Religion & Spirituality – China – Recommended podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Charmed Life with Tricia Carr is a podcast and YouTube channel. Tricia Carr C.Ht., B.Msc. discusses spirituality, mysticism, metaphysics, magic, higher consciousness and the unconditional love of the universe. Tricia chats with guest experts on various spiritual topics and offers lessons and messages from Spirit. Full length episodes are premiered weekly and mini episodes are released throughout the week. The Charmed Life podcast is published on iTunes, iHEARTRadio, Spotify and YouTube. Tricia Carr is a spiritual teacher, empathic channel, multidimensional medium, animal telepath, certified hypnotherapist and ordained metaphysical minister.

  • 《認識聖經》普通話節目,是'認識聖經'全球聖經教導事工的一部份。這一系列的節目是由麥基博士設計的,至今已被翻譯成超過100種語言和方言。這是個每天30分鐘的廣播節目,旨在帶領聽眾有系統地查考整本聖經。現在您也可以在網上聽到這系列的節目。為著您願意開始收聽、學習上帝的話語,我們獻上感恩,並建議您在接下來的五年內,每週週一至週五,每天至少收聽一個節目。如果您這麼做,將可在五年內查完整本聖經。

  • 室利●尼萨伽达塔●马哈拉吉:


  • 【佛学必读】最全面的佛教哲学笔记


    玄沙师备言:“但识取金刚眼睛,定世界,盖乾坤,不漏丝发” “但识自身.....不逐五蕴境界,自得超脱”











    柴门虽设未尝关, 闲看幽禽自往还。

    白璧易埋千载憾, 万金难买一生闲。

    雪消晓嶂闻寒瀑, 叶落秋林见远山。

    古柏烟销清昼永, 是非不到白云间。

    山厨寂寂断炊烟, 冻锁泉声欲雪天。

    面壁老僧无定力, 又思乞食到人间。

    天湖水湛琉璃碧, 霞雾山围锦障红。

    触目本来成现事, 何须叉手问禅翁。


    眼空湖海气凌云, 杰出丛林思不群。

    古往今来谁是我? 得饶人处且饶人。

  • 有觉性,以安住且中立的心,照见身心的实相。

  • 主日信息是滋养我们灵命也使我们每日能过得胜生活的主要推动力。它将核心方向提供给信徒,使个人能通过它在他的相对情况里能发现上帝为他量身定造的美意。凡捉住主日信息的信徒必能在他们每日的现场里看见上帝如何藉者它来显示祂的同在和能力。要不然他们往往会发现自己在一整个星期里(在个人生活、家庭、公司、学校)面对黑暗的势力时,只有打了一场属灵的败仗。

  • 这本书的目的可以这样表述:证明自然不是“原子偶然的结合”,并赋予人类在宇宙计划中应有的地位;从退化中拯救作为所有宗教基础的古老真理;在某种程度上揭示它们根本统一的全部起源;最后以表明现代科学文明从未接触过大自然神秘的一面。





  • Interviews with Scholars of Buddhism about their New Books
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  • 提供深度疗愈·协助你做回自己·创造你想要的生活…请先感受自己是否真心渴望改变 然后再决定要不要加微信 因为你在这里依然可以关注我的分享…另外 加微信时请说明来意……

  • 五行铺子,参五行之变化,透阴阳之玄奥,这是一档玄学类科普节目,致力于用现代的眼光解读东西方文化智慧,用科学的态度看待东西方玄学术数,祛其糟粕,聊其精华,在节目中和大家一起去发现传统命理学和现代心理学的魅力所在

  • Mike and Joy Connell are the Senior Pastors at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings, New Zealand.

    They moved to Hastings from Dannevirke in 1985 to pioneer their first church and have been in ministry now for over 25 years and pioneered 5 other churches.
    An internationally recognized teacher of the Word, Pastor Mike moves powerfully in prophetic, deliverance and inner healing gifts. His strong love and sensitivity for God and His people have enabled him to minister and bring great healing to the hurt and broken. A man full of the Spirit and faith, Pastor Mike will open and take you to another level of spiritual encounters with God.

    He is sought after all over the world to bring teaching and great moves of God. He has standing yearly appointments teaching in international Bible Schools and impacting many of the worlds leaders in conventions and business conferences.

    Mike has a heart for people and is able to bring a wonderful balance of humour, compassion and truth to his teaching messages. Mike's annointed messages are ones that have affected the hearts of people worldwide.

    Mike & Joy have seven children and are also very proud grandparents. They both believe in strong family values and this is obvious when you meet them.

    Mike & Joy have a unique commitment to pursuing what God would have for their lives and continue to travel the globe ministering to broken hearted people and showing them God's love. Their love of laughter and positive attitudes to life make them dynamic people.

  • 方濟會思高讀經推廣中心提供林思川神父每日彌撒講道與每週聖經課程之錄音,歡迎大家收聽。

  • There are certain topics that are considered "taboo" within the church. Jay Lowder and his guests will discuss subjects that are important and relevant but often not discussed openly in church and the Christian community at large. You will hear emotional, insightful, & encouraging discussions on topics you have wondered about in the past. Jay and unique personalities will address the realities of life, marriage, suicide, sex, overcoming addictions, abuse and much more. We will release a new podcast on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Stay tuned for good topics coming your way!

  • 《爱之声》——用声音穿到心,找到真正的自己!(每天更新)




  • 该书是南怀瑾先生有关《大学》的讲记,书名中说的“原本大学”,指的是《大学》的古本《小戴礼记·大学》。



  • 새로운교회 설교를 podcast를 통해 올립니다.