Technologie – Marokko – Empfohlene Podcasts

  • This podcast covers the recent UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) activity, AKA Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. Because of the pending and new reporting, leaked UFO videos and then verified as real by the Navy, here's my take on this historic and exciting UAP development. I'll start by covering recent encounters and offer my opinions on what the Pentagon has revealed to the public. Having worked as an electrical engineer at the Chrysler Defense division in Michigan, I know what classified means, and we will likely see watered down truths and facts. I hope to help unravel the mysteries.

  • What is it like to build a tech startup in Africa. We speak with the men and women building Africa's tech infrastructure.

  • NFT Alpha is the spot where you can get the latest and greatest NFT news, project reviews, and NFT advice. Episodes coming to you twice a week where you can learn about some of the upcoming NFT projects and tokens that have major upside and potential. Follow us on this journey as we uncover what the world of NFTs has to offer!

    DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that we are not a professional advisor in business areas involving NFT’s, finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "NFT Update" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "NFT Update" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available.

  • Dijital teknoloji hayatımızı değiştirdi. 2020 yılında bu hız arttı ve insanların hayatı tamamen değişti. Alışkanlıklar ve davranışlar evrim geçirdi. Sosyalleşmenin tanımı değişti. İnsan artık dijitalleşmek zorunda yoksa toplumdan soyutlanır. Dijital hayata ayak uydurmaya çalışan iki arkadaşın sohbetlerine kulak misafiri olmak isterseniz buyrun Diji-Dünya’ya.

  • بودكاست "حاسوب" هو برنامج تقني يتناول أحدث التطورات والاتجاهات في عالم التكنولوجيا. يسلط الضوء على المواضيع المثيرة مثل الذكاء الاصطناعي، الواقع الافتراضي، الأمن السيبراني، والابتكارات التكنولوجية الحديثة.

  • This podcast aims to shed light on remarkable success stories from the MENA region, specifically focusing on tech experts and accomplished entrepreneurs. By hosting engaging conversations, we will explore the journeys of these exceptional individuals and inspire listeners to carve their own paths to success.
    Our podcast has been crafted with four main goals in mind:
    1️⃣ Career Guidance and Market Updates
    2️⃣ Navigating a Changing and Competitive Market
    3️⃣ Creating Impactful Ecosystems
    4️⃣ Mobilizing Decision Makers and Policy Makers

  • بودكاست يعطيك المعرفة العميقة لتطوير مشاريع تقنيّة.

  • A new sports centered podcast coming soon to a speaker near you.

  • .بودكاست يتحدث عن مواضيع الذكاء الاصطناعي بدون ما ندخل في العميق

  • LEETSPEAK is a tech podcast made in 1337. in this podcast, we talk with our guests about many tech-related topics such as AI, blockchain, WEB3, Cyber Security....etc.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • يقدم عدد من الصحفيين المتخصصين في "دقيقة" تعليقات وتقارير عن التطورات الأكثر إثارة في مجال العلوم. لمتابعة جميع الملفات الصوتية يمكنك التوجه مباشرة إلى زر "بودكاست" على موقع "للعِلم". للاطلاع على أرشيف الملفات الصوتية الرجاء زيارة الرابط التالي:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • News, views and interviews from the global Battery Technology industry

  • Entrepreneurs ou aspirants entrepreneurs :
    que pouvons-nous faire concrètement
    pour faire notre part face aux grands enjeux de société ?

    “Too Good to grow ?” c’est un format simple pour interroger celles et ceux qui cherchent à concilier activité économique et grands enjeux sociétaux ou environnementaux.

    Au travers de ces entretiens nous vous faisons découvrir des invités, des parcours
    mais aussi des solutions concrètes à la portée du plus grand nombre !

    Bonne écoute !

  • أطرح هنا مواضيع تتعلق باهتمامتي المهنية والتي كتبت عنها في مدوناتي أكتب وملهم. وتتلخص في مجموعة نقاط هي:تاريخ التقنيةتطوير معرفي (تتمثل في المواضيع جديدة وتحسين الموجود.)، توثيق الأعمال (من كتابة وأفلام وثائقية ولقاءات).. تنمية القيادات (،تتمثل في منح الناس الفرص) و تحفيز (وهو بالنسبة لي إشعار الناس بقيمتهم) تصميم (المنظمات الابتكارية) تاءات خمس (العناية بالمرافق) وأخيرًا وليس آخرًا .. #تذوق_الجمال_نعمة (من تصوير.. تمثيل .. تزيين) وكما تلاحظون أو قد لاحظتم فإن المواضيع تبدأ بحرف التاء .. تاريخ .. تطوير .. توثيق .. تنمية .. تحفيز .. تنظيم .. تاءات .. تذوق .. من هنا جاء بودكاست تاءات..أما تصميم العلامة فكان البحر بجماله و سحره وعمقه خير مايمثل ماستجدونه من محتوى في تاءات .. وبالمناسبة فذا كان تحليل زوجتي لاختيار صورة البحر وهي بالمناسبة من تصويري لشاطئ في مدينة سان هوان في بورتو ريكو. معكم رأفت محمود زيني..شغوف بديناميكا النظم وتصميم المنظمات، قادم من عالم الهندسة، مهتم بالتقنية واستراتيجياتها، محب للفن والجمال،شعاري #تذوق_الجمال_نعمة.

  • Selon la définition du dictionnaire Larousse, "l’intelligence artificielle est un ensemble de théories et de techniques mises en œuvre en vue de réaliser des machines capables de simuler l’intelligence humaine".

    Comment fonctionne-t-elle exactement ? Quels sont ses usages ? Est-ce énergivore ? Est-elle dangereuse ?

  • Best Practices für Tech und Business von SaaS Produkten. Von der ersten Zeile Code bis zur skalierbaren Architektur. Von der Idee bis hin zur Growth Strategie. Hier bekommst du Einblicke und spannendes Erfahrungswissen aus über 50 Projekten. Zusammengestellt von Phillip und Sergio.

  • Join Matthew Vega-Sanz, the visionary and CEO of LULA, as he takes you on a journey through the dynamic world of insurance. Explore the highs and lows of building an insurance empire, as he and his guests share invaluable experiences and wisdom. Dive into the realm of technology trends, and explore the impact of cutting-edge advancements, including GAIL, in the insurance industry. Whether you're an insurance enthusiast, industry professional, or just curious about the ever-evolving insurance landscape, AI Pioneers: Insurance Edition is your go-to channel for expertise, inspiration, and a deep dive into the future of insurance. Interested in using AI for your Insurance Agency? Click on this link to learn about GAIL - AI specifically built for Insurance:

  • Welcome to Merging Minds podcast, your supportive guide to claiming your power in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-powered localization. Join our dynamic hosts Gabriel Fairman and Javi Diaz, as they dissect the latest tech, ignite unbiased conversations on navigating the future of work, and empower you to thrive in the face of change where neurons meet algorithms. From demystifying AI with unconventional, innovative thinkers, to translation and localization industry experts, and to unlocking true leadership potential, you’ll discover practical strategies and inspiration to confidently chart your course as we’re deciphering the language of both tech and human minds. Whether you're a seasoned translator, a curious linguist, a creative, researcher, or a business leader, The Merging Minds is your vibrant hub and compass in the digital labyrinth where our thoughts cross paths with data streams.

  • Mon Oeil décrypte pour vous les enjeux et les pratiques de l’intelligence économique. Créé par Ghizlane Mathiau en août 2021, ce podcast vous plonge au cœur des stratégies et des témoignages des acteurs clés de ce domaine en pleine expansion. Diffusé deux fois par mois sur les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes de podcasts, “Mon Oeil” offre un regard documenté sur les rouages de l’économie, de l'actualité mondiale, de la géopolitique, de l'actualité économique et des enjeux stratégiques mondiaux pour mieux anticiper et comprendre les défis de demain. Mon Oeil, le premier podcast intelligence économique. Un podcast qui aborde l'économie mondiale, les enjeux politiques, technologiques, environnementaux, par le biais de l'intelligence économique.Ghizlane Mathiau a cofondé et opère en tant que consultante en intelligence économique chez DoubleBang Company, un cabinet de conseil axé sur la veille et la prospective technologique. À travers ce rôle, elle produit et anime Mon Œil, un podcast qui explore et décrypte les tendances et innovations influençant l’avenir. Son expertise s’appuie sur une solide formation académique, couronnée par un MBA en Management Stratégique et Intelligence Économique. Cette formation lui a fourni une maîtrise approfondie des techniques de recherche, d’analyse, et de communication efficace, Ghizlane est passionnée par la création et la diffusion de contenus audiovisuels qui stimulent la curiosité et la réflexion, avec pour objectif de fournir des informations pertinentes et utiles aux décideurs et aux acteurs du changement.Mon Oeil, c'est aussi Mon Oeil Business Club, une rencontre tous les mois avec un entrepreneur connecté sur le monde dans lequel il vit.
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.