I am trying something new with this podcast. I'm going to take you on a hike with my dogs and me. The reason why I'm doing this is to show you how easy it is to be in everyday life co-creating with your guides, having constant communication, and constant conversation.
You could do this exercise while washing your dishes, or while walking outside yourself, or just sitting down and listening to the visuals that I'm going to give you.
Before you start the recording, think of something that you really want to work on and pick your guide, it could be one from the ones I have on my website or a person you admire. I picked Oprah Winfrey (I love Oprah!) as my guide for this exercise. We're going to work with the forest's symbolic language, so you'll hear me give you prompts related to what I was seeing during the hike.
Remember that you're the instrument. Be in the intention of it all and trust what comes up for you. I hope you enjoy it.
04:10 - Do this first
05:23 - A message about picking your guide
07:08 - The type of guide you shouldn't pick
07:33 - Get ready, we're about to begin
11:49 - And so it begins
21:35 - A strong message I received at the beginning of the hike
28:42 - The rocky creek
32:56 - The fence
37:55 - Sky and clouds
39:30 - The clarity and truth for you
41:04 - The message in the silence
42:50 - The trees, the bridge and open sky...oh my!
46:09 - Full circle to the frog
48:12 - Coming to the end of our hike
50:34 - What's your summary
53:20 - A synchronistic moment
1:02:14 - What to do now
Don’t forget new episodes come out every Thursday!
If you like this episode, rate it, share it and subscribe!
If you have any questions for me, email [email protected]
If you want to join the live SASS experience I'll be teaching in January, go to http://joinsass.com
Get your Guide at https://marilynalauria.com/guide
Today, I'm going to take you on a journey where you are going to read for yourself. You're going to use your gifts, clairvoyance and clairaudience. Don't be scared. The way that I teach is creative and easy. Everyone can do it. We're going to tap into that wisdom that's just sitting in the seat of your soul, waiting to come out.
Sometimes when I ask people to envision their goals, they get scared that if they decide on something and it's not the right thing, it means they're stuck or wrong. But you can't get it wrong if you're growing and evolving and expanding. Just go with what comes up for you.
I'm going to ask you some questions and I'm going to take a pause after each one. If you need to pause the podcast while you play the game, then pause it just so you can get your own responses. Get ready to go on a little journey with your guides with your soul.
In this episode, you'll learn about:
How to read for yourselfGaining clarity is the first step to manifesting somethingThe signs that appear when you are manifesting somethingThe difference between ego versus guided information03:29 - This is important!
04:09 - A weekend experience
10:00 - Covid and time
12:00 - A question for my guides and their response
16:16 - What if you're stuck?
23:00 - A story of symbols
25:40 - The exercise
33:10 - The . . . technique
34:00 - Time for the sound portion of the exercise
Don’t forget new episodes come out every Thursday!
If you like this episode, rate it, share it and subscribe!
If you have any questions for me, email [email protected]
Get the free class I mention in the episode at https://www.marilynalauria.com/discover
If you want to join the live SASS experience I'll be teaching in January, go to http://joinsass.com
Get your Guide at https://marilynalauria.com/guide
Soul purpose vs. soul alignment, what's the difference? Your soul purpose will evolve over time, but your soul alignment will be the compass through all the changes. It's more important to be aligned with your soul than to worry about your purpose.
I started thinking about my own career path and how I set out with one purpose, and then it went into another and into another one and another one. If I had just stayed focused on my one initial purpose, I would have been screwed! In this episode, I'm sharing the evolution of my purpose since I was in college until today so you can see how alignment was the key through it all.
I don't like the word 'purpose' because I feel like it is a container for people, so I invite you to tune in, into what alignment would look like for you and use that to find what's next.
In this episode you'll learn about:
Why your free will is the most important when getting a readingAstrocartographyHow alignment is more important than purposeHow to align your with your soulThe evolution of purpose00:40 - Listener question
03:47 - Comment about past lives
07:12 - My experience with Astrocartography
13:41 - Soul Purpose vs. Soul Alignment
22:30 - The actor began and the psychic turned on
28:20 - Does your purpose really change?
32:57 - My 4 Pillar System
Don’t forget new episodes come out every Thursday!
If you like this episode, rate it, share it and subscribe!
If you have any questions for me, email [email protected]
Get your Guide at marilynalauria.com/guide
I know 2020 was difficult for many people. I have so much compassion for the different experiences that many of you lived through this year. For me, it was a little bit different; it was about changing my perception. 2020 was about the breaking down of belief systems that no longer serve us and the building of belief systems that support us where we want to go. This is a channeled recording about what Spirit wanted us to know about our journey in 2021.
2021 is all about rebirth. You have a conscious decision to make right now; what is it that you desire? The dreams in your heart are meant to be lived. You follow them because what Spirit has for you is something greater than you can imagine. It may not physically look like what you're envisioning, but it's going to be even better than you can imagine.
2021 is an invitation to your soul, an invitation to your heart and invitation to your belief system, an invitation for you to align. I invite you to dream no matter where you are in your life. Wake up those dreams that you have and follow them.
In this episode, you'll learn:
What I learned from 2020What Spirit wanted us to know about 2021The four pillars and techniques of my own SASS experience06:20 - Defining predictions
08:44 - Let's review 2020
17:00 - What do you want to play with in 2021?
17:49 - What spirit wants you to know about 2020
20:55 - 2021 is a 5 year
24.:30 - Spirit is showing a tripod and Catholic references
29:20 - The first quarter of 2021
31:12 - Can't believe I'm sharing this
32:25 - A golden light
39:09 - 2021 is an invitation
45:05 - A technique and tool for you
Don’t forget new episodes come out every Thursday!
If you like this episode, rate it, share it and subscribe!
If you have any questions for me, email [email protected]
If you want to hear my 2020 channeled message, go to www.marilynalauria.com/wisdom
If you want to join the live SASS experience I'll be teaching in January, go to joinsass.com
Get your Guide at marilynalauria.com/guide