
  • Well this episode is an adventure and a half. Strap yourselves in folks, we are taking you to the markets! And this is the meal we got inspired to cook.

    Seafood pasta


    Packet of pasta of your choosing (we got fresh pasta made with saffron and chilli)

    4-5 handfuls of uncooked prawn cutlets (or frozen prawns)

    1-2 tubes of calamari (optional)

    5 zucchini’s

    5 (voluptuous) garlic cloves, minced

    Punnet of cherry toms

    zest and juice of 1 lemon

    glug of white wine (we used white wine vinegar, but go for the wine if you have it)

    bunch of parsley

    olive oil


    1. Pot of water on to boil

    2. Heap up a giant saucepan with a generous glug of oil

    3. Pan sizzle your prawns until they start to lightly turn pink, flip and repeat, then push to the side.

    4. Add your GIANT pile of zucchini and saute away. Cook for a few minutes and allow the zucchini to sweat and soften. (don’t forget to season)

    5. Add in your minced garlic and toms and combine together. Cook for a further 5-10 minutes allowing the zucchini to almost fall apart and the tomatoes to burst as they cook.

    6. Add in the calamari and white wine if you are using it and cook for a further few minutes.

    7. Head back to your pot of boiling water and salt the crap out of it. Pop in your fresh pasta. (if you are using packet pasta- cook as per instructions and allow more time)

    8. Now back to the sauce! Zest in your lemon and sprinkle in the parlsey and stir away.

    9. When the pasta is just about to reach al dente (still has a chew to it) scoop it up and add it into the sauceopan with the sauce. Add in a good ladle of the pasta water too.

    10. let it simmer and thicken, add in a good knob’o butter and make it shine.

    11. Finally squeeze in the juice of the lemon.

    12. Then make your parsley chips. In your smallest saucepan, heat up some oil, about 1cm thick. ( to check if the oil is ready, flick some water into the oil, if it pops and crackles, its ready!) Chuck in the parley and watch it like a hawk. It will only take a minute or two before you need to scoop it up and drain on paper towel. Salt GENEROUSLY.

    13. Serve and eat and drool and cry and enjoy.

  • Things look different today on the pod - I actually have a friend!

    My posh British mate, Chloe, is joining us! She’s brought along some wild ingredients - if you are a fan of banana and bacon together, or fried chicken on a waffle, then I think this will be your jam.



    500g of chicken (we used chicken breasts)

    1x small packet of bacon

    1-2 bananas

    To serve with: cranberry sauce, rice and veg of your choosing


    Dice up your ingredients into similar sized chunksPan fry up the bacon in a fry pan until caramelised and yumAdd in your chicken. Cook in each side for about 5 mins or until golden and cooked throughAdd in the banana and allow to caramelise too. Serve in rice with a spoonful of cranberry sauce


    This week I’m calling you all to invest in a good book shop and get your hands on

    Lucy Tweed’s cookbook “Every Night of the Week”, and check out her Instagram here:

    Julia Ostro’s cookbook “a year of simple family food”, check out her Instagram here:

    and Alex Elliot-Howery & Jaime Edwards cookbook “Use it All”. The owners of the beautiful cafe Cornersmith, which is sadly closing its doors 😭

    We also chat about ways of sustainably sourcing meat. If you want to look into a good company that does this, go to OurCow’s Instagram

    Or website for more deets!

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  • I am very quite possibly marginalising myself here with this opinion.. but I am not a fan of pizza.

    So this recipe today is my way around pizza. It's quick. Packs a punch in flavour. And, it's super yum!

    Join me in making flatbread pizza

    For the pizza
    Flatbreads of your choice
    1/2 an onion
    2 cloves of garlic
    500g lamb mince
    heaped tablespoon of tomato paste
    1/2 tsp cumin
    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    Browned spiced butter (optional, but definitely adds a yummy flavour)
    Big blob of butter (approx 100g)
    pinch of smoked paprika

    Yoghurt sauce
    3 heaped tablespoons of greek yoghurt
    2 tsps tahini
    juice of half a lemon

    Tomatoes, cut in chunks
    Cucumber, smooshed and chopped
    Mint & parsley, chopped
    pinch of sumac
    squeeze of lemon juice

    1. Preheat oven to 220 and palce the flat tray in the over to heat up
    2. Put the butter in a sauzepan onto the lowest heat and let it slowly melt down until it froths and little brown segments appear at the base of the saucepan. At the end, sprinkle in some smoked paprika and stir to combine. Remove from heat.
    3. Mince up the onion and garlic together in a food processor.
    4. Add the mine, tomato paste and spices, season as you wish and blend again until all well combined.
    5. Place flatbread onto the HOT baking tray. You could brush the butter onto the base before and/or after the meat.
    6. Press the meat mixture onto the flatbread using the back of a spoon. Even and thin.
    7. Cook in the oven for approx 10 minutes until caramelised and cooked through.
    8. Ladel on the yoghurt sauce, spreading over the meat and then spoon on the fresh veg.
    9. Slice up and enjoy.

    Takeaway: Add to your pantry staples list- caramelised balsamic vinegar.
    So so handy as a marinade, quick salad dressing, baste over meat or veg.

    Many thanks to David Muratore for his music geniusness.

  • Don't you love a meal that you can make just because you thought of it, and you know the ingredients are sitting there in your freezer and waiting for you?
    Yep- this weeks recipe can be one of those.

    Join me in cooking spinach and feta pie.

    From the freezer:
    1x packet of spinach (I use Bell's Farm), thawed
    Approx 1/2 a pack of Filo pastry, thawed (you could also use the refrigerated brand, same concept though, you can just have it sitting there until you're ready to use!)
    The other stuff:
    Olive oil
    1x packet of soft feta
    2x eggs
    grated parmesan cheese, quantity to your liking
    zest of 1 lemon
    grated nutmeg, quantity to your liking
    1x clove of garlic minced

    Preheat oven to 180 degrees, if you plan on baking straight up.
    1. Strain all excess fluid from the thawed spinach. Add to bowl
    2. Crumble in the feta to the bowl
    3. Add the eggs, parmesan cheese, lemon zest, nutmeg and garlic. Mixy-do.
    4. Season with pepper. Salt won't be necessary.
    5. Prep the pie base. Oil the base of your baking apparatus. I used a cake tin.
    6. Using a basting brush, lightly brush oil over a sheet of filo pastry and place in the pie tin (oil side up).
    7. Continue this process with each sheet of pastry, rotating the angle of the pastry so all areas of the tin are covered. You will use about half the packet of pastry, or until you get bored of basting. The edges of the pastry should be hanging over the edges of the pie tin at this point.
    8. PLOP your pie mixture into the pie tin.
    9. Bring in the overflowed edges of the pastry into the centre of the tin to cover up the mixture.
    10. Brush again with oil.
    11. Plonk in the preheated oven for 20-30 mins, or until the pastry is golden and crispy.
    Serve with a nice chunky salad and glass'o wine if you fancy.

    Takeaway: check out Food For Everyone's beautiful collection of posters based off meals from well-known chef's. Every purchase of a poster, they donate the equivalent of 10 meals to people in need. Their prints are so darn beautiful.

  • Look, we all have those days where we don’t give a f@*% . But when it comes down to it, having a tasty meal in the belly can help. If you don’t have to put too much time and effort into said tasty meal - even better!

    So, on todays episode, join me in cooking wok fried dumplings.


    1/2-full pack of frozen dumplings of your choice*

    An assortment of chopped up veg; approx 3 cups worth

    100ml white wine

    100ml soy sauce

    Generous glugging of sesame oil


    Use a wok or deep fry pan that has a lid. Turn it onto high heat bae-bay. Add in a good glug of olive oil and sesame oilWhen hot, pour in the frozen dumps and arrange their flat bums down to the pan. Sizzle (and step back) for about 2-3 mins until the bots are browning.Pour the veg on top followed by the sauce and quickly apply the lid.Simmer away for 5-6mins.Lift the lid. Let simmer further for another minute or so for the residual sauce to reduce and allow the dumplings to get crispy again. Serve up friends!

    *if you want to go a step further, try out the dumpling recipe I shared on the insta and freeze in batches- makes two meals worth. Otherwise, my go to frozen dumplings are the pork ones from aldi

    Takeaway: Bill Granger’s “Easy”
    Please send me your “what the hack?!”; ways to make cooking easier
    Follow me on Instagram for more fun food content @wtfsfordinnerpod

    Music: David Muratore

  • Toot toot! Rice Tuna Bake Express coming at 'cha - the meal to cook when you don't wanna cook and you'd really prefer to be smashing a pinot gris. #winemums


    1x pack of family size precooked rice (or leftover cooked rice from the day before)
    1x large tin of tuna
    1x REGULAR size canned corn
    1x zucchini, sliced or shredded
    1x red capsicum, sliced
    Zest and juice of 1 (juicy) lemon
    2 big handfuls of shredded cheese, plus more to sprinkle on top
    6-ish big spoonfuls of Greek yoghurt
    Salt and peps to season


    1. Preheat the oven to 180

    2. Toss the rice, tuna, prepped veg and lemon zest into the baking tray. Combine so they all get friendly together

    3. Stir yoghurt, cheese and lemon juice together in a bowl. Season as you wish.

    4. Pour 1/3 of sauce mixture into the baking tray and mix together.

    5. Pour remaining of the sauce over the top to cover the mixture

    6. Sprinkle some extra cheese on top

    7. Plonk into the oven and bake for about 30 minutes- until top is golden, melted and yummy.