Arts – Litvanya – Önerilen podcastler

  • In the Art During Wartime podcast, we'll be diving deep into the vibrant and diverse world of Ukrainian culture, exploring everything from the traditional to the contemporary and everything in between. The podcast features interviews with leading Ukrainian cultural figures ranging from cinema, art, photography, ballet, opera, pop, hip hop, even comedy. Art During Wartime is your one-stop destination for discovering fascinating aspects of Ukraine, a nation fighting to preserve its culture.

  • Welcome to Arts & Culture by Intelligence Squared. Here we delve into the artistic and cultural moments, movements and conversations that have shaped, and are still shaping, our world. In this podcast Intelligence Squared speaks to some of the world’s greatest orators, writers, actors and artists. Guests include Stephen Fry, Margaret Atwood, Bernardine Evaristo, Salman Rushdie, Kate Winslet, Simon Schama, Tom Hiddleston and Marina Abromović. Join us every week as we feature the best of culture today and revisit some of the best live podcasts we have produced over the last twenty years. 

    For more information head over to 

  • Olympians Adam Rippon and Ashley Wagner join forces to tackle the most important questions figure skaters have been asking themselves for years. Questions like: “Why does this short program feel so long?” or “Is there such a thing as your costume being too tight?” and the most important question of all: “Will changing my hair color fix all my problems?”

    Join them as they cover all the news, competitions, and drama of the figure skating season. Will they kiss? Will they cry? There’s only one way to find out…

  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction. Lovecraft is best known for his creation of a body of work that became known as the Cthulhu Mythos.

    The GSMC Audiobook Series presents some of the greatest classic novels, audiobooks, and theatrical presentations from a bygone era. Let Golden State Media Concepts take you on a ride through classic audiobooks read by some of the top audiobook performers of all time. This compiled collection of classic audiobooks contains a wide variety of classic Novels. ***PLEASE NOTE*** GSMC Podcast Network presents these shows and audiobooks as historical content and have brought them to you unedited. Remember that times have changed, and some Audiobooks might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our goal is to entertain, educate, and give you a glimpse into the past.

  • If you’re an aspiring author and want insights into what’s involved in launching a book into the world, this is the podcast for you. Maggie Smith, author and blogger, interviews debut novelists from the Women’s Fiction Writers Association discussing not only the inspiration behind their book, but also their insights into the writing process, the best advice they ever got, and the joys and sometimes pitfalls they encountered on their path to publication.

  • Interviews with the best of women’s fiction authors. Where do best-selling authors find their story inspiration? Plus books they recommend, and advice for other writers.Hosted by award-winning author, Lainey Cameron and Ashley Hasty, the book blogger behind

  • A podcast from the teams at Focus Lab and Odi, global B2B brand agencies building brands that lead and inspire. |

  • Spoiler free reviews in less time than it takes to listen to a song.

  • A Real Bodice Ripper explores the delicious, guilty, and sometimes problematic pleasure that is found in romance novels. Join Jesse and Rachael as they explore some of their favorite stories in the genre. Support this podcast:

  • „Fantastiškai beprotiška!“ - tai fantastų festivalio „Lituanicon” podcastas apie fantastiką ir kultūrą, kurį veda Rūta Miškinytė ir Eglė Jankauskaitė. Su įdomiais pašnekovais stengiamės paknibinėti įvairias fantastines temas giliau ir paieškoti jų sąsajų su realybe.

  • Tarp idėjos ir rezultato yra procesas. Apie procesus, kurie vyksta su mumis ir greta mūsų. „Kūrybos kontekstai“, kaip kūrybinė laisvė. Ši laida yra skiriama ne tik kūrėjams, bet ir potencialiems bet kokio amžiaus kūrybos vartotojams. Svarbu, kaip vyksta kūrybiniai, edukaciniai, švietimo procesai, kaip auginami ir pritraukiami platesni žmonių sluoksniai, kokios netikėtos žmonių istorijos gali pastūmėti pačius įsitraukti į kūrybinius ieškojimus, bendruomenių telkimo(-si) projektus. Laida transliuojama trečiadieniais 10.05 val.

  • Break Up With Your Bullsh*t is a long form conversational podcast where I bring on brilliant creative minds who have achieved incredible things in the world, and talk with them about how they got past their own bullshit excuses and reached their success. As a master certified coach working with creatives 1:1 since 2012, I have become shall we say obsessed with the creative process and how to optimize our ability to produce great art. Subscribe and join me as I bring on a veritable parade of all the humans I have encountered who seem to have that special something that makes them able to continually push past their reasons why not, and focus on their bigger purpose.

  • *Webby Award Honoree* First Generation Burden was created in 2016 and focuses on the intersection of immigrants and the creative community. We celebrate the unique and diverse immigrant population in America through longform interviews. Basically, it’s just a bunch of fun conversations with good people. Hosted by Rich Tu.Check out for all the episodes.Follow us at @firstgenburden and @rich_tu Support this podcast:

  • A (playful and thoughtful) podcast on the strategies and effects of brands.

  • Kai praveriame knygynų duris ar atsidarome internetinių knygynų langus, dažnai kyla klausimas - kaip išsirinkti mums tinkančią knygą? Kaip rasti gerą romaną ar knygą vaikams? Statistika teigia, kad geriausia ir patikimiausia informacija – iš draugo draugui, iš lūpų į ausį. Laidoje patyrę skaitojai – redaktoriai, vertėjai, rašytojai – dalinsis savo atradimais ir mėgstamomis knygomis. Sužinosime, ką skaito žinomi Lietuvos žmonės. Keliausime į knygyną ar biblioteką ir sužinosime, kokios skaitymo tendencijos Lietuvoje. Rekomenduosime geriausias visų laikų knygas – ką tik pasirodžiusias ir jau primirštas. Pasižvalgysime po naujausių knygų lentynas. Klausytojų laukia viktorina ir galimybė dalintis savo įspūdžiais ne tik eteryje, bet ir facebooko puslapyje.
    Ved. Jolanta Kryževičienė.

  • «Чытай ды змяняй» — гэта падкаст, у якім праваабаронцы з розных галін дзейнасці абмяркоўваюць з вядоўцай свае любімыя кнігі. Кожны выпуск прысвечаны адной тэме — правам канкрэтнай уразлівай групы ці актуальным праблемам правоў чалавека.

    Вядучы падкаста — беларускі кантэнт-мейкер Мікіта Бялевіч.

  • PODCAST-CONVERSATIONS with artists and art theorists, from visual to performing arts, discussing conceptual frameworks and philosophical outlooks. Also some SOUND-COLLAGES, assembled together on variety of themes, such as: sleep, silence, intuition, collaboration, failure, and more.

    Available via iTunes:

    PRODUCER & HOST: Ira Ferris (