
  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On September 19, ten storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    Our theme this month was COMING HOME. We heard stories about moving, about finding a sense of home, a couple about dogs, and even one about a 50th high school reunion.

    In the end, our winner was Corey Wolfe, who told a story about how long it took him to move to an apartment across the street.

    Corey earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second story comes from Bridget Hudacs, who told us about how, despite her initial resistance, she became a dog mom.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Matt McDunnell. Matt shared what he learned when his mother came home at an inopportune moment.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On August 15, ten storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    Our theme this month was WARNING SIGNS. We heard stories about scary situations, new places and relationships, a highly anticipated celebrity encounter, and of course stories about warning signs that were summarily ignored.

    In the end, our winner was Beth McLaughlin, who told a story about the times when everything was fine… until she showed up.

    Beth earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second story comes from Swapna Deshpande, who told us about a time she got caught up in the anticipation of a celebrity encounter.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Helen Dempsey. Helen shared what she learned while seeking a miracle on a trip to Arizona.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you onstage soon! Thanks for listening.

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  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On July 18, eleven storytellers shared their true stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    We heard stories about riding in the car, riding bikes, delayed and missed flights, and stories about surgery and terminal illness.

    Our winner was Kat Knapp, who told a story about spending the first summer of her 20s at Cedar Point amusement park.

    Kat earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second story comes from Jim Goldsmith, who told us about a recent 500-mile charity ride on his beloved bike.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Monee Myers. Monee shared about a health issue she faced during her senior year of college.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On June 20, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    The theme for our June story slam was SUMMER LOVE. We heard stories about connections that spanned decades, the risks in putting yourself out there, and what happens when you don’t close the curtains.

    In the end, our winner was Mina Edmondson, who shared her story about feeling her brother’s presence and love, even after he’d passed.

    Mina earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second story comes from John Joyce, with his story about his fourth-grade classmate Debbie Quinn, and a moment of kindness he never got to re-pay.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Debbie Gable, who shared her story about moving from friends to something more, and all the awkward and sweet moments in between.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On May 16, nine storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    The theme for our May story slam was LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER. We heard stories about Ouija boards, the power of a good nap when needed, and our mothers’ often outsized influence on our lives.

    In the end, we had a tie. Our first winner was Scott Blanchard, who shared his story about a mom’s ability to find anything – and his mom’s sage advice about perseverance.

    Scott earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second winner was Doc Yoder, with his story about the power of written stories when his mother’s memory began to fail.

    Doc also earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Mina Edmondson, who shared her story about a time not to take advice from her mother.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On April 18, twelve storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    The theme for our April story slam was OTHER DUTIES AS ASSIGNED. We heard stories about going above and beyond at work, stepping outside your comfort zone, and the beauty (sometimes) of the unknown.

    In the end, we had a tie. Our first winner was Nick Dowling, who shared his story about flexing his muscles beyond his IT role.

    Nick earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second winner was Sarah Chain, who shared a messier side of being a dog mom.

    Sarah also earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our next story comes from Jamie Beth Cohen, who told her story about experiencing loss as a school administrator.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Jason Plotkin, our reigning champion and Best Storyteller in York, who talks about reuniting with an impactful person later in his career.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On March 21, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    The theme for our March story slam was HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. We heard stories about second chances, the search for romantic partners, and the dangers of hope.

    In the end, our winner was Mike Reed, with his story of the lead-up to his first junior high basketball shot.

    Mike earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our next story comes from Carol Stowell, who shared about the hope she's found in activism.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Kir Evancho, who talks about hanging her hopes on romantic relationships.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On January 17, nine storytellers shared their stories with our audience at Archetype Pizza in downtown York.

    The theme for our January story slam was A TIME LIKE NO OTHER. We heard stories about the birth of a child, shared moments with loved ones, and pre-cellphone era adventures.

    In the end, we had a tie. Our first winner was Matt McDunnell, with his story of giving an elementary school bully his comeuppance.

    Matt earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Our second winner was David MacVeigh, who shared about the characters he encountered in his role as a public defender.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Michelle Dacey, who shared how her father’s terminal illness brought her family together for a few final days.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On June 21, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam.

    The theme for our June story slam was FATHER KNOWS BEST. We heard stories about lessons learned, thoughtful kindness bestowed, and generational differences.

    In the end, our winner was first-time storyteller Ryan Roe, with his story about playing in the elementary school band with his dad.

    Ryan earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Tony Crocamo, with the story of the first time he shaved.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes another first-time storyteller, Emily Golihew, who shared her story of her relationship with her father.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return in November to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our upcoming events and tickets for purchase are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On May 17, ten storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam.

    The theme for our May story slam was CHAOS. We heard stories about dealing with children, facing wild animals, and septic troubles.

    In the end, our winner was Randall Arthur, with his story about piquing the imaginations of a class of second graders.

    Randall earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Mina Edmondson, with her story of a time she played a softball game while her children entertained themselves on the adjacent playground.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Phil Broder, who told a story about some of his home ownership experiences from the last few years.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return in November to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our upcoming events and tickets for purchase are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On April 19, ten storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam.

    The theme for our April story slam was COURAGE. We heard stories about facing and overcoming fear, learning about courage by observing others, and conscientious objection.

    In the end, our winner was first-time storyteller John Joyce, with his story about a childhood skirmish.

    John earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Melissa Snavely, with her story of what she learned about courage from the Wizard of Oz and her mother.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from David MacVeigh, who told a story about the time a friend saved his life, and the sense of obligation it left him with.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return in November to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our upcoming events and tickets for purchase are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On March 15, nine storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam.

    The theme for our March story slam was CLOSE CALL. We heard stories about missing the bus, escaping death, and a run-in with a gang.

    In the end, our winner was first-time storyteller Helen Dempsey, with her story about getting off course during a Hash while living in France.

    Helen earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have David Smith, who shared about his history as an unlucky person, and how his luck changed after receiving a leukemia diagnosis.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from another first-time storyteller, Amos Stoltzfus. Amos told us a story about the time his dog was attacked at the dog park.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    We’ll host our first in-person story slam since the Before Times on Tuesday, April 19 in our new location. Updates on our events and tickets for purchase are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On February 15, nine storytellers shared their stories with our audience during a virtual slam.

    The theme for our February story slam was ABOUT LAST NIGHT. We heard stories about blind dates, international travel, lost loved ones, and imbibing to excess.

    In the end, our winner was Jason Plotkin, with his story of his dad's final days, and how it affected the people around him.

    Jason earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Eileen Joyce, who shared about making friends with people a bit younger than she and her travel companion.

    Next up is Elizabeth Erenberg, who shared how her focus was diverted on two surreal days.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Randy Schulz. Randy told us a story about learning some lessons from the morning after.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return at the end of the season to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam.

    Updates on our events are available on our website,, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also follow us on twitter at @yorkstoryslam, as well as on Facebook, and watch videos of all the stories from our events on our YouTube channel.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On November 30th, the nine winners from our monthly open mic story slams returned to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    The theme for the evening was NEXT TIME. We heard stories of memorable animal interactions, wishing for a do-over, and the lessons we can learn from relationships.

    Randy Schulz won with his story of his reactions to three different snake-related scenarios. Randy took home the trophy and bragging rights as the Best Storyteller in York.

    Next up we have a story from Tony Crocamo, who shared the story of a surprising way his parents showed affection.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Mina Edmondson. Mina told the story of how she’s managed her mother’s many phone calls.

    We'd like to extend huge thanks to KBG Injury Law for sponsoring this year's Grand Slam.The themes for our 2022 season have already been announced on our website, so take a look and plan to join us in January and all year long!

    We are planning to return to in-person events in a new location in 2022, and we hope to see you on stage soon! Thanks for listening!

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    The theme for our October story slam was BLOOD AND GUTS. We heard stories about stubbed toes, childhood and adult accidents, and one very detailed description of what to do with hunting spoils.

    In the end, Randall Arthur won with his story about his snowy-night encounter with a familiar neighborhood dog. Randall earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Dom Sciortino. Dom shared the story of impaling himself on a visit to Haiti.Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Mina Edmondson. Mina shared detailed instructions on how to prepare squirrels for eating.

    This was the last open mic story slam of our season. All the winners from this year’s Story Slam events will return to compete in our Grand Slam in November for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    The theme for our September story slam was HOMESICK. We heard stories about missing home, redefining one’s sense of home, and one about staying home sick from school.In the end, our winner was Sarah Chain, who shared her story about saying goodbye to her grandparents’ home. Sarah earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Thaddeus Abbott, who talks about finding an answer to the complicated question "Where are you from?"Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Joanna Kopinetz. Joanna shared her story about traditions around food, and how she brought some of them with her when she immigrated to the U.S.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York at our Grand Slam event in November.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    The theme for our July story slam was GREAT ESCAPES. We heard stories about narrowly missing trouble with the authorities, escaping from undesirable circumstances, and even one story about being terrified on a kiddie ride at Dutch Wonderland.

    In the end, our winner was Traci Neal, who shared her story about how she overcame her fear and found a way out. Traci earned a spot in our Grand Slam in November.

    Next up we have Jackson Gillman, who shared his story of spending the night in a jail cell.Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Mark Lentz. Mark shared the story of a particularly treacherous wintertime backpacking trip.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    The theme for our June story slam was HAPPY DAYS. We heard stories about happy childhood moments from the perspectives of both child and parent, perspective gained during the pandemic, and reminiscing before walking a daughter down the aisle to the altar.

    In the end, we had a tie! Our first winner was Jamie Beth Cohen, who shared how partying as a young person has affected the rest of her life.

    Our second winner was Randy Schulz, who shared his story of preparing to walk his daughter down the aisle. Jamie Beth and Randy earned spots in our Grand Slam in November. Next up we have Tony Crocamo, who told the story of his first fishing trip.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Elizabeth Erenberg. Liz shared about the lessons she's taken from her family's isolation during the pandemic.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    On May 18th, eight storytellers shared their stories with our audience for our virtual slam.

    The theme for our May story slam was DON’T TELL MOM. We heard stories about getting away with it, not getting away with it, and coming clean decades after the fact.Mina Edmondson won with a powerful story about when you should tell mom.

    Next up we have Domenic Sciortino, who told the story of how he cracked the plastic bubble window on the roof of his dad's van, and how he finally came clean about it.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from Steph Holmes. Steph painted a picture of how her mom always seemed to have eyes in the back of her head, never missing anything.

    All the winners from this year’s open mic story slam events will return to compete for the title of Best Storyteller in York.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome to the York Story Slam podcast, where we feature select stories from our monthly open mic storytelling events in York, Pennsylvania.

    The theme for our April story slam was WIN, LOSE, OR DRAW. Happily, we mostly heard stories of wins — and even the stories of losing at first led to happy results in the end.

    Erin Marsicano won with her story about overcoming her childhood shyness by participating in pageants.

    Next up we have Eric Aycock, who shared a story about how a college game of tag gone wrong led to longer-term wins.

    Our final story on this month’s podcast comes from our first Canadian participant, Soo Jeong, hereby making York Story Slam international! Soo shared her story of expectation vs. reality on a trip to Thailand.

    Updates on our events are available on our website, and while you’re there, you can sign up for our monthly newsletter.

    A big thank-you to our 2021 sponsor, KBG Injury Law, whose generous support is making this season possible.

    We hope to see you virtually or on stage soon! Thanks for listening.