
  • In this episode we interview Mark Galeotti a leading expert on Russia, Russian organised crime, and Russian security. Galeotti is Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London, Honorary Professor at the University College London, and director of the consultancy Mayak Intelligence. He has authored a large number of books, including “The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia” published by Yale University Press and “We need to talk about Putin: How the West gets him wrong” published by Penguin.

    Galeotti takes us on a tour de force — including what makes Russia’s leadership tick, “active measures”, risks that firms need to be mindful of, and much more! Enjoy!

    The episode was recorded at the end of 2019.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In the latest episode of DiploPod, Jen Psaki sits down with Julia Gurganus to discuss the re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Gurganus is a visiting scholar with the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Program. She has spent the past two decades working in the U.S. intelligence community on issues related to Russia and Eurasia. From 2014 to 2017, she was a national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia, the senior subject matter expert on Eurasia for the director of national intelligence. She is a CIA employee and is at the Carnegie Endowment on a CIA-sponsored sabbatical. The views she expressed are her own and do not reflect the official position or view of the U.S. government or an official release of U.S. government information. (More on Gurganus - http://carnegieendowment.org/experts/1424)

  • Dr. Johan Galtung discusses his view of the future of the world and U.S. empire. He believes we're moving into a peaceful multipolar world composed of regional civilizations, but not quite attaining "one world". He sees Islam returning with a vengeance and the U.S. possibly splitting or dividing into two parts.

    Watch on BitChute / Rumble

    Geopolitics & Empire · Johan Galtung: A Multipolar Future of Regional Civilizations, U.S. May Divide in Two #129
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    Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com
    Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics
    Show Notes
    On Curves, Their Interrelations, and History https://www.transcend.org/tms/2020/01/on-curves-their-interrelations-and-history

    About Johan Galtung
    Johan Galtung, dr, dr hc mult, a professor of peace studies, was born in 1930 in Oslo, Norway. He is a mathematician, sociologist, political scientist and the founder of the discipline of peace studies. He founded the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (1959), the world's first academic research center focused on peace studies, as well as the influential Journal of Peace Research (1964). He has helped found dozens of other peace centers around the world. He is currently the president of the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory & Peace Practice.

    He has served as a professor for peace studies at universities all over the world, including Columbia (New York), Oslo, Berlin, Belgrade, Paris, Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Sichuan, Ritsumeikan (Japan), Princeton, Hawai'i, Tromsoe, Bern, Alicante (Spain) and dozens of others on all continents. He has taught thousands of individuals and motivated them to dedicate their lives to the promotion of peace and the satisfaction of basic human needs.

    He has mediated in over 150 conflicts between states, nations, religions, civilizations, communities, and persons since 1957. His contributions to peace theory and practice include conceptualization of peace-building, conflict mediation, reconciliation, nonviolence, theory of structural violence, theorizing about negative vs. positive peace, peace education and peace journalism. Prof. Galtung's unique imprint on the study of conflict and peace stems from a combination of systematic scientific inquiry and a Gandhian ethics of peaceful means and harmony.

    Johan Galtung has conducted a great deal of research in many fields and made original contributions not only to peace studies but also, among others, human rights, basic needs, development strategies, a world economy that sustains life, macro-history, theory of civilizations, federalism, globalization, theory of discourse, social pathologies, deep culture, peace and religions, social science methodology, sociology, ecology, future studies.

    He is author or co-author of more than 1600 articles and over 160 books on peace and related issues, including Peace By Peaceful Means (1996), Macrohistory and Macrohistorians (with Sohail Inayatullah, 1997), Conflict Transformation By Peaceful Means (1998), Johan uten land (autobiography, 2000), Transcend & Transform: An Introduction to Conflict Work (2004, in 25 languages), 50 Years - 100 Peace and Conflict Perspectives (2008), Democracy - Peace - Development (with Paul Scott, 2008), 50 Years - 25 Intellectual Landscapes Explored (2008), Globalizing God (with Graeme MacQueen, 2008),

  • Gregory Copley discusses the "total war" between the U.S. and China and how he believes China cannot achieve its goals of strategic competition with the U.S. He believes Beijing is helping cause the economies of the West to decline where all are in a race to avoid being first to the bottom. He also discusses one of the core struggles of our time which is rural conservative nationalism versus the globalist city-state utopianism being manifested in movements such as Brexit and a brewing 2nd U.S. Civil War scenario. The 21st century will be one of declining populations and declining wealth.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqkInF5Kl2kWatch on BitChute / Brighteon / RumbleGeopolitics & Empire · Gregory Copley: Nationalism vs Globalism & the US-China Total War #141The "21st Century's Total War" report is available for download here: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Unavoidable-War.pdf*Support Geopolitics & Empire!Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.comDonate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donationsConsult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation**Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors!Above Phone https://abovephone.com/?above=geopoliticseasyDNS (use code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) https://easydns.comEscape The Technocracy course (15% discount using link) https://escapethetechnocracy.com/geopoliticsPassVult https://passvult.comSociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.comWise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopoliticsShow NotesChina Is Waging A New Kind Of War Against The U.S. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/China-Is-Waging-A-New-Kind-Of-War-Against-The-US.htmlBrace For A Global Crisis In 2020 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Brace-For-A-Global-Crisis-In-2020.htmlWhat Would A U.S. Civil War Look Like? https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/North-America/What-Would-A-US-Civil-War-Will-Look-Like.htmlWebsiteshttps://strategicstudies.orghttp://artofvictory.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/the-international-strategic-studies-associationhttps://www.dfaonline.netAbout Gregory CopleyHistorian, industrialist, philosopher, author and strategic analyst Gregory R. Copley has for a half century worked at the highest levels with various governments around the world to help create a global strategic environment which would reduce conflict and promote economic well-being and international stability.He is the author or co-author of 35 books (his 36th should be available in 2020), including, for example, The Art of Victory (Simon & Schuster 2006); UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Crisis (published by the International Strategic Studies Association in 2012); and Sovereignty in the 21st Century and the Crisis for Identity, Cultures, Nation-States, and Civilizations (ISSA, 2018). He has also authored thousands of intelligence and policy reports.He is the Editor-in-Chief and founder (in 1972) of the Defense & Foreign Affairs group of publications, the basis for the International Strategic Studies Association, and he went on to found (in 1982, with Dr Stefan T. Possony, who was with him at the foundation of Defense & Foreign Affairs). He is currently President of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), the global non-governmental organization (NGO) for senior professional officials involved worldwide in the formulation of national and international strategic policy. And he was the founder, in 1999, of the Global Information System (GIS), an on-line, encrypted-access core strategic intelligence database and system for use by governments worldwide. He is also Dean of the ISSA’s worldwide College of Fellows.In 2001, Gregory Copley was the creator and one of the founding directors of Australia’s new grand strategy research organization, Future Directions International (FDI) (which began as the Centre for International Strategic Analysis: CISA)...

  • US Navy diver, submariner, and author William Craig Reed discusses his new book "Spies of the Deep" on the sinking of the Russian Kursk submarine in 2000 and how it led to the rise of Vladimir Putin and his revival of Russia as an economic and military power. He discusses the new war for the Arctic, Chinese asymmetric warfare, and threats to America's supply chain and the U.S. dollar's position as the world reserve currency.


    Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rumble

    Geopolitics & Empire · William Craig Reed: Russia, China, the Arctic, the Dollar, & the United States #150
    *Support Geopolitics & Empire!
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    Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com
    Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics
    Show Notes
    What really happened to Russia's 'unsinkable' sub https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/aug/05/kursk.russia

    Russia's Putin says he may seek another term if constitutional changes passed https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-putin-vote/russias-putin-says-he-may-seek-another-term-if-constitutional-changes-passed-idUSKBN23S0H3

    IS THE CORONAVIRUS A BIOWEAPON? http://wcraigreed.com/is-the-coronavirus-a-bioweapon

    CORONAVIRUS COMPROMISES NAVY’S ABILITY TO PROTECT U.S. SUPPLY LINES http://wcraigreed.com/coronavirus-compromises-navys-ability-to-protect-u-s-supply-lines
    W. Craig Reed http://wcraigreed.com

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/wcraigreed

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/W-Craig-Reed/604010902960165
    About William Craig Reed
    William Craig Reed is the author of several award-winning non-fiction books including Spies of the Deep (Post Hill Press, 2020), The Seven Secrets of Neuron-Leadership (Wiley, 2017), and the critically acclaimed Red November (HarperCollins, 2010). Also, the novels Status-6: A Jon Shay NCIS Special Ops Thriller (Post Hill Press, 2020) and The Eagle and the Snake: A SEAL Team Six Interactive Thriller (Diversion, 2012). Reed is the co-author of Tarzan, My Father (ECW Press, 2002) with the late Johnny Weissmuller, Jr.

    Reed served as a U.S. Navy diver, qualified submariner, and SpecOp photographer. He earned commendations for completing secret missions during the Cold War, some in concert with SEAL Team 1, and he is one of only a few authors invited by the U.S. Navy to observe Ice Exercise (ICEX) submarine operations in the Arctic. Reed is an alumnus or member of numerous military, veteran, and technology associations, allowing him to reach an audience of millions.

    Reed is a geopolitical and military expert and has been a frequent guest on national television and radio including CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX and other stations. He has contributed dozens of op ed articles and frequently provides inside information to the media on Putin, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Reed holds an MBA in Marketing and a Harvard University Neuroscience SeriesX Certification. He was a former vice president and board director for the Silicon Valley American Marketing Association and has founded three successful software companies.

    Reed is a co-founder of the Us4Warriors Veterans Foundation, honored as a San Diego County’s Veterans Non-Profit of the Year. Proceeds from Reed’s books help support this foundation.

    *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

  • Journalist and host of "The Red Line Podcast" Michael Hilliard discusses Australia's precarious position in the Pacific between a rising China and the United States. He explains how Australia only has a two week fuel reserve and resource chokepoints which are easy to cut off. He gives his insight into the Australian economy and the infiltration and influence of China into Australia. Finally, he provides insight on the US-Australia relationship and Australia's views of the potential for regional and global war.

    Watch on Rumble

    Geopolitics & Empire · Michael Hilliard: Australia's Geostrategy in the US-China New Cold War #134
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    Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com
    Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics
    Show Notes
    China, Australia and a Compliant New Normal? https://thediplomat.com/2020/02/china-australia-and-a-compliant-new-normal
    An end to the US-Philippines military agreement is bad news for Australia https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/an-end-to-the-us-philippines-military-agreement-is-bad-news-for-australia-20200211-p53zup.html

    France, Germany, Australia request to withdraw forces from Iraq https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/81470/France-Germany-Australia-request-to-withdraw-forces-from-Iraq
    Espionage and Interference? Australia Grapples With Its China Relationship https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/29/world/australia/china-espionage-interference.html
    Australia and the U.S. Are Old Allies. China’s Rise Changes the Equation https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/11/upshot/australia-relationship-china-us-trade.html
    China, Australia kiss and make up but things will never be the same https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/geopolitics/article/2147632/china-australia-kiss-and-make-things-will-never-be-same



    About the Guest
    Michael has been involved in journalism now since 2010 and has gone on to work from countries ranging from Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, China, Belarus and many more.
    He has appeared on over 150 radio stations around the world speaking on various topics, and has performed and spoken in front of 10,000+ people over the last decade. So he was a natural choice to host The Red Line.

    He is regularly called upon as an informed source for various publications and has won various awards for his work, and he intends to continue this through his duties at the podcast.

    He has always been happy to go wherever the story may take him whether that be to a warzone or a boardroom, because sometimes little things change huge outcomes. Along with the rest of the fantastic team at The Red Line we are thrilled to have him as part of the show.

    The Red Line is a brand new podcast based out of Australia that takes a look into the biggest issues shaping the news around the world.

    Each week we have 3 expert guests, ranging from CIA operatives through to Harvard professors, giving you first hand information right there from the action.

    Designed to be a 45 minute crash course teaching you everything you need to know, whilst also dispensing knowledge a lot of mainstream media outlets wouldn't be allowed to.

    Listen into the show and dive deep into the real story.

    *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.

  • Strategic risk consultant and best-selling author F. William Engdahl discusses the Coronavirus "pandemic" and how scenarios by the Rockefeller Foundation in their 2010 report and the 2019 "Event 201" Coronavirus pandemic simulation by Microsoft's Bill Gates (in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies such as Johnson & Johnson, US military, CIA, and the head of Chinese CDC) foretold in detail the events we are experiencing in real-time with the COVID-19 crisis. He explains how he never could have imagined such a dystopian geopolitical scenario in his wildest dreams. He looks at the economic collapse that is underway and where the globalists are pushing us, including a digital cashless society, and why they need to destroy the United States of America as a functioning sovereign entity.Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / RumbleGeopolitics & Empire · William Engdahl: The Dystopian Scenario Arising From COVID-19 #139*Support Geopolitics & Empire!Become a Member https://geopoliticsandempire.substack.comDonate https://geopoliticsandempire.com/donationsConsult https://geopoliticsandempire.com/consultation**Visit Our Affiliates & Sponsors!Above Phone https://abovephone.com/?above=geopoliticseasyDNS (use code GEOPOLITICS for 15% off!) https://easydns.comEscape The Technocracy course (15% discount using link) https://escapethetechnocracy.com/geopoliticsPassVult https://passvult.comSociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.comWise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopoliticsShow NotesRockefeller Foundation - Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Development (2010) https://ia802609.us.archive.org/12/items/pdfy-tNG7MjZUicS-wiJb/Scenarios%20for%20the%20Future%20ofTechnology%20and%20International%20Development.pdfEvent 201 (2019) http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/aboutWebsiteswilliamengdahl.comtwitter.com/EngdahlFWBookshttp://williamengdahl.com/books.phpAbout William EngdahlF. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer.He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics—the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography—have been translated into 14 foreign languages from Chinese to French, from German to Japanese.His most recent works trace the strategies and events that led to the rise of the US as an international superpower. He describes the emergence after 1945 of an American power as a new kind of Empire not based upon sole military occupation of land, but control of vital resources. Domination was through creation of an informal empire where control of finance, of the basic food chain, of energy—above all of oil, would be the basis for what would become the greatest concentration of power in history, an American Sole Superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union.Born in Minnesota, William Engdahl grew up in Texas. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in comparative economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative freelance journalist in New York and Europe.He has lectured on contemporary geopolitics as Visiting Professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology and delivers talks and private seminars around the world on different aspects of economics and politics with focus on political risk. He has given talks at the Ministry of Science and Technology Conference on Alternative Energy, Beijing; London Centre for Energy Policy Studies of Hon. Sheikh Zaki Yamani; Turkish-Eurasian Business Council of Istanbul, Global Investors' Forum (GIF) Montreaux Switzerland; Bank Negara Indonesia; the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies; the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Economics.F.

  • Analyst Nikola Mikovic discusses the geopolitics of Belarus and its position between Washington/Brussels and Moscow. Will Lukashenko choose a side or continue to walk the high wire between the two? Nikola looks at the energy play and examines the allegations of the destabilization of Belarus by Russian Wagner mercenaries as well as possible U.S. "Color Revolution" interference. He also says that Russia and the U.S. are not enemies, but partners, and may have already made a deal on Belarus.

    Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rumble

    Geopolitics & Empire · Nikola Mikovic: Belarus Between Washington, Brussels & Moscow, Time to Pick a Side? #154
    *Support Geopolitics & Empire!
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    PassVult https://passvult.com
    Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com
    Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics
    Show Notes
    What will Lukashenko’s Pyrrhic victory bring to Belarus? https://www.offiziere.ch/?p=38157
    Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko warns of a “bath-house” in which “everybody” will suffer – as far away as Vladivostok https://www.intellinews.com/belarus-president-alexander-lukashenko-warns-of-a-bath-house-in-which-everybody-will-suffer-as-far-away-as-vladivostok-188920
    Lukashenko rails against Moscow https://tass.com/pressreview/1185915
    Belarus Could Become Europe’s Next Nightmare https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-08-06/belarus-could-become-europe-s-next-nightmare
    Are Russia and Belarus Decoupling? https://thegeopolitics.com/are-russia-and-belarus-decoupling
    Does Russia Still Need Belarus? https://tsarizm.com/analysis/2020/02/07/does-russia-still-need-belarus

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/nikola_mikovic

    Muck Rack https://muckrack.com/nikola-mikovic/bio
    About Nikola Mikovic
    Nikola Mikovic is a freelance journalist in Serbia, covering Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and political developments in the Balkans and is a contributor to: http://globalcomment.com/, https://intpolicydigest.org/, https://globalsecurityreview.com/, https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/, among others.

    *Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)

  • Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the CIA and globalist "Color Revolution" and military coup being unleashed against President Trump and Washington itself. He also discusses the extreme privatization of the economy which will lead to mass homelessness and poverty and gives his thoughts on the Military-Industrial-Complex and prospect for war with China, Russia, and Iran.

    Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rumble

    Geopolitics & Empire · Paul Craig Roberts: Color Revolution & Coup Against Trump & The Constitution #160
    *Support Geopolitics & Empire!
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    Sociatates Civis (CitizenHR, CitizenIT, CitizenPL) https://societates-civis.com
    Wise Wolf Gold https://www.wolfpack.gold/?ref=geopolitics
    Show Notes
    The Future of the United States of America: Light after Darkness http://plata.com.mx/enUS/More/393?idioma=2
    Mike Whitney: Treason https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/treason

    Former JAG Officer Richard Black Warns of a Potential Military Coup https://larouchepac.com/20200907/former-jag-officer-richard-black-warns-potential-military-coup

    The War on Populism: The Final Act https://consentfactory.org/2020/09/20/the-war-on-populism-the-final-act
    Blueprint for Overthrow: Transition Integrity Project https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog/blueprint-for-overthrow-transition-integrity-project
    Revolution 2020 https://americanmind.org/essays/revolution-2020
    The Coming Coup? https://americanmind.org/essays/the-coming-coup

    Are the Corona-Lockdowns An Election 2020 Ransom Note? https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2020/09/15/are_the_corona-lockdowns_an_election_2020_ransom_note_577391.html

    About Paul Craig Roberts
    Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

    Dr. Roberts has held numerous academic appointments including the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He has contributed chapters to numerous books and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. He has testified before committees of Congress on 30 occasions.

    Dr. Roberts was associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles. In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.

    President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

    Dr. Roberts was awarded the Treasury Department’s Meritorious Service Award for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.”

    In 1987 the French government recognized him as “the artisan of a renewal in economic science and policy after half a century of state interventionism” and inducted him into the Legion of Honor.

    He is listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.

  • Ok, ready for another MySlovakExperience episode?

    Today I’m talking to Roberto, who came to Slovakia from the Dominican Republic 13 years ago and after he survived his first Slovak winter, he decided to stay. He has since become a slovak citizen, made many good friends here, but the main reason why he is staying is his son. Roberto is also a fisherman, a fluent Slovak speaker and he works for an international company.

    Enjoy and as always, thanks a lot for listening.

  • Hello and welcome to MySlovakExperience podcast. In this chilling December, I’m bringing you Ramy, an IT manager from Egypt who has lived in Slovakia for more than 14 years now. No matter where he’s from, he just cannot imagine living anywhere else than Slovakia.

    I recorded our conversation at the beginning of October, it took a while to bring it to light and I’m glad today you can enjoy it.

    Thanks a lot for following and being part of MySlovakExperience, one year of great conversations, thanks to you listeners and thanks to the guests who came to the show. 2020 will bring some new things to the show, wait4it.

    And now without further delay please welcome Ramy.

  • Hello everybody,

    this is MySlovakExperience podcast and today I’m finally leaving Bratislava. My guest Vicky Sheppard is an editor, writer and science teacher originally from Britain has lived in Piestany for 11 years now.

    Vicky came to Slovakia with her husband and they have been living in Piestany for more than a decade despite the fact that they only came for two years.

    She’s about to go back to the UK this summer so this interview is a bit of a farewell to Slovakia. What does it mean for a foreigner to live in a small Slovak town like Piestany, and what are her opinions and thoughts before her departure.

    I hope you will enjoy our conversation as much as I did.
    So please welcome, Vicky Sheppard.

  • Hear about travel to Slovakia as the Amateur Traveler talks to Julie Callahan from TheWorldInBetween.com. When Julie's family moved to Bratislava, Slovakia 3 years ago they didn't have a single friend who knew where this central European country was located. 
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