Crianças e família – Novos podcasts
Magazine de la mer. Diffusion les lundis et dimanches à 12h30.
Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Hosted by Nicole Casey, speech-language pathologist and founder of The Child-Led SLP, Let Them Lead is the go-to podcast for professionals and caregivers who want to support autistic kids with respect, trust, and connection.
Each week, we explore child-led, neuroaffirming approaches to communication, play, and therapy—centered around the belief that autistic kids deserve communication partners who honor and support them holistically. Whether you're navigating gestalt language processing, AAC, sensory differences, or just want to break free from compliance-based systems, you're in the right place.
You'll hear honest conversations, practical strategies, and plenty of real-life examples to help you unlearn old habits and confidently support the kids you love or work with. No behavior charts. No rigid protocols. Just curiosity, compassion, and the freedom to follow your autistic child's lead. -
"Uma conversa sobre cães" é um podcast semanal, apresentado por Francci Lunguinho, jornalista, treinador de cães e especialista em comportamento canino. O podcast trata exclusivamente sobre assuntos relacionados ao universo cinófilo. Com dicas preciosas, curiosidades, bem-estar animal, adestramento, brindes, literatura canina e tudo mais para os amantes de cães. Ou cachorros, ou perros, ou dogs, ou chien, ou filho, companheiro...
Vamos falar do universo felino e canino. Muita informação e dicas para sermos a cada dia mais felizes ao lado dessas companhias sobre patas e cobertas de pelos.
bulldog inglês
Um podcast de três psicólogas que falam sobre a relação humano-animal.
Rebecca reads stories to her stuffed animals and doll, and occasionally her brother.
Welcome to Unlocking the Parenting Code: All About Boys
This season, we’re diving deep into the world of boys—exploring what it takes to raise them to become remarkable young men. Hosted by Kathy Imabayashi, an experienced educator and passionate advocate for boys’ emotional well-being, this podcast offers real-life stories, expert insights, and practical strategies for parents, educators, and caregivers navigating the unique challenges of raising boys.
What to Expect
In Season 2, we’re focusing on boys' emotional worlds—understanding their behavior, building stronger connections, and helping them grow into confident, resilient individuals. Through heartfelt conversations and shared experiences, we’ll uncover the struggles, joys, and breakthroughs of parenting boys.
Each episode offers:
*Stories from parents, teachers, and caregivers that shed light on the complexities of raising boys.
*Strategies to support boys in managing emotions, forming healthy relationships, and building self-esteem.
*Insights that will empower you in understanding how to nurture the boy in your life and set him up for success.
Join Us!
Whether you're raising a toddler, a teen, or anywhere in between, this season is all about celebrating and supporting boys—and the parents who guide them. Tune in for heart-centered conversations, expert advice, and practical tools to unlock the parenting code for boys.
Visit to learn more, subscribe, and share your parenting story with us. Together, we’ll make raising boys a journey of growth, connection, and joy.
About Sonhood Coaching:
Sonhood Coaching focuses on the emotional well-being of boys, helping parents nurture their sons to become remarkable men. Through courses, coaching, and resources, we empower families to better understand and support the inner emotional world of boys. Explore to learn more about our programs and services.
Looking to transform your relationship with your son? Visit for valuable resources and expert support. -
A podcast about the mama we love.
Welcome to Storytime with Teacher Nicole! I'm delighted to share with you the classics reimagined, world fairytales and books with representation.
My dream is to have a library of stories that meet the children of today and yet still have beautiful language and story plots.
As a teacher (public and Waldorf) for the past 25 years, one of my favorite teaching moments has been when I get to tell stories during storytime. I often memorized the tale, making it much easier to change things as I told it, kind of like when Grandma used to sit in her rocking chair and tell stories late into the night, as the fire blazed and then died out. Some of the changes I've played with over the years were making Briar Rose have dark, luscious, springy hair and beautiful warm umber skin, or the heroine being a warrior Princess instead of a Prince! These little changes made me happy in the telling and I want to share that joy of making the stories speak in a new way with you! One of my recent retellings was The Frog Prince, which in the classic telling has the frog turn into a prince when the princess throws him against the wall in disgust. I changed this to a version where the princess is actually kind and makes the frog a bed on the floor next to hers for three nights and the frog's spell is broken by the princesses kindness instead of anger.
What we are teaching our children through stories, is giving them a lens into new worlds and situations. Each story they hear can give them a view of the world that is full of healthy relationships, kindness in many forms, representation of all peoples and magical vistas of wonder and awe.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En este podcast encontrarás semanalmente un cuento corto con alguna moraleja o un pequeño escrito que encierra una gran historia.
مرحباً بكم في أول بودكاست ينقل لكم يوميات مدرسية حقيقية، حيث يتحدث فيه الأطفال عن تجاربهم وأحداث يومهم في المدرسة. استمعوا لتفاصيل مشوقة من حياة الطفل المدرسية، وشاهدوا العالم من خلال عيونهم.
Las estancias vistas desde el área de trabajo social su impacto en los infantes y en la sociedad.
Je suis Katia, maman de deux enfants dont un né à la maison en plein milieu de mon salon.
Je parle aujourd’hui au nom du CDAAD dans lequel je me suis engagée, soit le Collectif de Défense de l’Accouchement Accompagné à Domicile.
Nous défendons l’accouchement à domicile Accompagné d’une ou plusieurs sage-femme(s) afin de défendre les droits des familles qui souhaitent vivre un AAD.
Nous sommes des parents, des co-parents, des familles qui soutenons l’accès au libre choix de lieu et mode d’accouchement pour chacun.
Nous avons réalisé des enquêtes sur le vécu des femmes, sur les familles portant ou ayant porté un projet d’AAD, leur vécu et les difficultés rencontrées.
Ce Podcast vise à vous informer et à démystifier l’accouchement à domicile !
L’AAD peut concerner l’ensemble des femmes en bonne santé et c’est pourquoi aujourd’hui nous sommes dans l’optique de partager les témoignages que nous avons collecté avec le plus grand nombre pour faire connaître l’AAD et sa réalité.
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Kinderwunsch, Entwicklung des Babys und Geburt: Rund um die Schwangerschaft gibt es viele offene Fragen. Mit dem Helios-Podcast "Mom2B" für zuhause und unterwegs sind Sie immer bestens beraten. In jeder Episode sprechen unsere Expertinnen und Experten über die wichtigsten Themen in diesen 40 spannenden Schwangerschaftswochen. Jetzt reinhören und kostenlos abonnieren, um keine Episode zu verpassen!
Herzlich willkommen bei FragenWeise! In meinem Podcast nehme ich dich mit auf eine Reise zu den großen Fragen des Lebens:
Wie lerne ich loszulassen?Wie werde ich selbstbewusst?Wie finde ich meinen Weg? uvm.In jeder kurzen Episode teile ich Impulse und psychologische Perspektiven, die dir helfen können, deine eigenen Antworten zu finden – ganz ohne vorgefertigte Lösungen. Denn ich bin überzeugt: Jede Frage trägt Weisheit in sich und kann dir neue Wege eröffnen.
Manchmal ist es nicht die Antwort, die dein Leben verändert, sondern die Frage, die du dir stellst.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"Les Chemins de l'Autisme" est un podcast dédié à l'exploration des différentes étapes de la vie des personnes autistes et de leurs proches. De la petite enfance à l'âge adulte, chaque épisode aborde des thématiques clés pour mieux comprendre, accompagner et soutenir les individus sur trouble du spectre autistique.
Que vous soyez parent, enseignant, professionnel de santé ou simplement curieux d'en savoir plus, "Les Chemins de l'Autisme" propose un parcours immersif pour découvrir les multiples facettes de l’autisme et la richesse de chaque chemin de vie unique. Embarquez avec nous pour un voyage d'écoute, de partage et de compréhension, afin de briser les stéréotypes et d'encourager une société plus inclusive et bienveillante.
Généré par IA
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Der Podcast für erfolgreiche Mütter - zu Hause, im Beruf und darüber hinaus.
Zwei frischgebackene Mamis finden auf die bewegenden Fragen die richtigen Antworten, die sie gerne selbst früher gehabt hätten.
DEIN Karriere-Eltern-Podcast! Schön, dass du dabei bist. -
Esses podcasts são feitos a partir do livro O Movimento das Marés, uma reportagem ludica sobre os sinais de um novo tempo.
O livro conta a historia de Gandhi, um gatinho de abrigo aqui de Cajamar. Corajoso, mandão e extremamente sensível, ele lidera todos os outros moradores do abrigo para saírem atrás dos sinais de um novo tempo.
Assim como as personagens, os fatos narrados também são reais, aconteceram. Segundo a autora, eles apontam os sinais de um novo tempo.
Mas não se preocupe, é uma história lúdica, cheia de miados, latidos e coaxares!!
É um presente que encerra aos leitores!! -
Sera un espacio abierto para escuchar a personas de diferentes ramas y como se desenvuelven mientras hechamos un poco de relajo.
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