As we enter the New Year, Jen and Natasha wish each of you a year filled with good health, laughter, adventure, and prosperity! To help kick of the year, Natasha will lead each of you through a guided meditation to manifest success.
Today, instead of doing a traditional podcast, Jen and Natasha have a special gift for you. Natasha will lead each of you through a guided meditation to help you make a difference in the world.
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120: 2021 Goals - End of Year Review
At the start of every year, Jen and Natasha love setting goals and being intentional about achieving them. And, at the start of 2021, they recorded podcast episode 73 where they shared their goals for the year. Halfway through the year, they recorded episode 98 where they provided an overview of their goals and discussed how they were doing with them. As 2021 comes to an end, they are providing a final overview of where they ended up with their goals.
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On today’s episode, Jen and Natasha are beyond excited to welcome Caroline “Blaze” Jensen. Blaze is a graduate of the U.S. Airforce Academy, a retired fighter pilot, and veteran. She is a highly experienced leader, command pilot, instructor pilot and evaluator. During her time in the Air Force, she accumulated over 3,500 hours flying numerous aircraft including the F-16 Fighting Falcon. She was the first female reserve officer to fly for the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron -- known as the “Thunderbirds”-- and was the first woman qualified to fly in the Air Force’s new jet trainer, the Boeing T-7A Red Hawk. And today, Blaze is sharing her story about the importance of dreaming beyond obstacles.
You can find Caroline Jensen at
Samantha Lau is a psychiatric nurse practitioner who currently serves on the board of medical advisors for national mental health conferences. Additionally, Samantha is the CEO of elevateher LLC, a personalized mental health care company that provides result-driven psychiatric care and transformational inner makeover for busy young women who are ready to unveil their vulnerable-badass selves to feel better, work better and love better. And today, she is speaking with us about how you can transform your emotions to empower yourself so you can achieve anything you want.
You can find Samantha Lau at:
My website:
IG @elevateherhealth
IG @mind_by_mind
Jen Coken is a speaker, peak performance coach, Imposter Syndrome expert, and comedian who works with C-Suite women who are looking to make a bigger difference. She shatters the limiting beliefs that plague women at this level with her unique style centered around ruthless compassion. These are women who at their core long for the audacity to be themselves, to lead without limits. Jen has made it her mission to become the personal wrecking ball behind a woman ready to step into her power. She knocks down the barrier’s women create and empowers them to make the money they deserve, get aligned, and build an authentic life. Fortune 500 clients to seven-figure CEO’s trust Jen to shake things up with no apologies, no limits, and all the laughs. And today, Jen is speaking with us about disrupting imposter syndrome.
You can find Jen Coken at:
Jennifer Bloome is a Health and Wellness counselor, Soul Abundance Guide, Energy Medicine Practitioner, and a Master Soul Language Practitioner. For more than 20 years, Jennifer has been helping people learn how to align with their mind-body-soul to receive what they want. Diving deeply into Energy Medicine Healing Practices, Soul Language, Epigenetics, Universal Law, the power of Beliefs, and much more, Jennifer created the Being Fertile System to bring the body, mind, and soul into inner alignment to form a solid foundation for creating a baby. Her work focuses specifically on helping women who have been dealing with a diagnosis of infertility, although the concepts can be used for conscious conception as well. Additionally, she has developed a number of tools to guide women to mind-body-soul connection including meridian tapping programs and a line of internationally recognized guided meditations, A Journey of the Heart, designed to help women experiencing a variety of types of conception (natural, medicated, IVF, etc.) through pregnancy and birth as well as individual healing work. Today, she is speaking with us about the science of being fertile.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: I am full of life.
You can find Jennifer Bloome at:
Over the past few years, manifestation has become a buzz word we often misuse to describe our attempts to instantly command our dreams into reality. Want a new job? Manifest it. Need cash fast? Just conger it up with a quick snap of your fingers. There you go – one and done. The truth of the matter is, manifestation is a slightly more complex ideology than the way it’s come to be represented in mainstream media. Everyone is capable of manifesting success into their lives and it doesn’t need to be a long or difficult process, but the fastest way to get what you want requires knowledge of a few simple steps first. Today, Jen and Natasha talk about simple steps to manifest success.
Affirmation: I choose to succeed. I know what I want and take daily action towards it.
Additional resources:
· 5 Effective Ways Productive People Make the Most of Their Day:
· Basic Manifestation for Beginners:
Dr. Lesley Tate-Gould is a Co-founder and the Executive Director of Lido Wellness Center (LWC). As a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Dr. Tate-Gould engages with patients in new and mindful ways, such as using gentle, intuitive methods to produce enhanced understandings of the physiological components related to trauma. Paired expertly with other treatment modalities, she supports healing by assisting patients in achieving a greater awareness of themselves in a supportive and compassionate environment dedicated, foremost, to improving their health and well-being. And today, she is speaking with us about how to achieve a greater awareness of yourself to improve your overall health and well-being .
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: “May I be safe from inner and outer danger. May I be filled with love and gratitude. May I be the change I wish to see in the world. May I be happy and free.”
You can find Dr. Lesley Tate-Gould at:
Erin Amundson loves helping people reconnect to their “natural technology” by decoding the language of dreams. She is a depth psychologist who specializes in teaching ambitious people how to identify and remove barriers to success and make friends with their subconscious mind. As the creator/founder of Natural Dream Technology, Erin knows that a uniquely talented visionary lies hidden beneath the surface of your conscious mind, and she wants the world to benefit from your contribution. And today, Erin is speaking with us about alignment, timing, and spiritual growth when it comes to manifestation.
You can find Erin Amundson at
Marilyn Gordon is the president and founder of Mediatude LLC, a communications coaching and education company. With 30 years of experience in broadcast/marketing communications, higher education research, and teaching, Marilyn’s expertise focuses on business presentations skills, brand marketing, courses, and workshops. She is passionate about helping women communicate their messages more successfully, especially in the workplace, and today, she is speaking with us about a workshop she created called WomenSpeak—which teaches powerful communication skills for women.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: Behind every woman is herself.
You can find Marilyn Gordon at:
Twitter: @womenspeakmg
Theresa Vigarino offers a unique combination of Neuroscience, Emotional Trauma Release, and Activation of Christ Consciousness as a Clear Conscious Channel. She weaves all of this into her client work, known as Soul Essence Alchemy. She has spent over 30 years cultivating, seeking, learning, and experiencing to emerge as a conduit of healing for others. Today, Theresa shares key elements in discovering one’s soul purpose.You can follow Theresa online at
Instagram: @TheresaVigarino and @MomsHouseOrg
Twitter: @TheresaVigarino
Facebook: Theresa.Beelar/fromtraumatotriumph
Linkedin: Theresa Vigarino
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: I am well. All is well. Everything is working for my good.
For more powerful tools to help you succeed in business and in life, visit
Misha Rubin provides transformational career programs which are designed for people to discover careers that bring a sense of meaning, fulfillment, and abundance. He spent over 20 years in corporate America and in his last position as a partner at Ernst & Young, he guided hundreds of careers. His corporate experience combined with his experience studying with many profound teachers and his personal quest for meaning and fulfillment, birthed The Career Leap method, a guided inquiry that brings awareness to the deep parts of oneself, creates new career possibilities and moves individuals into action. Now his mission is to transform the paradigm of career and work in our society – specifically the why and how, and the where and what people do--so that they fulfill their life's work and realize their full potential while experiencing a sense of meaning, satisfaction, and abundance. And today, Misha is speaking with us about how to discover careers that bring a sense of meaning, fulfillment, and abundance.
Misha’s career value statement: Making a difference. Clarity. Manifestation.
You can find Misha Rubin at:
After more than 15 years in the financial industry, working in Paris, London, and New York City, Mayda Poc left Investment Bank and Wall Street to become an international life and career coach, focusing on helping executives find more zen, fulfillment, and purpose in their daily lives and careers. Present day, Mayda is a coach and a certified hypnosis practitioner based in New York City. She specializes in life and career coaching, and uses multiple modalities, including hypnosis, in her practice. Today, she is speaking with us about how to heal our relationship with money.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation:
For today, I will let go of anger.
For today, I will let go of worry.
For today, I will receive gracefully.
For today, I will do my job honestly.
For today, I will be kind to all.
You can find Mayda Poc at:
Tags for YouTube
Money, abundance, finance, prosperity, work/life balance, work, life, balance, passion, success, travel, adventure, debt free, debt free community, invest, save, wellness, health, freedom, body, mind, spirit, where money meets soul, podcast, in the life of zen, health and wellness, empowerment, jennifer griffith, natasha ganes, Mayda Poc
Shannon Ethridge is an author, international speaker, certified life coach, and advocate for healthy sexuality. Shannon has written 22 books including a million copy best seller; leads workshops for women and couples; and offers mentorship programs for leaders, authors, speakers, and teachers. She has been featured on dozens of media outlets including the Today Show and today, Shannon is speaking with us about how to build a booming business by harnessing the power of words.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: It’s all going to be okay in the end. And, if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
You can Shannon Ethridge at:
Amy Pamensky is an intuitive mindset coach, spiritual teacher, and podcast host who supports women to connect to their intuition and to embody their confidence so that they can create a soul-led life and business. Throughout her years of being a business owner, Amy has discovered the keys to creating a soul-aligned business and lifestyle. And her insight allows her to teach women how to overcome their limiting beliefs and listen to the guidance of their soul to create financial abundance and fulfillment. Amy uses a blend of scientific and spiritual methodologies including meditation, quantum physics, and neuroscience to support women in stepping into their next-level of transformation. Amy is also the host of the Feminine Frequency Podcast where she shares weekly wisdom of how to connect with your feminine energy to manifest abundance, love, and the life that you truly desire. And today, Amy is speaking with us about the importance of energetic alignment BEFORE taking action. We are so happy to have you here, Amy. Welcome!
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: I trust in divine timing. I trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it’s suppose to.
You can find Amy Pamensky at:
Dr. Laurie Marbas is a double-board certified family and lifestyle medicine physician. Dr. Marbas has been utilizing food as medicine since 2012 when she created a new medical model combining the power of nutrient-dense foods and intensive clinical psychological therapy to treat not only food addiction, but also chronic disease. She was the first Managing Editor for the Plantrician Project’s International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention and is the co-founder of Healthy Human Revolution and Plant Based TeleHealth. She currently holds 48 medical licenses across the U.S. with the last few pending. She’s also a United States Air Force veteran, wife, mother to 3 grown children, host of the Healthy Human Revolution podcast, author, speaker, and avid runner. And today, she is speaking with us about how the small choices we make every day are critical for our health.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: Don’t be afraid of doing the hard things.
You can find Dr. Laurie Marbas at:
IG: @drlauriemarbas and @plantbasedtelehealth
Deirdre Won Short is a certified health coach and registered nurse. Deirdre has always worked in “helping jobs:” as a personal trainer, fitness instructor, an international flight attendant, and now as a nurse and coach. Deirde recently decided to combine her interests and funnel them in one direction. From hospice, she took the important life lessons she learned from the dying and crafted them into a way to help the living. From her fitness background, she came to understand that small changes gently and easily implemented have more power than big changes and from being a flight attendant, she learned that people are people, no matter what their background. She has now formed Carriage House Coaching, where she uses her training as a registered nurse and her passion for helping people to coach those with health issues who would benefit from habit and behavior changes. Her coaching programs are designed to help her clients figure out what they really want from their life and then create lasting change slowly, in a safe and supportive environment. She gets her clients out of the habits and behaviors that keep them stuck and into easy habit and behavioral changes that they won’t even notice they’re doing. And today she’s here to tell us how we can start doing that too.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmations: “Leap at the net will appear” and “you got this, girl.”
You can find Deirdre Won-Short at:
IG: @carriagehousecoaching
FB: @carriagehousecoaching
JC “Judy” COCHRANE is an Author, Owner of R. House Publishing, a Book Coach, a Wellness Coach, Owner of AWAREHOUSE [merch. lifestyle. wellness]. She’s the creator of spiritualitee which is an inspirational clothing and jewelry line. She also designs lines of products for other authors, speakers, and churches. Today, Judy discusses her journey of going from 35 million to food stamps and shares what a family gains when losing the American dream.
Her inspirational products, tees and books can be found on her website: and you can follow Judy online at:
FACEBOOK @authorjccochrane
INSTAGRAM @author_jccochrane
YOUTUBE jc cochrane
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: Begin Within.
For more powerful tools to help you succeed in business and in life, visit
Melissa Costello is a transformational eating coach, nutritionist, and certified spiritual psychologist. Melissa spent most of her life struggling with emotional eating and body image issues, which led her to do deeper work as a coach. Being the private chef to one of the top fitness gurus in the country led her to take a hard look at these issues, which brought her to a place of freedom with food AND her body. Melissa has coached hundreds of women on how to transform their relationship to food and end yo-yo dieting once and for all so that they can be successful, abundant and free in their lives. And today she is sharing her story about how she went from an emotional eater to an empowered business owner.
Today’s Mantra/Affirmation: I consciously expand my capacity for success, financial abundance, and deep connected love as I inspire others to do the same.
You can find Melissa Costello at
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