
  • If the movie studio at 1223 North 23rd Street is anything - it’s an engineering marvel. Exposing motion picture film requires a significant amount of light, and therefore an enormous number of electrons arriving at the right place at the right time. Six stages that became nine - and then ten - needing studio distribution, house lights and air conditioning for the sub-tropic climate of the Cape Fear. A five-block-long backlot - christened as New York City’s Chinatown - with 400 neon lights. Construction mills and SPFX welding shops among the total of 22 buildings - rising from the swamp - in need of power, office lights, and HVAC.

    Gerald Waller, our only Studio Engineer - guided by his training, his instincts and the strict North Carolina Electric Code - figured it out.

    The WRAP BEER community is forever thankful for Gerald’s dedication, effort, and success!!!

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

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  • It may be said that any great cinematographer is only as good as their gaffer. And many cameramen have enjoyed having Lynn ”LD” Dodson by their side. And whereas the movie industry can often alter one’s personality, either for better or worse, LD may be the very exception to that norm. In a business where every job, every day, and every minute is different . . . LD has managed to remain the same Shelby boy that Jock Brandis recruited back in 1984. Veteran electrician Rusty Edmondson bears witness as Wrap Beer! once again hosts two members of The Tribe - albeit from opposite sides of the track - and this time showing in 3-D!!!

    No rubber chickens were harmed in the making of this podcast.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project. End-credit song, “Chasin’ Down a Dream!” by Mama Said.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • The long roads from Rome, Toronto, and Shelby, North Carolina come to intersect in Wilmington where Jock Brandis has been seen directing traffic. Recruited by Dino himself, Jock arrived on “Cat’s Eye” and began to employ his many talents - wrought with his own particular brand of Canadian persnicketiness. Very few people on this planet can carry the accolade of genius - and most folks on the Cape Fear, and many folks around the globe know - that Jock is one of them. Jock is joined by his partner-in-crime, Rob Hill, who bears witness to a life of wonder and giving - on the road less traveled - that just happens to pass through Wilmington, North Carolina.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • In the “mouse maze” of offices at DEG Studios, brothers Vick and Johnny Griffin were often mistaken for each other by the sound of their voice. Beyond the studio gate, the Brothers Griffin pioneered the art of Location Management in a town that was reckoning with a new visitor. Movies are made on the studio lot - and even more so - on the streets, neighborhoods, and homes of the host city. And that is where Vick and Johnny ply their craft - as the first handshake and last good bye as the circus moves in, takes over for a spell, and then moves on. Tar Heel born and bred, the Griffins helped pave the way for the film industry’s enduring success, on location - not vacation - on the Cape Fear.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • From their tobacco-enhanced headquarters at 1223 North 23rd Street, The Telemedia Group offered a myriad of support services - not only to the burgeoning film industry - but to the larger community as well. Mike De Vries Francine DeCoursey and crew served up video production and editing, EPK, and Screening Room Transfer and Projection. Meanwhile, Francine set her own “win win” course for utilizing extras casting as a tool to serve the community and the industry. And the best part is that they have been laughing and giggling the whole darn way.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • After meeting Tantar on the set of Firestarter, Fred Pickler strolled into the film industry as a savvy supplier of specialized props. In doing so, he wandered into one of the most iconic “badman” performances in cinematic history – the role of Detective Tom Gordon, aka Yellowman - in David Lynch’s Blue Velvet. And such serendipity could not have happened to a nicer guy and one of our finer examples of a Wilmington filmmaker. Fred is joined by his career-long colleague and friend, propman Vernon Harrell as we witness a small portion of Fred’s wonderous life.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • Grip /ɡrɪp/ noun


    a: a strong or tenacious grasp had a good grip on the tennis racket

    b: strength in gripping

    c: manner or style of gripping the balanced grip of an expert golfer


    a: a firm tenacious hold typically giving control, mastery, or understanding

    has the country in his grip

    b: mental grasp can't seem to get a grip on 

    3          : a part or device for gripping

    4          : a part by which something is grasped especially:  HANDLE

    5          : SUITCASE


    a: a stage worker who handles scenery, properties, or lights: STAGEHAND

    b: a technician on a motion-picture or television set who handles and maintains equipment (such as cameras and their dollies and cranes)

    7 Jeffrey “Moose” Howery, Bobby Huber, Dennis Zoppe, Scott Davis

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    More to come!

  • Handpicked by Dino and Martha to manage the day-to-day operations and outreach, Jayme Bednarczyk’s genuine warmth and kindness permeated the DEG Studio lot from the very beginning. In so doing, she set the tone for a growing crowd of young filmmakers that were “learning the ropes while swinging from them.” Meanwhile, a small town on the the Cape Fear needed the same nurturing when the circus came to town, and decided to stay. To this day, Wilmington and its crews are known for their congenial nature and polite professionalism. And we all can thank Jayme for that.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Albert Blackshaw RIP

    Alonzo Wilson

    Arnold Schwartznegager

    Barbara D'Alessandro

    Bernard Williams RIP

    Carolina De Laurentiis

    Clifford Capone

    Dino De Laurentiis RIP

    Fred C. Caruso

    Hannah Block

    Heather McIntosh

    Herbert W. Gains

    Jim Hunt

    Lyn Lucibello

    Martha De Laurentiis RIP

    Michael Menzies

    Pierce Bronson

    Raffaella De Laurentiis

    Richard Gere

    Steve Guttenberg

    Sylvester Stallone

    Edward 'Tantar' LeViseur RIP

  • Dr. Jones returns to WRAP BEER! with more tales of the wild, the weird, and the deep. Scott Davis blasts off from the dunes of Wrightsville Beach before landing a loving tribute to the life and work of John Verardi, first assistant cameraman - as told by John’s friends and the very community of WRAP BEER! Cheers to Johnny V!

    With Chuck Potter on the guest bar stool.

    Theme music by Turbo Pro Project.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Albert Blackshaw RIP

    Alonzo Wilson

    Robert V. Girolami

    Bobby Huber

    Butch Truelove

    Dennis Zoppe

    Dick Rankin

    Dino DeLaurentiis

    Ed Harris

    Frank Pearson

    George Stokes

    Harold Schneider

    Herb Gains

    Hugh Scaife


    James Wade

    Jammie Orendorf

    James Cameron

    Jim Dyer

    Jim Harrington

    John Ferguson

    John Lindley

    John Travolta

    Kelly R. Tenney

    Ken Powell

    Leslie Dilley


    Mark Robert Ellis

    Mary Carol Palmer

    Michael Cimino

    Mike Tollin

    Morton Zwicker

    Sanders Brothers

    Sara Flam

    Scott  "Scooter" Hillman 

    Steve Graves

    Stuart Neumann

    Tom Nesbit

    Vince Vaughn

  • NNew Episode Drops March 25 and Weekly Thereafter!

    007 - “The Dr. Is In Again!” - Tom Jones, Jr. with Chuck Potter on the guest bar stool.

    008 - “What Can We Do for Each Other?” - Jayme Bednarczyk

    009 - “There’s No ‘I’ in Grip!” Jeffrey “Moose” Howery, Bobby Huber, Dennis Zoppe

    010 - “gelber Mann!” - Fred Pickler with Vernon Harrell on the guest bar stool.

    011 - “Telemedia Saves the World!” - Francine DeCoursey & Michael DeVries

    012 - “Two Bros. Griff” - Vic & Johnny Griffin


    Hailing from Mississippi, Louisiana and Nashville . . . Chuck Potter passed though Wilmington on his way to New York City . . . and an esteemed career as a set decorator. But he keeps coming back!!!! Chuck’s stories are as rich and delicious as the homemade gumbo he serves up at his home in Wilmington.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Alex McDowell

    Barry Levinson

    Ben Affleck

    Benny Hill

    Beth Rubino

    Brad Pitt

    Brain Stultz

    Chris Crowder

    Dave Beavis

    Dolly Parton

    Frank Sinatra RIP

    Fred Schwoebel

    George DeTitta

    George Lucas

    Gretchen Rau RIP

    Jama Ball RIP

    Josh Pate

    Jonas Pate

    Kevin Bacon

    Kip Bartlett

    Larry Sauls

    Lester Cohen

    Martha Pineau

    Mel Smith RIP

    Nat King Cole RIP

    Patrick Fuhrman

    Peter Jackson

    Rodney Dangerfield RIP

    Sandra Bullock

    Shecky Greene

    Steven Spielberg

    Stuart Wurtsel


    Tara Cash

    Tim McKinna

    Vernon Harrell

    Another Round! Other Mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Beautiful Mt. Airy Lodge

    The Beverly Hillbillies (1962-1971)

    Carroll Music Company

    Corbett Lumber

    The Electric Slide

    Eric Rudolph

    Paddy’s Hollow


    Forces of Nature (1999)

    Homeland (2011-2020)

    The Inkwell (1994)


    King Kong Lives (1986)

    Love Field (1992)

    The Lovely Bones (2009)

    A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story (1994)

    Marie (1985)

    New Jersey Drive (1995)

    Pretty Woman (1990)

    Radioland Murders (1994)

    Sanford and Son (1972-1978)

    Sex & The Other Man (1995)

    Shag (1988)

    Simple Justice (1989)

    Sleepers (1996)

    Surface (2005-2006)

    The Choice (2016)

    The Crow (1994)

    The Shining (1980)


    Mr. Jones joined the migration from Shelby and spent four decades building scenery in Wilmington and beyond. Famously cool and calm in the most strenuous conditions, ie. “The Abyss,” Mr. Jones has finally become . . . well . . . famous.

    Dino DeLaurentis RIP

    Martha Delaurentis RIP

    Alicia Keyes

    Atilla Salih Yücer

    Barbara D'Alessandro

    Bill Collins

    William Ladd Skinner

    Bob Know

    Brian Kontz

    Captain Kretschmer

    Charlie Skouras

    Chester Spier

    Chris Holcombe

    Chris Nelson

    Cliff Werber

    Dave Bubb

    David Gordon Greene

    Donald Pleasence RIP

    Earl Owensby

    Fred Thompson RIP

    Gary Wissner RIP

    Jeffrey Schlatter

    George Alsina

    George Simcox

    Herbert W. Gains

    James F. Oñate

    Jennifer Hudson

    Jim Henson

    Jimmy Dean

    Joe Digaetano

    Jonas Pate

    Josh Pate

    Karen Steward

    Ken Paddington

    Ken Powell

    Lawrence Ross Shepard

    Lauren Shuler Donner

    Leslie Dilley

    Linwood Taylor RIP

    Lloyd Ahern

    Michael Myers

    Michael Stringer

    Mike Tollin

    Nick Law

    Paul Davis

    Paul Oliver

    Peter Durand

    Queen Latifah

    Rev. Pete Link

    Roger Scruggs

    Ron Cobb RIP

    Roy Smith aka "The Splinter" RIP

    Sam Brown

    Shawn Clark


    Vernon Harrell

    Vic Simpson

    Another Round! More mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Army Wives (2007-2013)

    Black Knight (2001)

    Bull Durham (1988)

    Cat's Eye (1985)

    The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (1999)

    Firestarter (1984)

    From The Hip (1987)

    Halloween Kills (2021)

    Homeland (2011-2020)

    Living Legend: The King of Rock and Roll (1980)

    Manhunter (1986)

    Maximum Overdrive (1986)

    No Mercy (1986)

    Paper Towns (2015)

    Raw Deal (1986)

    The Secret Life of Bees (2008)

    Summer Catch (2001)

    The Abyss (1989)

    The Strangers (2008)

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

    Year of the Dragon (1985)

    Piedmont Airlines (1948-1989)

    Chatham A's


    With ten feature films “in-the-can,” and five more being produced, DEG Studios in Wilmington was now a beacon of hope for wanna-be filmmakers in the south and beyond. And yes, giant apes were harmed. . . .

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Dino DeLaurentis RIP

    Martha Delaurentis RIP

    Adrian Lyne

    Alex Thomson RIP

    Beth Giles

    Brendan Smith

    Brian Henson

    Carlos Omar Guerra

    Charles Torbett

    Charlie Kaufman

    David Mamet 

    Ellen Kuras

    Gary Oldman

    Gary Wheeler

    Gary Wissner RIP

    Jeff Goodwin

    Geoffrey Tock

    Harold Pinter

    Howard Atherton

    Hugh Scaife RIP

    Jeffrey L. Kimball

    Jim Carrey

    Jim Henson RIP

    John Bromell

    Missy Berent Ricker

    Vladimir Nabokov

    Nicolas Roeg RIP

    Nobby Clark

    Roy Forge Smith

    Stanley Kubrick

    Stephen Schiff

    Sven Nykvist RIP

    Edward 'Tantar' LeViseur RIP

    Theresa Russell

    Tony Teiger RIP

    ANOTHER ROUND! Other mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Airlie Gardens



    Skywalker Ranch

    Spy Magazine

    Saint James Parish

    Wooster House

    Blue Velvet (1986)

    Bull Durham (1988)

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

    Excalibur (1981)

    What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)

    Homicide: Life on the Street (1993-1999)

    Insignificance (1985)

    King Kong Lives (1986)

    Lolita (1997)

    Manhunter (1986)

    Matlock (1986-1995)

    Monty Python

    Noble House (1988)

    Schitt's Creek (2015-2020)

    In the Shadow of the Moon (2019)

    The Abyss (1989)

    The List (2007)

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

    Track 29 (1988)

    Upload (2020 -)


    After Dino & David Lynch’s “Dune” flopped at the box office, Lynch arrived in Wilmington to produce “Blue Velvet” on a drastically reduced budget. Cinematic history was made, and a 60 lb festering Amberjack was reeled in . . . .

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Dino DeLaurentis RIP

    Martha Delaurentis RIP

    Fred Elms

    Edward ‘Tantar’ LeViseur

    Backseat Bonnie

    Brad Dourif

    Brian Stultz

    Dean Stockwell RIP

    Dennis Hopper RIP

    Doug DuRose

    Francine DeCoursey

    Francine Mercadante

    Fred Carter

    Fred Caruso 

    Fred Pickler

    Jack Nance

    Jeff Goodwin

    Jerry Clower RIP

    Jesse Helms

    John Wentworth

    Martha Coolidge

    Jeff ‘Moose’ Howery

    Pat Hill

    Peter Falk RIP

    Welch Lambeth


    Another Round! - Other Mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Eraserhead (1977)

    King King Lives (1986)

    Manhunter (1986)

    Miami Vice (1984-1989)

    Rambling Rose (1991)

    Barbary Coast

    Harrell’s Department Store


    Dixie Grill

    Katies Bar & Grill




    “If it hadn’t had happened already, I would tell you that it couldn’t be done.” - Bill Arnold, NC Film Office. In the 1970’s, Earl Owensby filmed over 35 feature films at his home-grown studio in Shelby , NC. When Dino Delaurentiis came to North Carolina, he first visited The EO Corporation before deciding to settle in Wilmington. He was followed by dozens of experienced EO employees who migrated to the Cape Fear.

    Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Dino DeLaurentis RIP

    Martha Delaurentis RIP

    Earl Owensby

    James Tomaro

    Mark Overton

    Mike Allen

    Rev. Pete Link

    Greg Hull

    Charlie Skouras

    Craig Stearns

    Tommy Ray Sullivan

    John Ferguson

    Don Goldman

    Nello Filippini

    Jock Brandis

    George C. Scott

    Frank Capra, Jr.

    Vic Simpson

    Danny Kiser

    Peter Larkin

    Gilbert Taylor

    Jim Brinson

    Geoffrey S. Grimsman

    Jeff Ginn RIP

    Giorgio Postiglione RIP

    Michael Stringer RIP

    Harold Michelson RIP

    Sir Ken Adam RIP

    Edward “Tantar” LeViseur RIP

    Chris Menges

    Jeff Jarvis

    Emilio Ruis del Río RIP

    Gus Ramsden RIP

    John Jay Moore

    Silvana Mangano

    Raffaella De Laurentiis

    David Lynch

    Joe Dunton

    One More Round! - Other mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Estudios Churubusco


    DDL Food Show

    Challenge (1974)

    Walking Tall (1973)

    Reuben, Reuben (1983)

    Marie (1985)

    Apocalypse Now (1979)

    Cat’s Eye (1985)

    Prancer (1989)

    The Crow (1994)

    Golden Years (1991)

    Betsy’s Wedding (1990)

    Date with an Angel (1987)

    Year of the Dragon (1985)

    The Dead Zone (1983)

    Dune (1984)

    Total Recall (1990)

    The Abyss (1989)

    The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966)


    On July 13, 1983, the Morning Star headline read, “Firestarter” Set to Film on Location in Wilmington.” The town would never be the same. Hosts SCOTT DAVIS and JOHN D. KRETSCHMER introduce “WRAP BEER!” and recount their very first days, and the dawning of a new era on the Cape Fear.Buy Them A BEER! - Folks who were mentioned on WRAP BEER!

    Dino DeLaurentis RIP

    Martha Delaurentis RIP

    Elliott Schick RIP

    Chris Menges

    John T. Kretchmer (the creative one)

    Frank O’Shea

    Rick Barefoot RIP

    Bobby Huber

    John Copeman

    John Bankson

    Jeff Jarvis

    Don Ansell RIP

    Ward Welton

    Bobby Testerman

    Jay Michael

    Richard Elam, Jr., Ph.D.  RIP

    Michael Jordan

    C.C. Hope, Jr. RIP

    Paula Wyrick

    Joanna (casting)

    One More Round! - Other mentions on WRAP BEER!

    Cat’s Eye (1985)

    Year of the Dragon (1985)

    Marie (1985)

    Atlanta Marriott Marquis

    Hurricane Diane (1984)

    Anatomy of Motion Pictures ( Book)