Technologie – Estland – Neue Podcasts

  • "What if we Could?" A podcast exploring this question that drive us. We explore the practical application of artificial intelligence, product design, blockchain & AR/VR, and tech alpha in the service of humans.

  • Welcome to “How We Made That App,” where we explore the crazy, wild, and sometimes downright bizarre stories behind the creation of some of the world's most popular apps, hosted by the always charming and devastatingly handsome Madhukar Kumar. After starting his career as a developer and then as a product manager, he is now the Chief Marketing Officer at SingleStore. And he's here to take you on a journey through the data, challenges, and obstacles that app developers face on the road to creating their masterpieces.
    On each episode, we'll dive deep into the origins of a different app and find out what went into making it the success it is today. We'll explore the highs and lows of development, the technical challenges that had to be overcome, and the personalities and egos that clashed along the way.
    With a signature blend of irreverent humor, snarky commentary and, razor-sharp wit, we'll keep you entertained and informed as we explore the cutting edge of app development.
    So grab your favorite coding language, crank up the volume, and join us for “How We Made That App,” brought to you by the top app-building platform wizards at SingleStore.

  • Saade IT-tund avab koos Geeniuse, Elisa ning üllatuskülalistega äri- ja IT-maailma ristumiskohad. Luubi all on lähiaastate digitrendid, küberruumis varitsevad ohud, digitaliseerimise mõju majandusedule ning uudised, mis kujundavad homset.

  • Building AI Products is a practical podcast for people who build AI, machine learning, and data science products.

    AI is changing the world. But the popular "big idea" discourse about building AI products is mostly wrong and useless. In the meantime, the builders who are actually making and shipping AI products are following a boring playbook that works: doing customer discovery, prototyping, experimenting, and iterating.

    We interview those builders and learn from their experiences shipping real products to real customers.

  • Cyber Watch by Silent Breach

    Silent Breach is a cyber security company that specializes in network security and digital asset protection. Companies are compromised on a daily basis, resulting in direct financial losses, customer loyalty erosion, reputational harm, and sometimes triggering significant fines and penalties.

    Silent Breach aims to protect your business and keep it safe.

  • "Olukorrast digiriigis" annab iganädalaselt ülevaate Eesti digiriigis toimuvast. Saatekülalised on digiteenuste loojad ja arendajad, samuti valdkonna otsustajad ja eksperdid. Saate on tellinud Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium. Projekti on kaasrahastanud Euroopa Liit.

  • Подкаст проекта DevGym, где самые разные гости делятся своим опытом и мыслями об индустрии IT

    Группа в телеграм:
    Ваши истории сюда:

    Email: [email protected]

    Ведущий: Задорожный Семен

  • Visionaries is a podcast that brings insightful conversations with CEOs, founders, and product leaders to help innovators and entrepreneurs to create successful digital solutions.
    Brought to you by WANDR, an award-winning UX agency that helps clients achieve their business goals through strategy and design that converts and engages users.

  • Weekly podcast hosting business leaders in AI. Uncover tactical advice for building & scaling better AI products.

  • Podcast on product and software leadership. Hosted by Rene Allkivi and Erik Past.Sponsored by Concise (

  • Rəqəmsal və Texnologiya dünyasını həmsöhbətlərimizlə birlikdə kəşf edirik🔎

  • Kuidas ehitada maja, et see ei kukuks kokku, peaks sooja, valmiks õigel ajal ja oleks ilus? Selleks on vaja nutikaid tellijaid, arhitekte, insenere, projekteerijaid, ehitajaid ja loomulikult raha. Kuid kõige tähtsam on, et nende omavaheline koostöö peab kulgema ladusalt. Miks toppavad mitmed Eesti riigi jaoks olulised ehitused? Kui raske on projekteerida eramaja krundile pommikindlat pilvelõhkujat? Kas inseneride avalik sõda ehitusvigade vastu kannab vilja? Millise imenipiga suudab Eesti riik igal aastal renoveerida 500 kortermaja, et täita Euroopa kliimaeesmärgid? Nendel ja veel paljudel teistel teemadel arutleb saatesari, mis on pühendatud 29. novembril Kultuurikatlas toimuvale konverentsile Ehitus2024+ „Kas mängus või pingil“.

  • Have a drone question?  We'll answer it.  Welcome to "Your Drone Questions. Answered.", the podcast where we bring you the answers to your burning drone-related questions! Each episode, we take questions submitted by our audience and find industry experts to provide insightful and informative answers. Our interviews with these experts are typically 10-15 minutes long, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule. From flying techniques and gear to regulations and industry news, we cover it all. Whether you're a drone hobbyist, a professional, or just curious about the world of drones, "Your Drone Questions. Answered." is the podcast for you. So, send in your questions and join us as we explore the exciting world of drones!

  • Sound is energy. It’s intimate and startling and immediate. Each episode of Sound Show explores one topic in sound, like music, film, silence, or communication. Every week we talk to the people who make and hear the strangest, most interesting sounds in that topic.

  • В этом подкасте я (бывший журналист) и Миша (бывший сотрудник ДПС) рассказываем и разбираемся в новшествах в ПДД, законах и всех различных сферах и изменениях, касающихся водителей машин, мотоциклов и другой техники, передвигающейся по дорогам общего пользования. Это подкаст не перечитка новостей автомобильной сферы, это, в первую очередь, мнение, которое никто не спрашивал. Но мы опережаем время и делимся им до того, как начали появляться вопросы.

    Сами мы находимся в городе Кирове и проецируем все изменения и новшества на родной город.

  • Простым языком рассказываем, что такое нейросети, почему они внезапно стали так популярны, как они работают и действительно ли заменят нас на работе.

    Для того, чтобы ответить на все эти вопросы журналист и подкастер Иван Талачев и пикчер, AI-блогер Женя Мацкевич будут зашумлять и расшумлять музыку, превращать сказки Пушкина в киберпанк и придумывать, как управлять компьютером с помощью балалайки.

    Телеграм-канал подкаста с новостями из мира нейросетей

    Телеграм-канал Вани и Жени

    Студия подкастов «Богема»:
  • Hosted by Jennifer Strong, SHIFT is a new weekly podcast taking a closer look at the far-reaching impact of automation on our daily lives.

    From policy to process, we seek to understand how lives are changing alongside rapid breakthroughs in frontier technologies and artificial intelligence. Join us as we navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by this reshaped reality.

  • The EventTech Pull Up is where Tess Vismale of iSocialX and Keith Johnston of i3 Events talk about the week in EventTech and ways to make event technology work for your organization.

  • Участники: Александр Плющев, Григорий Бакунов, Григорий Климарёв, Аскар Туганбаев.

  • Forensic Fix is a podcast from MSAB that covers the latest news and trends in the field of Digital Forensics. The show features guests from the industry who share their insights, experiences, and advice on various topics related to Digital Forensics.

    The podcast covers a wide range of subjects, including mobile device forensics, welfare, industry news and more.

    Listeners can expect to hear about the latest tools and techniques used by Digital Forensic professionals, as well as how the field is evolving in response to the ever-growing threat of cybercrime and how much digital evidence is a part of most investigations.

    Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in Digital Forensics, this podcast is must-listen for anyone interested in the field.