
  • It’s already June, and Brock, Shannon and Steve finally managed to get together to record our final episode of the spring season. The last few months have been tough for all of us, with plenty of personal and ministry things to deal with. That has left us all feeling pretty tired, burned out, and cynical. Let’s just say, we aren’t exactly “killing it!” these days.
    That’s reality. Ministry is hard. There are times when we lack the optimism and heart we need to do it well. When those times hit, it’s good to have friends to debrief with instead of just Instagram to compare ourselves to.
    Whether you are on top of the world or feeling like you’ve been in the desert for 40 days, we hope our vulnerable conversation gives you the same encouragement and hope it gave to us.

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram!Email us at youth

  • It’s Move Up Season in youth ministry. There are new families moving their oldest child into a youth group for the first time. There are freshmen moving into high school. And of course, seniors graduating to the next thing, whatever that may be.
    For youth pastors, navigating these changes is a big challenge. We have to communicate well, help people feel comfortable in their new setting, ensure nobody gets lost in the shuffle, and handle the calendar, often in a compressed period of time. All that, while dealing with our own emotions of seeing beloved students graduate. It can be physically and emotionally exhausting.
    Multiply that by a billion if your own kids are graduating. Steve has lived it three times! (Yes, Shannon, someday that will be you!)
    Transitions and Move Ups are truly madness, but it’s an important part of shepherding people and taking good care of your ministry. We hope this episode is helpful, even if we don’t have all the answers.

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  • Today the Sherpas welcome good friend and Download Youth Ministry Co-founder Josh Griffin to the podcast!
    We talk with Josh about his unforeseen call to youth ministry as a college student, and his discouraging first job at a small church in the upper midwest. It was during a hard time that he discovered Doug Field’s book, “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry.” That led him on a pilgrimage to Saddleback Church, one of the most influential churches in the country. His future was forever changed by the relationships he formed there.
    Now the Jr High Pastor at Mariners Church, Josh shares about the challenges of large church ministry (5 youth services on Easter!), the formative days of Download Youth Ministry (which was almost named Digital Youth Ministry), the democratization of youth ministry resources, and how optimism is the only way forward in these troubled times.
    We also find out how our own Brock Morgan was selected as a trainer for the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training!
    Josh is a generous spirit and we are grateful for his friendship and encouragement. It’s a great conversation.

  • Smelly Cabins, Snack Shack, Silly Skits, Scary Bus Rides, Smooching Kids – nothing says summer like Summer Camp!
    Even after our many years of experience and all the various programs we’ve led, we still believe in Summer Camp. It’s one of the foundations of our ministries. Summer Camp provides the chance to get away, break rhythm, avoid distractions, build relationships, and have significant, life-changing moments with God. There’s no substitute.
    Despite its long-standing history and value, we’ve also seen an increasing reluctance on the part of parents to send their kids to camp. Mix that in with travel sports and the financial costs, and it’s not an easy thing to get kids to go!
    But we still love it, still sold on it, and are still taking our kids this summer. Hear our reasons, and do likewise!

  • Episode 18: The Beauty and Necessity of Contemplative Youth Ministry With anxiety at an all-time high and attention spans at an all-time low, how can youth pastors help our students experience God in deeper and more meaningful ways? Is it more than music, games and messages?

    On this episode, Shannon, Brock and Steve talk about the value and beauty of contemplative practices in youth ministry. Whether it’s the Prayer Labyrinth Steve’s group just experienced, or Lectio Divina in Shannon’s ministry, or a chance to get prayed for every week in Brock’s ministry, we think we’re onto something significant. These aren’t new ideas–– in fact, most of the practices are centuries old–but modern churches often forget how powerful they can be. We’ve made them part of our regular ministry rhythm, and we hope others might do the same. Our students crave it.
    Who knows, maybe our ideas will even work upwards into “big church?”
    This is an episode your students need! You probably do, too.

    Mark Yaconelli’s book
    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram!Email us at youth

  • Sadly, we are missing Shannon today, but Brock and Steve got together the day after they both preached in their churches’ main services to talk about our experiences with preaching. It can be a big deal for youth pastors. We both get to do it regularly, and we’ve seen the benefits our time in the “pulpit” has brought to our ministry within the congregation. Whether you preach once a year or once a month, preaching is a great way to gain credibility, speak into the culture of our church, and celebrate the Next Generation. But it also brings some challenges, like time management (we still have to plan for youth group that week), staying humble (“I like it when YOU preach!), and not trying to sound smarter than we are. Preaching is really important, yet probably less important than we make it.
    The most important question is this: pulpit, podium or music stand?
    It’s Episode 17: When Youth Pastors Preach

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube!
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  • Today, we talk about money. It’s a sore subject in youth pastor circles. Many youth pastors and youth workers feel underpaid, unappreciated, and undervalued. What’s worse; talking about it or asking for more feels unspiritual. Aren’t we just in it for the kids? Well, yes, but what can we do to improve our financial viability so we can take care of our families, build church health, and achieve longevity in youth ministry?

    Dan Navarra is our guest. Dan is the creator and curator of the Annual Youth Pastor Compensation Report.
    Dan is passionate about helping workers earn what we’re worth. He has a wealth of experience working with youth pastors, churches and leaders, and offers some powerful advice for us. The news isn’t all good – we have a long way to go – but being informed enough to advocate for ourselves is an important step.

    The Youth Ministry Sherpas get pretty fired up over this one. You will, too.
    You can find Dan Navarro here in most Youth Pastor Facebook Groups or here:

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram!Email us at youth

  • Brock is back from sabbatical, if you can call it that. A month off–albeit with two interruptions, a speaking engagement, and painful back issues. But there was also a trip to San Diego, another trip to London, and some sweet time with God. So, in hindsight, what did Brock learn about himself, about his identity in Christ, and what it is that keeps us in youth ministry? How do we do what we do without letting it be who we are? Later, we talk about what we consider “success.” In a time when youth ministry is harder than ever–when so many students walk away (see last week’s episode) and the cultural forces are working overtime against us and our students–how do we know it’s not all in vain? Where do we define the win, and where do we find it? The answer may surprise you.
    Welcome back, Brock. We are Brockless no more!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube!

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  • Our first-ever interview guest is Brad Griffin, Senior Director of Content and Research for the Fuller Youth Institute, and co-author of their new book, Faith Beyond Youth Group.

    It has been nearly 20 years since Sticky Faith brought to light the troubling truth about Millennials leaving the church. Those same problems–exacerbated by accelerating technology, anxiety, and a worldwide pandemic–are affecting Gen Z. What can youth workers, parents, and church leaders do to stem the tide of young people abandoning the church?

    Steve and Brad have a great conversation around the unique characteristics of America’s largest generation, and how we can foster true Christ-like character to create a better generation of Christians than the ones they are following.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Sticky Faith

    National Study of Youth and Religion
    Carey Nieuwhof Podcast (Kara Powell)
    Reggie Joiner/Orange

    Dallas Willard
    Skye Jethani
    Youth Leader Check Up

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram!Email us at youth

  • It's February and we're still Brock-less. However, Shannon and Steve got together to talk about Valentine's Day, the Super Bowl, and more importantly -- Youth Ministry. What happens when our students surpass their parents in spiritual maturity? Sometimes it's students from nonChristian backgrounds, but it can also be students from within the church. How do we challenge them to keep growing and pursuing Jesus but not undermine their parents? We also talk about the painful reality of when students we know and love suddenly drop off the face of the earth. Every youth worker experiences this. How do we strike a balance between pursuing the kid who's ghosting us, but letting them go for our emotional preservation? Shannon also gives another plug for the Barbie movie, while Steve recommends a classic Robin Williams movie, and another movie about... chess? We also give a teaser for our first-ever Sherpa interview, coming later this month. It's Episode 13 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast, so roll down the windows and let's get started! We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram! Email us at youth

  • Brock is still on sabbatical, but Shannon and Steve connect for a great conversation about tradition, innovation, and who should be playing in the Super Bowl this year.

    Youth Ministry is usually on the cutting edge of church culture, which means we are always up for trying something new. At the same time, creating stability and traditions for our students can be a valuable gift. How do we know when to change it up, and how do we know when "We've Always Done It That Way" is the right answer?

    Our second segment is about our ability to "Wing It." Knowing ourselves and our youth ministry brethren, we wonder if procrastination is a curse or necessary part of the youth pastor gene? How does that impact our effectiveness, and what can we do about it?

    By the time you hear this our hopes will be either realized or dashed, but nevertheless we make our wishes known for the Super Bowl. Despite what she says, Shannon is clearly letting a certain Pop Star determine her fandom.

    It's time for Episode 12 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • Our first episode of 2024, and we're already Brockless! Brock is on sabbatical and will miss a couple episodes, but Shannon and Steve are back to kick things off.

    Steve went to the Passion Conference in Atlanta the first few days of the year (along with 55,000 college students) and while it was awesome, it also got him thinking about worship, emotions, and their role in youth ministry. How do we strike a balance between bringing students into a transcendent experience but not making "the experience" the point? What is the role of worship in faith development for today's generation?

    Our "Get to Know Your Sherpa" segment highlights the differences between the East and West Coast (related to fireworks), and we chat about the role of laughter, games and silliness in youth ministry as well. Maybe laughter and tears aren't so far removed from each other.

    Episode 11 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • The Youth Ministry Sherpas met for the very first time ever at Mariner’s Church in sunny SoCal at the Download Youth Ministry Conference. Not only did we have fun together, we also spent some time with some of the most amazing youth workers on the planet. Five of them – with a combined 140 years experience – are featured in this episode. When did they want to quit, and what got them through? The answers are honest and encouraging.

    We also discovered that Shannon has been to Dick Van Dyke’s house (it figures), Brock makes 72 cents when he sells a book, and Steve has made middle school girls cry by showing them a National Geographic video of a lion eating a gazelle.
    All this, and we filmed it before a life studio audience!
    Thanks to Doug Fields, Josh Griffin, and the great folks at DYM!
    Featured guests:David Reed
    Danny Long
    Jack Janigian
    Jonathan Meyer
    Derry Prenkert
    Brock’s Book!
    Dick Van Dyke’s Halloween House!
    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram!Email us at youth

  • We've all experienced the outreach gone wrong. (Hint: It usually involves a lock-in.) In this episode, we talk about some recent outreach events we've done and share nightmares from the past. Then we back up and talk about the reason for doing them in the first place. What is the purpose and what is the win when it comes to outreach?

    In the bigger picture, in this day and age when "church" isn't always a good word to outsiders and church reputations can be tainted by politics and misrepresentations, how do youth ministries engage our community with love and give those outside the church a reason to like us?

    All this, plus Brock survived a stop in Vegas, Shannon survived a Barbie Silent Disco, and Steve survived October in general. Plus, we solved the problem of worship preferences forever! All this on Episode 9 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast with Brock, Shannon and Steve.

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • In an age of rising mental health awareness, constant connectivity, and youth sports worship, it has become increasingly common for parents to care more about protecting their kids from struggles than developing their character. As youth pastors, we can sometimes get caught in the spinning blades of helicopter parents. How can we encourage parents to permit the proper amount of discomfort to exist in their kids' lives? And for us who are parents, well, this is for us, too!

    And let's face it: Youth Pastors always want their students to invite friends. Sometimes, though, we have to check our motivations to make sure we are doing it for God's Kingdom and not our own.

    We also talk about our grandparents, favorite dead presidents, and why middle school girls make the best hosts for a Coldplay concert. All this on Episode 8 of the Youth Ministry Sherpas Coast to Coast with Brock, Shannon and Steve.

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • On today's episode, we discuss this generation's infatuation with authenticity. Is the fear of being.a hypocrite keeping kids from following Jesus, and if so, are we doing enough to teach grace? Fittingly, we also have an authentic conversation about how to be a pastor when we don't feel worthy ourselves. Is it hypocritical to stand up and teach when we have doubts and struggles of our own? How do we power through and honorably serve as purveyors of our own fragile faith?

    All this, plus Brock reveals that he's figured out the book of Revelation, Shannon disses Dunkin, and Steve admits he's never seen a Fast and Furious movie. It's "Youth Ministry with the Windows Down!" Thanks for coming along for the ride!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • Episode 6 is probably what you need right about now! With the fall season ramped up, it's easy to focus on "doing" instead of "being." When life as a youth pastor takes on breakneck speed, how do we keep ourselves spiritually healthy and serve from overflow instead of overwork? Then we talk about authors who have influenced our spiritual journey. Hint: most of them are dead. Lastly, in the world of youth ministry, senior pastors get a worse rap than mother-in-laws. But it can be different, and better. We share thoughts and practices that have helped us not only get along with our senior pastors, but helped champion our ministries in the process. All this, plus stories of catching kids making out, and what to say to kill the romance with embarrassment. It's "Youth Ministry with the Windows Down!" Thanks for coming along for the ride!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network
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  • Episode 5 might be our most fun -- and honest -- yet. Brock and Shannon survive the "Great California Hurriquake" of 2023, right before Fall Kickoff (always fantastic). There's nothing quite like that early momentum and seeing all our kids come back for another year together. But as much as we love students, we have to admit some are harder for us to like than others. Following up on our conversation last week about people who don't like us, we discuss the types of students we don't necessarily like. How can we love them anyway? Then Brock brings us our "Get to Know You" question, and it's a good one. If you could host any band, living or dead, in your backyard, who would it be? (It's a good thing this can't happen or Shannon would probably black out.) Finally, how do we navigate the tension between championing our ministries and celebrating the whole church? It's "Youth Ministry with the Windows Down!" Thanks for coming along for the ride!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network

    Train your volunteer team at the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training!

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    Contact Steve's son for your own backyard concert @_thomasaustin or
    Follow us on Instagram! @youthministrysherpas

  • It’s our fourth episode, and we keep learning more about each other. We discover that there are actually people (at least one) who don’t like Brock. Or Steve. (Of course everyone loves Shannon.) How do we handle the inevitability of not being liked by everyone? Next, with school starting back up, we talk about the school choices church families make. Is there a difference between homeschool, private school and public school kids? Do our ministries reflect the diversity in those choices? And how do we lessen the pressure on parents to “make the right choice.” Lastly, anyone in youth ministry knows that churches can hurt us. Each of us has seen and experienced a lot of hard things among God’s people, but somehow we are still committed to doing this thing in our local churches. All this, plus discovering the skeletons (or mannequin arms) in one another’s youth ministry closet! It's "Youth Ministry with the windows down!" Thanks for coming along for the ride!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network

    Train your volunteer team at the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training!

    Find flexible, affordable curriculum for the year!

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  • It's the 3rd episode of the Youth Ministry Sherpas ** Coast to Coast ** and we are having a great time together! The Barbie Movie is all the rage. Steve and Shannon think it's hilarious. Any good youth pastor (sorry Brock) should have seen it by now. What does it teach us about this cultural moment and issues facing our students, and should we re-think how we do ministry to the girls in our group? We also share what the perfect night of youth group looks like to us (hint: there will be laughter). And we talk about our teaching ideas for the fall (if we have any), the value of curriculum, and how important is it -- really -- to "kill it" with the message every week? All this, plus Shannon gets burned by her daughter about her pickleball skills and Brock can't go to eat out after youth group anymore without a bottle of Tums. It's Youth Ministry with the Windows Down! Enjoy the show!

    We are proud members of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network

    Train your volunteer team at the National Day of Volunteer Youth Ministry Training!

    Find Flexible Annual Curriculum from DYM's Coleader

    Watch us on YouTube! Follow us on Instagram! @youthministrysherpas

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