Why you need forgiveness...
In this message, Prophet K discusses the connection between forgiveness, healing, and receiving the gift of righteousness. He argues that physical healing, financial prosperity, and spiritual breakthroughs often come as a result of addressing unresolved issues and seeking forgiveness from others. He emphasizes that a humble acknowledgment of sin and a willingness to receive God’s grace are crucial for experiencing these blessings and also he illustrates these principles with personal anecdotes and biblical references, ultimately urging his audience to actively pursue forgiveness and embrace the abundance of God's grace.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday: 19th November 2024
Healing is HIS Love Language
Prophet K is a spiritual leader who preaches about the importance of healing in the Christian faith. He asserts that healing is not just about receiving physical restoration but is a prophetic act that reflects God's love and empowers individuals to contribute to the community. Prophet K argues that everyone has the potential to experience healing and that it is a normal part of the Christian life. He challenges traditional notions of healing as solely dependent on the intervention of a spiritual leader or medical professionals, emphasizing the power of individual faith and a shift in perspective. He uses personal anecdotes to illustrate his point, recounting his own healing from a debilitating condition and highlighting the importance of seeking God's will and understanding one's own sin. Prophet K ultimately encourages listeners to embrace the reality of God's love and to trust that healing is available to everyone.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday: 1 7th November 2024
Fehlende Folgen?
Prayed but not healed—why?
This sermon emphasizes the importance of a worthy offering to God, referencing Malachi and the need for priests to be vigilant about the offerings they accept. Prophet K then transitions to the topic of healing, arguing that healing is about receiving the forgiveness of sins and that God can provide the strength to endure pain. The second sermon focuses on the concept of prophetic utterances, explaining that miracles are often prophetic signs and that healing can be a prophetic language. Then he connects the miracles of Moses to those of Jesus, emphasizing their antithetical nature and highlighting the ways in which God can use healing as a means to set people free from the "diseases of Egypt."
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday: 12th November 2024
The Meaning Behind Jesus’ First Miracle
This message is about the importance of testimonies in a church setting. Prophet Kirby argues that true faith requires acknowledging that God works through signs and wonders, not just healing. He believes that these miracles are not just exciting events, but opportunities for spiritual growth and understanding. The speaker uses various examples, including personal stories, Biblical accounts, and anecdotes to demonstrate how these signs and wonders can be powerful manifestations of God's presence and power. He encourages the congregation to embrace these experiences with open minds and hearts, reminding them that God is not bound by human logic or understanding.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday:1 0th November 2024
The Cost of Overlooking a Miracle
Prophet Kirby advocates for a deeper engagement with the supernatural aspects of God, emphasizing the importance of signs and wonders in a believer's life. He uses anecdotes and biblical stories to illustrate his points, suggesting that miracles are not merely historical events but ongoing manifestations of God's power. He also encourages his audience to actively seek these miracles, asserting that they are meant for all believers and can impact every area of life, from finances to physical health.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Tuesday: 05th November 2024
In this Episode we discuss how Kirby de Lanerolle, Co-Founder of the WOWLife Church, talks about the importance of miracles in the church. Prophet K emphasizes that God works through miracles today and that miracles are not just for special people, but for everyone in the church.
He uses various stories and examples to illustrate his point, including his own experiences with gold dust and other miracles. The speaker encourages his audience to have childlike faith and to be open to the miraculous, claiming that the church should be full of people experiencing miracles, healings, and signs and wonders. He argues that these experiences are a gift from God and should not be seen as a means to an end, but rather as an opportunity to experience God's power and love.Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday 03rd November 2024
This Episode we discuss about a sermon by Kirby de Lanerolle describing the church as a vessel for the glory of God, which he equates with the Holy Spirit, and emphasizes the importance of the congregation's hearts being right for receiving the glory.
He also discusses the necessity of sacrifice and offering as a way to demonstrate one's devotion to God, and he encourages the congregation to trust God to provide for their needs. The sermon further explores the concept of idolatry, arguing that any pursuit that takes precedence over a relationship with God can become an idol, and the pastor urges his congregation to prioritize their relationship with God above all else.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Tuesday 22nd October 2024
This Episode is discussing a sermon delivered by Prophet Kirby de Lanerolle at WOWLife Church in Sri Lanka. The sermon explores the concept of idolatry, arguing that anything that takes priority over God in one's life can be considered an idol. It also delves into the Trinity, emphasizing the equality of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, while rejecting the notion of a vengeful God who requires the sacrifice of Jesus to appease his wrath.
The sermon concludes with an emphasis on communion as an act of setting things in order, acknowledging God's preeminence, and paying one's spiritual debts.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Sunday 20th October 2024
In this episode we are discussing the sermon delivered by Kirby de Lanerolle emphasizing the importance of community, faith, and revelation in Christian life.
He argues that one's understanding of God's greatness, and therefore their faith, can only be expanded through constant engagement with the Word of God. The sermon then focuses on the connection between community, gifts, and prophecy, stating that these spiritual gifts are given to and function within the context of a vibrant community.
The sermon concludes with a call for active participation in the church community, emphasizing the importance of having a "word" to share, seeking to edify others, and experiencing the blessings of God together.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Tuesday 15th October 2024
In this Episode we discuss how a sermon from WOWLife Church, where Kirby de Lanerolle focuses on the importance of understanding Grace and the relationship between Grace and Mercy. He shows that Grace is not just a concept or doctrine, but a person – Jesus Christ.
He also stresses that true Grace requires a transformation of one's perspective and a willingness to embrace one's own weaknesses and failings. He explains that these weaknesses are not a cause for shame, but rather the very foundation for experiencing true Grace. He emphasizes the importance of finding and owning one's "captivity," or the area of life where one feels most broken or weak, as it is through this vulnerability that one can truly experience the transformative power of God's grace.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Tuesday 10th October 2024
In this Episode we discuss how Kirby de Lanerolle at WOWLife Church delivers a sermon, titled "The Gospel of a New Species," focusing on reformation as a necessary step before revival, arguing that the spirit of God can only fill a properly formed vessel. This reformed vessel is not merely a spiritual individual, but the church itself, a community formed and sustained by the word of God and the gifts of the Spirit. The sermon further emphasizes that Jesus' death and resurrection offer a new kind of salvation, not simply a path to heaven, but a transformation into a new species, the "Christ kind." This transformed humanity can go beyond the natural realm, overcoming limitations such as sickness, poverty, and even death, to become sons of God.
Discussion based on: YouTube
WOW Tuesday 8th October 2024
Based on the Sermon: WOW Tuesday 10th October 2024
The source is the sermon delivered by Kirby de Lanerolle, co-founder of WOWLife Church. The sermon focuses on the importance of communion in Christianity, arguing that it is not merely a symbolic act, but a powerful ritual that can bring about real change.
He draws heavily on the historical context of the Reformation, particularly the work of Martin Luther, to emphasize the significance of communion as a way to break free from oppression and live in a state of grace. He also connects communion to the idea of humility and submission to God's authority, emphasizing the need to leave one's worldly power and possessions behind when entering into a church setting.
Discussion based on: YouTube
In this Episode we discuss how Kirby de Lanerolle, Co-Founder of the WOWLife Church, speaks about the importance of understanding and participating in Christian ordinances, particularly communion, within a larger framework of spiritual order and submission to authority. He draws on biblical teachings to illustrate the significance of these practices, emphasizing that true faith involves recognizing one's place within a divinely-ordered system.
He critiques the Protestant Reformation's excessive deconstruction of traditional practices, arguing that it led to a diminished sense of spiritual power and authority. Kirby de Lanerolle ultimately advocates for a reformed approach to Christian tradition, stressing the necessity of both revelation and obedience to God's ordained order.
Based on the Sermon: WOW Tuesday 1st October 2024
Watch full message: YouTube
This Podcast is from WOWLife Church is a sermon by Kirby de Lanerolle explaining the significance of communion, particularly its connection to the Passover feast and its implications for spiritual growth and protection. He asserts that communion is not a mere symbolic act, but a mystical experience in which believers become one with Christ and his inheritance, ultimately allowing them to overcome the forces of the world that would oppress them. De Lanerolle emphasizes the importance of community and encourages viewers to embrace their roles within the church as a "spiritual family" where they can experience spiritual renewal and liberation from bondage.
This podcast features AI-generated content based on our Sermons on YouTube, with each episode carefully reviewed for accuracy before publication by WOWMedia. We aim to provide meaningful and inspiring messages that reflect our church's mission.