Bambini e famiglia – Islanda – Nuovi podcast
This podcast will address how being a step parent can be hard. We will look at how to come address situation in the house hold.
Meet Beddy, the cozy little pillow with a nightcap, here to tuck in your little dreamers for a magical bedtime experience!
Beddy Time is where little dreamers can drift off to sleep surrounded by magical bedtime rhymes, and soothing lullabies. Each week, we'll bring you original, never-before-seen content on our Youtube Channel that helps your little one read along with beautifully illustrated pictures and fall asleep with our gentle lullabies. 🌙
Follow on Youtube for animations and our full library of bedtime rhymes and lullabies. -
We are a sister and brother who love dogs! Each week, we discuss a different dog breed. Dogs facts! Dog jokes! Dog love!
In this episode we are going to talk about fortnite.
Tune in to get your child sleeping safe and sound once and for all. I’ll share with you some of the most important aspects of gentle sleep training, the science behind what is happening with your child’s sleep, a deeper look into safe sleep recommendations, and all of the tips and tricks you’ve been searching for to get the sleep you’ve been dreaming about.
Welcome to "Those Millennial Pediatricians," the podcast where two millennial pediatricians break down the complex world of children’s healthcare into bite-sized, relatable conversations. Join us as we tackle big questions parents face, share expert insights, and provide practical tips to help families navigate their children's health journey. Whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro, we’re here to empower you with knowledge — because taking care of your family shouldn’t be a guessing game!
Follow us on Instagram @thosemillennialpediatricians or on TikTok @thosemillennialpedspod. -
🚀 Join Jay-Jay, the wise little teacher, for fun, one-minute episodes packed with BIG lessons on self-confidence 💪, self-love 💰, teamwork, kindness 💖, leadership, and emotional intelligence 🧠. 🎨 With playful visuals and relatable stories, Jay-Jay makes learning fun for kids while helping parents teach life skills at home. 🌈 Perfect for ages 3-7, this series inspires positivity, resilience, and responsibility. 🌍💫 Watch now to empower young minds and make parenting easier. 🎉 👉 Follow for more episodes and inspire the next generation! 🦸♂️🦸♀️
We publish highlights on the opinions and relationship advice from the Oli & Danny Podcast. If you have a serious relationship issue and you want advice on then email the podcast anonymously and we will unpack it on the show and in the publication. -
Þættir sem ræða móðurhlutverkið á fræðandi og heiðarlegan hátt, óritskoðað og í sinni raunverulegustu mynd. Farið verður yfir rannsóknir sem snerta á því hvaða áhrif það hefur á einstakling að verða móðir og jafnvel tekin viðtöl við sérfræðinga hvað það varðar.
Hugtök á borð við móðurmótunarskeið (e. matrescence) verður sett undir smásjána sem og önnur áhugaverð hugtök á borð við sjálfsmyndarkrísu, mömmuskömm og mömmukulnun. Mýtur á borð við bleika skýið og "góðu mömmuna" verða skoðuð út frá akademískum rannsóknum til þess að kanna hvort þetta séu mýtur eða möguleiki.
Hér er leitast við að fræða frekar en að hræða og valdefla mæður og verðandi mæður með því að ræða hlutina óhikað.
Stjórnandi Elín Ásbjarnardóttir Strandberg. -
HOW you divorce matters, mama. I’m here every week with short, empowering conversations to help overwhelmed moms get grounded, protect their kids and finances and step into a next chapter they feel good about — I call it divorcing differently. I’m Kristen Noel, Certified Divorce Coach, mother, and Founder of the Intuitive Divorce, a game-changing program that transforms the experience and outcomes of divorce for mothers. I’ve stood in your shoes, made the mistakes, and rebuilt a happy and loving life from the ashes. With humor and heart, I share expert strategies for communicating with your children, managing attorneys and navigating the legal system during divorce — salve for the aching soul to save you time, money and a LOT of heartache. Learn more at:
Sumarfríið er alveg að byrja og sumarhátíð skólans á næsta leiti. Vinirnir Úlla og Mási spá ekki mikið í það, þau hafa mikilvægari hnöppum að hneppa. Þau ætla að sinna mikilvægu og háleynilegu verkefni sem amma Úllu hefur lagt fyrir þau. Nærbuxurnar í Hamraborg er framhaldsleikrit í fimm hlutum fyrir börn eftir Viktoríu Blöndal.
Persónur og leikendur:
Úlla: Kría Valgerður Vignisdóttir
Mási: Róbert Ómar Þorsteinsson
Magnea: Guðný Þórarinsdóttir
Sæbjörn: Kári Páll Thorlacius
Teitur: Baldur Davíðsson
Unglingur: Ragnar Eldur Jörundsson
Amma: Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir
Skarphéðinn: Hákon Jóhannesson
Vaka Líf : Álfrún Örnólfsdóttir
Afi: Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson
Forsetinn: Hjörtur Jóhann Jónsson
Olga: Þórdís Björk Þorfinnsdóttir
Diddý: Maríanna Clara Lúthersdóttir
Aron: Ágúst Örn Wigum
Fréttamaður: Starkaður Pétursson
Tónlist: Úlfur Úlfur
Hljóðvinnsla: Hrafnkell Sigurðsson
Leikstjóri: Viktoría Blöndal
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Comedian Tom Mabe and Son Josh Mabe discuss lifes challenges and rewards while being on the Autism Sprectrum
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Skoppa og Skrítla halda áfram ævintýrum sínum en nú í heimi hlaðvarpsleikhúss. Nú þurfa lítil eyru að æfa sig í að hlusta til að sjá fyrir sér töfrana í leikhúsinu.
Welcome to The Collaborative IEP podcast! This business has been in my heart for so many years, and I so excited to share it with you. In these podcasts we’ll discuss all things special education – from eligibility to implementation of the IEP. We’ll talk about basic concepts and dive deeper into specific topics. We’ll talk about self-care for caregivers and professionals that support children on IEPs. We’ll discuss best practices, behavior, therapies, and more!
Faith-filled real talk about family life – the ups, the downs, and everything in the middle.
Series 2 of the monthly podcast featuring 20-minute episodes hosted by Ps Genevieve Hays and hubby, Derek and covering several ages and stages of parenting and child life and featuring humour, authenticity and a biblical framework, we know this will bring encouragement and inspiration to your parenting journey. -
Welcome to Havanese HQ, the ultimate podcast for current and prospective Havanese dog owners! Whether you're a seasoned Havanese enthusiast or thinking about adding this playful, affectionate breed to your family, this podcast has everything you need. Join us as we dive deep into the world of Havanese dogs, covering essential topics such as selecting a reputable breeder, understanding the breed's unique temperament, training tips, grooming, health concerns, and more. We also explore red flags to watch for when choosing a breeder, what to expect during the adoption process, and expert advice on how to ensure your Havanese puppy grows into a happy and healthy adult.
Each episode features insights from experienced Havanese owners, breeders, and trainers, providing practical tips and stories that will help you make informed decisions and strengthen the bond with your four-legged friend. Whether you're curious about Havanese puppies, searching for breed-specific care tips, or simply love hearing heartwarming stories about these affectionate lap dogs, this podcast is your go-to source.
Tune in to learn everything you need to know about the Havanese breed, from selecting the right food and grooming routine to understanding their playful nature and how to keep them entertained. Subscribe now and embark on a journey to become the best Havanese parent you can be!
Havanese, Havanese dogs, Havanese breed, Havanese puppies, dog breeders, choosing a breeder, dog adoption, dog training, dog grooming, dog health, companion dogs, toy breed, affectionate dogs, dog care tips, Havanese temperament, playful dogs, family dogs, hypoallergenic dogs, small dog breed, Havanese podcast, puppy care, pet ownership, dog wellness, responsible pet ownership
Produced by Gary A. Fujioka, Sr., Publisher of Havanese World
Original bedtime stories for your little ones to thrill and delight and help calm busy little minds to settle down for the night
This is a podcast about never before heard eerie occurrences and spooky stories that actually happened. Told by a kid who heard them from other kids.
Þetta er Podcast þar sem Eiður Eyjólfsson og dóttir hans Hanna Katrín taka spjall og fá aðra krakka í spjall.
Hvað er í hausnum á þessum krökkum í dag? -
A fun podcast about different types of teaching and learning. I’m here to help teachers and students find the best way to learn in the classroom!
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