Barn & Familj – Filippinene – Anbefalte podcaster

  • Welcome to ‘Sheena Interrupted,’ Yes! A whole 30 mins of Sheena Melwani and her relentless co-host, The Real Indian Dad.

    Tune in weekly as they dive headfirst into relationships, parenting, life's ups and downs, and everything in between.

  • The RISE Podcast by Our Bahay is a podcast that interviews inspiring humans and dives deep into their stories. We explore their successes, failures, and everything in between.

    We learn what makes them tick and how they have achieved their goals. We also discuss the challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them.

    Our goal is to provide an honest and inspiring look into the lives of amazing people.

  • Welcome to my podcast, tits, tums and all things mum. Motherhood is fun isn’t it? Forever covered in bodily fluids, never time for a pee in peace let alone a hot cuppa and then there’s the joys of toddler tantrums! It’s a good job those little toe rags are cute! This podcast is a judgement free digital space where my guests and I will discuss the realities of modern motherhood and normalise the normal mum. My guests and I are going to be real, candid and unfiltered so come on in and join us on tits, tums and all things mum.

  • Hey Mama! I'm Molly, I am a mom looking to navigate through these crazy times while shedding some light on the importance of midset, personal development, and how AWESOME we women truly are!

  • Mama wife life podcast was made by ME, Teigra a mom of 5 boys who honestly after 12 years of having kids and before kids having younger brother still does NOT have all the answers. Mama wife life podcast will be about so many different topics but also give the real honest truth about the mama wife life. I hope to add a little dark humor to each episode, we’ll be 420 friendly, cussing friendly and sex talk friendly. I hope everyone enjoys, mama wife life podcast!

  • Welcome to THE podcast for busy moms (messy bun and reheated coffee are optional)! This is the space for Christian moms who feel all the guilt but refuse to be Pinterest Perfect. Moms who love like a boss, are authentic and who want to be a boss with some free moments thrown in. Sound like someone you know?

    Let's chat about Biblical truth + wisdom + laughter + productivity strategies to not only help you squeeze in a shower, but enjoy life.

    Kathy Lanham offers a mentoring voice from the other side of motherhood, with encouragement and hope in the journey as well as business strategies for those looking to work from home.

  • Modern pet parenting for the 99%! Weโ€™re Bryce & Kenzie, and our crippling fear of losing our pets early in life has led us to finding the best ways to enrich & extend their lifespan. This podcast will be a deep dive of everything we currently share on our social media platforms; nutrition, enrichment and much more!

  • The Dads Making A Difference Podcast with Cam Hall is strategically designed to inspire you to live a life of significance. A life focused on passion, purpose, and presence. A life where you can make a real DIFFERENCE in your family, in your business, and in the community around you.

    This podcast is inspired by you. The Dad that feels called to live with purpose. The Dad that works hard to give all he has to build his family, his faith, his finances, and his fitness. The Dad that his family is proud of. The Difference Makers.

    The key to becoming a real difference maker in your life, is being intentional about the information you digest. That includes what you listen to, the conversations you have, and the company you keep. Well, you’re in good company with Cam and Dads Making A Difference.

    Cam’s intention with the Dads Making A Difference Podcast is that it inspires you to elevate your game and become a man of action. The interviews and stories shared here will drive you to surround yourself with your own trusted group of advisors. A tight knit community that is going to bring you out of isolation, give you a sense of belonging and purpose, and will fuel your drive to commit to something larger than yourself, to truly become a Dad Making A Difference!

    So get inspired and join us as Dads Making A Difference!

  • Step into the enchanting world of 'Sloths Love to Read,' where imagination knows no bounds! Our delightful podcast brings the joy of storytelling to kids aged 0-12 with a captivating mix of cherished classics and the vibrant voices of new authors. Join our author and host, KeriAnne Jelinek, as she brings these books to life with engaging and entertaining readings that will keep your child entertained and learning. Whether you're looking for a new bedtime story or a way to keep your child engaged during long car rides, 'Sloths Love to Read' is the perfect podcast for you and your little ones.

  • Are you ready to ditch the Christian checklist and trade it in for a daily, intimate relationship with Jesus?
    Do you wish to fall in love with the Word of God and understand how to apply it to your life?
    Are you ready to see yourself the way that He sees you and become confident in who He says you are?

    In this podcast. you will find practical solutions to help you connect with Jesus, walk out your faith, and create a relationship with Jesus that will be a constant in your life. This podcast will also be full of conversations of real women sharing their stories and encouraging us to walk deeper with Christ.

    The Abundant Woman Collective exists to help women Know God, Discover their identity, and Speak Truth in order to live an abundant life in Christ. The mission of The Abundant Woman Collective podcast is to bring faith-filled solutions that build your confidence in who you are and whose you are, to create many hope-filled conversations that point you to Jesus, and to give you the resources you need in the busyness of everyday life. We will help to equip a generation of women to share their stories of faith, stand in their God-given authority, and cut through the cultural noise.

    If you’re ready to say yes to being a woman of God who trusts, surrenders, and lives an abundant life, despite any circumstance- you’re in the right place!

    Hi, I’m Sam. A wife, mama to four, business owner, Jesus lover, and recovered people-pleasing Christian. I have been teaching, encouraging, and leading people for over 15 years. Despite having grown up on a church pew, there came a time in my walk with the Lord when I realized I was following the Christian checklist of things to do right vs an actual relationship with our loving father. I knew it wasn’t right and that something had to change. I started asking the Lord to give me a hunger for His presence and His Word that only He could give. And boy did He show up. I was more in love with Jesus than I had ever been.

    And now He has called me to serve you with this podcast.

    If you are ready to learn how to read the bible and understand it, how to be in a relationship with Him, how to discover your purpose and calling (and walk it out), and so MUCH MORE. These solutions are practical, can be implemented, and are made for your busy life.

    Grab your coffee, bible, and notebook- and let’s dig in!

    Be sure to grab your free scripture card printables and get on the email list to know when our next bible study is launching here:

    Learn more:

    Connect: [email protected]




    Want to be on the podcast? Have a prayer request or a question? Let us know here:

  • Join us in navigating the life of dads from different sides of the world.

    Sabay sabay tayong manghula at magdiscover ng wonders ng buhay pamilya at parenting sa perspective ng mga tatay.

    Tatayhood is on Spotify or wherever you get your podcast

  • Listen to expert conversations on life after birth.

    From mental health to self-care to what recovery is really like, the Hello Postpartum podcast can help you feel less alone and more confident as you navigate your new role as a mother. Life after birth can feel lonely, complicated, and overwhelming, and we're here to help.

  • Fear. Anger. Hurt. Expectations. Stress. These are just naming a few of all of the negative energy that exists in our world today. These negative forces are pulling this world in the wrong direction. I want to change the narrative and our perspectives. I want to bring back peace, love, contentment, and excitement through learning and growing together. I believe this is the secret to being our very best selves.

  • All children have greatness. However, it can be hard for us or them to see sometimes. We will discuss ways to help ourselves and our child discover and bring out their greatness.

  • Motherhood can often leave a woman feeling torn between her emotions and reality, her job and personal life, friends and family. On Torn: Finding a Mom Life Balance, hosts Athena, and Mims share their journey, laugh their woes away, and dismantle the deceptions of motherhood by giving a new voice to mommy-hood.
    Cover art photo provided by Logos on the Go

  • Vraag je je als ouder wel eens af waarom het soms niet zo fijn gaat tussen jou en je kindje? Iedereen weet en begrijpt dat wij bestaan uit een fysieke vorm. Maar wist je dat er meer is dan alleen het fysieke? Rondom onze fysieke vorm hebben we een nog krachtigere vorm, namelijk onze energetische vorm. Baby's en jonge kinderen zijn nog heel erg verbonden aan hun energetische vorm en pikken snel gevoelens en prikkels op. Dus ook die van jou!

    Als kinderfluisteraar stem ik af op de energetische vorm van je kindje en voel zo aan waardoor het komt dat je kleine uit balans is geraakt.

    Dit is De podcast voor ouders die willen en kunnen "opvoeden vanuit hun innerlijk kompas"

    Luister deze podcast, waarin je handvatten in de breedste zin van het woord krijgt, zodat jij en je kindje elkaar weer begrijpen en aanvoelen.

    Ik ben Mary de Koning, kinderfluisteraar, energetisch therapeut en heb een praktijk genaamd Fluistering en energie.

    Voel je welkom,

    Liefs Mary

  • The Family Pet is a podcast for curious pet parents. We believe that the more you know about pet healthcare, the better pet parent you can be. Advancements in the veterinary industry have provided pet parents with more care options than ever before, but all these choices can leave pet parents with feelings of confusion and uncertainty when it comes to making decisions in the veterinary office. The Family Pet hosts and guests bring their years of veterinary experience and expertise to the microphone to share useful information which will help you have a better understanding of the veterinary care options available. We will empower you with the knowledge to make educated decisions regarding your petโ€™s healthcare needs, and help you be the human that your pet already thinks you are!