ZenWorlds ZenCast #52 is a guided intuitive meditation by Darla Desautel. Darla is a personal and professional development consultant and coach. She is also a certified Jose Silva UltraMind ESP System instructor based in Arizona. This meditation is designed to show you 8-major intuitive goals and outcomes allowing you to access insight at a deeper level and apply it to your life. You can reach Darla by email at
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #51 is a meditation designed to assist your mind, body and spirit to increase immune function and heal itself. Your body is designed to heal itself, but sometimes outside influences like environment, diet, activity, signals, radiation and other outside forces, interferes with your body’s ability to do so. While you’re addressing those things, making new lifestyle choices, this meditation can assist your body to get back on track.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
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ZenWorlds ZenCast #50 is the 3rd of 3 meditation workshops to help put yourself in the vibration of happiness. Being happy is the most important thing you can do for yourself. No matter what your circumstance. Sometimes you need help to get there and that’s ok.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #49 is the 2nd of 3 meditation workshops to help put yourself in the vibration of happiness. Happiness is contagious just as other emotions or states of being are contagious. Get to the root of what is holding you back from reaching maximum happiness.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #48 is the 1st of 3 meditation workshops to help you put yourself in the vibration of happiness. There's a quick exercise we'll do that you can reference whenever you need it. There is a printable worksheet on you can download or use a blank piece of paper. Then I’m going to bring you through a meditation designed to help you visualize your happy place wherever that may be.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #47 is a meditation designed to help you alleviate symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD so you can move forward with a life with less anxiety, less panic and more serenity.
Anyone with PTSD knows that after the initial incident, sometimes the stress disorder shows up via a trigger in the environment or sometimes seems to appear with no rhyme or reason.
Using the tools we’ll show you today will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate, calm your nerves and helping you come down to earth.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #46 is a meditation designed to help you move beyond betrayal and alleviate future trust issues so your existing and future relationships aren't clouded by you past.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that may vary in frequency. Please use caution and discontinue if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger the onset of tremor symptoms. This is a longer meditation than most because it's bringing you through a full chakra balancing but also addressing trust in a verbal mantra. Hopefully you're not hungry, thirsty or halfway have to go to the bathroom. Those things make you squirmy and less able to chill out so take 5 to work those things out and then let's hang out. Namaste. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #45 is a meditation designed to assist you in manifesting what you want. It's a goal setting exercise to assist you in setting goals, breaking them down into smaller steps and staying engaged to stay on your path.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that may vary in frequency. Please use caution and discontinue if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger the onset of tremor symptoms. This also uses ocean waves to assist in relaxation but has the opposite effect if you have a full bladder. Please pee pee before the meditation. Namaste.
ZenWorlds ZenCast #44 is a meditation designed to help you visualize your happy place wherever that may be. Your brain synapses fire in the same areas whether you’re experiencing something in your current reality or if you’re visualizing an alternate reality in your head. This is important not only when experiencing stressors in your current reality, but also when experiencing anxiety about things that haven’t really happened but you fear could happen, you need to take yourself on a journey in your mind to your happy place to gain perspective and self sooth. Eventually you can get to the point where no matter what’s going on around you, you can still feel light and have happiness in your heart.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #43 is a meditation designed to help you move forward and leave behind repetitive patterns that hold you back from moving on with your life. So what is it exactly that makes humans repeat the same actions, attract the same people into our lives and somehow we hope for a different outcome? Some believe it's the definition of insanity. I believe it's feeling stuck. I think you're pretty over feeling stuck aren't you? I thought so too ;-) Your new awakening begins right here, right now.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #42 is a meditation designed to combat busy brain, put your mind at ease, focus your thoughts on positive things so you can drift of to a blissful sleep. Stress can play a big role in sleep deprivation as well as a drag on your immune system. Your body can function as it should when you are in a relaxed state. There will always be stressors, good and bad that can come in between you and a restful nights sleep, but knowing how to handle those restless nights will help you drift off.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #41 is a meditation designed to bathe your body in energy. This meditation is one I did recently at a teacher’s wellness workshop and I think it may be one of my new favorites. When I did this one, by the end, I felt light pulsating in every energy point building up then beaming from the top of your head and connecting you to everything. See how you feel when you allow yourself to be self-aware and present in the moment.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds zencast #40 is a meditation designed to change your polarity from negative to positive. We all have life energy circulating in our bodies. Some philosophies call it Prana, Chi, life force, etc. Energy is always in motion one way or the other. If you’re not growing, learning new things, you are shrinking and becoming close minded. If not going up then coming down. There is a creative flow and a destructive flow.
The beauty of it is, energy may flow a certain direction for you, however, it can be changed with meditation, prayer, proper diet and many energy work therapies like massage, reiki, acupuncture, chakra balancing with stones, tuning forks, aromatherapy to name a few.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #39 is a meditation designed to help you reduce stress. Our lives have become evermore complex. We're constantly being exposed to messages, information, challenges on top of normal stressors like work and home life. Our bodies are designed to kick into fight or flight mode during stressful times but then to come down once the stressor is gone. Stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to kick in. Not allowing your body to come down from these fight responses results in adrenal fatigue, irritatability, digestive disorders and can even increase the liklihood of more serious diseases like heart disease, stroke and hypertension. I was inspired to write this meditation after watching Dr. Oz on Reversing Heart Disease in 28 Days. It's not always possible to have peace and quiet. It takes practice, but in time you'll learn to change how you handle stressors with meditative practices no matter where you are or what your circumstance. To assist you along your journey, try this meditation.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #38 is a meditation designed to help you manage anxiety without the use of chakra tuning forks for those listeners sensitive to vibrations or frequencies or with a tremor disorder. Anxiety and panic can range from nuissance to debilitating. Everyone's experience is different. This process activates your body's fight or flight response. It's built into our DNA, our root chakra, our survival instinct, our acute senses in the face of danger while draining the adrenals. I recommend visiting a doctor if you experience what you think is anxiety and it's become difficult to manage. It's all about integrated medicine and it's important that you find the right balance for you to be happy. For those looking to manage their own anxiety in addition to other methods, this meditation is for you.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #37 is a meditation designed to help you positively adjust to the idea of passing on, the passing of a friend or passing of a loved one. A person learns from a young age that death is to be feared and yet it's just as much a part of life as being born. The fear should lye in not really living while you're here. It's such an amazing opportunity to be here, but when the time comes to pass, may peace and love be in your heart. Whether you're coping with a loss, potential loss of someone close or coming to terms with yourself passing, this meditation is for you and comes by request of a special ZenWorlds listener.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children.This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
ZenWorlds ZenCast #36 is a meditation designed to give you a little boost. There are far too many people out there feeling a lack of support from themselves and unsupported by others around them. Sometimes a person just needs a little pep talk or cheerleading session. If you don't have a friend or someone close that lifts you up when you need a cheerleader, then this meditation is for you.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds VidCast #35 is a meditation designed to help you manage anxiety. Everyone's experience is different when experiencing anxiety. This process activates your body's fight or flight response. Well, we're not being chased by dinosaurs anymore, but there are plenty of things in your environment that can trigger a short mini panic (oh I lost my keys) or a more intense and long anxiety attack. For those that manage their own anxiety or meditate in addition to other methods, this meditation is for you.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #34 is a mini meditation designed to help you deal or maybe even erase fears. Fear is a very natural emotion. For our species to survive, fear was essential. It kept us as safe as possible and basically kept us alive, but that was then. Although some fears are still very much a part of survival like don't jump off this steep cliff, other fears be them rational or irrational, only hold you back from really bursting out of your skin with happiness. We're all perfectly imperfect and brilliant at the same time. Let's break down those fears one breath at a time.
This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. -
ZenWorlds ZenCast #33 is a meditation designed to help you realize your personal boundaries and enforce them with those around you. My mom always used to tell me that you teach people how to treat you. I think many people out there know at least a couple adults who don't treat you the way you would like them to. Part of that is because you have not established clear boundaries with this person or these people so they know how far they can and can't push you. Let's help you establish firm boundaries and give you the mental script for when you need to assert your authority when it is being challenged.
Before beginning any relaxation exercises or meditations, be sure you are not operating a vehicle, machinery or attending to the needs of children. - Mehr anzeigen