Fiktion – Marokko – Nye podcasts

  • Magical realism with a message and motivation for the day-to-day.

    Maria Rotger's blog stories.

    Read the stories in my bilingual blog here:

  • This podcast will be based on creepy stories

  • Coffee Break is a series of personal stories written by women regarding their struggles with both mental and physical health. In addition to poverty and the various disparities of their community. This podcast will consist of a quick analysis of the story followed by a prayer, as an effort to encourage its audience who may find themselves in similar circumstances.

  • The one and only tea-spilling podcast.

  • كان شاهداً لجرائم قتل وخطف وابتزاز قام بها متخصصون خبراء عاشوا حياتهم وسط المؤمرات والمكائد. حاولوا التخلص منه، فاتهموه بأنه المسئول عن كل ما حدث. لفوا حول عنقه حبل الاتهام بأنه قاتل مطلوب القبض عليه وتقديمه إلى العدالة وليس مجرد شاهد على الأحداث. لم يجد وسيلة أمامه للنجاة إلا الهرب. وهو ينتقل بين ست دول فى أوروبا وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط.
    اختبأ فى الظلام فإذا بالليل يضيء حوله ويكشف له عن أسرار لم يكن يعرفها وحق لم يكن يدركه.

  • Do you have unspoken agreements?
    🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫 🤫
    Unspoken agreements are usually what great healthy :P relationships are made up of an understanding you have with your partner that you’ve never had to talk about, but just *know*...??

  • Embarque à bord de La Serena pour un voyage tout particulier. Une échappée, une escapade, une odyssée feutrée, chic, placée sous le signe du BDSM. Lady Saylie révèle les secrets d’une traversée exceptionnelle le long de la Côte d’Azur, où les mots se mêlent aux mots, s’entremêlent au clapotis des flots. Féminisation, flagellation, pénétration du soumis qui s’abandonne… la jouissance prend des formes uniques quand la voix de cette maîtresse résonne. Oseras-tu monter à bord ?

  • Chalte Chalte is a podcast show based on various life incidents. It is mostly in comedy and sarcastic way. Keep listening!

  • This podcast is about the unique and unusual hindi stories and poetry that I come across in my life, which leaves a mark on my heart and touches my soul. I am sure that you too will love listening to these
    stories and walk through with me in this beautiful journey. 🙂
    Please send your voice message and feedback on the above link.
    Loads of love - Sangeeta.

  • The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Rebroadcast of the 1939-1947 old-time radio show. Episodes released every Friday.

  • My Life and what happened as I get older

  • بودكاست عمق داخلي يتحدث عن مواضيع عديده تتعلق بالأمور العميقه لدينا والتي لا ننتبه لها غالبًا، قصه جميله تبدأ بكلمه لتنتهي بذلك الشعور المفقود ليكون دائم، عالم من الخيال يصنع واقعًا ملموس.

  • Twisted, strange, and weird stories from the mind of a man who cuts up dead bodies for a living. Stories of love, loss, death, desire, and twisted fates of reality. You may find some familiar friends and foes as well as part of yourself in the people that dwell within these walls. Inside you hear worlds turned upside, sideways, and even the ones you believe to be reality may surprise you in the end. You may even find something useful inside. If you do keep it as my gift to you. So come on in and give a listen. My demons are waiting for you. Support this podcast:

  • What does terror mean to you?

    In this world, fear arrives not in the form of ghosts or demons, spirits or vampires. Instead, it is the faintest touch at the back of your neck — a gnawing sense that something is wrong.

    Silas Gnaw is a horror anthology podcast that tells stories of guilt, madness, horror and peculiarity. The characters who navigate these pockets of darkness are everyday people. A former convict trying to feed his family. A failed artist looking for inspiration. A young woman in love. But the nightmares they face get to the heart of what it means to look in the mirror and see nothing worth salvaging.

    New episodes on the third Tuesday of every month. For episodes with visuals, check out For more information, email [email protected].

  • Dave and Dom have Daddy Issues and there's only one way to conquer them... explore father and son relationships in popular culture and see what lessons they can gleam! First started in 2018, Awful Commentary's Daddy Issues delves into movies, cartoons, comics, manga and anywhere else that father and sons may be hiding in the hopes of finding the peace that only media can bring!

    Our theme is Cali by Wataboi/Jonas Bjørnstad which can be found for free at:

  • الشراع والعاصفة برنامج يتناول أدب البحر ‎الرواية والقصة و فنون الأدب المكتوب المختلفة التي تحمل في طياتها الكثير عن البحر وعوالمه ‎برنامج الشراع والعاصفة يتناول بشكل سردي مشوق هذه ‎النتاجات الأدبية لتقربنا من البحر وما فيه من حكايات لا تنتهي. ‎راديو سيي زون ‎ البحر هوانا ‎إعداد وأداء صوتي : سالي باخوس ‎ إخراج: ياسين توتنجي

  • Podcast dengan berbagi ekspresi, namanya juga kan BeBe (bebas berekspresi).