark contrast to outdated methods (McKenzie & McGill) that had failed me.
Limitless allowed me to train at home with simple equipment, guided by an easy-to-use app with clear video instructions. The program healed my body and restored my confidence. My only regret was not starting sooner.
Today, I stand stronger, a testament to the power of resilience and the right guidance. Thank you Whealth team for your knowledge, guidance, & encouragement.”
Use code MARIAPOD for 10% off our programs, risk free, with our 30 day $ back guarantee:
Have back pain or sciatica? Start with our Free Low back relief series: to overcome your pain but have questions? BOOK A FREE 15 MINUTE CALL WITH US:
Use code SARAHPAINFREEPOD for $100 off the Limitless Program:'s story: "I spent nearly $20,000 trying to heal three disc bulges and severe sciatica (9mm L5-S1, L3-L4, L4-L5). The pain and hopelessness were so overwhelming that I battled suicidal thoughts. For 10 agonizing months, I searched tirelessly for relief through:-Physical therapy-Chiropractic-Egoscue-Decompression/inversion table-Cold plunging-Regular therapy-InjectionsAnd countless other treatments 😳But nothing worked. I was in agony, depressed and forced to give up almost everything.Then, I discovered Andrew’s story of overcoming a 10mm disc herniation without surgery. His journey sparked a glimmer of hope within me, and I yearned for that kind of recovery 😍At first, I hesitated to join the Limitless program, not because of the cost—it was a fraction of what I had already spent—but because I felt too weak. I could barely get out of bed, sleep, and even showering was a monumental task.But I was wrong. The Limitless program was exactly what I needed.In the first week, I knew I had made the right decision. The program felt perfect, with informative and easy-to-follow workouts.By week six, I was moving through the workouts with less pain and feeling stronger daily. I went from being unable to stand or walk to taking 40-60 minute walks.In six months, I experienced life-changing relief and eliminated sciatica / back pain. I got my life back—I was traveling, working, and living freely.I've completed the program at least four times and still follow it. My husband joins me too—we’re both obsessed, and for good reason. It gave me my life back, and I no longer have sciatica nor back pain.It took a lot of work and patience, but it was absolutely worth it. Today I am stronger, have more muscle, and mobility than ever before.I highly recommend this program to anyone with back, neck, or knee issues. The program works, the community is fantastic, and the Whealth team cares.Thank you, Whealth; you guys are doing amazing work."
Use code DILLONP for 10% off the Limitless Program when you're ready to overcome your pain:
Whealth Limitless member Dillon Rudrud was told by a doctor that he wouldn't heal his spine (11 mm L4L5 disc herniation, 5 mm L5-S1 + L3-L4 disc bulge) without surgery!
He tried advil, ibuprofen, cortisone injections, epidural shots, oxycontin, PT, chiro, massage - but none of these gave him any pain relief.
Surgery seemed to be his last resort, but he wanted to try to rehab with movement before going under the knife.
Instead Dillon opted to try the Whealth Limitless Program, and within 6-8 weeks, eliminated his pain and cancelled his surgery.
In this episode, we dive into the nitty gritty details about Andrew (The Shirtless Dude) Dettelbach's back pain. Katie Goss leads a discussion about his disc herniation in 2013, which lasted 2 years, and his recent muscle strain that occurred at the beginning of June (2022). Hopefully, this episode gives you insight into how to overcome your pain with a curious, exploratory, and positive mindset.
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In this episode, Andrew (The Shirtless Dude) Dettelbach and Katie Goss interview our first guest Dr. Linda Bluestein M.D. on all things related to hypermobility, hEDS, and much more. For full show notes, transcripts, and more visit the episode page on our website listed below.
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Here are the key topics of the episode in order.
- Dr. Bluestein’s background and personal history with pain and hypermobility
- The impact of diagnosis with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and hEDS
- Pain is information and what that means for you
- Disc herniation and the power of labeling and anchoring to what’s “normal”
- Why you are stronger than you think you are and the impact of mindset
- The reality of forums and Facebook groups
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Pain
- Why functional capacity and quality of life are better measures than an X out of 10 pain scale
- The meaning of MENS PMMS
- Why you deserve a therapist
- What is Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)?
- The role of off-label prescriptions
- Should you hyperextend your knees and elbows?
- The role of mid-range, active-range, and end-range strengthening
- Party tricks and hypermobility: Should you do them?
- The role of testosterone and pain
- Dr. Bluestein’s driving purpose and future ambitions
In this episode, Andrew (The Shirtless Dude) Dettelbach and Katie Goss dive deep into all things hypermobility, ehlers danlos syndrome (EDS), hEDS, and more! They cover the following:
What is Hypermobility? How many does it impact? How to see if you have it Isn't mobility good though? Their personal stories of diagnosis and experience Who is hypermobile and what do they look like? Systemic impacts of hypermobility Lessons learned from years of experience More info on our upcoming hypermobility programPODCAST INFO:
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Sign up for "Whealthy Wednesday" (Our free weekly email newsletter):
Get our Free Five Day Low Back Pain Relief Program:
Check out our HYPERMOBILITY program:
For full transcripts, show notes, links, and more visit the show notes page listed above!
In this episode, Andrew (The Shirtless Dude) Dettelbach and Katie Goss launch the Whealth Podcast. They cover what the goal of the podcast is, who they are, how Whealth got started, what we do, and what's next! See the full outline below or check out the episode on our website for a full transcript of the episode.
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Here are the key topics of the episode in order.
- What this Podcast is about
- Andrew's Background
- Katie's Background
- MoveU History
- Whealth Meaning
- Andrew's History with Pain
- Crossfit experience
- Building the MoveU community and programs
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
- The role of strength training in chronic pain
- COVID lockdown and the beginnings of Whealth
- Our company values
- Whealth Pillars of Health
- Whealth Programs
- Comparison to past programs
- Overview of the Whealth Team and Co-Founders
- Additional resources
Whealth Co-Founders Andrew (The Shirtless Dude) Dettelbach and Katie Goss give you a bit of insight into the Whealth Podcast, what to expect, the type of show we are creating, and more.
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