
  • When Jesus ascended into heaven after the resurrection, He put the entire future of His Kingdom movement into the hands of a group of ordinary men and women. They had no wealth, no position or power, still Jesus entrusted them with the mission of taking the gospel to the world.

    It was a pretty audacious plan! But through the power of the Holy Spirit, this ragtag band of 120 disciples soon became thousands of believers. And by the year 300 AD, historians estimate that over half of the population of the Roman Empire proclaimed faith in Christ.

    How did they do it? It wasn’t because they had resources or government assistance or positions of influence. No, the early church grew because the presence and power of Jesus in their midst created a community the likes of which the world had never seen. A community where rich and poor, male and female, slave and free loved, honored, and valued one another. A community that demonstrated a love, generosity, and courage that was truly counter-cultural. “And people… liked what they saw.” (Acts 2:27 MSG)

    This upside-down way of life is what Paul is calling the Philippians to. He says: “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” (Phil.2:14-16)

    He first urges them to be “blameless”: amemptos = without fault or compromise. Their lives should be not only compelling but consistent.

    They are also to be “pure”: akeraios = unmixed, unadulterated. Their behavior should be consistent with the way of Jesus and come from pure motives, no hidden agenda.

    Consistent behavior with pure motives will stand out in our warped and crooked world.

    “warped”: skolios = deviates from what is right and true. Paul says we live in a world that is bent and twisted, out of whack, not as it was intended to be.“crooked”: diastrepho = distorted and destructive. It’s a world filled with violence, injustice, and oppression.

    It’s a pervasive darkness that is desperately in need of light. Paul urges his friends to live in such a way that their lives shine in the darkness just like the stars shine brightly the dark of night.

    Jesus calls us to do the same. “You are the light of the world…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Mt. 5:14-17)

    The book of Proverbs puts it this way: “When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices.” (Prov. 11:10) The “righteous” are those who are willing to disadvantage themselves to advantage the community.

    When God’s people are blessed by God, they turn right around and become a blessing to their city. The presence of God’s people causes those in the city to say: “We are so glad you’re here.”

    Opportunities abound to touch our city. Jesus’ call is for us...you and me...to shine the light in the darkness. It’s up to us, friends. He has no other plan.

    Text: Philippians 2:14-18

    Originally recorded on September 28, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • In our last episode, we began talking about what it means to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you…” (Phil. 2:12-13). We said that if we hope to see the ongoing transformation of God in our lives, we must cooperate with God in the process.

    Transformation of any sort involves three elements:

    V – VisionI – IntentionM – Method

    Take the example of an NFL player. Their vision is to win the Super Bowl. But to accomplish this vision, they must intentionally arrange their lives around the methods that will get them there. Even if those methods are costly! Why? Because the vision drives them.

    The same thing is true in our spiritual journey. What is it that will compel us to grow? The vision of the day all will kneel and proclaim that Jesus is Lord. The day we will stand before Him and hear Him say, “Well done.”

    But that kind of life will not just happen. You don’t stumble into that kind of maturity. It will take intention.

    But what method, practice, or activity will help us experience that vision?

    I believe that spiritual disciplines are essential methods of spiritual training.

    Spiritual disciplines are activities that enable you to receive power and life from God. Things like Bible study, prayer, fasting, solitude, confession, community, and worship are valuable training methods.

    Spiritual disciplines are not an indicator of spirituality. As with an athlete, the disciplines are the drills that prepare you for the game. They are not the game itself. Spiritual disciplines are not the end in themselves. Rather, they should train us to be more kind, generous, forgiving, wise, and courageous. That’s the real game.

    Spiritual disciplines are not a way to earn favor with God. We don’t engage in these practices because we’re trying to impress or please God. We do them because we love Him and want to be more like Him.

    Spiritual disciplines are not necessarily unpleasant. Rather than being onerous or drudgery, spiritual disciplines can and should be life-giving and joy-filled.

    Spiritual disciplines are a matter of personal choice. Which disciplines result in the transformation you’re looking for? Do those!

    But remember, spiritual transformation only happens when we cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps the place to start your extreme makeover is by starting each day with the discipline of presentation. “Oh, God, fill me this day with Your Spirit. Do Your work in me.”

    Text: Philippians 2:12-13

    Originally recorded on September 14, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

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  • Makeover shows have been exceedingly popular television viewing for decades. Do you remember the show, “Extreme Makeover”? They took ordinary people and completely changed their appearance. The transformations were astonishing!

    While we may never be the recipient of that kind of makeover, the Bible says that an extreme makeover is possible for those who place their faith in Christ. Not only is such transformation possible, it’s expected!

    But the changes Jesus wants to make are not necessarily on the outside. They are on the inside…where it matters most.

    The Apostle Paul talked about this a lot, telling us that God’s plan for us to be to “conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29), to be “transformed into His likeness” (2 Cor. 3:18). And in Philippians 2, he writes: “…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling...” (vs. 12)

    Notice he doesn’t say “work for your salvation,” or “work to keep your salvation.” He says “work out your salvation.” There are aspects of our maturity that require our involvement and effort.

    God does what we cannot do; but He will not do what we are to do.

    Verse 13 says that God is not only cheering us on in this transformation process, but He is helping us. If we hope to become more loving, more patient, more gentle, or more self-controlled, it will require the dual partnership of us working with God as He does His work in us.

    Elsewhere, Paul uses sports to illustrate the idea of working out our salvation. He says that in the same way that an athlete goes into training in order to win the prize, so we should “train yourself to be godly” (1 Tim. 4:7).

    Spiritual transformation is not a matter of trying harder, but of training wisely.

    How do you go into this kind of training? Well, there are some classic training techniques for spiritual transformation. They are known as the spiritual disciplines, such as: Bible study, prayer, Scripture memory, community, accountability, worship, and service.

    These disciples are themselves indicators of maturity. Rather, they are the means to spiritual maturity.

    An extreme makeover really is possible if you are willing to rearrange your life around those activities that enable you to receive power and life from God.

    Text: Philippians 2:12-13

    Originally recorded on September 7, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Have you ever wondered, “Is it worth it?” Is all the sacrifice and effort for the Kingdom really worth it? Is all the ridicule and mockery for following Jesus worth it?

    Well, friends, today we are going to find the answer. And that answer is: Yes. It is worth it!

    How do I know? Let’s look at Philippians 2:9-11 together.

    “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

    In the previous episode, we talked about how Jesus climbed down the ladder. From the glories of heaven, he lowered himself and became a human, a servant even, and ultimately gave His life to die on a cross.

    Was it worth it? Hebrews 12:2-3 indicates that Jesus was able to endure all this because of what He knew was coming. Jesus, for the future joy set before Him, endured the present pain of sacrifice.

    What is that future joy? Phil. 2 gives us a clue. It points to a coming day when God will:

    Exalt Jesus to the highest place.

    The Greek term means “hyper-exalted.” Because of His sacrifice, the Father bestowed on the Son even more rights, privileges, and honors than He had before.

    Give Jesus the ultimate name.

    Verse 11 tell us that name: Lord. The Greek is kurios – deity, sovereignty, and authority in the highest possible sense. Every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

    At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow:

    in heaven – the angels and the redeemed who’ve gone before uson earth – those alive when Jesus returns, whether saved or unsaved. under the earth – demonic spirits and those who died without Christ.

    Jesus’ exaltation to the highest place guarantees our vindication. It proves we were right. Jesus really is Lord. We were right to give our lives to Him.

    I love these words from Jesus Himself in the last chapter of the last book of the Bible:

    “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what He has done.” (Rev. 22:12)

    One day, all who have given up everything, sacrificed, and served for the sake of Christ, will receive a reward from Jesus Himself.

    So, as Paul writes to the Corinthians: “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (I Cor. 15:58)

    What’s the apostle saying? Even as a life of sacrifice was worth it for Jesus, it will be worth it for us.

    Text: Philippians 2:9-11

    Originally recorded on August 31, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • All our lives, we are encouraged to climb up the ladder. The word “up” has come to be cherished in our society. It’s a word reserved for winners, heroes, and overcomers: upscale, up-and-coming, upper class, upwardly mobile. The premise, indeed the promise, is that if you devote yourself to climbing up the ladder and making it to the top, that’s where all the good stuff is – status, significance, and success.

    Of course, devoting yourself to ladder climbing can carry a cost. Often to climb up, you need to climb over others. Because your focus is upward, you pay no attention to those below you.

    But the cost is more than worth it - or so we’re told. The problem with ladder climbing is it’s not only lonely at the top, it’s empty.

    But Jesus didn’t come to climb up the ladder. He went down the ladder.

    Philippians 2:5-8 gives a beautiful, poetic picture of the upside-down life of Jesus.

    “…who being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage…” (v.6)

    There is a boatload of theology in these verses:

    “being” = huparchein = that which one is in very essence and which cannot be changed “in the very nature” = morphe = an essential form which never alters

    Paul is making it clear that Jesus always was, is, and always will be fully and unalterably God. To put it into our context, He started at the top of the ladder. But note which direction Jesus goes.

    “…rather, he made himself nothingby taking the very nature[b] of a servant,being made in human likeness.” (v. 7)

    Jesus’ downward mobility began with simply taking on human flesh with all its limitations. But His descent didn’t stop there. He came not just a man, but as a servant, spending time with lepers and prostitutes.

    And still, His descent continued.

    “And being found in appearance as a man,he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” (v.8)

    Jesus, the One who flung the stars into space, voluntarily gave Himself over to die. And not just any death. Death on a cross – the most painful, humiliating way to die.

    Jesus’ story is not a rags-to-riches story. It’s a riches-to-rags story (burial rags).

    Why did He willingly pursue this downward path?

    He was not committed to climbing up the ladder but to accomplishing God’s purposes.

    Now vs. 5 takes on new meaning. “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”

    Jesus’ descent was meant to be an example for us to follow.

    Jesus came as a servant, not in spite of the fact that He was God, but because He was God.

    It is the nature of God is to give and to serve. Jesus, when He came in the form of a servant, was not disguising Who God is; He was revealing Who God is.

    Intentionally moving down the ladder is the most God-like thing a person can do.

    Text: Philippians 2:5-8

    Originally recorded on August 24, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • In Philippians 2, Paul calls his friends – and us – to live in a totally countercultural manner. This “upside-down living” is the very opposite of what our society sees as normal. The irony is that by living upside down, we’re actually helping to turn the world right-side up.

    Having been called to unity, Paul now urges us to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil. 2:3-4)

    Let’s unpack this a bit. The phrase “selfish amibition” comes from the Greek word “eritheia” or “selfishness.” The word was used to describe three kinds of people:

    A mercenary – a soldier who fights for pay. A politician – who seeks his own advancement and gain over the good of the people.A gambler – whose gain was always at the expense of someone else.

    The other phrase here is “vain conceit.” It comes from the Greek “kenodoxia” or “empty glory.” It’s the idea of making a claim you can’t back up; having an overly exaggerated view of yourself.

    Another way to think of these ideas is: selfish ambition pursues personal goals; vain conceit seeks personal glory. Paul is saying, “Friends, have nothing to do with this lifestyle. Rather, think of others as better than yourselves!”

    Talk about countercultural! We’ve been taught to “look out for#1!” We’re afraid that “looking to the interests of others” will cost us. It’s a scarcity mindset that says, “If they win, I’ll lose.” It’s why we have such trouble “rejoicing with those who rejoice” (Rom. 12:15).

    Ultimately, the reason we struggle to celebrate others’ wins comes down to our view of God. If we think that God has a limited supply of grace – of blessing – then someone else’s blessing means there is less for me.

    But the reality is God’s grace is not only unmerited, it’s unlimited. To live “upside-down” is to have an abundance mindset! God is intimate in His focus, generous in His favor, and limitless in His supply.

    You can freely look to others’ interests when you’re convinced that God is looking to yours.

    Text: Philippians 2:3-4

    Originally recorded on August 17, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • What do you think God’s favorite word is?

    While we aren’t given a direct answer to that question, I’d like to hazard a guess. It’s a word found in the first two verses of Philippians 2: “….make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

    I think God’s favorite word is… ONE.

    God is so committed to the idea of oneness and unity among His people and so longs for intimate community to flourish here and now that it’s difficult to overstate His heart for its protection. Our unity—our oneness—not only glorifies Him but also sends a clear message to a broken, fragmented world.

    We see that clearly in the life of Jesus. On the night He was betrayed, the Savior prayed for His disciples and for future disciples yet to come. He prayed “ that they may be one as we are one…so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (Jn 17:22-23)

    To Jesus’ way of thinking, one of the greatest evidences of His transformational power was relational unity. Indeed, it was the undeniable unity of the incredibly diverse first church that caused an amazed world to say, “How they love one another!”

    But this unity is fragile. Traditional loyalties, personal preferences, and individual desires die hard. Real unity in a diverse community, while a beautiful sight to behold, requires constant attention.

    That’s why Paul urges the Philippians to get along. We don’t know exactly what the threat was to their unity, but likely it was the same thing that threatens many churches today. When people feel passionate about an issue, and others don’t share their passion, conflict can arise.

    Paul begins his admonition by offering… The Motivation for Unity

    paraklesis = encouragement paramuthion = consolation koinonia = partnership, fellowshipsplanchna = deep affectionoiktirmos = mercies

    Have you experienced any of these in the community of faith? If so, then use it as motivation to fight for unity within the Body of Christ.

    Paul then shows us…The Marks of Unity:

    auto phronete = likemindedness Look for places of common understanding and genuine agreement. agape = selfless and sacrificial response Giving up one’s rights for the greater good. to en phronountes = intent on one purpose Keep the big picture in mind, the ultimate vision: the Kingdom of God

    Jesus gave His life that we might enter into His eternal family and demonstrate our unity to a watching world. So how committed are you to honor the oneness He died for?

    Text: Philippians 2:1-2

    Originally recorded on August 10, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Paul had told his friends, the Philippians, how he had suffered for the sake of Christ. Now, he tells them that they will face the same struggle.

    Rome, at this time, was the mightiest power on earth. It had utterly crushed its opponents. To be a Roman citizen was to be at the top of the pecking order. Because of their loyalty during a time of war, Philippi had been given the honor of citizenship and became an outpost for the Roman army.

    In addition, when Paul wrote his letter, Nero was the emperor. To elevate himself in the eyes of the populous, the people were to refer to Nero as “our Lord and Savior.”

    Can you see a potential problem for followers of Jesus?

    Paul had already bucked the system and was in prison, facing an uncertain future. Now he writes to the church in Philippi that they, too, will suffer for the sake of Christ.

    He tells them not to be afraid of those who oppose them (vs. 28). The Greek word is: “pturo” = alarmed. It refers to being intimidated by something that shouldn’t really scare you. Even though Christians were dying for refusing to deny Jesus as Lord and Savior, Paul is reminding them that in the end, there’s nothing to be afraid of. They may kill your body, but they can’t kill your soul… and the future that awaits the believer is worth it all.

    Paul continues that their suffering would “be a sign” - “endeixis” = proof, evidence. That you are willing to stand your ground and remain loyal to Christ sends a message that there is a higher God than Caesar, and one day, the whole world will bow before Him.

    The word for “suffer” here is “pascho” = to be afflicted. It’s the same word from which we get “paschal lamb” – the term used for Jesus, the One who was sacrificed to the redemption of mankind. Paul is calling this kind of suffering redemptive, something that will ultimately bring life.

    Will suffering like this be easy? No. The word for “struggle” in vs. 30 is “agon,” from which we get “agony.”

    If you are pursuing a life of allegiance to Jesus, you will face the challenge to bow before “Caesar”: the Caesar of status, success, financial security, or comfort. Then you, too, must decide: will you stand tall no matter the cost?

    Text: Philippians 1:27-29

    Originally recorded on August 3, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • When Paul wrote his letter to his Philippian friends, he was under house arrest in Rome, chained constantly to a Roman guard. But Paul saw this as an opportunity for the gospel. He had a captive audience! As a result, members of the palace guard were coming to Christ and taking their new-found faith with them to the far reaches of the empire.

    God was at work! Paul was aware that God was using his imprisonment to advance the gospel.

    His mindset is reflected in a theory by Albert Ellis called The ABC’s of Emotional Life.

    A = Antecedent. The starting point is the situation you find yourself in.C = Conclusion. This is the way I respond to the situation and the conclusions I draw.

    But the thing that gets us from A to C is:

    B = Beliefs. It’s my beliefs about what happened to me (the antecedent) that ultimately determine the way I feel. That’s why two people can go through the exact same situation and have polar opposite responses. Their beliefs are different.

    Here are Paul’s antecedents: He is in chains. He’d rather be out preaching the gospel, but instead, he’s in prison with a good chance of being executed.

    If Paul’s beliefs had been, “I’ve failed; my life is over,” you’d expect them to lead to negative emotions like despair or fear.

    But Paul believed that God was still in control. He believed that even what appeared to be bad would end up being used for good.

    This unshakable belief brought him to this conclusion: “…because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.” (Phil. 1:18)

    The ABC’s of Paul’s emotional life were:

    Antecedent: Life is difficult.Belief: Jesus is Lord.Conclusion: I will rejoice.

    You find this mindset throughout Scripture. The OT character of Joseph captured it perfectly when he said: “What you intended for evil, God used for good.” (Gen. 50:20)

    You could say that Paul’s perspective was this: “I have given up trying to get God to engineer the circumstances I want. Rather, I’m devoting my life to partner with God in the circumstances He’s allowed.”

    In his letter, Paul goes on to ask the Philippians to pray that the things that had happened to him would result in his deliverance. But he is not saying, “Please pray that I will be released.” Rather, he is saying, “Pray that no matter how difficult this gets, I will not dishonor God. Pray not that I will be delivered from my circumstances. Pray that I will be delivered in my circumstances.”

    Text: Philippians 1:11-20

    Originally recorded on June 29, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • There are many kinds of prayer and many reasons for prayer, but most of the time, it seems that we pray when there is a need or crisis. Such prayers are appropriate and powerful! But is that all God had in mind when He gave us the gift of prayer? Was its sole purpose to serve as a spiritual fire extinguisher with the sign stating, “Break glass in case of emergency”?

    I decided to do some research by studying how the Apostle Paul prayed. Multiple times in the letters he wrote to the churches he planted, we find these wonderful prayers. These prayers are more than just for the obvious needs. They go much deeper.

    We have one of those prayers recorded in Philippians 1:9-11.

    And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

    This is more than simply asking God to “be with” them! Paul is praying that they would grow in their capacity to love.

    Let’s look at four keywords in this prayer that we can bring into our own prayers – for ourselves and others.

    1. Abound: “perissos” – meaning no limit, exceedingly, out of measure.

    It’s in the present progressive tense, which means it is ongoing. Literally, Paul is saying, “may your love expand more and more and more. May you be more loving today than you were last year and may you be more loving a year from now than you are today.”

    For Paul, living a life characterized by love mattered more than anything. (1 Cor. 13)

    2. Knowledge: “epignosis” - full knowledge; not merely knowledge about something but knowledge born of personal encounter and involvement

    If we want to love a person well, we must know them well. So many of our relationships are superficial. Even in families and among friends. We don’t really know each other. Is it any wonder our love is so shallow?

    3. Insight: aesthesis - moral discernment, especially in ethical matters

    The word has to do with making wise decisions in the heat of the moment. Have you ever felt pressured by someone who said, “If you love me, you’ll do this”? Yet the reality is the most loving thing to do is to say no. "No, I'm not going to lie for you.” “I’m not going to cover for you.” “I’m not going to enable you or join in that behavior.”

    4. Discern: “dokimazo” – test, prove, scrutinize

    Paul is challenging these folks to be careful and not be fooled. It may not be an issue of right and wrong but good, better, and best. “Is this what’s best?”

    I want to love well and love much, don’t you? Let’s start praying that very thing.

    Text: Philippians 1:7-11

    Originally recorded on June 22, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Have you ever started a good work and not finished it? Maybe it was a New Year’s resolution that started well, but quickly faded. Or a home project that began with good intentions but was never completed.

    Well, let me give you some good news today. God has never done that. Whatever God starts, God completes. Our God is a Finisher.

    Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, wrote: “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)

    Consider your life – where you came from, how far from God you once were. But look at where you are now – not perfect, but in process. Why? How? Because He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it.

    There’s an important theological concept that is reflected in Phil. 1:6. It’s called The Principle of First Mention: the first place and time a subject is mentioned in the Bible carries special significance.

    Note these keywords: “began,” “good work,” and “completion.”

    Now, turn to Genesis 1. As we read this account of the creation of the world, we have God beginning a work, and this work, He says, is good. Then in Gen. 2:1, we are told that this good work is completed.

    So, we have a good work begun and completed, and the principle of first mention would tell us to pay special attention to that as we read Paul’s words in Phil. 1:6.

    Paul is reminding us that this powerful God who brought the universe into being is the same God who began a good work in you.

    When we say “Yes” to the God who created the universe, that same power is unleashed in us.

    There are five-and-a-half billion people on the planet, and yet God has arrived at your life with work gloves, a tool belt, and a plan to transform your life.

    Let that soak in for a moment. God is at work in your life. He may have just started his work, but it has begun. And He will bring His power to bear, but you have to decide whether you will cooperate with Him.

    God knows the impact you can make. So, He says, “I love you too much to allow you to stay comfortable or mediocre. I started a good work in you, and I am going to complete it.”

    Will you let Him?

    Text: Philippians 1:3-6

    Originally recorded on June 15, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Grace and peace. With this simple phrase, the Apostle Paul opens his letter to the Philippians. In fact, it’s how he opens every letter we have recorded in Scripture. Grace and peace.

    Typically, letters of that day would have begun with the Greek word chairein: “Greetings!” But Paul uses two other words: charis – “God’s blessings!” and eirene – “harmonious relationships.”

    He is saying to these brothers and sisters, “May you come to know the goodness of God in ever-increasing ways. May your relationships be characterized by harmony. Grace and peace to you.”

    This is how Paul always starts his letters – with grace and peace. It’s as if he is saying, “No matter what else you know or do, if you don’t live in grace and peace, it’s all in vain. Grace and peace are of first importance.”

    Paul is writing this letter while in chains, a prisoner because of the gospel. Shortly before his arrest, Paul was saying farewell to another group of friends he had spent time discipling. In his parting words, he said this: “…my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24)

    For Paul, life on earth had one goal: to testify to a skeptical world that the God of grace and peace was real. He knew that hardship was coming, but he also knew that it’s when we suffer or are abused that the greatest testimony can be given.

    You never more testify to the grace given to you than when you demonstrate grace to those who hurt you.

    Jesus showed us that. As he was being crucified, he uttered these words: “Father, forgive them.” Grace in the midst of suffering.

    Do you have someone who has caused you or someone you love intense pain? Someone who has in the past or continues in the present to hurt you? What would it be like to be so alive to the grace and peace given you that you could begin to speak grace and peace to them? If we hope to be a community that reaches out and maintains unity, we must, as Paul did, lead with grace and peace.

    So, how do we maintain the priority of grace and peace?

    1. Stay close to the cross.

    It is much harder to be ungracious to others when we’re standing in the shadow of the cross.

    2. Allow others to remind me to extend grace and peace.

    That’s why we need community. People we know and trust to put a hand on our shoulder to calm us down and call us back to grace and peace.

    May you know grace and peace. May you extend grace and peace. May we challenge one another to be people of grace and peace. And may the God of grace and peace flow His power through us as we do that.

    Text: Philippians 1:1-2

    Originally recorded on June 8, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • There was once a group of people - a church - who dared to live out fully the gospel that had been shared with them. Two thousand years later, we still read of them and can learn from them how we, too, can more fully live out the good news of Jesus.

    They are the Philippians, and we first encounter them in Acts 16 when Paul responds to a vision of a young man from Macedonia begging him to come and help them. Paul and his team go to Greece and make their way to the city of Philippi. There, they meet a woman named Lydia, who responds to their message about Christ. Soon, others also believed, and the first church was planted in Europe.

    As often happened in Paul’s missionary journeys, the gospel upset the status quo and trouble erupted in Philippi. After a miraculous release from prison, Paul and his team left Philippi and spread the gospel to other cities throughout Greece.

    But he never forgot his friends in Philippi.

    Thirteen years later, Paul again found himself in chains. This time under house arrest in Rome, shackled to his guards. In those days, prisoners depended on friends and family to provide for them, and Paul was thrilled to receive a financial gift from his friends in Philippi. With the gift, the courier shared the news that the church in Philippi was thriving. So, Paul writes them a letter. This is the book we have today. The N.T. book of Philippians.

    Of all the epistles, Philippians is the simplest - only 104 verses long. It is also unique. It isn’t an academic treatise, like Romans or Ephesians. It isn’t a corrective for some theological error, as in Galatians or Colossians. It isn’t to straighten out some problems, as in Corinthians or Thessalonians.

    It’s a letter of thanks and encouragement to friends who are displaying a degree of discipleship that is deep and sincere.

    In the opening verses of this great letter, Paul refers to this community of believers as partners in the gospel. They were banded together around a common mission and purpose.

    So, what is our church’s mission? Or, in the words of business great, Peter Drucker, “What business are we in?”

    We are in the life-saving business. These communities we call churches were never intended to be self-serving. All along, God’s purpose was that we would build a community to reach a community.

    The church is the only institution on earth whose primary focus is on those not yet a part of it.

    Jesus was in the life-saving business. He still is. He is still looking for communities where people, just like the Philippians, are willing to band together and say, I’ll bring whatever gifts I have and do whatever I can to save those who are lost.

    Within churches, as with most organizations, you’ll find three kinds of relationships.

    Customers: “I want you to fulfill my expectations and meet my needs. If you don’t, I’ll leave.” Employees: “How little can I do and still be a part? How can I reap the benefits with minimal effort?”Partners: “It’s not about me. It’s about others. Whatever it takes! I’m in!”

    Which are you?

    Text: Philippians 1:1-11

    Originally recorded on June 1, 2008, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Our world is a messy, broken place filled with messy, broken people. But if the birth of Jesus tells us anything, it tells us that God is not afraid of a mess.

    Born in a stable, wrapped in rags, and laid in a feeding trough, the Son of God began His life in a mess. Later, His life ended in a mess, wrapped in rags and nailed to a cross. In between, He mostly hung out with pretty messed up people, and it didn’t bother Him one bit! He just kept on loving them, teaching them, and showing them a better way.

    When He went to the cross, Jesus willingly took all of our messiness – our sin, our junk, our mess – and paid the penalty for it.

    And He will enter into your life – no matter how messed up it is – if you’ll only ask Him. In fact, nothing would give Him greater joy than to hear you say, “Lord, I know I’m messed up. Please come into my life. Forgive me and help me. Fix my brokenness and heal my messiness.”

    That decision will change your life.

    The Bible uses a metaphor to describe this change. It’s that of light coming into the darkness.

    In foretelling the coming of the Savior, the prophet Isaiah wrote: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light… for unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given…and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Is. 9:2, 6)

    The darkness he talks about isn’t a literal night, it is a darkness that covers the soul. But the Good News of Christmas is that the darkness doesn’t have the last word. A light has dawned and His name is Jesus. For those who open their hearts to Him, the light of His grace, mercy, and forgiveness will rise in your heart and never stop shining.

    The light has come! That’s good news! But what do we do with that?

    The same prophet, Isaiah, gave this counsel, “Arise, shine, for your light has come.” (Is. 60:1) Have you received the light of Jesus? Then shine that light to the world around you! As one whose messiness has been cleaned up, arise! Shine! Spread the news! Share the hope!

    Isaiah 58 tells us that to shine your light is to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke. It’s to share your food with the hungry and clothe the naked. And if we do, then God’s blessing, provision, and deliverance will appear in our own lives.

    So, arise, shine, for your light has come!

    Text: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; 60:1-3; 58

    Originally recorded on December 24, 2006, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • In the last episode, we talked about Caesar Augustus, ruler of the vast Roman Empire at the time of Jesus’ birth. One of the ways he made governing this massive area more manageable was to establish local kings to rule on his behalf.

    At this time, there arose in Israel a young man who fit the bill perfectly. He was half-Jew, half-Edomite, born into a politically connected family, and hungry for power. His name was Herod.

    He curried favor with Augustus and at 25 years old was conferred by the Roman Senate with the title, “King of the Jews.”

    Though Herod is known as an accomplished builder, history remembers him even more as a butcher. He was almost insanely suspicious, and his suspicions drove him to murder. He murdered his wife, his sons, his rivals, anyone who threatened his power.

    So you can imagine his response when the Magi showed up asking where they could find the new King of the Jews! Matthew 2 says Herod was “disturbed,” literally agitated, all shook up.

    But rather than eliminating these foreign visitors, he used them. People accustomed to getting and keeping power are masters at using those around them.

    “Go find this child, and when you do, come back to me so I can worship him too.”

    Is that really what he intended to do? No! He played these guys. People who grasp for power are not only users, they are deceivers.

    When the Magi didn’t return to Herod, but having been warned by God they went home a different way, Herod was furious. He ordered the slaughter of every baby boy under the age of two in the region of Bethlehem.

    People who seek to hold on to power, to stay in control, use people… they deceive people… and they ultimately hurt people.

    Though Herod died shortly after this, the Herod spirit didn’t die. It’s alive and well and threatens us today.

    Every one of us has areas of our lives that we struggle to submit to Jesus’ rulership – private areas over which we desire to stay on the throne, protected places where we want to wear the crown.

    Ask yourself these questions and see if the Lord may identify a Herod spirit in your life.

    In what area of my life do I have a tendency to use people? At work? In your family? Perhaps you control or manipulate people to get what you want.

    In what area of my life am I guilty of deceiving people? Whether you openly lie or leave others with false impressions, where do you shade the truth to maintain control?

    In what area of my life am I willing to hurt people? It may not be physical harm, but you’re willing to hurt people through gossip or slander. Through lashing out in anger or rage. Or maybe you freeze them out and seek to punish them through passive aggression.

    Are you willing to lay down your crown and surrender control to the true King, Jesus?

  • We will be looking at a very familiar portion of Scripture today, but I’d like to put a twist on it by starting with a verse that, as a recovering control freak, I’ve had to lean into again and again. It reminds me of who’s really in charge…and who’s not.

    “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Prov. 19:21)

    With that in mind, let’s look at Luke 2. It starts, “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.”

    Let’s set the stage here. In the days of Jesus, the Romans ruled the western world. Their military might was legendary. They were ruled by a series of “caesars” or czars. The first of whom was Julius Caesar.

    When he was assassinated in 44 B.C., a power struggle ensued. The assassins and conspirators Brutus and Cassius battled for control with Mark Antony and Julius Caesar’s adopted son, Octavian. When Mark Antony sought to grab power for himself by making an alliance with Egypt and Cleopatra, Octavian took them both on and won. Octavian returned to Rome as a hero and was declared to be the new Caesar.

    He soon changed his name to Augustus (which means “the revered one”) and quickly took absolute power.

    About 10 years into his reign, there was an astronomical phenomenon (probably a comet). The Romans declared that it was actually Julius Caesar ascending to the heavens to join the other gods and become a god himself.

    If Julius was Augustus’ father, what does that make him? “The son of God.” From then on, Augustus would be celebrated and worshiped as “God incarnate.”

    Notwithstanding his newly claimed status, Augustus still had a massive army that needed to be bankrolled. How would he do that? By raising taxes.

    So, now we come to Luke’s account. A decree goes out that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. Why? So they can be taxed!

    A king lifts his finger in Rome and 1500 miles away, in an obscure little village, a poverty-stricken couple undertakes an arduous 70-mile journey. And because they did, Mary’s child was born in Bethlehem, a little town that just happened to be the one mentioned in an ancient Hebrew prophecy about the Messiah.

    You might be tempted to think this was an amazing coincidence. That all this “came to pass” because Augustus gave a decree. He was in control.

    But who really made the decree? Whose will was really being done? Whose kingdom is it really?

    Luke is exposing the illusion that we all live with – that we are mere pawns in the hands of human powers – whether they are government officials or city ordinances, whether they are employers or coaches, whether they are former friends or ex-spouses.

    His point is clear: Human powers may make their plans and plot their strategies, “but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” He is ultimately the One who is on the throne, and His will is that which will prevail.

    What was the slogan of the day 2000 years ago? “Caesar is lord.” What does Christmas tell us? “NO, HE’S NOT! Jesus is Lord.”

    God is in control. He was fully in charge then and He is fully in charge now.

    Text: Luke 2

    Originally recorded on December 10, 2006, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • When the Lord brought His people out of slavery in Egypt, He promised to bring them up to Canaan – the “Promised Land.” But before they were ready to step into their inheritance, they had to spend time in the Land Between – the wilderness where God wanted to develop and mature them so He could display them to the world.

    However, after two years in the Land Between, they had yet to learn to trust and depend on God. They whined and complained about food, so God gave them manna. But soon, they whined and complained about that!

    We need to understand that they weren’t just whining about the food being served. This was a rejection of God Himself. They were saying, “God, we were better off back in Egypt…without you!”

    So, when they started to whine and complain that they had no meat, God said, “Fine. I’ll give you meat! So much meat it will come out of your nose!” (Nu. 11:19-20)

    God literally blew quail into their camp. Tens of thousands of birds! The Israelites were thrilled! They gathered up so much meat they spread it out in the sun to dry for future meals.

    But the quail started to rot, and soon, disease began to spread through the camp. And at God’s hand, in an act of severe discipline, people died. Why?

    Before we talk about that, let’s talk a bit about discipline in general.

    First of all, wise parents know that discipline is not the opposite of love. Rather, it is a function of love.

    Proverbs 13:24 says, “A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children by disciplining them.” (MSG)

    We sometimes forget our goal is not to raise happy children. It’s to raise mature adults. Wise parents recognize that as painful as discipline may be to administer and for that child to receive, failure to discipline can be costly in the long run. Love requires discipline.

    Could it be that when God disciplines us in ways that seem harsh or difficult to bear, He is actually trying to rescue us? To save us?

    If so, what could God have been trying to save his people from back in Numbers 11?

    Perhaps that answer is found a few chapters later in Numbers 13. The Israelites are at the border of the Promised Land. Moses sends 12 men into the land to spy out the situation. They came back with a mixed report. Joshua and Caleb said that it was everything God had promised! A land flowing with milk and honey. But the other 10 spies were filled with fear, not faith. They saw the walled cities and giants in the land and said, “We can’t conquer this land!”

    After two years in “trust school,” God’s people had failed completely. He was ready to be done with them. Wipe them all out! But Moses pleaded with God and He relented. Instead, He handed down a harsh discipline. They would wander in the wilderness until every one of that generation perished (except Joshua and Caleb). Only their children would enter the Promised Land.

    Could it be that the discipline of Numbers 11 was God’s last-ditch effort to rescue this generation? A loving Father’s attempt to get His children’s attention and teach them to trust Him?

    I believe it was. Sadly, they didn’t learn that lesson.

    The Land Between can be a place where God can discipline you – correct your self-destructive behavior, and keep you from something far more painful. It can be a place of growth… if we will let it.

    Text: Nu. 11, 13, 14

    Originally recorded on October 27, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • When you’re in the Land Between, the natural question we ask is, “How long? How long will I be in this hard place?”

    This question nagged the Israelites as they slogged through the wilderness, eventually leading to complaint. Their relentless complaining turned personal, and they blamed Moses for their woes.

    The accusations and criticism beat down on Moses until he couldn’t take it anymore. He hadn’t asked for this job! He is so discouraged and weary that he asks God to let him die rather than continue like this.

    The Land Between can be a place of emotional meltdown.

    You might think Moses is no different than the Israelites, complaining and ready to quit. But there’s a key difference. The Israelites were complaining about God. Moses is praying to God.

    Moses isn’t the only biblical leader to go through a “dark night of the soul.” The prophets Elijah and Jeremiah both experienced emotional meltdowns of their own. So discouraged and defeated, each of them despaired of life itself, and they poured out their pain and lament to God in prayer.

    You might read their prayers and wonder if this kind of honesty with God is acceptable. Can we really bare our souls and give vent to our feelings in this way?

    Keep in mind that these guys are spiritual heavyweights. They are not among the ranks of the immature. Their honest prayers are an indication of their spiritual depth rather than a sign of shallowness. And God never condemns or disciplines them for pouring out their emotions.

    But I also wonder if God chose to include their emotionally raw and honest prayers in the Scriptures to validate our pain. Perhaps these prayers and others like them in the Bible were preserved as a way for the Lord to whisper to us, “See, you’re not alone. Go ahead and cry out. Turn to Me and give vent to your fatigue, hurt, and disappointment.”

    In the words of Jesus, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28)

    The Land Between can provide an opportunity for intimate prayer.

    You may be thinking, “I like the idea of pouring out my heart to God, but to be honest, I am so numb and exhausted, I don’t know what to say.”

    Let me give you some practical help in three simple words: SCAN…CONNECT…BORROW.

    Scan through the Psalms. See if you can find some language for crying out. Many of these songs were written by King David during times of tremendous pressure. (Ps. 69)Connect personally to the words. If your response to the words you scan is, “That’s me! I feel like that!” then pause. (Ps. 55) Borrow those words and use them in your own prayer. (Ps. 13)

    In the Land Between, emotional meltdowns are inevitable. But honest prayer is powerful. When we turn to God, we’re turning in the right direction. Rest is found. Intimacy is deepened. And hope is fueled.

    Text: Nu. 11:4-6, 10-15; Mt. 11:28

    Originally recorded on October 20, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • Sooner or later, all of us will find ourselves in the Land Between – a place of undesired and difficult transitions. We are ripped from normality and find ourselves in an unfamiliar world. The world of the unemployed, the suddenly single, the chronically ill. Everything has changed, and we are at a loss to know how to navigate this new terrain.

    The Israelites found themselves in the Land Between in the Old Testament. Having been miraculously led out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt, they found themselves in the wilderness. A desert…where nothing grows.

    They are hoping to get to the Promised Land. A land flowing with milk and honey. But they’re not there yet, and it’s going to take a long time to get there.

    With a group of several hundred thousand people slowly moving through this desert, you can imagine that, eventually, they are going to run out of food. And when they did, they started to complain.

    God saw to their need by providing a unique food substance. It was called manna. And this is what they ate, day after day, week after week. For two years, they’ve been eating manna, and they are sick of it. So they start to complain and wail.

    Now, we can easily criticize these folks. But how often do we do the same thing?!

    The fact is… the Land Between can be fertile ground for complaint.

    For the Israelites, their complaint was not only chronic, it was intensifying. They were not merely rejecting the food, they were rejecting the God who had given it to them.

    What were the Israelites doing in the wilderness for so long? If you look at a map, it seems there to be a much shorter, more direct route they could have taken. Why did God lead them out into the middle of the desert?

    Because He needed to take this ragtag group of ex-slaves and form them into a people who knew their God and their identity as His people. A nation that was clear on its mission and prepared to step into it.

    The fact is… The Land Between can be a greenhouse for trust.

    It can be a place where we allow ourselves to be disciplined and trained by God so that we can learn to trust in God and live as a greater display for God.

    The Land Between can either make you bitter or better. And that’s a function of our response to it.

    Our patterns of response to challenges and trials will ultimately shape who we will become.

    Here are some questions to consider in your Land Between:

    What if the situation you’re experiencing that you most detest is intended for your best?What if this wilderness you find yourself in can be a greenhouse for growth?What if God’s purpose is not to destroy you but to develop you and ultimately display you?What if the soil you most hate is producing the fruit you most want?

    Text: Ex. 1:1-11; 3:1-8; 16:1-4, 13-16; Nu. 11:1-9, 20

    Originally recorded on October 13, 2013, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN

  • We all know what it’s like to screw up. To go somewhere we shouldn’t have gone and done something we shouldn’t have done. When we do, we wonder, “Will anybody come and set things right?”

    It’s this longing that is answered in the attribute of God we’re going to look at today.

    God is gracious. Full of grace. From the Greek word charis, grace means helpfulness toward someone in need without receiving anything in return; generosity merely for the sake of another.

    The scarlet thread of grace runs all through the Bible.

    · Rahab:

    A prostitute living in Jericho, she risked her life to save two Hebrew spies. They made a promise to her that if she would hang a scarlet cord from the window of her home when the Israelite army attacked, she and her family would be spared. She trusted in that scarlet cord and by grace, she was given a new life.

    · Adam and Eve

    The scarlet thread begins in the opening pages of the Bible. Having committed the first sin, they now experienced guilt, shame, and brokenness. Yet God made garments of animal skin to cover their guilt and shame. But the covering came at a price. Death has now entered the world. Innocent blood has been shed. And a message has been sent: Your sin is covered because a sacrifice has been accepted on your behalf.

    · Passover

    Thousands of years later, God’s people were trapped in slavery in Egypt. But God had a plan to free them from their bondage and the judgment that was coming. They must take the blood of a flawless lamb and spread it on the doorposts of their homes. Then when the Death Angel moved through the land, he would see the blood and pass over their homes.

    Grace was offered, but that grace came at a cost. A sinless substitute paid the price that justice required.

    · Day of Atonement

    It is the satisfaction of the demands of justice so that oneness can be restored. On the Day of Atonement, two goats would be chosen. One of the goats would be sacrificed and the blood sprinkled over the Ark of the Covenant. But the chief priest would lay his hands on the remaining living goat and confess all the sins the people had committed. This goat would then be led out of the camp and into the wilderness, symbolically carrying away the sins of the people. This goat was called…the scapegoat.

    · Jesus

    The scarlet thread is woven throughout Jesus' life and ultimately leads to a hill called Calvary where the Lamb was sacrificed for the sins of all mankind.

    Here is the message of the scarlet thread, as clear as I know how to make it. God is not willing that any should perish, but He gives to everyone a choice. Who are you trusting to set things right between you and God?

    There are two options. You can say, “I’m trusting myself,” and God will allow that – for now. But the Bible is real clear that if you do, when the time comes that you face the righteous God, there will be an accounting. And it’s then that the issue of atoning for your sin will have to be dealt with by you and you alone.

    OR… you can take advantage of the grace that God offers through His Son. You can ask that the Lamb of God, Jesus, atone for your sin.

    Text: Joshua 2:1-21; Is. 53

    Originally recorded on October 31, 2010, at Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, IN