Crianças e família – Novos podcasts
Waar Martijn & Joy Ellen zich suf praten over opgroeiende kinderen. En hoe ze kijken naar opvoeden. Nogal verschillend. En zo leren ze van elkaar. Ze hebben het ook over andere onderwerpen waar ze iets van vinden. En weinig over weten zo blijkt. Ze weten weinig. Over de meeste dingen dan.
Wij zijn twee doodgewone ouders en delen hier over onze ouderschapsreis. Wat leren we van onze kinderen, van elkaar, maar vooral over onszelf? Naast ouders zijn we ook (liefdes)partners. We gaan met elkaar in gesprek over onze ervaringen als ouders, inclusief de uitglijders, de uitdagingen én mooie momenten. Eerlijke gesprekken dus. Ga je mee?
Mocht je contact met ons op willen nemen kan dat via [email protected] -
Edify means to teach or instruct to improve the mind and character. This podcast focuses on home edifying versus home "schooling." A lot of parents aren't homeschooling to recreate a school experience, but instead to create the best learning and discipleship pattern for their kids. Kristin is interviewing everyday parents and experts who can contribute to this topic. She believes that every parent has the potential to change the world from within the four walls of their home, including YOU! Go grab a cup of coffee, sit down, and enjoy. Welcome home friend, where learning matters.
De verhaaltjes van Klèts Boem! ontstaan waar je bij bent. Over wonderlijke plekken en grappige dieren. Perfect om rustig bij weg te dromen onderweg, of thuis. Veel plezier!
**Welkom bij de Stoere Kleuterclub!** 🎙️💪
Mirthe (4) heeft héél veel vragen – en haar vader probeert ze allemaal te beantwoorden! Elke aflevering duiken ze samen in een leuk onderwerp, leren ze van elkaar én spelen ze een grappig spel. Luister mee en ontdek de wereld door de ogen van een kleuter! 🎧👧
Join Kara -a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, Canine Nutritionist and Holistic Pet Health Coach- each week as she discusses a natural approach to health and wellness. Using a root cause mindset to tackle chronic disease, and reaching for raw and natural remedies, this podcast dives deep into the illnesses that are plaguing both us and our pets each and every day. Our lifespan may be growing but our healthspan is shrinking, and it's time to make a change.
Join us as we share tidbits of information, advice, experiences and opinions from both men and women as we all try to survive Mental Health, Motherhood, Marriage and the journey to sanity! We’re here for the laughs and love!
Kattiloittain ja kulhoittain kaikkea jännittävää ja hauskaa – sitä on Myllärin satunurkka! Tarinoissa seikkailevat veikeät kaverukset Vilja, Kaura, Vehnä, Ohra ja Ruis. Paljon sattuu ja tapahtuu, eikä suurilta tunteilta vältytä. Lopulta kuitenkin hauskaa on aina ja ystävyys voittaa vaikeallakin hetkellä.
Perheille, sekä vanhemmille että lapsille suunnattuja sisältöjä ja keskusteluita, jotta lapset ja vanhemmat voisivat kokea syvempää yhteyttä perheissä.
Iskäpodi on vaikuttaja ja tv-persoona Michael Ntiman sekä näyttelijä ja vaikuttaja Samuel Glassarin hostaama podcast, jossa jokaisessa jaksossa kolme isää keskustelee, no, isyydestä! Samuel ja Michael kutsuvat studioon vieraakseen julkisuudesta tunnettuja miehiä keskustelemaan isyyden kokemuksesta, vanhemmuudesta ja lapsiperhearjesta sen kaikkine sävyineen. Podcast toimii erityisesti vertaistukena kaikille vanhemmille, ja jaksoissa keskustellaankin vanhemmuuden eri vaiheista: Samuel on vuonna 2024 syntyneiden kaksospoikien tuore vanhempi, Michaelilla sen sijaan on jo kokemusta kouluikäisen tytön vanhempana. Joka perjantai saat viihtyä, nauraa ja mahdollisesti myös hämmentyä vanhemmuuden teemojen äärellä!
True Rules is a podcast curated to support the ‘not so perfect’ woman and mom. In a world that attempts to dictate how we’re supposed to look, live, feel, parent, dress, and thrive, best friends and hosts Michelle Lorquet and Briana Thompson want to inspire you to live in your own Truth, by your own Rules!
Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @TrueRules -
36 Months is a movement for healthy teen development, without the influence of social media, focused on the 36 months between 13 and 16.
We were the catalyst behind the new social media legislation in Australia. We rallied more than 127,000 petition signatures to raise the age of social media citizenship by 36 months, from 13 - 16. This podcast is for parents and teachers - the custodians of healthy teen development who still believe that an intentional 36 months, could change a lifetime. -
Narração da história da autora Tânia Santos, sobre a importância da amizade!
O Podcast da Barbie é um programa para crianças com grandes sonhos, desafios a superar e muita curiosidade. Em cada episódio, as apresentadoras Barbie (Malibu) e Barbie (Brooklyn) vão entrevistar pessoas maravilhosas do mundo todo e que são especialistas em suas áreas. O podcast está repleto de conselhos, histórias inspiradoras e atividades divertidas que você pode fazer em casa. Tenha acesso a possibilidades infinitas acompanhando e ouvindo o Podcast da Babie na sua plataforma preferida!
O Pai Tá On é uma troca de experiência paterna
Violência doméstica algo traumático e difícil de seguir enfrente
Cordel, criaturas fantásticas, pernambuquês, carnaval, música, brincadeira, comida... Ouça tudo isso e muito mais sobre o país Pernambuco nessa viagem pelas ondas sonoras.
Site -
Instagram - @aventuramabr
Facebook -
Realização - Combo Multimidia (@combomultimidia) -
O Programa ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕋𝕆 𝕀ℕ 𝔽𝕆ℂ𝕆 é uma série de entrevistas com profissionais importantes e personalidades do universo da humanização da gravidez, parto e da primeira infância. Uma ferramenta de propulsão e promoção de um novo olhar sobre o nascimento em nosso país.
Podcast do Portal Lunetas traz histórias, reflexões e informações para amplificar nosso olhar sobre as múltiplas infâncias brasileiras. Nesta primeira temporada, criamos uma série de audiorreportagens do Lunetas com temas relacionados à parentalidade, educação, saúde, cultura e as várias dimensões que envolvem o universo das crianças. Toda terça-feira, às 6h.
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